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but yeah, now I see that it would obviously fail
!bjb foobar ‮
foobar ‮ [translated]
Haha! xD
!bjb ‮ ‮ ‮ ‮ ‮ ‮ ‮ ‮ ‮ ‮ ‮ ‮ ‮ ‮ ‮ ‮ ‮ ‮ ‮ ‮
‮  ‮  ‮  ‮  ‮  ‮  ‮  ‮  ‮  ‮  ‮  ‮  ‮  ‮  ‮  ‮  ‮  ‮  ‮ [translated]
!bjb >
> [translated]
kik me if ever again me say [translated]
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted website: Best way to merge mp4 files by hugorter on apple.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector tpu
@James Blacklisted user.
!bjb k‫i‫c‫k m‫e i‫f e‫v‫e‫r a‫g‫a‫i‫n I s‫a‫y
k‫i‫c‫k m‫e i‫f e‫v‫e‫r a‫g‫a‫i‫n me z‫a‫y [translated]
... okay, I borked the [translated] even more xD
Wait... If you stuff zero-width whitespaces within each word, will it not try to translate them into kitty lingo?
@Unihedro That was what I was trying, but I took the wrong char and used Right-To-Left Embedding instead
!bjb abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz [translated]
!bjb T‬h‬i‬s is a ‬te‬st.
t‬h‬i‬z iz a ‬te‬st. [translated]
!bjb T​h​i​s i​s a​ t​e​s​t​.
t​h​i​z i​z a​ t​e​z​t​. [translated]
hm, so zero-width spaces don't help
!!bjb s
!bjb s
z [translated]
This doesn't even answer any part of the question asked. — Unihedro 5 secs ago
@SmokeDetector tpu
@James Blacklisted user.
@James Nuked answer.
> Error not found
@James why?
its a spam post
None of the links are known bad.
Unless I missed something.
Bah, flagged.
its a copy paste of the previous one
A: Best way to merge mp4 files

hugorter1.One of my friends show me a simple guide on how to join MP4 files into one without losing quality and re-encoding here After tried, i find it really great, it can join MP4 files into one file without reencoding with fast speed. it also can join MP4 files into one AVI, MOV etc. But the only pi...

A: How can I merge two mp4 files without losing quality?

bohannie1.One of my friends show me a simple guide on how to join MP4 files into one without losing quality and re-encoding here After tried, i find it really great, it can join MP4 files into one file without reencoding with fast speed. it also can join MP4 files into one AVI, MOV etc. But the only pi...

@SmokeDetector tp
@James Registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating characters in answer: How do mathematicians find formulas? by ghghtgh on math.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector tpu
@James Blacklisted user.
!bjb mkkmmml;mkkmmmmmm'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''ihuvyfcdftxrs,lk[pkpiphuyfzl;l‌​[ppiiojhuigyt;ou;joijoi][ik#jhp9y'0hhhg87itguio['#'';'p;uiuiiod
mkkmmml;mkkmmmmmmihuvyfcdftxrz,lk[pkpiphuyfzl;l‌​[ppiiojhuigyt;ou;joijoi][ik#jhp‌​9y0hhhg87itguio[#;p;uiuiiod [translated]
stackoverflow.com/questions/29600820/… no code, unclear what you are asking
oh yea, the !@' filtering
@ProgramFOX gone
ehhh I think its ok
makes it a bit easier to read
I mean it's still a shit question
Code-words interspersed in text does not make it easier to read.
Especially since they're not code.
And yes, it's a shit question. Don't polish turds.
To quote @JanDvorak.
@James Do you seriously think this is easy to read? stackoverflow.com/questions/29557711/…
@J.Steen I take your point
@James Cool.
spam answer gone, question protected
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: AT24C04C EEPROM by ZoomVirus on electronics.stackexchange.com
"Added Keyword Highlights"
"Keyword Highlights"
"Highlights" with backticks... GRRRRRRR!
Q: int take just 2147483647 i want 9999999999

Divyesh Jesadiyain database MYSQL i took phone.no column and it's data type int.i take it from int(13) to int(30) but it's max value is 2147483647.i want max value is 9999999999.

oh wow, please rip that person's hands away from a they keyboard before they accidentally type rm -rf /
Nah. That way it only affects their own computer.
Should this question be deleted, or not? stackoverflow.com/q/851254/993547
Why should a mod decline this NAA? stackoverflow.com/a/262572/993547
@PatrickHofman It's an answer...
Even though it's borderline.
It does say that they are literals.
New IntelliJ version is awesome!
alternative solution: don't use Java
I use IntelliJ to code JS as well.
Use ES6
for iojs?
should be possible
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, blacklisted website, repeating characters in body: Doctor’s Review concerning Effectiveness Of Zonecore flowering tree by user46265 on drupal.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, blacklisted website: Reviews And Settle All Your Worries by user437057 on superuser.com
@SmokeDetector tpu
@ProgramFOX Blacklisted user and registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
@SmokeDetector tpu
@ProgramFOX Blacklisted user and registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
both gone
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body: Your right hand is going to be your power by teen girl03 on superuser.com
@SmokeDetector so nice when you get a spam message so badly written that you can't even make out what they were attempting to sell/publicize
// Filter by an expression. Filter all rows where column 'Col' have values greater or equal than 3
  dv.RowFilter = "Col < 3";
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title, blacklisted website, url in title: http://www.skinphysiciantips.com/perfect-garcinia-cambogia/ by terry spinr on drupal.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector tpu
@ProgramFOX Blacklisted user and registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
Did I miss something, or MSDN really did typo???
@AndrewT. "greater or equal than"
-> greater than or equal to
then why the next line Console.WriteLine("Print sorted and Filtered DataView by RowFilter. RowFilter = 'Col > 3'");
Well, at least I understood what MSDN tried to demonstrate...
Are the participation leagues not loading anymore?
they still are
took a while to load, but they do show up
Eh, it appears so. It led me to the /errors?path=user thingy the first time.
It loaded very slowly for the first time, but subsequent refresh is quite fast
Thanks :)
Is bjbotling spamming again? :O
bjb should learn debugging.
Was, in the morning. Not sure if he turned it off since then.
!bjb Hey, are you still here?
hey,'re u still here? [translated]
@SmokeDetector tpu
cough kicked cough
@AndrewT. Yay for the 2015 Stack Overflow Moderator Election! Primaries begin in 0 days, 9 hours, 51 minutes and 35 seconds.
Who's below the fold?
8 hours ago, by bjb568
Election stats: (30 / 32 noms, 3 positions)
Ty221              3231 17/40
The Wobbuffet      4557 15/40
bjb568             4912 21/40
hichris123         5043 22/40
AstroCB            5110 22/40
Shree              5460 17/40
Unihedro           6612 24/40
Hemang             7241 22/40
Andy              11211 29/40
Undo              11415 30/40
Michael Irigoyen  12183 29/40
Mooseman          12270 29/40
Ed Cottrell       14117 33/40
Sergey K.         15282 34/40
Jason C           18435 36/40
rekire            19001 37/40
(Wob has withdrawn currently)
@JanDvorak bjb by a few points
Ty's also withdrawn, and Jeremy reposted his nomination.
[ SmokeDetector ] Nested quote blocks in body: Conta Prefixos em python by Gerson Salomao on pt.stackoverflow.com
@JasonC: I still see Ty on the election list under the fold
BJB's still in at the moment
Yeah he didn't withdraw I got confused
Can you kick a mod from a room?
Oh, I got confused because bjb's list is only 16 people long. Derrr
@JanDvorak No.
We tested that once in Charcoal HQ with an AJAX request; the response was "You cannot kick moderators".
this might make borkey problematickey
not if it only runs here
Maybe I'll vote for BJB just to see the world burn...
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating words in body: Psfragfig conflict with bibliography by Grieche86 on tex.stackexchange.com
@JanDvorak: yay, then we can restart the site!
Think I will vote for BJB
Of course, who won't vote for bjb123?
@AndrewT. votes should be given based on the potential damage of having an unkickable bot running in the tavern.
@AndrewT. Wait... Is that bjb568's sock?
@Unihedro Probably not; ever seen a kitten wearing socks?
... or hichris568
@ProgramFOX puss in boots?
@Unihedro That's boots, not socks :p
Now the question is: did he wear socks in these boots?
But it's so uncomfortable to wear boots without socks!
true, lol
!comp Did puss in boots wear socks?
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title, blacklisted website, url in title: http://www.skinphysiciantips.com/perfect-garcinia-cambogia/ by terre potier on meta.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector tpu
@ProgramFOX Blacklisted user and registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
25 mins ago, by Infinite Recursion
cough kicked cough
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title: Weight Loss-a Key To Improved Health by MarioYok4 on meta.stackexchange.com
@JanDvorak ... oh, right
gets a screwdriver to fix brain
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body: To Place Into Your Routine by kerry zuniiga on drupal.stackexchange.com
chain breaker
The message I will campaign when running for mod next year: I break all the chains.
All of them.
@J.Steen Will totally downvote. :p
@AndrewT. both time you missed.
@AndrewT. Do it first next time. =D
IOS 8.3 is here
in case you missed it
> I believed it speaks to his maturity.
on nom
What did I miss?
somebody bludgeon pls
Not my fault this time!
Oh, hard to see train on mobile
bludgeon bjb
How advanced are batteries now?
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating characters in body: .BAT to Extract Specific Fields from a Multi-Lined Text File by Jhe on superuser.com
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: DIIOP CORBA by eskelevra on ru.stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive answer detected: How to have tail -f show colored output by scavenger on unix.stackexchange.com
> # AIX KSH88 do not recognise this fucking variable double expansion
@Doorknob Yay for the 2015 Stack Overflow Moderator Election! Primaries begin in 0 days, 8 hours, 22 minutes and 0 seconds.
@SmokeDetector At least I'm going to make it to the primary :D
OMG crazy
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because in the comments it was declared a duplicate of a question on Meta Stack Exchange. — Mooseman 6 secs ago
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title: Bodybuilding Workout Programs To Create Muscle by Dirot Subeo on superuser.com
Huh, LRiO changed dp
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted website: How can I change my skin on the fly? by hinaeprinces125 on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector tpu, spam answer
@ProgramFOX Blacklisted user.
@ProgramFOX but... it's technically on-topic. Given the title, at least
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted website: Che significa piano? by Ankit Sharma on italian.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector fp
@ProgramFOX Registered question as false positive and added title to Bayesian doctype 'good'.
@AndrewT. Yay for the 2015 Stack Overflow Moderator Election! Primaries begin in 0 days, 7 hours, 17 minutes and 58 seconds.
Does anyone know where to find a chart with all tags used in SO and the relationship between them? Have seen it 6 months ago or so...
!!/ignore so2015
@SmokeDetector tpu
@Mooseman Blacklisted user and registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
@SmokeDetector gone
@PatrickHofman It looked something like this: bl.ocks.org/mbostock/1046712
@PatrickHofman there's also TagOverflow if you're interested
@AndrewT. thanks. have seen it too
Smoky did not get these today? "Quickbooks#Tech#Support#Number[1#855-806-6643]QuickBooks Tech Support Phone Number USA/Canada"
@bummi On what site?
I believe it caught one on SO today.
Not all posts on SO are displayed on realtime, that might cause it.
I hesitate to migrate it to meta, but... well. That's where it should be.
Even if it's a bit of a crap question.
So the calc quiz that nobody finished… we got another 30m today, I'm pretty sure I got 100%
@J.Steen sounds like a dupe
@bummi It's a dupe of not learning how to read the editing help.
Is dy/dx = -xy^2 a bell curve?
And, the other way around...
that's not the keyword
It's a keyword.
Which I found to be more funny than the real one.
@SmokeDetector fp
@LynnCrumbling Registered answer as false positive.
"Game of thrones legally online. Watch at...". Sometimes I can't even tell the difference between a news headline and a spam title
@SmokeDetector fp
@ProgramFOX Registered question as false positive and added title to Bayesian doctype 'good'.
@bjb568 No. The function y(x) = c*exp(-x^2/2) satisfies the ODE y'=-xy, not y'=-xy^2.
@bjb568 You can solve y'=-xy^2 by separating variables: dy/y^2 = - x dx, which integrates to -1/y = -x^2/2 + C, from where y is found.
Some solutions do look vaguely bell-curvish, but it's not the bell curve. They correspond to the Cauchy distribution, not Gaussian.
@pizza ah
@pizza I know, just lazy
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body: How to Boost your stamina and enjoy night? by steve waugh on drupal.stackexchange.com
@AstroCB Yay for the 2015 Stack Overflow Moderator Election! Primaries begin in 0 days, 6 hours, 6 minutes and 3 seconds.
@SmokeDetector tpu
@InfiniteRecursion Blacklisted user and registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
[ SmokeDetector ] Nested quote blocks in answer: Why are many Christians antagonistic towards the idea that God has a form? by user9147 on christianity.stackexchange.com
I absolutely love the conclusion in that.
"God exists, but they're fugly."
Interesting. Every question this person asks almost immediately gets an upvote: stackoverflow.com/users/3846435/anahit-ghazaryan?tab=reputation
I custom-flagged. The worst I can get is a decline.
And that goes for the answers too. Hah.
J.Steen vs sockpuppets round 1
We shall see how it plays.
I got a helpful. Interesting.
Flagged was marked helpful.
Now, I'm just curious what happens to the person, and the sockpuppet.
Nuclear bombardment?
Well. Nothing has happened so far.
The aircraft is on its way.
But wait... I upvoted them all because she looked cute
Since it's voting - does it need to be a developer mod to see the voting pattern?
[ SmokeDetector ] Email in body: Vzlom.akkauntov by Иван on ru.stackoverflow.com
Interestingly, Benjamin in JS chat likes my canonical.
what a mess of question and answers stackoverflow.com/questions/8479315/… Tag as SQLite as initial intended, Tag as SQL-Server as the accepted answer, close as to broad ... just do nothing ??
Downloseleteo it
Leftflag while you're at it
I already have problems with good English ;)
Just nod and smile then.
@bjb568 kowtow
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating characters in body: "&" character in url by Mico on security.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector fp
@LynnCrumbling Registered question as false positive and added title to Bayesian doctype 'good'.
What to do with these suggested edits? He is bad, and editing a lot of tag wikis... meta.stackexchange.com/review/suggested-edits/38619
Him again ...
And he didn't even change april to a capital A
Sigh. Him again.
> Pierre.Vriens had 48 edit suggestions approved, and 30 edit suggestions rejected
This is not a good ratio.
> Ilmari Karonen has approved 12 edit suggestions and rejected 1 edit suggestions
Neither is that.
He's also creating a bunch of useless tags on meta.SE...
@J.Steen if you look at his profile it appears he likes tags
He really, really does.
He's been edit-banned before.
Luckily the queue is empty now...
spam webapps.stackexchange.com/q/75972/45867 who was mentioning running man before?
That's a lot of running men.
This one seems okay, but the tag wiki could make clear it is about the SE network only. Any suggestions? meta.stackexchange.com/review/suggested-edits/38625
@SmokeDetector gone
@Unihedro Yay for the 2015 Stack Overflow Moderator Election! Primaries begin in 0 days, 4 hours, 32 minutes and 38 seconds.
@PeterJ That won't be known even to Stack Exchange employees until a few weeks before an election. They aren't scheduled in advance. Instead they are "as needed"
smoke detector knows everything. it just hasn't told the employees yet
@PeterJ Yay for the 2016 Stack Overflow Moderator Election! Nominations begin in the future.
I predict by by 2020 Smokey will be sentient and moderators will be obsolete
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive body detected: ubuntu dual boot alongside preinstalled win 8.1 by Shahzan Sadick on askubuntu.com

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