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Digging thru the wonderful world of powerskewl, I figured out my PSAT Selection Index was 3 below the cutoff for a scholarship.
Luckily, I have 2 years to prepare before taking it again.
@bjb568islowercase National Merit Scholar?
yeah, the whatever thing
You can't even qualify until you're a junior.
Well, there you go.
Not fun when done by a computer.
what the... @xkcdBot is sentinent
!xkcd owner
@AstroCB My owner is AstroCB, but you needn't worry about that because I am sentient.
You all have yet to discover xkcdBot's best feature: trigger phrases.
@pizza This would be easier if I had a plaintext list of candidates.
is too lazy to do it myself
@pizza hey, is metaprogramming... everyone loves anything that starts with meta
@Doorknob $('.user-details a').text()
@pizza Beat me to it.
Yeah, I don't like it either, no separators. How to get an array?
@pizza I don't think jQuery works that way – when you use a selector combined with a function, it just runs on all of the matched elements.
It would be easiest if you picked Matt, Martijn, and meagar. ^m
shrug My mind is weird today.
NodeList.prototype.map = Array.prototype.map;
document.getElementsByClassName('user-details').map(function(e) { return e.children[0].textContent });
or firstElementChild if you prefer
How is '568' lowercase?
because Javascript says so: "568".toLowerCase() === "568"
> For those of us pedantic enough to want a rule, here it is: The preferred form is "xkcd", all lower-case. In formal contexts where a lowercase word shouldn't start a sentence, "XKCD" is an okay alternative. "Xkcd" is frowned upon.
> I though you write your name really slowly
Why do requirements rules and regulations all start with R?
@Mooseman I always imagine hanging figures to be lowercase, and lining figures to be uppercase. “568” would be uppercase, in this font
What're those?
Wow. I currently have ~3 million SO comments starting from around January. ~2 million have been deleted or are on deleted posts.
Almost no one sees 2/3's of comments.
Text figures (also known as non-lining, lowercase, old style, ranging, hanging, medieval, billing, or antique figures or numerals) are numerals typeset with varying heights in a fashion that resembles a typical line of running text, hence the name. They are contrasted with lining figures (also called titling or modern figures), which are the same height as upper-case letters. == Design == In text figures, the shape and positioning of the numerals vary as those of lowercase letters do. In the most common scheme, 0, 1, and 2 are of x-height, having neither ascenders nor descenders; 6 and 8 ...
Text figures/hanging figures rock
I feel like my cat is staring at me, but I don’t see him. Ninja cat 🐱
@Mooseman I am aware.
@xkcdBot what you would do if I said stop
I have more exciting trigger phrases than that.
it’s the only one that came to mind
I can unleash dictionaryBot to say everything imaginable, I suppose

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