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@ber did you make sure @Uni is not around before throwing the unicorn?
you can give @Uni some interesting task to keep him busy though, like writing a 3D chat
@ShadowWizard 3D chat?
@Uni How about making a smiting stick in 3D? Or maybe some glasses? Or maybe some @bjb 's?
@UnicornsAreVeryVeryYummy yup. just as it sounds.
1 min ago, by Unicorns Are Very Very Yummy
Falls off chair
oops, too far in future
Q: Link to PDF in Careers profile editor

Kevin BrownToday I was looking to generate a fresh copy of my CV, only to discover that I couldn't find the link for generating a PDF or printing a copy. I noticed that the profile editor was redone in the (recent?) past, and I thought I remembered the old editor having the PDF/print links available in the ...

Ok, I just made an infinitely expanding <ul> dropdown box!
http://stackoverflow.com/q/31857963/2173917 simple typo
@ShadowWizard Kinda sorta
@SmokeDetector why did you not report the spam answer?
!!/test solidseotools.com
> Would not be caught for title, body and username.
@Shadow I think someone said the other day it ignores links that have alredy been posted in chat
@PeterJ no, the report from @Uni was invalid because he did not remove the user ID stub
I asked why not automatically, @Norm gave the answer :)
Ahh I see...
@ShadowWizard Could not find data for this post in the API. Check whether the post is not deleted yet.
yup, deleted - but at least you replied, Smokey :)
!!/test PeterJ
> Would not be caught for title, body and username.
you pass!
@Norm so who can add sites to the black list?
@ShadowWizard adding it now
oh, cool
[ SmokeDetector ] Email in body: What to do after you get a CVE? by CVE_Question on security.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Email in answer: How to set Ogone Ingenico after payment back urls? by powlomat on magento.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector ignore
@SmokeDetector ignore
@KevinBrown Post ignored; alerts about it will no longer be posted.
hmph. I guess it doesn't know my new username.
@SmokeDetector ignore-
@apnorton should check by user id
Well that's odd. I used to be a trusted user.
You must have been unfriended
@SmokeDetector ignore
(Let's see if it was just that post.)
What was your old name?
:( I've been unfriended!
@KevinBrown anorton
I added a single letter to be consistent with my other user accounts.
@ShadowWizard one day maybe you will see that the point in FiM is not them begin ponies... They could have been cat, howls, squirrels and the plot could have been the same. Having them visually look "cute" and be able to put on some of the silliest faces is just a part of the show, not whole. Until then, "ooooh, pink, must be girly"
Yeah... I don't see you on the list
I will wait for you on the other side of the Shield of Boringness
@apnorton I doubt Smokey detect users by name, if that's the case anyone can change to ProgramFOX for example and become owner.
@ShadowWizard oh. duh... I should have thought of that.
That's weird... I'm not even in the git history. I could have sworn I was able to do fpu's at one point.
@apnorton maybe someone overwrote something by mistake at some point?
Smokey got several developers as far as I can tell
Smokey doesn't listen for edits
and that's not the command... grr
@ShadowWizard I'm SmokeDetector, a bot that detects spam and low-quality posts on the network and posts alerts to chat. A command list is available here.
@apnorton maybe the branch @NormalHuman is using was not merged with the branch where you had permissions
Maybe. It doesn't really bother me or anything, but now I'm just curious.
!!/test solidseotools.com
> Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, bad keyword in username
Title - Position 1-14: solidseotools
Username - Position 1-14: solidseotools
Body - Position 1-14: solidseotools
lol, might be as well
@ShadowWizard Undo's EC2
Hi Bye @U̶n̶i̶h̶e̶d̶r̶o̶n̶
@Sha this can go on forever
@apnorton Anyway, since you saved everyone by deploying Smokey when the team was MIA, I went ahead and added you.
@UnicornsAreVeryVeryYummy not sure what, but good for you! :)
@NormalHuman Yay! Thanks. :)
@Norm is there a command to test if a user got privileges for Smokey? Didn't find one in the list...
There isn't one.
!!/errorlogs 1
The fetched part is empty. Please try another line count.
Guess that's a harmless test for the user themselves
Yeah, that ought to suffice.
@ShadowWizard It's Normal Human's fault.
@UnicornsAreVeryVeryYummy It's durron597's fault.
@Sha ^^
Better example
@UnicornsAreVeryVeryYummy menu? nice!
@ShadowWizard CSS only, no JS
Hmmm., time to clear out screenshots
This is my favourite piece of JS work: bellard.org/jslinux
Ummm. @Pet how to use it?
Just wait for loading then use unix commands?
Bye @U̶n̶i
@Unicorns yep that's it, do a cat hello.c and you can see how to compile the example program etc
Oh Cool, it even has vi
Will you people stop coining my inbox for random pings?
@U̶n̶i̶h̶e̶d̶r̶o̶n̶ Its a bye message!
@UnicornsAreVeryVeryYummy What's not random about a bye message where I didn't even greet?
@U̶n̶i̶h̶e̶d̶r̶o̶n̶ it's just one person, "people" does not fit
I accidentally opened the tab outside incognito, that's all.
@ShadowWizard "you people" is of dynamic size.
I suspect @Uni is running a bot for this, but not sure
sudo rm -rf /
Nope, not running one
Bye.. who was that?
better you don't know so you won't ping the poor guy...
sh: sudo: not found
@shadow grrr your spam link from earlier gave me my first declined spam flag on MSE out of over a 1000 ;-)
> HAPPY BIRTHDAY @AALEAR -- abby at 7:44 AM - 6 Aug 2015 via Twitter
@PeterJ whoops
preparing to be smacked
/me slapping @shadow
Yay! Suspension bugs
Q: When suspended, chat says you cannot vote

Unicorns Are Very Very YummyWhen you are suspended, and try to star something, chat says you can't vote. Can it be changed to You cannot star messages while suspended

@PeterJ ouch :P
Downvote if you want
May 18 at 1:17, by Shog9
1. No one cares very much about providing a good UX for suspended users. They're suspended.
@UnicornsAreVeryVeryYummy 1 year ban?
@KevinBrown Yep
Some stupid UniDoggy
Starring is a form of a vote, like favoriting and deleting.
After he was nuked, he made 3 more accounts
@UnicornsAreVeryVeryYummy including UniKitty?
@ShadowWizard Nope, UniKitty stays
@ShadowWizard WhO's Unikitty?
@UnicornsAreVeryVeryYummy ._.
@berserk 42
@ShadowWizard WhO's 42?
@berserk wrong question
42 is only the answer
@ShadowWizard is it life, the universe and everything?
haha, yup. 42 is generic answer.
oh okay
I will say same to @Uni when he will ask me Who's Unikitty.
@berserk stop pinging me
@berserk Who's Unikitty?
I will murder you
oops sorry
@UnicornsAreVeryVeryYummy 42
well, at least the crappy not-spam answer is deleted. Win!
@UnicornsAreVeryVeryYummy wrong question
This is fun xD
@U̶n̶i̶h̶e̶d̶r̶o̶n̶ are you also pinged by @Uni??
it doesn't appear like that from the auto complete
What do you think?
^ I was wondering same
no, since your name is all unicode
exactly! exactly!
I changed my name so I don't get pinged by the initial three characters, but SE devs suck at handling unicode
so it didn't work out AT ALL
oh my
So time for bug report @Uni @Uni
@ShadowWizard What bug now

Fatal Bug

1 min ago, 8 seconds total – 3 messages, 1 user, 0 stars

Bookmarked 7 secs ago by Shadow Wizard

@ShadowWizard stop
@Uni you report it
gosh, people are so heavy.
PSA: Uni will land in the chat room and land a roundhouse kick in your face if you ping them with @Uni without a decent reason.
won't ping you any more, don't worry.
your precious inbox will stay clean of useless pings.
Oh and this is a question by (UniDoggy|Plantsguy|DoctorWhoFan)
Q: What is the percentage of chance a Tree Ent will spawn when a tree is chopped down?

user116386When I chop down trees in Don't Starve, I always expect something to attack me like a sudden Tree Ent spawning. I will feel safer if I know when a Tree Ent will spawn. So what's the chance that a Tree Ent will spawn?

time to get out of this boring place
raises an eyebrow, mutters something like "hopeless" and flies away
Bye @SPA
webapps spam gone
@UnicornsAreVeryVeryYummy Don't hit the button 5 times ;)
Tweeting something to Jeff Atwood is now getting me followers
This is Jeff sending his robotic army after you.
I hear they are armed with giant Ss.
Hi @U̶n̶i̶ @U̶n̶i̶ @U̶n̶i̶ @U̶n̶i̶ @U̶n̶i̶ @U̶n̶i̶ @U̶n̶i̶ @U̶n̶i̶ @U̶n̶i̶ @U̶n̶i̶
in CoGro Musings, 16 hours ago, by abby hairboat
Managing your own time is hard... but trying to build systems that trick people into managing their time is even harder.
Should we be prepared to be tricked into managing our time?
I wouldn't mind, actually.
@SmokeDetector fp-
Don't ask... just carry out the order. xkcd.com/842
[ SmokeDetector ] Link at end of body: We need to allow to come out so by mmaryd on meta.stackexchange.com
Huh. that's a new one.. link at end of body.
How long has that been patched in?
Jul 6 at 1:17, by 1999
There is a brand new check running today, added by hichris: Smokey should report all Drupal questions that end with a link. It hasn't happened yet... but shouldn't take long.
It's active only on Drupal and Meta.
Worth considering for SU (aka the new Drupal), but the number of false positives would be a bit higher.
Well-researched answer: Why can't StackOverflow question-asking be more like Yahoo? by Shog9 on meta.stackexchange.com
Unfortunately hidden under -\d{2,} question.
Jul 27 at 5:35, by hichris123
I may have switched timezones.
^ Last message from hichris. I wonder if there was a timezone-switching accident and he ended up somewhere in 2016. We'll see.
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted website in answer: How to set textarea width and height in characters by Gourab Mazumder on stackoverflow.com
Note for future reviewers: the original version of this answer linked to a spammy website (was edited out during the 5 minute grace period). — cimmanon 25 secs ago
Well. The current version links to jsfiddle, so I flagged NAA.
@NormalHuman I edited the question, can you check please?
Retracted downvote. Thanks.
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive answer detected: paintComponent inside function by ibrahhh on stackoverflow.com
sd tpu-
@ShadowWizard I managed to disagree with someone... ice cream please...
@SmokeDetector tpu-
@rene I ate them all.
In meta, I've understood that you can never understand the votes.
So, I agree with Mystical.
And I agree with you.
You can't agree with both of us...there is no logic in that statement...
There's no logic in meta voting.
goes back to reviewing close votes, back to logic
Logic makes me yawn now; I'm back from physics' class.
answer would probably be like "we aren't advertising that we're for sale, but make us a big offer that we can not refuse"
This is still being investigated and discussed. — Jeremy Banks ♦ 2 days ago
looking forward to response there ^ as well
no official response (except from shog) here as well meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/299934/…
@Dronehinge Kyle is an employee who works on our SRE team.
@JonEricson oh thanks, totally missed that of course since no diamond
What went into beta this week? Open Science and Cognitive Science?
area51.stackexchange.com/?tab=beta open science and computer graphics
embedded systems and sexuality the week prior
Ah, tnx
I remembered CG but couldn't decode it to the full name
I know unregistered users can post questions on most SE sites, and the other day I did post a question this way for reasons of anonymity. It turned out I couldn't edit the question at all after having posted it. Why is this the rule for unregistered posters?
It seems to make no sense considering how many times I've seen new users post a bad question and not edit it anymore with the requested improvements.
@Szabolcs It's possible that it's a spam prevention mechanism.
Let's say that you post a valid question. It gets answered. Happy day. Two months later, you come back and edit in spam. It goes potentially unchecked.
Essentially, as an account holder, there is a certain amount of responsibility that you hold. If you deface one of your posts because you are mad, the defacement can be linked back to your account.
As unregistered user, that culpability doesn't exist, so neither should the privilege of edits.
Of course, I might be wrong :)
@LynnCrumbling It appears to have kicked me out of the system so I lost the possibility to even respond to comments or questions. Might be because I had three (necessary) links within the question, and needed to remove one to be able to post at all.
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title, phone number detected in title: True Love Vashikaran/girlfriend/boyfriend/hubby/wife. +91-9876270025 by Guru Haider on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Phone number detected in title: “><img src=x> ”1234567189089080980" by randomut on askubuntu.com
I custom flagged for deletion.
[ SmokeDetector ] Email in body: Passwordless ssh with paramiko fails to authorize by king_hippo on security.stackexchange.com
@Szabolcs Unregistered users can edit their posts just as everyone else -- as long as you have credentials proving that the post is yours. Which for an unregistered user is a cookie. You lose the cookie => you don't have any credentials any more.
@SmokeDetector Looks like something which should be at Stack Overflow (after some editing)
Sometimes I wish this laptop had more than 8GBs of RAM.
Because your Brown is not getting painted quick enough?
Hah, mine has 16, plus kewl OS compression thing
@rene Mostly.
Also this stupid "devenv" process, whatever that is, is always using a bunch of my RAM.
@NormalHuman What would cause my browser to lose a cookie, given that I didn't even close the tab?
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: CO-WORKER BODY ODOR by NAKORIS on workplace.stackexchange.com
I don't know. Maybe it's set to expire cookies after one day, regardless of what the websites want? There are various privacy settings there.
[ SmokeDetector ] Email in body: Infopath form people picker help by user989865 on sharepoint.stackexchange.com
sd 2fp-
Why the name change? Especially with such initials...
<-- surprised that some users want to change their display name.
> If you have any questions, we're listening and will do our best to help. Just go to stackoverflow.com and tag your questions with WinObjC. -- github.com/Microsoft/WinObjC
@NormalHuman I'd be more concerned if it 1) wasn't microsoft and 2) wasn't 100% development related
@KevinBrown But the tag doesn't exist...
@NormalHuman Just give it time...
You need 1500 rep to create a tag.
Vs 1 to ask a question.
A: Unity3D with C++

Abraham ClintonYes, it is possible to work with c++ in unity due to this article. It redirects you to another article which is written by the stack excange article autor. Its probably what you want.

@NormalHuman I don't see why it would be a problem, anyone using that should at least have some experience on SO as either ObjC or VS
Not a problem, I guess. More like an opportunity to get Taxonomist by creating that tag when some <1500 rep user asks a question about WinObjC.
(Current status: still in Memphis)
heh, I think I'm waiting for 3 taxonomist badges on UL and AU
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: ROXYGEN2 SIMPLE ERROR by Roger on stackoverflow.com
@dlamblin. Well - it worked for me a few weeks ago. I'm very new to regular expressions and honestly did not know about regex101.com. I started typing, got the message, followed the link and played around until I got my regex to work. So that's one question avoided :) — SiHa 2 days ago
we need more histories of achievements like these ^!
No, we're measuring achievements in the number of questions asked. 9,924,869 as of now.
robot soccer game - the video was hilarious :p
@NormalHuman And not deleted?
Yes, and not deleted ... or undeleted.
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: SHUFFLING TEXTLABELS ANIMATION IN SWIFT by Ferologics on stackoverflow.com
@chmod711telkitty watched 23 seconds or so, it was funny/awkward/sad/disappointing/boring/cool
@Dronehinge so those were the 23 seconds more funny/awkward/sad/disappointing/boring/cool of your life?
Dronehinge's life is so emotional.
:( :( :( :O
I'm still watching... I'm rather fascinated by that competition. :)
it's even more boring than real soccer
Boring? Nope.
if they could move 10x+faster ..
YouTube has video speedup, but their slowness makes it exciting. :)
I somehow missed this post 2 days earlier: Moderator Pro Tem Announcement by Grace Note on meta.opensource.stackexchange.com
Yes, Zizouz212 is a mod now...
Which reminds me: The Wobbuffet went MIA after SO election.
@janDvorak is MIA in tavern

 Chatbot Dev

Discussion of development of chatbots for the SE chat network....
If anyone's interested...
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