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Yͯ͏̙͕̖͌̽҄⃐͋꙯͠o⃮̹̿̋⃜́⃑u̢᷐᷎᷏͍̮̪̫͙ᷠ̔̄̏̓̀⃔᷄ᷚᷣ̕ ͔̯⃬͉᷏ᷔᷤͤ⃔̈ᷥᷞ͞a͙̙᷂̓r⃘̵̢͐᷅⃜ͫ⃡́̓͒̕͟ẽ̵̖̙̫⃰̓ᷠᷖᷗ ᷐̹̺͎̺͙͙ᷠ̿⃖⃡ᷚ᷒͐᷼n⃚⃥⃓᷐͙̬͙̜̱᷽̪̣᷋ᷡ̂̚᷍ͅo̱᷾̊͞t҈⃦⃙⃘⃓̢̨᷿̻͚͓ᷢ⃛ͦ᷋ᷥͬ ⃪⃦̡͇̳⃭⃖⃛̽͌ͩ̈́꙰͕̭̠͊ᷘᷗ̓e⃗̀x⃙̗͍̋͡꙰̨⃬⃛̔⃜̑p̢͔̟̉́҃͢ḛ̶⃧᷇⃰ᷤͭ҄᷼͝҉⃘᷂͖͊꙯⃑́c̵͖t꙲⃙̴̛̹᷽⃭͖᷽̃҄᷇͂̀̍͟᷼eͦ᷃ͩ̈҈⃥̢̥᷄᷅ᷦͣ⃜⃧͟͝d᷎͔̘ᷠ̿̽ᷘ͒̿⃛͝ ⃓͚͆ͤ̏⃛҈⃭̱͗̉ͬ҉⃘͖ᷓ̿⃛̇t̼ͪo̵᷽̱ᷦ̃ ⃙̢͖⃭̱͖̖᷏͙̀᷅̄᷅᷌꙯̚᷼u̶⃘⃓᷐͓᷽᷏̘᷂̓͆⃧͌᷄ͬͭ᷼n̖᷿̬͕̮̙͙͔ᷔ᷑̊҃ͮ̈́ͫ͊̐d̼̽ͬ͐ᷗ͆e⃘͖͎᷇̒ᷙ̀̎ͩ᷈᷑͐͆ᷗ͢ͅr̡̧̦̯̗᷂ᷖ⃕̽̚s̈́᷉ᷜt̸⃚᷊͕᷋ᷜ҄a⃭͇̪͒̿̀͒ᷠ҅᷈n̩̼ͬͫ꙱᷎̜̹̽̽d̸̛̞̺̼̙́⃧͂̃᷌͂ᷕᷗ͘͟͡ ̻͙ᷤ́t̸̤̲᷍꙰⃥̦̮҃⃑͒̽᷄͛ͩͣ͂̊ͯᷖh⃪̳ᷠ͂᷇᷼i⃦⃓᷎ͫ᷑ͯ꙯ᷚͦ̀̓̇s᷿꙲⃚̶̧᷂̹᷽҃᷾̽⃰ͩ́͛᷌ᷚ.⃦⃘ᷛ̀⃗̄ᷦ͢ͅ ̺̌̋̈᷑҈⃒̓᷄҉⃙᷎⃭͈᷁⃛̂᷑᷍—̮̖̗̻̼̙᷈᷋᷒ͣͮ⃧꙯ᷚ́̔͝D̰͉ᷙ᷉᷉⃰ḙ̟⃐᷒꙱̺̣ᷢͅn̡̖̘̞̔᷁҈⃙͓͍᷌̔⃕͒̋͋ͨ͜͞͝n
@Qantas94Heavy Yay for the 2015 Stack Overflow Moderator Election! Primaries begin in 2 days, 4 hours, 56 minutes and 51 seconds.
@Ixrec breaking chat is not considered to be an achievement at all...


... why?
precious transcript space wasted by tchrist :(
But ŝ⃚⃙⃒᷐̬̬̗̗̹͎̠⃬᷁͐҅᷇̋̈́̄u̸̢͚̰͕̭⃭̝̙͎͇͈̪̟᷃̿᷉̍́҇̈́͌̾̋̿̊᷌᷋⃩̕͡꙱⃯̅᷉⃔c⃪⃥᷿̼͔͍͔̃̀̐᷄́̏̄k⃫᷐͙̘᷂‌​̦̭͆̆᷉̂̉̈s̹̼꙲̫⃨͋̆͊̓⃔͟͜҈⃫̺͔͔̽᷆̿᷃᷑ is only 5 graphemes. That can’t hurt too bad can it? :)
@Unihedro we ask Inf to clean up and send @tchrist to the sandbox
!!tell tchrist sandbox
@tchrist please go play in the sandbox
In any event, I think I have demonstrated that a single grapheme can take up a lot of code points.
Yes, I'm convinced now, tnx
Answer updated to mention the new emoji modifiers.
A: Multi-colour unicode vs Monochrome ASCII

tchristA code point is not inherently colored or monochrome. Code points are just numbers. Character number U+0041 and character number U+1F31E are exactly the same color: they do not have one. Like everything except our eyes, a compiler reads characters by number. So it will not matter to the compile...

I still don’t understand why the asker is worried about compilers.
Can we cv this to see who voted?
@rene Yes.
What, the tag edit?
cc @Braiam
I almost was thinking that he sent several at once
Wait – the quota should be refilled.
!xkcd find Braiam
!xkcd find something
!xkcd find relevance
[ SmokeDetector ] Nested quote blocks in answer: Notifications only for comments on your Facebook Page, not Likes by Cista Longerbam on webapps.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted website: It does not matter where you are by Hubert Bobby on drupal.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector tpu
@hichris123 Blacklisted user and registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
there is no -1 to me. — YOU 38 mins ago
this is homework to me. — 발렌텐 37 mins ago
@Jakie chan ! no its not homework ! — Tenali_raman 37 mins ago
!xkcd help
Usage: !xkcd [command][ params( optional params)]
about – Get information about xkcdBot.
find [searchTerms] – Search for xkcd comics with Google (100 queries/day).
[comic ID] – Post oneboxed comic.
last – Onebox most recent xkcd.
blame( [user]) – Find out who's to blame for your maladies.
owner – Find out who owns xkcdBot.
!xkcd find asdf
!xkcd find bjb
!xkcd find ...
No results found.
!xkcd find "..."
!xkcd find something
!xkcd find xkcd
@AstroCB Awesome
truly amazing
!mustache help
@AstroCB Command format: !mustache[ 0-5] directURLToImage
!ping help
That's what I thought.
#bjb {
    -webkit-shape-outside: polygon(0 0, 100% 100%, 0 100%);
Chat code formatting is so broken.
works on DD
I'm sure.
in Stack Overflow 2015 Moderator Election Chat on Stack Overflow Chat, 2 mins ago, by Jason C
If anybody's interested, I've generated weekly activity histograms for all the current candidates, up to last Monday (I'll update this Monday after data dump). It includes reviews, but excludes votes and flags. No graphs, just data right now.
Reminds me, I'll push out the kewlnew md now.
It's a little bit of a bummer with no votes or flags; but I made some plots in kst and they look cool. I'll upload full set of plots as soon as I figure out how to automate it.
Meh… I'll make the new md kewler!
And I should probably post it on CR.
^^(this'll be sup)^^
@keithbhunter xcode made the header for me. I am in iOS n00b. Could you step me through with a little more detail please? — hunterp 37 mins ago
Election stats: (30 / 32 noms, 3 positions)
bjb568             4776 21/40
AstroCB            4820 21/40
hichris123         5039 22/40
Shree              5460 17/40
Unihedro           6638 24/40
Hemang             7211 22/40
Andy              11198 29/40
Undo              11410 30/40
Alexis King       11861 25/40
Michael Irigoyen  12173 29/40
Mooseman          12270 29/40
Ed Cottrell       14027 33/40
Sergey K.         15282 34/40
Jason C           18435 36/40
rekire            18991 36/40
Idan Adar         23232 35/40
I'm only three spots from being eliminated. :P
@bjb568 fixed... I think
looks better
@bjb568 That list only includes the top 30 candidates. You're still in.
Election stats: (30 / 32 noms, 3 positions)
Ty221              3221 17/40
The Wobbuffet      4547 15/40
bjb568             4776 21/40
AstroCB            4820 21/40
hichris123         5039 22/40
Shree              5460 17/40
Unihedro           6638 24/40
Hemang             7211 22/40
Andy              11198 29/40
Undo              11410 30/40
Alexis King       11861 25/40
Michael Irigoyen  12173 29/40
Mooseman          12270 29/40
Ed Cottrell       14027 33/40
Sergey K.         15282 34/40
Jason C           18435 36/40
Ok there.
?all=1 doesn't work, it needs to be ?all=true
... I'm farther than getting eliminated than I thought.
wow long standing abuse :/ superuser.com/a/900452/172747 two posts ...
Is [s)test(/s] too confusing of a syntax for <small>?
What should the syntax be?
@AstroCB Yay for the 2015 Stack Overflow Moderator Election! Primaries begin in 2 days, 2 hours, 16 minutes and 3 seconds.
{small ...}
Small text here.
<!--[if IE]> kill yourself, user. <[endif]-->
@Unihedro At least link them to a real browser!
DD doesn't do IE
@Ixrec You forgot TextEffectFactoryBuilder.getDefaultTextEffectFactoryBuilderBuilder().build("sma‌​ll").createFactory()...
@JanDvorak That's already <i> and <sup>
@rene Yeah!
@JasonC I assumed he had SmallFactory = TextEffectFactoryBuilder.getDefaultTextEffectFactoryBuilderBuilder().build("sma‌‌​​ll").createFactory() at the top of the file, since no sane person would write that out more than once
what happens when you combine sup and sub? Small text!
@bjb568 It is not that I agree with that
my lack of English :(, could someone take a view here? apple.stackexchange.com/a/180506/55266
@bjb568 User agent sniffing?
Tsk tsk.
@Ixrec Oh you're probably right, sorry. I'm used to talking to total noobs. Apologies.
@bummi bad taste, but not flaggable
@bummi That's an awful answer.
@AstroCB Hey, it's for the benefit of the user!
@bummi At the very least, it is needlessly rude
old IE is already borked on seeing XHTML :p
flagged abusive, let's see how it goes
@bjb568 Feature detection.
the name itself is rude
Especially if your error message is going to be this:
@AstroCB I don't need to.
> This site does not support Microsoft Internet Explorer due to its lack of compatibility with web specifications.
@bummi Ignoring the tone, I flagged NAA anyways since it doesn't really make that much sense and should have been a comment, at least imo.
@JasonC [s][/s] then
thanks, all
@AstroCB Should be "old versions of", right?
@bjb568 I'd go [sm], to me that causes confusion with strikethru, even if strike isn't supported.
Do you already have a strike code?
@Ixrec Doesn't support Trident in the least bit, not version 10, not version 20.
Do you have any other [bracketed] tags?
tags = {
	'`': 'code',
	'``': 'samp',
	'*': 'em',
	'**': 'strong',
	'_': 'i',
	'–––': 's',
	'+++': 'ins',
	'---': 'del',
	'[c]': 'cite',
	'[m]': 'mark',
	'[u]': 'u',
	'[v]': 'var',
	'::': 'kbd',
	'"': 'q'
stags = {
	sup: {
		start: '^(',
		end: ')^'
	sub: {
		start: 'v(',
		end: ')v'
	small: {
		start: '[sm]',
		end: '[/sm]'
@bjb568 it seems inconsistent for sup/sub to use () when everything else is []
@AstroCB Yes! yes! yes!
IE 10 is pretty robust.
Hm, the syntax mix is kind of odd, particularly the ?(...)? with [*][/*].
@Ixrec But it's around the content instead of the tag.
@JasonC [^] and [v]?
[sup][/sup] then?
@Ixrec ewww, bbcode
Might as well drop into HTML then.
just... <sub> and <sup>, it's what commonmark does
I like ^ and v because they are visually indicative of what they do.
they're easy to be misused
especially in, y'know, regexes
@bjb568 That's true and they're short, but they're also different than what people who know how to format things already are already used to. Intuitive > concise, I think, in this case.
@Unihedro I'm not doing commonmark.
Part of the point of Markdown is that you can drop into HTML when necessary.
Which I don't want to support.
@bjb568 Not saying you have to. Commonmark does it for a decent design reason, which you could at least consider.
It you're going to just add useless things like [sup][/sup], you're wasting your time.
It feels strange to have to use 2 syntaxes.
@bjb568 Then you're not making Markdown. It's fine to have a different goal, but that's not Markdown's purpose.
@AlexisKing ok then
So maybe think of it like this: Use a subset of common html, for all formatting. Then provide a few shortcuts for the really common ones, like *, **, ---, _, similar to what's done here.
@JasonC Yes, that's how Markdown is supposed to work.
That way you have an intuitive syntax with some useful shortcuts. But keep the shortcuts minimal. Just like markdown.
It's very easy to expand Markdown into HTML, then just run it though a purifier to prevent abuse.
@Unihedro Don't close; downvote if you'd like.
@AlexisKing ok thanks for reviewing
@AlexisKing Oops sorry I ninja'd your edit.
@JasonC It's okay, yours is more thorough, anyway.
I upvoted that question. It seemed fine to me.
I upvoted it as well, then voted to close as typo, heh.
I leftvoted.
@bjb568 Ugh, people like you are the reason this site is in decline. Obviously rightvoting was appropriate there.
I think it's called upclosing.
I thought that was downopening?
Nah, it's sideflagging.
Haha, sideflagging
be sure to crosscomment and metaedit while you're at it
Is sideflagging like twerking?
@JasonC it's more like flagging as a passive-aggressive alternative to leaving a non-constructive comment
@Ixrec I prefer metavoting, honestly. Sending droves of people from the Hot Meta Posts traffic to upclose or downopen posts is satisfying.
Unfortunately, the recent election business has severely nerfed the meta effect.
so much metajokes it's almost blowing my mind
wait until we unicornify your mind
Or Braiam your mind.
yesterday, by Unihedro
You just got Braiam'd
I almost threw in dot and cross as additional directions but I wasn't sure if everyone would get that joke
come to think of it, I have seen actual crosscomments before: an OP commented on several different answers, asking us all to look at his question edit
user image
youtube is borked, the number just keeps going up.
@hichris123 Don't you mean Braiam your Braiam?
16 hours ago, by AstroCB
Braiam ~= brain
Hi! Can someone please tell me-when pinging someone, will adding an apostrophe still ping them? For example, if I write: "I saw that in @bjb568's answer," will that ping bjb568, or does the name have to stand alone? Thanks!
!comp integral of (5x^2)/(arcsin(x)-2x) from -5 to 6
integral_(-5)^6 (5 x^2)/(sin^(-1)(x)-2 x) dx
@Sue it works
@bjb568 Many thanks :)
[Log] Object
finalUrl: "http://api.wolframalpha.com/v2/query?input=integral%20of%20(5x%5E2)%2F(arcsin(x)-2x)%20from%20-5%20to%206&appid=HJ8JLP-9JQ74ATTAK"
readyState: 4
responseHeaders: "Date: Sat, 11 Apr 2015 18:40:04 GMT
↵Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
↵Connection: close
↵Content-Length: 2363
↵Content-Type: text/xml;charset=utf-8
responseText: "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>↵<queryresult success='true'↵    error='false'↵    numpods='1'↵    datatypes=''↵    timedout='Integral'↵    timedoutpods=''↵    timing='4.1'↵    parsetiming='0.89'↵    parsetimedout='false'↵    recalculate='http:
Borkey's spilling his app key. Kick him!
oh whoops
@xkcdBot Nice. :)
Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!! You cannot imagine how happy I am!!!!!! I really appreciate it!!!!!!! :D — Stephen Gevanni 39 mins ago
@xkcdBot Bug.
somebody has a case of exclamationmark diarrhea.
That's better.
@AstroCB Agreed. Thanks. :)
A little off, though.
var inlines = [
		mds: '*',
		mde: '*',
		start: '<em>',
		end: '</em>'
		mds: '**',
		mde: '**',
		start: '<strong>',
		end: '</strong>'
		mds: '_',
		mde: '_',
		start: '<i>',
		end: '</i>'
		mds: '–––',
		mde: '–––',
		start: '<s>',
		end: '</s>'
		mds: '+++',
		mde: '+++',
		start: '<ins>',
		end: '</ins>'
		mds: '---',
		mde: '---',
		start: '<del>',
		end: '</del>'
		mds: '^(',
		mde: ')^',
		start: '<sup>',
		end: '</sup>'
		mds: 'v(',
		mde: ')v',
After intense testing, that's what I've decided on.
"intense testing"
@AstroCB [testing intensifies]
@xkcdBot Test
!xkcd find election
@AstroCB test before sending the messages instead
I didn't expect @xkcdBot to try to respond every time someone pinged him.
@AlexisKing [testing intensifies]
!xkcd find testing
Thou shalt not oblique thy brackets.
brain splodes
*Braiam splodes
I think I broke SE's markdown parser.
@AlexisKing Same.
@xkcdBot s/spambot/pretty but annoying lab partner/
(out of stars again)
Use* or ﹡ or ∗ or ✱ or ✲ or ❃ etc and they will never notice.
Marche pas.
April fail.
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive body detected: What is the meaning of homey? by Dmitry Fucintv on ell.stackexchange.com
edits essentials.js, main.js, and core.js
@AstroCB No lasting Indian village was ever constructed solely of lean-tos.
Lean toes? What?
What are they doing to the poor children?
Those indian savages!
@SmokeDetector fp
@Ixrec Registered question as false positive and added title to Bayesian doctype 'good'.
@bjb568 /\ /\ /\/\/\/\/\/\
      /  \
     /    \
    /      \
   / Apache \
  /  teepee  \
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: FULLCALENDAR E O EVENTO SELECT by Expedito on pt.stackoverflow.com
           / |
          /  |
         /   |
        /    |
       /     |
      /      |
     /       |
    /        |
   /  Apache |
  /  lean-to |
 /           |
/            |
LTS (leaning toothpick syndrome): /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\/
Chat is much more entertaining when you do $(".content").text().replace(/s\/(.+)\/(.+)\s/g, "$1 is cooler than $2");.
Javascript junkie
@tchrist hay
@AstroCB Why would you use a silly web service for something you can type in yourself?
@AstroCB s/\\s/\\b/
@bjb568 Is for horses and grass is cheaper.
We need a chainbot that infers patterns from chat message chains and continues them indefinitely.
@AstroCB rly?
!xkcd find Really?
!xkcd find emoticon
U+FDD0 did in fact kill at least one chat client at the time. Konversation in particular. (and presumably any other Qt based chat clients using QTextDocument)
!xkcd find cat
!xkcd explain
@AstroCB Unimplemented command.
I predict a lot of U+1F984 on SO.
@SmokeDetector tpu
@AstroCB Blacklisted user.
I think I accidentally just flagged that as spam.
We'll see how that goes.
@AstroCB But it is spam?
@Ixrec No; it's just NAA.
@AstroCB Ah, right, how silly of me
Or offensive.
But not spam.
@tchrist Why is it a unicorn face?
Why not just a unicorn?
@hichris123 Because they could only fit the face in. :)
I expect U+1FA10 UNICORN BUTT will come along soon enough.
Clip-art collections are an open set. We’re all doomed.
star overflow
@SmokeDetector Why didn’t you complaint about the spelling mistake, Smokey? It’s as hideous as the all caps!
I didn't think so.
Why not Zoidberg?
I've realized by scrolling down the SO main page and clicking on some profiles how many people use identicons as their avatars.
I still think it is some scary arachnid.
Or perhaps two of them mating.
hm… I wonder if this will work
I think it needs a clearly identifiable nose, mouth, and eyes.
It doesn't work for Braiam.
That’s a pretty hairy stash.
> I think it needs a clearly identifiable human nose, mouth, and eyes.
Update: I'm a javascript beginner :) — user3307009 3 hours ago
Well okay, that doesn't work.
1 min ago, by AstroCB
> I think it needs a clearly identifiable human nose, mouth, and eyes.
@AstroCB and more than size 48
Well of course: they’re tagged with the VLQ honey-pot tags.

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