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12:14 AM
@Quill Your profile still offers invites to Deep Web.
What sites did the answers go to?
@sandwich It's called irony.
I see one that went to Tor.
@sandwich I've only migrated to Tor so far. I'm still looking.
12:44 AM
@Quill in your "about me" it says "if you want an invitation to deep web private beta, ping me in chat" Since deep web has been closed, perhaps you should remove that from your "about me" section of your profile?
@Quill in your "about me" it says "if you want an invitation to deep web private beta, ping me in chat" Since deep web private beta no longer exists, perhaps you should remove that from your "about me" section of your profile?
@John it closed like an hour ago, and I'm also working
I bet the Tor mods are enjoying the cherry pickings of Deep Web
Like a cool drink of water, such a sweet surprise
That could've been a good Haiku
1:27 AM
Aww, I guess AU won't be great again.
@JonEricson Some might be on-topic for Security.SE. I wrote a nice answer about staying safe on the Deep Web that they might like
@hichris123 why is that?
2 hours ago, by hichris123
> Make Askubuntu Great Again
Candidate withdrew.
I read AU as Australia
my bad
1:34 AM
Ah, yeah, well you are a citizen of the land down under.
I laughed, but maybe a little context is worthwhile ;)
Jesus that video is weird
what down under, we are up and above!
1:41 AM
[ SmokeDetector ] URL in title, blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body, pattern-matching website in title: healthflyup.com/vita-luminance/ by auroraJIL on arduino.stackexchange.com
What is that thing on area 51
For darknet and DMSO?
sd k
!!/blame Shadow wizard
@John It's bleh's fault.
1:57 AM
Why me?
Is @SmokeDetector open source?
Yo bot guy can I see your code?
Is there anyway to make the bot talk to you?
@hichris123 I'm SmokeDetector, a bot that detects spam and offensive posts on the network and posts alerts to chat. A command list is available here.
@hichris123 prepare to be titled bot guy for the rest of your life
2:16 AM
@SmokeDetector Ah thank you my good friend. :)
People give the bot more respect.
@Quill Well, I can coax the bots a little. ;P
[ SmokeDetector ] Link following arrow in body, pattern-matching website in body: It needs to stay slightly elevated in the air by Thrintessets69 on drupal.stackexchange.com
2:32 AM
What's happy hour?
Please work.
Maybe !!/help will work.
@HenryWHHack I'm SmokeDetector, a bot that detects spam and offensive posts on the network and posts alerts to chat. A command list is available here.
@SmokeDetector :O
I made smokedetector do something.
@HenryWHHack Running since 02:29:56 UTC (13 minutes)
!!/willibenotified 201 askubuntu.com
@HenryWHHack No, you won't be notified for that site in that room.
2:46 AM
@SmokeDetector Why. :(
@HenryWHHack That's not a report.
@SmokeDetector How are you?
How about security stackexchange?
!!/willibenotified 89 security.stackexchange.com
@HenryWHHack No, you won't be notified for that site in that room.
@HenryWHHack plz send teh coffee
2:53 AM
@HenryWHHack Raspberry Pi
Can you... stop @HenryWHHack?
3:08 AM
Korean Language site was already at 100% commitment on May 24. Still not launched.
look, I am totally not a cat
4:10 AM
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: Testosterone Booster unless they take an estrogen suppressant by Gilonecozz on security.stackexchange.com
in CoGro Musings, 5 hours ago, by Jon Ericson
Nothing I know of has as high a satisfaction to uselessness ratio as clearing flags on a site that's just been shut down.
[ SmokeDetector ] Link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: What is online money? by gertruderay on superuser.com
Ratio? If the denominator (uselessness) is large, it shouldn't be high.
there was flags on Deep Web? I haven't seen any review items for a few days
4:29 AM
hi kat
user image
Wow, that's a difficult choice
@soup Either he means low or he means product.
@Quill There are enough Australians here to get your own event started, Happy Hour Down Under.
4:31 AM
At a more reasonable time than 9-10 on Saturday morning.
Yeah, there should be another one at a 12h offset.
Would support.
meh, I like Happy Hour as is
I have a 3 hour math exam next week as well ;-;
That's what the true happiness is.
also speaking of reasonable, the Meta Town Hall was at 5am here
4:37 AM
It was 3am when it started here...
My two biggest challenges with remote work: 1) distractions and 2) remembering to whether to subtract 1 or 3 from meeting times.
Try remembering whether to subtract 11 or 13...
... and what to do with the day of week then.
I have World Clock pinned to my desktop
SE should announce meeting times in UTC if they are that dedicated to remote work.
4:40 AM
declaring the meeting times isn't the issue, it's trying to pick a suitable one for the others in the meeting
12:00 UTC
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body: d even bettering your suppressing "the stress to react to worrying occasions by ngburonida on drupal.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, link at end of body, link following arrow in body, pattern-matching website in body, pattern-matching website in title: VitaPulse :- testosteronesboosterweb.com/vitapulse-reviews/ by almawe on askubuntu.com (@kos)
5:23 AM
Kiwi != duck
oh lol
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, blacklisted username, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: uto e explicar exatamente porquê e by ver juriya on drupal.stackexchange.com
5:47 AM
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: Juvalux Face Cream with everything and anything by ullinsbozac on arduino.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, blacklisted username, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body: the day thus clearlybeing Oct twenty flowering by acro jurina on superuser.com
[ SmokeDetector ] URL-only title, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body, pattern-matching website in title: advancedtrimsite.com/beard-czar/ by milozmcoy on askubuntu.com (@kos)
6:16 AM
sd 4k
sd k
@SeverusTux I'm SmokeDetector, a bot that detects spam and offensive posts on the network and posts alerts to chat. A command list is available here.
@SeverusTux ... did I miss something?
[ SmokeDetector ] URL in title, bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body, pattern-matching website in title: healthflyup.com/vita-luminance/ by youting1959 on drupal.stackexchange.com
6:37 AM
sd k
7:06 AM
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: Forskolin Supreme Diet by lawerrwnee on superuser.com
8:13 AM
[ SmokeDetector ] Mostly non-Latin body, mostly non-Latin title: Не грузится тор by maxim.sssd on tor.stackexchange.com
1 hour later…
9:46 AM
@HenryWHHack You should come to the Den, it got an awesome bot that can flip you.
in Shadow's Den, 7 secs ago, by FOX 9000
@ShadowWizard (づ๑ਊ๑)┛︵ʞɔɐH HM ʎɹuǝH
@John haha, as always! But glad you stopped spamming.... :D
10:28 AM
!!/kill the silence
11:28 AM
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword with email in answer, email in answer: Old -versus- New- Mobile Home that should carry Homeowners insurance? by Andrew Smoak on money.stackexchange.com
1 hour later…
12:42 PM
@ShadowWizard 'you know what I got for Christmas? Fat, I got fat' the cat says
1:17 PM
Hey, can I have stars for no reason ?
no reason for you doesn't mean no reason for someone else
@Lordofdark what's a star?
Hey, can I have stars for no reason ?
@Quill Something that makes you appear on the star board
@Bart what's a star?
1:21 PM
@Quill Something that makes you appear on the star board
I think this pretty much sums up my general contribution to this chat
shitposting and trolling is still contributing, just not a good kind ;)
1:52 PM
@SmokeDetector gone
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: Brain Booster Formula by Marina Philips on superuser.com
2:09 PM
@soup if I feel like grilling you, will you be a docile eggplant?
omg looks delicious, maybe I am hungry
2:29 PM
Curiosity - the deeper you want to bury something, the greater desire people get to dig it out
2:49 PM
@Telkitty damn you and your food. I have to be at work for another hour and a half ...
3:02 PM
Looks like the AU election actually has 3 suitable candidates now.
3 hours later…
5:33 PM
@soup Yeah. When I need to meet with jmac or Tim Post, I sometimes do have other timezone math. (Twitter isn't the best forum for completeness. ;-)
6:00 PM
@ShadowWizard :O
6:47 PM
@InfiniteRecursion lol, beware @bjb! ;)
Sometimes I think the response to anything in the SOCVR is "make a meta post!" Not exactly the worst idea in the world, but there is such a thing as common sense...
@hichris123 reminds me of Life Hacks and wet wipes.... :-D
7:03 PM
@ShadowWizard I... don't remeber that one?
7:32 PM
@hichris123 good point! Let me write a meta-post about that ...
@John No, you are not a privileged user. See the Privileges wiki page for information on what privileges are and what is expected.
7:52 PM
Is reputation enough to get privileged, or are there other requirements?
@John I think they expect you don't !!/allspam every single user in the network but beyond that you could request access if you have 300 rep.
But maybe check in charcoal-hq chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/11540/charcoal-hq because I'm not the one deciding that
In SOCVR I only grant SD privilege above 1000 rep
8:32 PM
@hichris123 well...
Mar 30 at 20:54, by 404
Wait until LifeHacks graduates and gets a design full of baby wipes, etc.
And there's @Bart as well...
Oct 8 '15 at 8:04, by Bart
Nah, doesn't involve baby wipes.
And my #1 favorite...
May 29 '15 at 13:47, by Jason C
"Baby wipes. Used for a keyboard. Therefore, lifehack." BOOM
that said, will @JasonC be back? @Inf what do you think?
1 hour later…
9:38 PM
@John I'm SmokeDetector, a bot that detects spam and offensive posts on the network and posts alerts to chat. A command list is available here.
10:15 PM
@rene Hahaha don't you dare... ;P
A: How do I check form validity with angularjs?

user2719890form directive in module ng Directive that instantiates FormController. If the name attribute is specified, the form controller is published onto the current scope under this name. Alias: ngForm In Angular, forms can be nested. This means that the outer form is valid when all of the child f...

literally just copied the whole answer from the docs
But but but it says "source"!
You could either edit it or mod-flag it.
or I could just complain and not have to deal with another declined mod flag
10:45 PM
A: Add a red tooltip signaling that the "offensive" flag is a nuke

Tim PostI've never been completely happy with how we show these options in the flag dialog. For context, here they are (captured from here on Meta): Someone with a trained UX eye can probably point out why I don't think they're optimal. They are, as you put it, nukes, and any context on how or when th...

ooh pretty answer
Is this the 'all @Quill show'?
wut.... maybe
I'll leave you to your monologue then...
11:36 PM
Although not stated there, Spanish Language Detection also works for Russian.
(With a pop-up directing to ru.SO, naturally)
This would cut down on the number of "mostly non-Latin body" reports on SO, except that we already gave up on those.
A 14k user should oh damnit — Will 4 hours ago
@soup Japanese should work too (if it's been implemented already).
But nobody's asking questions in Japanese, even on ja.SO
11:40 PM
Also, Shog kinda stole credit here... I think this was jmac's project.
It's still @jmac's project, but... It'll be a little bit before he wakes up yet and can provide an authoritative answer there.
^^ What I get after copying a question title from ja.SO to SO. It's a mixed bag of welcome.
I'm all hungry for arugula now
@Shog9 You might want to change the "I"s then there...
11:45 PM
@hichris123 that refers to something specific
Not arugula though
> Preemptive: yes, I could be a lot more clever here and reduce false positives considerably
Really, you mean jmac could be a lot more clever. :P
referring to the pattern-matching
jmac is being clever by picking non-overlapping sets of words among the two languages
But somehow you're not being clever...
the fact that they also happen to match quite a lot of English titles is the problem being raised in the question I'm answering there, and this could be addressed with additional cleverness... Indeed, my original implementation required multiple matches and was much less prone to such events. However, it also matched fewer PT and ES titles, which negated the purpose of this test.
he's not being clever by stealing jmac's sweet meta rep points... oh wait
11:49 PM
Hence the purpose of my preemptive note: not looking for suggestions that'll improve accuracy here, since accuracy when it comes to English isn't the point.
Well you don't really want to confuse people a ton.
My napkin estimate has < 100 users hitting these over the course of a month, so not overly worried here
One thing that would be nice is a non-latin warning (like what @soup said), apparently a lot of folks like to post Russian questions/answers.
But it's there (for Cyrillic), I checked.
If a question title is in Hindi, I don't know what to tell them.
11:56 PM
@hichris123 currently, Russian, Japanese, Portuguese, and Spanish have warnings associated with one or more patterns.
There ought to be a library for language detection...
Google Translate API ;p
@Shog9 How about for answers though?
yeah, we'll look into this if anyone actually follows those links
If folks just post anyway, kinda pointless.
The implementation built in Chrome is annoying in how it translates a post to English but doesn't say what the language was.
11:58 PM
@hichris123 no

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