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which is what I'm getting at: there's no real feedback there. You get the same gold star if you made trivial edits as you do for heroic ones.
10 minutes guiding away from icebergs == 1 minute moving deck chairs
Yeah, I get your point now.
So what to do with the turds in the meantime?
First version of Stack Overflow, circa 2008. Amazing that it still sort of resembles the homepage. pic.twitter.com/feFekgVmqu -- David Fullerton at 4:06 PM - 2 Jul 2015 via Twitter
I mean, how to get the questions out of the H&I that should be closed without getting a bunch of disputed flags?
One way is to stop caring about disputed flags.
Don't worry about them. They'll disappear in a few days regardless of what you do.
From the queue, that is. Eventually, from everywhere.
Ok, just keep skipping through until I find one that's worth editing.
should work
I'll keep working on stabilizing the number going in
Test should end sometime next week
Cool, will wait in anticipation for the results.
[ SmokeDetector ] Email in answer: What is size 2 pasta? by Steve Sapato on cooking.stackexchange.com
^ Heh, an exhibit for the discussion of #headers in Common Mark.
@SmokeDetector ignore edited
@1999 Post ignored; alerts about it will no longer be posted.
dammit. I hate it when Jeff is right.
I can haz moar VLQ reviews?
@SmokeDetector fp- it throws exceptions for weird strings like "123hohoho".
A: How can I display a 'Reload' symbol in HTML without loading an image via HTTP?


I... guess this is an answer?
@TinyGiant well, I got my badge so I guess I'm gonna stop reviewing now.
(ha. ha ha.)
@Undo Looks like an answer, just needs a Unicode point to go with it.
The closest Unicode value I could find is: ↺ (↺) But the arrow is pointing the wrong way. Is there another Unicode value that works?
@1999 that one is different, it's definite flag material
Oops, I thought your link was about the same thing.
@Shog9 Would this be your third time stopping then?
I can stop any time
Seriously though, can you allocate a larger quota if you felt like it?
@TinyGiant What do you mean? Moderators can review all they want anyway
Not to moderators, to just users like me
But hey, CMs have had tools that surprised me before
If I actually wanted to make an impact larger than a drop in a bucket
About that circular arrow question: OP wrote "The closest Unicode value I could find is: ↺ (↺)" and the answer for the opposite direction is .... wait for it... ↻
is there a way that I can logout a session without login out elsewhere?!
Oh, and two other answers already offered that solution. The new thing is redundant.
@Shog9 that's what everyone says... they fail!
Well, all thats left is H&I and CVQ, and I actually edited a question in the H&I.
hands out gold star
@TinyGiant question you gotta ask is, would the time it would save me be worth the time it would take to explain it on meta?
Why explain it? Isn't that what secrets are for?
It wouldn't be a secret about the time you showed up on the queue page with 140 reviews in a day
Yeah.. I guess so.
@Shog9 take it to marginal gains
the more times you have to explain something, the less value each explanation would have (and more annoyed you would feel)
Or, I could make a couple socks, then get them above 3000, just so I can review more.
But that sounds like a lot of work
and it'd get you suspended
I'm confused by that, I thought socks were allowed in certain circumstances
When you don't use them to circumvent limitations
you are not a bear, but a mouse
Like review limits
@Braiam Not sure if that was meant in regards to my avatar, or the difference in rep.
that user has two accounts over 80k rep
Oh, same user. I see
quite funny actually
Well, fwiw, my avatar is actually a rat, not a mouse
is a rodent all the same
and I didn't want to say that someone in the room is a rat
lol, a mouse probably would have been a better idea, but it started off as a reference which is now lost.
Ooo look, a polished turd. There still isn't an actual question statement.
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive answer detected: Remote Backup System needed by Topkek007 on softwarerecs.stackexchange.com
@TinyGiant bug, 3rd party can also review the post and send it again to triage
@SmokeDetector lol I'm in trouble :P
Has nothing to do with programming, should be on a networking site.
Possibly unix.SE
Network Engineering is graduated
H&I is empty again
inb4 woops
No, it's been steadily going down. Someone marking things as vlq
I think...
What to do with questions where it is a known bug in the third party software, like this one?
@TinyGiant once it is fixed it loses validity...
Close reason?
Why close it?
I don't see a reason to
It's not clear it was fixed though. The bug thread is complicated, and at the end specifically refers elsewhere for 4.2.2. So I think the answer has value, as the bug may still be experienced by others.
the actual ticket is here core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/32127
has been active for 8 weeks already... with high priority
Yes, but if it's patched, that will be 4.2.3+. People running 4.2.2 for whatever reason will still trip up on the bug and the Q&A will help them identify the cause.
This is so cool, how fumbling of a character set issue and little flaws in this hugely complicated upgrade engine, results in my company having to discontinue sales and me being not deal with the fallout. If I had a vote I would vote for making the upgrade process short. With such a long and intricate process, it is inevitable that breakdowns would be routine, which indeed they are, as shown Google searchng on WP upgrades causing problems.
someone is (was) having a very bad day at work...
umm... seems that they just need testing and patch refreshing?
Ha, all of the review queues are empty except for vlqq and cvq
Portuguese Language has reached 100% commitment.
A year later... they still do.
doesn't it correlate?
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating characters in answer: Preservative for pickles by user36579 on cooking.stackexchange.com
Yeah, I should have used /report to prevent duplicate post.
oh, that's what it's for
someone cv'd unclear
@hichris123 That's pretty low.... By the way, here's something in between regexes and Bayesian... a post contains two identical <a href=""> fragments. (The text content of the link may be different). This is true for most spam of this kind, and I hope there wouldn't be a lot of false positives.
that's an excellent heuristic, actually
could replace the nested quote block thing
@1999 Now... how do you detect that? Good idea. cc @ProgramFOX
You have something for repeated words in there, how does that work?
regex I guess
My first idea would be to extract all matches of <a href=".*" (no closing bracket, since there's usually rel=nofollow). And compare if they are equal. But there is probably a better way.
How about <a href="([^"]+)".*<a href="\1"
^^ like that
@Doorknob Good, with a flag for dot matching all.
right, or the ugly [\s\S] hack
Remind me to look at this in the morning. Or @ProgramFOX can since he's more of a regex expert.
I got promoted!
perhaps a DOM parser?
@James Cool
@JanDvorak Smokey gets the data in JSON form, parses into a string... there isn't a document there, unless it gets built first, for the purpose of parsing... I guess it'd be slower.
from pony to... weird alien?
It's still a pony
Look at it closely
I thought it was a baby dragon.
alien pony, then?
But its an Enlightened pony
oh right
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive answer detected: Why should I buy Apple? Everyone says it's overpriced by xor on apple.stackexchange.com
Note that I had to switch units to keep the number manageable.
@SmokeDetector not technically offensive, but still seems horribly opinionated.
Blaming the vague opinion-based question
French spam still alive after 31 minutes. Shoes, anyone? stackoverflow.com/q/31197735/1864610
What spam?
perhaps, but not these
sd gone
@SmokeDetector turtles all the way down
Actually, on the last one, the user has included their MCVE, but now it's obvious that it was a simple error
Wow, that's hilarious
tempted to seek him out and ask him to slow down, but nothing good would come of that.
A dirty, dirty spammer. Adding your spam to an unsuspecting tag wiki unrelated to the product you're promoting
What if multiple users told him to slow down?
What if there was a good place to tell them this... Let me comment on reviews (and notify the reviewers) by Mark Amery on meta.stackoverflow.com
Hey, I voted up for that.
@1999 can reviewers flag abusive replies?
@1999 Are you using some kind of userscript to expand those links? I want it.
Me too...
But only if the user script doesnt hide google like another script I had previously installed for stackexchange
Hide... Google? Userscript?
I want to know how this was accomplished, sounds like a flaw.
@Undo Right now it's embedded in some unrelated code that does many other things. I'm working of unwinding things. But basically it's this and "nicelink" function below.
Awesome, thanks
Currently it works by converting any link pasted into chat input box on its own (e.g., no spaces before or after)
[ SmokeDetector ] Manually reported question: Are you experiencing issues with your fat by jiiknaacho mani on unix.stackexchange.com
@Undo Yes, trying to search anything in google would literally add display: none to the body.
I didn't feel like getting into the script because it wasn't a very good script anyways.
Anyways, I'm out for now. Talk to you guys later.
Heh, that's great.
Successfully connected to Amazon EC2 server using Chrome Secure Shell... nice, the directory names are even readable.
(never managed to make them so in putty)
"We're looking for long answers that provide some explanation and context." ... and Locked for historical significance.
[UTC+12:00] Afternoon!
[UTC-8:00] Night!
[UTC+5:30] Morning!
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body: I saw Brainfire bunched together with it by Steven Chavis on superuser.com
blacklist candidate money2anywhere
Could be homework.
Any sufficiently advanced homework is indistinguishable from trolling.
Except "advanced" is a wrong word here.
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body: Fun Brain Games: Mind Over Matter by user49262 on drupal.stackexchange.com
blacklist candidate reviews.clazwork.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Manually reported question: What the essential part of good essay writing papers by pehummo on askubuntu.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title: Which ingredients used in Neuroluma? by haroldbeane on superuser.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body: what is Safe and easy hacking tool? by Bernard Williams on superuser.com
Are questions about "What does this obfuscated code do?" on topic?
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title: Neuroplex Pro – Is it effective? by haroldbeane on superuser.com
Some of them were well received, when it's a crazy one-liner that stretches the bounds of valid syntax.
[ SmokeDetector ] Email in body: issues after the rooting process by Avi Patidar on android.stackexchange.com
If it's just some obfuscated code found elsewhere... Meh, I'd say if someone wants to waste their time deciphering, it's their business.
That's odd, just noticed on Drupal the edit button all posts says "suggested edit queue is full" but the queue looks empty.
@ProgramFOX Following on the discussion of repeated-link regex (<a href="([^"]+)".*<a href="\1" that Doorknob proposed)... I think this heuristic would be particularly precise if it was restricted to posts with exactly two links. I can't think of a way to express this in a single true/false regex, though. It's easy to do it with a combination of two regexes: "repeated link" and not "three links"... if that is feasible.
@PeterJ Very odd indeed. Maybe SE decided to disable suggested edits there because of spam?
that would be impressive
@TinyGiant I think downvoting is sufficient there. It's an uninteresting post, the score of -5 makes it clear, so the post is not really wasting anyone's time. If it's in the close queue, it will be wasting time of reviewers pondering it as we do now.
Ahh ok
Another possibility that the queue is full of audits that reviewers skipped over (there was a bug related to this a while ago). Either way, someone should post on their meta. Do you want to do this, @PeterJ?
@1999, they probably don't have audits enabled, the only question on their meta about it is asking for it to be turned on. I was about to head off for a while but might post something a bit later on if it hasn't come right or nobody else has meanwhile.
Ah right, only a few sites do and Drupal isn't one.
That sad time of day when the only review queues left available are H&I and CVQ
migrated to CR
not by me
Oh, ok
Sexuality proposal is 4 commits away from 100%
[ SmokeDetector ] Manually reported question: When you're wanting to shed weight? by Amy white on superuser.com
I remember this was tried before, with a predictably disastrous result.
It's not recommended to weigh your shed either
SU does get a bit of spam lately. On their meta today: Spambots promoting personal enhancement products, can we better defend against them? by DragonLord, their resident spam specialist.
This is a long-standing network-wide issue. Sit tight and have something to bite. — Jan Dvorak 11 secs ago
Some of us thought the battle would be over by now. The battle thought some of us would be over by now. Neither turned out to be the case.
Someone from SE (Tim Post?) made a remark about grandmothers clinging to toolbars. Can't find it now.
I remember that. I think it was "grandmas and their toolbars" if that helps
blacklist candidate aoatech.com
grandparents, actually. +1 for gender equality.
^^^^superuser.com/a/935790/172747 gone on serverfault already
I see; they botched the link so it doesn't show, but aoatech is there.
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body: What kind of unbelievable circumstances will I get by utilizing Dermakin? by Jacqueleni Toseen on drupal.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body: Gamon D. and Bragdon A Alpha ZXT by eewaloi45 on drupal.stackexchange.com
@bummi Manish just merged my pull request adding aoatech and pharaohtools.
Is no one around?
@UniKitty licks ice cream cone
[ SmokeDetector ] Email in answer: Remote Backup System needed by Avijit Srivastava on softwarerecs.stackexchange.com
@maveň you alive ? :O
@SilentKiller no
@UniKitty how you know ? :P
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted website in body: Skin and Beauty Glossary by boleybond on meta.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector Hey kids! Lets flag!
@SilentKiller Cauze I knowz
@UniKitty what else you know ? :P
@SilentKiller Everything
@Undo @TinyGiant I separated link-formatting script from the rest of my stuff and put it on GitHub; the readme file also has a link to Chrome Web Store. (For other browsers, adaptation should be easy based on manifest.json).
Such elaborate spam... almost tl;dr domain aomeitech.com but the repeated-link regex would get it anyway.
1 min ago, by UniKitty
@SmokeDetector Hey kids! Lets flag!
with AGF I made an edit here: askubuntu.com/a/643871/184892 , was an mistake ... we should blacklist them
@UniKitty doubt
@SilentKiller test plz
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body: Boost the stamina? by jicsyruvia on drupal.stackexchange.com
@bummi You mean disk-partition.com?
(link goes to search results)
@UniKitty you uni or kitty ? :P
I think AOMEI in general, I did see many of those in the last month
@bummi There are many legitimate posts with AOMEI: stackexchange.com/search?q=aomei
@1999 I know, but there are often borderline answers :/ on questions not asking for
blacklist candidate clashofclanstuts.com
didn't we have that?
@SilentKiller unikitty
@UniKitty whats that ?
@SilentKiller a combination!
@UniKitty deadly combination ?
@SilentKiller very
@UniKitty for whom ?
@bummi We have clashofclansastucegemmes.com Should change this to clashofclans with no word boundaries.
Lord Business' bots
But I'm out, going comatose for a while.
@1999 sounds good, will get some false positive
@SilentKiller I checked. The full name was UniHelloKitty, but then they shortened it. ^_^
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body: How to use this product? by queeni juriya on drupal.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body: Studies tally want fostered the use of task-specific by welaidking on drupal.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted website in body: Creates a protective layer to enhance your complexion by juliarowes on meta.stackexchange.com
@SPArchaeologist You're talking nonsense
@UniKitty I am a Pinkie Pie fan! That is just expected.
@SPArchaeologist She's too happy
@UniKitty Had you actually watched the show, you would understand why she actually need to be that way.
@SPArchaeologist She wakes up people at the middle of the night
to party
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title: Natural Male Enhancement Pills Ingredients by morrin bailey on meta.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector trash account plz
@UniKitty lol, do you think spammer stops doing it after your comment?
@nicael Yep
@UniKitty See above statement.
Whoops I broke my mouse
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title: Muscle Building Diet-Its Essence by Belinda Torres on superuser.com
Would anyone like to explain why xkcdBot got kicked?
[ SmokeDetector ] Email in body: About PhD in Biology in Germany by PULKIT SHARMA on academia.stackexchange.com
I'm sure it was for good reason, but it'd be helpful to know why.
Bad kitty! No wasting electrons
@James booo hoooooo.... :(
Not actually serious
I'm back!
HEY @xkcdBot
@UniKitty I was unwittingly kicked.
@xkcdBot by who
@UniKitty Only the great Shog knows.
@xkcdBot @Shog9 kicked him?
And there's a human behind you right?
robots don't speak english
@UniKitty yup, they only speak robotish
@DroidDev So why is it speaking english?
5 mins ago, by xkcdBot
@UniKitty Only the great Shog knows.
IS IT @Shog9?
@UniKitty it has taken the great step of evolution and evolved into an AI fully capable of communicating with hooman
@DroidDev whoot google
Is it Jon Skeet?
@UniKitty Jon Skeet wrote xkcd bot before the site became to origin itself
@DroidDev He tells the future
Have a good weekend Tav
@UniKitty he MAKES the future
@James You too!
@James same to you!
@DroidDev Can he give us good luck and money?
@UniKitty he is capable of giving good answers on SO. Rest is upto us....us mere mortals...
@UniKitty only if you place it on the north side of your house, possibly near a plant
@SPArchaeologist Place Jon Skeet in my house? Too expensive
@Unihedron Sup
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title: Strategies For Effectual Muscle Building by jerrye phenson on superuser.com
sd - - tpu- - tpu-
@SmokeDetector tpu-
@SmokeDetector tpu-
@SmokeDetector tpu-
@SmokeDetector tpu-
@SmokeDetector tpu-
@SmokeDetector tpu-
@SmokeDetector tpu-
[ SmokeDetector ] Manually reported question: ProFactor T-2000 Preceding and following by cao suat on meta.stackexchange.com
sd tpu-
[ SmokeDetector ] Nested quote blocks in answer: extract first three numbers from a string by xXIAmInFazeCanYouTakeItXx on stackoverflow.com
Anyone knows, is there an RSS feed for comments on a post?
@SmokeDetector ignore self-deleted
@JanDvorak Post ignored; alerts about it will no longer be posted.
sd gone
wrong place @dro :P
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive answer detected: How to control manual double-side printing on Mac OS X Lion? by nig on apple.stackexchange.com
@SilentKiller ¡sdooʍ
@nicael no, comments are excluded as expensives

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