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@Braiam nope
darn, I know @AnnaLear knows (very) vaguely who was but I don't want to bother her :/
@Braiam no idea. I mean, I could get it... but off-hand, no idea.
p.s. if you don't want to bother someone, don't ping :P
funny revision; the title does need another fix though
It's not "Magneto"...
"is this a dating site for geeks or something?". Yes! I met my current 3 wives on SO! — codeMagic 26 mins ago
What, deleted?
Those damned power-hungry admins!
@Idisagree only if we are talking about movies.SE
@Braiam They joked about that on a podcast back in 2013, beginning 20:20.
> Our Magento site went live (not to be confused with Magneto). This one is remarkable because it’s something nobody in the company knows anything about, but it got created anyway.
Which was the beginning of a trend... creating sites without having an idea of what they are for.
That said, Magento's stats look great.
I'm having difficulties trying to disern if it's 'yet another php cms' or just 'yet another cms' from just the name...
@Braiam PHP for sure, but it's more specialized than a generic CMS: it's specifically for selling stuff online.
@Idisagree that's true for almost all languages that doesn't scope by functions (or however the terminology is called)
@Idisagree I still really enjoy that answer
Somewhere there is a Hotel Manager explaining the problem of disappearing towels to an engineer using a memory leak analogy. — leebriggs Jun 23 '11 at 6:55
ok this one is funny
I was about to post that.
But I reread the entire answer first :(
@SmokeDetector tpu- early monday
My post in Crypto election chat room had effect: there is now the 4th nominee.
Wonder if this is how elections are going to be on small betas: three candidates that everyone knows should win, plus one more for the show, just to have an election.
well, it would have suck if SE went for a confidence vote
if there's the same number of candidates as slots, the nomination phase gets extended by a week. if there's still not enough to have at least one more candidate... the election is called off and we do ... something. Honestly, that's never happened so we don't know.
@AnnaLear It turns out that the participants on smaller betas don't know this... I mentioned earlier, that on Blender two candidates even withdrew so that only three would remain, "to simplify things". On Crypto, they also apparently didn't know that +1 is required until today.
I mean, the goal isn't to game the election or anything. If that's how folks are approaching it... we have bigger problems.
When sites are so small, the number of viable candidates is tiny... Consider that the number of voters on Blender Network Engineering was whopping 63.
Maybe democracy doesn't work on this scale.
@Idisagree 131
Let's have beta dictatorships!
> 471 voters were eligible, 231 visited the site during the election, 169 visited the election page, and 131 voted
@AnnaLear Sorry, network engineering. I got those mixed up; they were simultaneous.
Eh. Well. 63 is still a respectable number. Small, but you try and get 63 people to do anything. ;)
@Idisagree moose
@AnnaLear yeah… like ur mom
how old are you again?
@AnnaLear is dificult to get someone to do what's the best for themselves...
significantly less than 63
@Braiam We should tell people that voting in the mod elections is bad for them and watch those votes roll in :P
through I agree that sometimes you have to "guide" them....
Just give +50 rep bonus for voting in the final round.
@AnnaLear Hmm, that's actually not too bad.
That's 50% of people who visited the site and were able to vote.
One of those 131 was me. :)
And I've never seen a blender other than on a kitchen counter.
Although editing 25 posts makes you learn something about the site's subject.
@Idisagree I once was thinking that I should use that instead of Adobe's alternative.....
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted website: Ubuntu 10.04 server change ip by user295414 on serverfault.com
these VPN spam...
And for NE:
> 347 voters were eligible, 122 visited the site during the election, 92 visited the election page, and 63 voted
Right around 50% again.
Now... compare that to AU's latest election:
> 6,587 voters were eligible, 2,025 visited the site during the election, 1,549 visited the election page, and 680 voted;
Around 25%.
@hichris123 the curious users inflate those numbers
The larger the site, the larger is the casual/hardcore ratio. I think.
in Cryptography 2015 Moderator Election on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 14 mins ago, by mikeazo
@CodesInChaos He has been pretty busy. That is one of the reasons they bumped us up in the queue for graduation. Hendrik was AWOL and Paulo just didn't have much time any more.
The reason for beta-stage election explained.
I'm surprised Ilmari isn't running. He's #6 in rep there. He ran in Math election recently.
math isn't a walk in the park
tuberculosis? I hope not
I'm CVing as TB.
Someone should post a few non-answers on Math; I'm 6 LQ reviews away from taking the lead...
Won't take long, of course.
This reminded me of @bjb568's programming style...
[in college] programming is way easier than writing, i don't have to worry about high-level structure or clarity for it to work [later] fuck
@Idisagree I sometimes wonder how you find those tweets... and then I lose interest in it
@Braiam In case you haven't lost interest yet, twitter.com/user4412195/lists/se
... aww, too late
It's easier just to be following all the SE people. :P
@Doorknob Easier for one person. But a list can be shared. Kevin Brown and Unihedro follow it too, it seems.
Looks like Kevin has a new site? I vaguely remember it being different.
yeah, it used to be kevinbrown.in I wondered what .in was about.
I did quite a bit of work today to Smokey's chat commands, so if I broke anything, please let me know.
@Idisagree Yup, finally claimed kevin-brown.com (it was previously taken)
@hichris123 no test for them?
I mean, that's something that breaks easily
@Braiam No, because I'm not sure how to mock ChatExchange. You probably can, it just takes work. :P
unless you are messing with the listener itself (the part that listen commands and then send them to the switch case list) you don't need to emulate a chat session
@Braiam I'm messing with handle_commands()
Sorry, Spanish SO isn't live yet...
@SmokeDetector I'm not going to fix that...
I'm not even sure "how to set my dev env" is on topic anyways...
> He seemed prone to dying
@SmokeDetector tpu- too early
Trying to catch us off guard. :P
Tuesday is the normal launch day, and it looks like this proposal has actually met its goals. So now it's a waiting game. — Kevin Brown Jun 7 at 4:34
Poor elementary OS has to wait for so long to launch...
SE don't start new sites while moving data centers, even the secondary one.
sd tpu0
@Doorknob [:3601004] Blacklisted user and registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
The first time "mens" was already incorrect, and it's getting worse.
perfect muscle building supplement for mensesses
(my preciousss)
my preciouseness
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title: Gain Muscle By Increasing Nutrient Utilization by kevin mora on meta.stackexchange.com
sd tpu-
@Idisagree elementary OS < OS X
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted website: You want to do I'm at all things in the gym? by Lolagilbert on drupal.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector tpu
@hichris123 Blacklisted user and registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
@Idisagree meh
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive body detected: Whatever is left in the quads it is not dead? by Lolagilbert on drupal.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted website: Ham down we're having worked fourth quarter by Melissa poole on drupal.stackexchange.com
sd 2tpu-
Being a Drupal mod must be so boring. Keep clicking the same "destroy user" buttons.
@bjb568 I disagree
@TinyGiant 0_0
Elementary OS >= OSX
Elementary OS ≠ OS X
OSX <= Jail
Locked Down!
Windows < OSX
Fedora > World
∀x∈(OS)∃w∈(OS)(w<x), w = "Windows"
> 1st family gathering since starting new job. ‘Twas interesting attempting to explain what I do in a way they’d understand. -- Bluefeet at 7:03 PM - 21 Jun 2015 via Twitter
yes, it's even worse than itself ^^
> [...] I think I failed miserably. -- Bluefeet at 8:01 PM - 21 Jun 2015 via Twitter
thats a infinite loop
@bjb568 Unclear what (w<x) means, a condition or a statement
every infinite loop is a new blackhole in the unverse
@Idisagree Conditional statement
Well, one can argue it's clear because the existential quantitier. I just don't like it when people remove all words from statements like that.
@onlybluefeet I just tell the older folks we write the internet :P
@Idisagree menolikeywords,wenoneed!
@bjb568 That could backfire. I imagine their shock: "YOU MONSTER... we didn't know it was you".
@TinyGiant I.read.that.as.if.you.stopped.for.a.second.between.every.word
I know, everyone does
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted website: Movement which is stronger you by aimakhdsp on superuser.com
I hear robot when I read yours
@Idisagree "I didn't know you were a supporter of ISIS…"
If someone is all-powerful, they should be able to limit themselves. But, if the did limit themselves, they wouldn't be all-powerful. If they couldn't limit themselves, they wouldn't be all-powerful. Therefore someone could only ever be "mostly powerful"
sd ignore-
sd tpu-
@James ... why would you tpu and ignore a post?
made a mistake
was thinking about something else
i meant to type gone
not ignore
... 4 minutes after?
wall of text...
text on wall
yep, exactly that
The poster did attempt to format, they just didn't know markdown. Although, it is just a huge rant. And all of the sentences start with "I"
Tavern trolling task: figure out what else is wrong with a post that smokey report
Q: Show a carrot in a custom textarea without its displaying text

bjb568I have a custom textarea. In this example, it makes the letters red or green, randomly. var mydiv = document.getElementById('mydiv'), myta = document.getElementById('myta'); function updateDiv() { var fc; while (fc = mydiv.firstChild) mydiv.removeChild(fc); for (var i = 0; i <...

inb4 edit war over spelling
What, colour?
… NAA posted
is the snippet supposed to do anything? Or you put it there just because?
btw, that remembered me the bug that Firefox can't place the red underline in the proper place when there are overlapping elements
It's a minimal example that demonstrates the problem…
You did read the question, right?
I can't see the text area... there's no indication that there's a text area at all until you start typing on the keyboard...
Shows an outline on WebKit…
@bjb568 Caret
Q: Javascript closure not working

ProgramFastI tried to fix my closure, but it isn't working. My code with the closure: http://pastebin.com/EFd17C10 My code now when I tried to fix the closure: http://pastebin.com/xpaaLF3t

Oh well, you fix it, I'm on mobile because ISP suk
I was wondering why you were trying to insert a carrot into a textarea
might be bad for your monitor
i couldnt post this on the regular stack overflow, sorry. — ProgramFast 1 min ago
Question banned?
totally missed that
something else entirely
@bjb568 Does this work of FF? I can't see anything
You should see a border, and stuff when you type.
ah yeah, cool
selecting all text is funny
@TinyGiant Inserting a carrot anywhere without proper preparation, may be bad for the thing it's being inserted into
Thats true
You don't want the caret to be shown. type and then select all the text, look at the offset of where the caret would be. You want to fake a caret
I think it should line up now.
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body: Replenishment of collagen within your skin? by hashizaw Ieoe on unix.stackexchange.com
but unfortunately there is no css caret selector so you still have to fake one
you could use an image if you were lazy
or just a span with an "|" and cycle the opacity
@TinyGiant How to position it?
insert it at the end of the line
in your function
Even for monospace text it's hard to calculate coordinates.
@SmokeDetector is phpmyadmin now, huh?
It may be possible to insert it in the div tho.
You don't need to, I'll work on it
give me a couple minutes
@Dronehinge plz send teh coffee
@Dronehinge Running since 03:53:22 UTC (19 minutes)
@Dronehinge Could not find data for this post in the API. Check whether the post is not deleted yet.
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body: Locating A Successful Collagen Skin Tips Fix Cream by kafaqicchur mani on unix.stackexchange.com
sd tpu-
@bjb568 9289
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title: Top to toe guide to skin care by Olivia Collins on superuser.com
@SmokeDetector Unix is the new Drupal...
Serum of youth
And it's always a PHP tag
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, blacklisted website: How to boost the skin? by denyrumia on drupal.stackexchange.com
@Idisagree maybe their bot is written in PHP and they are sick of it and want to try and degrade the tag. I mean even more than the PHP tag is degraded
su gone / unix -6 / drupal -3
@TinyGiant needs to move by arrow keys or click
sd tpu- tpu-
And work for line wrap or hard newlines.
And remain solid on change like native.
well it does work for hard new lines
And be friendly to selections…
llama@llama:~$ ftp ftp.keyboardfire.com
Connected to ftp.keyboardfire.com.
220 ipage FTP Server Ready
331 Password required for keyboardfirecom
230 User keyboardfirecom logged in
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> ls
421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection
ftp> ls
Not connected.
ftp> %
llama@llama:~$ ftp ftp.keyboardfire.com
Connected to ftp.keyboardfire.com.
220 ipage FTP Server Ready
331 Password required for keyboardfirecom
230 User keyboardfirecom logged in
Is something wrong with my ftp...?
why don't you use contenteditable?
@TinyGiant In the comments…
@Doorknob Reboot it
@TinyGiant I can't reboot my shared webhosting server
@Doorknob report it
@bjb568 Just saw that answer lol
well, just wondering if the problem is my machine and not theirs
@Doorknob if I have to guess is their problem, not yours
Try connecting to another server, or reboot you computer. But that problem is usually theirs
Maybe I'll have to use content editable with many preventDefault()s :o
llama@llama:~$ ftp ftptest.net
Connected to ftptest.net.
220 FZ router and firewall tester ready
Name (ftptest.net:llama): llama
331 Give any password.
230 logged on.
ftp> ls
421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection
ftp> ls
Not connected.
ftp> %
same problem...
try and enter your servers information into the ftptest website see if it connects
uh no
I'm not giving my web server's password to some random site...
yeah I guess
i get

[root@localhost ~]# ftp ftptest.net
Connected to ftptest.net (
220 FZ router and firewall tester ready
Name (ftptest.net:root):
Hmm, this might work with some tweaking of event responding behavior (i.e. preventDefault()), I'll play around with it tomorrow. — bjb568 53 secs ago
well yeah, it's asking for a username
Going to bed…
FTP is complicate, never got it running on DD's server.
actually, i get the same error
@Doorknob your ISP is doing something funny with FTPs?
Perhaps. (I never had this problem at home, and this is the first time I've tried ftping from here)
Strangely, Filezilla works
gist.github.com/humbleRumble/8a56c59989b4bd8b1487 this is still a horrible question isn't it?
Questions can be theoretical if they are about a specific programming issue though, can't they?
maybe instead of saying "what's the padding trick", you should describe the padding trick and ask for how it works
huh that's weird
If I send the passive command, then ls works
I only figured that out by watching Filezilla's logs of what commands it was sending...
what ftp client you are using again?
just ftp
mm... ftp -version?
nowadays any command provides ftp
@TinyGiant I think this version is better
ftp: -: unknown option
an illustration would make it clearer though
@AndrewT. Any modifications otherwise?
sd gone-
> How can I have height be 50% of width?
was quick
should we add to smokey any service.(org|com) domain?
Docus on the problem
Yeah, you have to docus
Docus it all the way
Meh, won't even bother correcting it :D
Mobile is duck.
Duck is mobile. It can fly!
@Braiam If it was something that's spammed frequently... but as of now, too few tps vs too many fps: stackoverflow.com/search?tab=newest&q=url%3aservice.com
Okay, so I can use pftp (which is equivalent to ftp) to connect to my webserver... now to figure out how to make Vim do that too.
alias the command
aha, g:netrw_ftp_command
or do that
doesn't seem to be working... -_-
oh, it does some voodoo with ssh too
> So you repelled a murderous pack of winter wolves and reached safety, helped foil a traitorous ambush, and now you think the worst is over? No, stupid, a giant worm suddenly jumps out of the ground and bites your head off!
why this has a extreme resemblance with real life
let g:netrw_ftpextracmd='passive' fixed it
when you need passive is a firewall's doing
@Braiam yeah, I guess that's the problem
@AndrewT. gist.github.com/humbleRumble/8a56c59989b4bd8b1487 how's that illustration?
It is specific enough that there is only one answer, does not reference knowledge of the padding trick, and I'm pretty sure I covered all the bases in the answer.
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body: More time erections just to maintain a person planning by mexiheclon joyr on drupal.stackexchange.com
@TinyGiant I think that's okay, though the red background color is a bit daring
Blue would be better?
> any reliable Muscle Building website will tell you that you need to gain weight by increasing your caloric intake if you want to build muscles.
E.g., Drupal Answers is a reliable Muscle Building website
@Idisagree you need the calories to suply energy for the intense workout to stress the muscle and possibly extra proteins to make sure that after the excercise you end with more muscle, not less
bio trivia: if you do workout without something to support it, the muscle starts eating itself away
quite literally
My most intense workout is navigating closing and flagging dialogues all day long.
well, your other muscles will wither away, for the exact opposite reason
@TinyGiant looks okay to me.
(apparently I tried to reply "light blue", but my net suddenly down, and it wasn't sent)
lol, but that blue is good?
should the text be white?
no not with that blue
I think it's okay
maybe refer to Meta Stack Exchange for the color?
but I see it okay already
it's almost the same color rgb wise
The text doesn't really matter anyways, it's just filler
why I feel that we are going to discuss which blue is better...
lol, we're the next google
> Yes, it’s true that a team at Google couldn’t decide between two blues, so they’re testing 41 shades between each blue to see which one performs better. I had a recent debate over whether a border should be 3, 4 or 5 pixels wide, and was asked to prove my case. I can’t operate in an environment like that
@SmokeDetector fp-
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating characters in answer: What happens if one dies in Soul Society? by i don't know on anime.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted website: you sandbars parties even in your elevator at work by nachazl azlosx on drupal.stackexchange.com
@AndrewT. meta blue and white
that's okay
actually, we're going off track since that's not the core of the question ._.
lol no it's not
the question needs to be better
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body: Having trouble with dp (Square Subsequence ) by Sid1366 on stackoverflow.com

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