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I agree I slightly change OP's code, which might be the reason why it has been rejected but IMHO including source's code instead of relying on external link is kind of important.
I'd also have another rejected suggestion that I would like to ask about after this one. Thanks a lot for your patience fellows, I want to learn and improve to help better. :)
@JeromeJ The edit seems fine to me, but the reviewers probably didn't realize that you were embedding something from an outside link; it looks like you just dumped that function in there as an answer to the question.
Ah maybe I didn't make my edit's explanation clearly enough.
I know I could theorically try it again but I'm a bit afraid. If someone has the rep to edit without peer review (you?), they can go ahead, or shall I try it again?
I do not care about the rep.
Mmmh, leave me to wonder, does it has a negative effects to have many rejected edits? I think I happen to know that the decision is final so there is no going back though.
the fundamentals of HTML, CSS, and JS, which I don't know anything about (I'm not a programmer) says the person with 4k SO reputation and whose top tags happen to be HTML, CSS, and JSSanta Claus Jan 21 at 22:47
@AstroCB Thanks for your help.
@bjb568 lol
@TinyGiant Sometimes SE is all about impersonation.
@JeromeJ A lot of people don't read the edit summaries.
@JeromeJ Sometimes? I impersonate myself every day - it's the only way to make it through.
Gah, how many times in a day do I have to explain "you can't comment because you use a different account now -- use contact form"... "you can't delete because you haven't registered yet - go register"...
Why don't we just drop this unregistered questioning everywhere.
@JeromeJ I think you can get suggested edit-banned if you get rejected enough, but you'd have to be rejected a lot. Otherwise, reviewers can see the number of edits you have that are approved/rejected and use that to decide if they should approve a given edit of yours.
Especially fun to tell users who realized they are on a wrong site that they should register in order to delete their misplaced question.
What about this rejected edit? stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/4612211 This one seemed legit to me, I partially disagree with the rejection reason and felt like my edit did belong there more than as a comment.
@JeromeJ I would, but I don't know enough about PHP to be the deciding authority on that; it could be a built-in function or something that I don't know about.
@JeromeJ Although technically editing can be used to expand upon answers, it's generally frowned upon unless it's a community wiki because you're potentially changing the original meaning.
@Idisagree s/everywhere/on sites with >50 questions per day/
Hey @Idisagree , you led me here btw :D meta.stackexchange.com/a/251506/210483
@Idisagree that's cheating
I was looking at your pseudo and telling myself, mmmh where did I see this user? …
People Helped ++
not a good first chat post in the morning, I should have my coffee first
@Doorknob - Again, people in the SF&F chat rooms are wondering if Meta is updating SF&F to make it conform to the CSS on other SE's. And as Catija just pointed out, it is also happening on Seasoned Advice. It is no longer a problem specific to SF&F — Wad Cheber 53 secs ago
wow, I didn't know we had that much power
Why [crickets] and [excuses] do not have a tag info like [waffles]?
@Doorknob We pick up the slack on the SE devs' days off.
SE is taking over the world: I searched "about equal to symbol" and got this as the first result:
Oh, right: Unicode in URLs breaks oneboxing.
@AstroCB That's too bad. Was it about my 2nd rejected edit?
Sorry for the delay.
@JeromeJ Yes; that information may have done better as a comment on the answer rather than an edit.
Ok thanks everybody. Have a great day (UGT).
Is it possible to get a list of answers I have downvoted? (I guess the answer is 'no', since that defeats the purpose of vote anonimity)
@AndrewT. Yes. It's in your profile, under the votes tab.
It's only visible for you.
For example, I can see the page http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/3808/doorknob?tab=votes&sort=downvote, but nobody else can. (except for maybe SE devs)
I forgot that tab. Thanks
@AstroCB meta.stackoverflow.com/posts/297527/revisions Your edit left a sentence open ended
> I suppose I'm wondering why people don't get a little rep (15) to be able to upvote to give a stronger indicator of which answer works plus as a
plus as a what?
ur regex r no werk
New image embedding interface... Is it very new, or am I behind the times?
Morning everyone
@Idisagree both
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive body detected: Is Podrick really such a good lover? by Napoleon Wilson on movies.stackexchange.com
A: Problems with SF&F and Seasoned Advice SE CSS

Chris Jester-YoungWe rolled out a new image uploader today. Unfortunately, the design was targeted at the new-design sites only, and so the image uploader stopped working (at all) on the old-design sites. In a hurry to get the image uploader working, we grafted the new image uploader styles to the old base styles...

[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive body detected: A Tough Dilemma: Quit, Drop to Part-Time, or Grit My Teeth and Make Do? by lfab on workplace.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector "lover"
@SmokeDetector ignore
@KevinBrown Post ignored; alerts about it will no longer be posted.
> "You probably shouldn't have spent so much time lovingly describing how your fangs can easily punch through bone and hardened leather or how you kill your prey by driving said fangs into your victim's neck and severing the spine."
"But cats do the same thing, and cats are cute! You explained so yourself!"
"And then you butted in to note that cats are 'yummy', thus completely invalidating my attempt to make you seem less threatening,"
a conversation @bjb568 doesn't want to know it happened
> 10:12 < codehero> huh
10:13 < codehero> i can actually make a CSI script
10:13 < codehero> A: I've been watching this guy for a long time now.
10:13 < codehero> B: This is ray tracing!
10:13 < codehero> C: I'll switch the RAM memory to find his MAC address.
10:13 < codehero> finished
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title: Ways To Lose Weight Fast by bismeea wioz on meta.stackexchange.com
sd tpu-
@Doorknob o_o
Domain name idolizeadvancedeyeserumfacts isn't easy to parse.
They should use hyphens or something.
"I do li[e] ze [the] advance, dey [they] es [is] er, um, facts"
@TinyGiant Whoops; I blame RegEx.
> I do lie the advance. They is, er, um, facts.
idolize advanced eye serum facts
I prefer @Doorknob's version.
@AstroCB, bit of a dull reply, yes your right it does not have any effect, that's the point of the question. Why not? an explanation rather than down voting may be better. is it universally illegal to have paragraphs in comments? What happens if you want to discuss the code but not answer the question. It seems the down voting of this question suggests people take some feedback too personally. I'm not attacking Stackoverflow. I love it..... — monkhouse 25 mins ago
I answer questions for rep. — James Lu 4 hours ago
@AstroCB agh you're
Mar 11 at 3:13, by hichris123
bjb correcting grammar...
me grammarz r perfekt
!bjb This is a test
May 31 at 14:49, by AstroCB
@bjb Fix bot.
!bjb This is a test
dis iza test [translated]
It's back!
@Shog9 Oh, so you actually are a floating head. Huh.
!bjb kill the cat
kill teh cat [translated]
bot is rebel!
Six years ago today, Get current URL in web browser was posted, amassing 1213 upvotes with 4 downvotes as of now. Today it would be more like the other way around.
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title: All Time Useful Tips For Weight Loss by Vivian Kane on askubuntu.com
@Idisagree rep is broken, votes are broken, SO has no purpose, the site's going to hell
... since 2008
The OP didn't use the rep: the account is deleted.
You thot I was making an actual intelligent statement?
One that was furthermore relevant to your link?
Of course not. We all know that's impossible, coming from you.
Spot on!
I see; it was a bot message triggered by (up|down)vote regex.
Something more informative, then:
btw @bjb568, if you retrieve some swag from SE... DON'T EVER THINK OF OPENING IT!
… why?
it will be a bobcat
!xkcd bobcat
@bjb568 Unrecognized command. Use !xkcd commands for a list of commands.
@Doorknob Abby is in charge of swag now. Definitely spiders.
@bjb568 I don't understand why the syntax !xkcd (find|search) xyz is so hard to learn.
I haven't gotten a response from SE yet about the swag. How long is the email backlog? I'd imagine it's longer for after the weekend…
@AstroCB No, I was talking to my bot.
@bjb568 Oh, well in that case, you might want to change your invocation.
no u
turf wars!
!xkcd find fight
xkcd.com ← why'd my bot just link to that? :p
@bjb568 Because it couldn't handle the superiority of xkcdBot.
!xkcd fight
@bjb568 Unrecognized command. Use !xkcd commands for a list of commands.
!xkcd kewl bot
@bjb568 Unrecognized command. Use !xkcd commands for a list of commands.
How does that even happen?
!xkcd work pls
@bjb568 Unrecognized command. Use !xkcd commands for a list of commands.
I think it just died.
ok, my bot works when it's necessary.
!xkcd necessary
@James Unrecognized command. Use !xkcd commands for a list of commands.
Oh, it was bork'd by the ratelimit
... I'm really getting tired of bots.
@bjb568 That's what happens when your bot runs on the same account as you do.
They take over.
!xkcd find robot
@SmokeDetector fp-
!xkcd find explosion
sd 2tpu-
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body: Your espy's you can ask things then you take things by James Cason on drupal.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector tpu-
@hichris123 No, Math allows book recommendations
It is fairly unusual for math textbook writers to be spammers.
With software it's different.
/me starts writing plans to make a math textbook spamming bot
Also, they don't really age the way technology ages.
A: Show a caret in a custom textarea without displaying its text

bjb568Just insert your own caret! function blink() { (document.getElementById('caret') || {}).hidden ^= 1; blinkTimeout = setTimeout(blink, 500); } var mydiv = document.getElementById('mydiv'), myta = document.getElementById('myta'), blinkTimeout = setTimeout(blink, 500), la...

I figured it out!
Basically what the rat said.
23 hours ago, by Tiny Giant
You don't want the caret to be shown. type and then select all the text, look at the offset of where the caret would be. You want to fake a caret
gah, I upvoted the other answer and now mine is on the bottom :p
@bjb568 I can't click to move the caret.
The fake one stays in the same place, but the real one still moves (and if I start typing, the fake one fixes itself too)
Also, the caret doesn't disappear on lose focus.
@bjb568 I demand integration of this bjb stackoverflow.com/q/23569441/2357233
@nicael test each site next time :) meta.stackexchange.com/questions/259185/…
@Doorknob fixedfixed
@James Post a feature request of DD meta.
@bjb568 Good job, but the explanation won't be easy to grok for non-english speakers or new coders
Well, mr grok, you can edit it :)
I can't really simplify it without loosing meaning or making it too long.
@bjb568 Couldn't you just use CSS animations for the blinking?
That would make it harder, since I need it to stop its blink when the cursor moves and stuff.
I could remove and readd the node, I guess.
add class .stop { visibility: hidden!important }
That doesn't really work, it won't have the correct cycle when it's unhidden.
Anyway, quit distracting me, I need to do health homework :(
you just remove the class when it's unhidden
It's called juggling, what you can't multitask?
nobody can
@TinyGiant then it could still be hidden for up to 500ms.
Or stay visible for less than 500ms.
You can remove the blink class then add it back in
yeah, that's not easier tho
hence multi-task
it's lighterweight
I don't want to edit your answer though. I would have to read the code...
the bar isn't over the o…
I found an easier way... diffchecker.com/5bfgixet
Just put the changed sections in separate and explain each section that is changed, then put the full code snippet hidden at the bottom
Nothing like having two million in a backlog...
@TinyGiant meh, I like it where the working example is frontloaded.
@Undo :o
smokey's notifications. Must. Not. Click.
@Undo Is that Smokey? :D
@smokey has too many notifications
oh, that didn't even ping :p
should have
oh wait no
I'm an idiot
@smoke would
@Undo don't believe you :) give username/password so me verify , lol, oh that's smokey ok i believe that
@bjb568 Yes, but then you slam a bunch of code in someone's face without explaining the difference. Then you put an explanation at the bottom.
@TinyGiant I give them a fun working example, than an explanation of what I did.
And if they were so inclined, they might even read the code and see why it works! :0
@Undo waiting until it's 9001
Yeah... I still think it's not as good as it could be.
I just figured out how to get free stars in the Tavern: Acknowledge that I'm an idiot
Yes, like 4 people have done that already.
I think 3 got pins too.
didn't work for me, twas just sad
Jun 14 at 5:14, by Dronehinge
I'm an idiot!
Let's make it happen, tavern!
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating characters in answer: windows 7 keep typing a letter by MrU on superuser.com
sd fp
@Undo [:3606583] Registered answer as false positive.
Oh, you didn't get start because I was angry at you for DVing my chat bug report without testing it on OS X first :p
PROPOSAL: We from now on use "start" as a medieval-sounding alternative to "starred"
I don't want to pin that
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted website: The workout absolutely true that’d by johndarren on drupal.stackexchange.com
sd tpu
@Undo [:3606591] Blacklisted user and registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
@undo adopts a dog each time he wants a new profile pic, then dog "runs away"
That's what you tell everyone.
waaaaait did I just get accused of animal abuse by a random stranger on the Internet? ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED
Aug 3 '14 at 20:02, by hichris123
Ah, this was so long ago.
Hey, what happened to cupcake?
Too much idolization today... where is your critical thinking, people?
@TinyGiant It's James's fault.
@bjb568 he said meta was a trap and got out before he was trapped too far
@Idisagree nowhere to be found, am learning about alcohol now.
Can one use fancy Unicode in a status message?
haven't tested, but no
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body: T a newborn it and the newborn got by Jonas Fitts on drupal.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Email in answer: Loan to buy a house in Germany by Randy Mark on money.stackexchange.com
That's a good one
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title: How to find out more Pandora's Box with free rs 07 gold or firecape on RSorder? by rsstar on gamedev.stackexchange.com
umm... VLQ?
sd tpu tpu tpu
@Undo 1. [:3606627] Blacklisted user and registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'. 2. [:3606623] Blacklisted user. 3. [:3606622] Blacklisted user and registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
@Undo you can say 3tpu now :P
Better yet, 3tpu-
If I haven't thanked @ProgramFOX for that shorthand yet, thank you @ProgramFOX ;)
@TinyGiant @bjb568 We need some of these for programmers
@Doorknob for that last one?
@Undo yes
it's spam
@Doorknob Known spammer
rsorder is in our blacklists
That's why it's blacklisted
Ah, okay.
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted website: People, only young healthy and well fed by ptina nina on drupal.stackexchange.com
sd tpu
@Undo [:3606658] Blacklisted user and registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
you dropped this
it's so small I couldn't see it. Thanks for finding it
Young healthy and well fed dogs should have better vision than that.
brand new user, might be worth watching
it has Informed O_o
@Undo The translated text says: Web casino applicants to apply online casino betting. FIRE THE NUKES!
heh. We'll watch him and get him when he posts something >:D
Shog practicing comedy monologues, perhaps envisioning a slight career change: one, two, three.
well, passive spammy accounts were not actively nuked, though:
http://stackoverflow.com/users/2408899/sbobet <- not sure
@AndrewT. that middle one isn't legit
check that website, mildly nsfw
that middle one is a betting agency in Indonesia, dunno if it's related to sbobet, or just using their name, but well~
@Undo Unless ublock is blocking it, I'm not seeing anything nsfw.
If it is blocking it, I'm not seeing anything nsfw.
I just get a CAPTCHA. >_<
@bjb568 I figure that at least some employers wouldn't look too kindly on "THE FASTEST BETTING AGENCY" showing up in their logs
@Doorknob you're not missing much
A: How to insert a Symbol (Pound, Euro, Copyright) into a Textbox

Dr-Shahryar Sultango to the designer and edit the string as ("\u00a9 Dr. Shahryar Sultan") with out brackets to print © Dr. Shahryar Sultan.

Flagged spam.
at least vlq
should be a comment. It's a partial answer. Too bad he's using his name and considered as spam
If I had a crazy-high-DPI android phone, I could read "help" in @andrew's pic.
Here on my 2x display, I can only see L and P clearly.
I can read it just fine in the sidebar with a standard dpi laptop display
@Undo I mean the one on the left.
yeah, I figure that at @2x it should be all there
Taking a screenshot seems to increase the resolution :p
now it's a ghost of SE
haunting you with low quality posts
Be careful with such icons... xkcd.com/380
Spam attack on Money continues:
[ SmokeDetector ] Manually reported answer: Loan to buy a house in Germany by Marian Law on money.stackexchange.com
Why do people put incomplete code in a jsfiddle? Why not a gist? You can even format it using markdown.
people are stupid
@SmokeDetector tpu-
@AndrewT. LQ-posts ghost? Who ya gonna call...
sd tpu-
spam android.stackexchange.com/a/92882/44325 (link-only to personal article)
spam 11 minutes old:
[ SmokeDetector ] Manually reported question: The substances used as the piece of this help your memory by alisodick on unix.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive body detected: VX-T prevents boot by TheCommoner282 on superuser.com
Deleted post won't be hard removed, right?
Nothing is hard deleted, except I think if it's COPPA-related.
The Child Online Protection Act (COPA) was a law in the United States of America, passed in 1998 with the declared purpose of restricting access by minors to any material defined as harmful to such minors on the Internet. The law, however, never took effect, as three separate rounds of litigation led to a permanent injunction against the law in 2009. The law was part of a series of efforts by US lawmakers legislating over Internet pornography. Parts of the earlier and much broader Communications Decency Act had been struck down as unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 1997 (Reno v. ACLU); COPA...
The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA) is a United States federal law, located at 15 U.S.C. §§ 6501–6506 (Pub.L. 105–277, 112 Stat. 2681-728, enacted October 21, 1998). The act, effective April 21, 2000, applies to the online collection of personal information by persons or entities under U.S. jurisdiction from children under 13 years of age. It details what a website operator must include in a privacy policy, when and how to seek verifiable consent from a parent or guardian, and what responsibilities an operator has to protect children's privacy and safety online including...
The Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) requires that K-12 schools and libraries in the United States use Internet filters and implement other measures to protect children from harmful online content as a condition for federal funding. It was signed into law on December 21, 2000, and was found to be constitutional by the United States Supreme Court on June 23, 2003. == Background == CIPA is one of a number of bills that the United States Congress proposed to limit children's exposure to pornography and explicit content online. Both of Congress's earlier attempts at restricting indec...
56 mins ago, by bjb568
people are stupid
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, blacklisted website: Well come in take them home and by kurem sysh on askubuntu.com
> When adults are making decisions that affect children, children have the right to say what they think should happen and have their opinions taken into account.
Doesn't COPPA violate article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child?
@bjb568 yes
dammit, I was looking at a dumbed-down version, not the real thing

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