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Better, but not yet where it will help, I'm afraid.
If you note I answered it by myself
and the accepted answer is mine
Yes, it was a self-answered one. But that's perfectly OK on Stack Exchange.
If you're going to change anything about this question, remove "what is the best way to" from the title. Asking "what is the best way"... some people immediately go for the "Close as primarily opinion-based" when they see that.
Before you edit...
....what you'll want is a bit of a description of how the User and Post table relate, which are the relevant columns, and how the system keeps track of messages sent.
The hard part is to give all the relevant details, without overwhelming the reader.
I just changed the title
Yes, I saw that. Good!
It still asks "what is the best way" further down in the question though.
Fortunately it's halfway, and not at the top of the question.
If you already have a way of doing this, but are looking for a better way.... then give a short description of what you have, and ask "is there a better way?"
(People might tell you to post it on CodeReview.StackExchange.com though, when you do that. And sometimes they are right).
I yet editted it
Yes, I saw that. It's getting better now.
So! you say that in stackoverflow my question should be localized as possible and some practical issues...
It's a difficult balance!
Too general, and it will be closed as "too broad".
Yet at the same time people want it to be useful for future visitors.....
Where can I ask more general questions, Programmers...?
As a rule of thumb:
Stack Overflow is for specific problems.
Programmers is for problems when you're still designing the program.
Stack Overflow is for when you're behind the keyboard. Programmers is for when you're behind the whiteboard.
In practice, it's better if your question is too localized then if it is too broad.
We used to have a "too localized" close reason, but that one was removed.
What if you're behind the schedule?
@S.L.Barth If I'm behind the whiteboard, I'm probably hiding from someone...
@JanDvorak I think that's one for the The Workplace :-)
LOL @Fundamental!
Thanks, I just think I will get my Doctra sooner than the time I understand the mechanism of SO
@JanDvorak I'm sure there is a lifehack for that.
It's boring when you are out of downvotes, closevotes, and delete votes. Nothing left to do on the site.
@JanDvorak realistically, make a new schedule that does fit the capabilities of the team...
You can a little bit think of up votes too
Then its not surprising why I never get those upvotes to leave the ban
Even modifying my questions bring me more downvotes, as some users like @Fundamental are in ambush to down vote
If you're getting into that mood consider switching to this room
@Ahmad Asking questions is, indeed, a skill.
Jon Skeet wrote a good piece on the subject: codeblog.jonskeet.uk/2010/08/29/writing-the-perfect-question
I need to go now. @Ahmad, I hope I've been at least a little help.
@S.L.Barth Sure! thank you very much for the time .... sorry my English is not that good, just thank you much
Here is late too
You're welcome. Your english was quite OK actually.
(Then again I'm not a native speaker either!)
@S.L.Barth um...
However I should review those questions, but need a trade off to my duties and enhancing the questions, wish the site also thought of that burdon
@JanDvorak I could understand him perfectly well. I've definitely seen worse english.
MUCH worse.
worse English !!! oh
it means that I was bad :)
It means you were a lot better than other things I've seen.
But don't worry too much about your english.
was kidding :)
Ah, OK. fortunately.
could I ask you where are you from? you know here if I ask it anyone they give me a link and some....
I'm from the Netherlands.
Great nice to meet you, I am from Iran
Was nice to meet you as well.
But, it's time for me to go.
Good night, and best of luck!
Thank you again,
You're welcome.
see you, good luck
Until later!
@GnomeSlice thanks
@GnomeSlice weird
a bit yeah
Cool though. It reminds me of something and I don't know what.
People keep talking about Greasemonkey and user scripts
Just installed the extension, how do I get started?
download some userscripts
It's a bit confusing, where do I start?
I don't understand why Greasemonkey is such a big topic here on Stack Exchange
find one, then open it. It will offer an install.
... or write your own. You just need a bit of javascript knowledge.
Not great with JS, but I'm wondering what userscripts are recommended
Is there an "essential" script for SE users?
Whatever you need. I've made one to colorise the chat.
There's one to reveal vote splits to sub-1k users
Q: AutoReviewComments - Pro-forma comments for SE

Benjol No more re-typing the same comments over and over! This script adds a little 'auto' link next to all comments boxes. When you click the link, you see a popup with 6 configurable auto-comments (canned responses), which you can easily click to insert. This script was inspired by answers to thi...

Stack Overflow Unofficial Patch
@bjb568 I'm one of the leading reviewers for Super User, so this looks great, thanks!
@JanDvorak no
I've decided that until there is a real problem with spam on DD, links will not be nofollowed.
@bjb568 give it time :p
@bjb568 Oh, so you want some spam? fires up bot
calls Baba
Hm… I have a good deal of homework in things in my locker.
I don't even know half of the assignments.
Tomorrow will be a disaster.
@Bart looks up phone number
sigh Your signup page is horrible, @bjb.
Ok, I'll add some javascript anti-bot stuff.
I'm more referring to the "your password is too simple" box and the having to click an email -- no, not giving my email to you.
Fixing a drywall hole with my bare hands.
*grabs phone with bare hands to call a guy who knows how to fix drywall holes*
@hichris123 Uh… your password must suck.
@bjb568 Well, I'm testing stuff, so my password is test! And so is my username! And my email... is [email protected]! See where I'm going here?
So make a better password!
... I already did, but I can't sign in since I don't have access to [email protected].
Because I'm testing!
Yeah, well that's never clearly stated that you must have access to that email account.
If you want to create a legitimate account… you need to have legitimate info
So obviously you should fix my account.
@hichris123 Really?
And I think I already forgot my password so...
wait, I'm logged in?
Nice gravatar.
[ SmokeDetector ] URL in title: http://www.dosgamesarchive.com/ trustworthy? by sds537 on gaming.stackexchange.com
What did you do to my account?! :P
@hichris123 no…
yeah that's a bug
@SmokeDetector ignore
@Fundamental Post ignored; alerts about it will no longer be posted.
@bjb568 Go fix it.
And fix my account please? :)
u get delete
> Invalid Credentials.
That's another bug: refreshing shouldn't try to log me in again.
@hichris123 POST + refresh?
@hichris123 you resent a post request
@hichris123 It was only a GUI error, no actual log in.
@bjb568 Sure, but it should post via AJAX and then only refresh if the login was successful.
that's the expected... didn't your browser asked?
uh… no
@bjb568 Uh, yeah. That's the way all modern websites do it.
@Braiam nope. And Chrome usually does. So it's probably an implementation error. :P
@hichris123 What… exactly is the benefit?
@hichris123 probably user error
@bjb568 I have a huge set of pro-forma comments in a text and I'm currently in the process of importing them.
@SmokeDetector O_O
> Thanks! :)
Body must be at least 30 characters - fuck you, i just want to reply thanks!
@bjb568 I've hit issues with that in the past using Firefox. It only happened if you used location.reload though, so it was an easy fix.
this is why we can't have nice things
@Braiam Flagged as not an answer.
What is wrong with those people?
### Q: Hardware recommendation
Unfortunately, hardware recommendation questions are off-topic as they [tend to become obsolete quickly](blog.stackoverflow.com/2010/11/qa-is-hard-lets-go-shopping) and often aren't useful to other readers. Instead of asking for a specific product, you should ask about *how* to find a particular device that meets your needs.

### Q: Product, service, or learning material recommendation
Unfortunately, questions which ask for product, service, or learning material recommendations are off-topic because they tend to become obsolete quickly and attract subj
@bjb568 User gets very quick feedback on if they typed their credentials in correctly, email can stay in if the password is wrong, prevents cases like this.
@hichris123 not significantly faster, that already happens, like you thinking you reloaded but actually didn't and complaining for no real reason?
@bjb568 Nope, I actually did reload.
Anyway @bjb568: google.com/…
yea sure
@hichris123 … I don't need a wordpress plugin for it
... that's not... the point... facepalm
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: NPN SWITCH WHAT IS WRONG? by 7uc0 on electronics.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector ignore
I've suggested an edit.
@DragonLordtheFiery All-caps are auto-ignored for the next 24? 48? hours after it's first posted.
2.5K user, active for 3 years.
Wow, what the heck
@SmokeDetector delete
@DragonLordtheFiery mod-deleted, safe to remove from here
No rep penalty from that. :(
He posted another one :(
Flag plz ^
@David I have already asked the mods to delete my account a number of times. And yes, I'll continue. — Bartek 15 secs ago
Beat me to it
Never seen this happen on Super User.
I've dealt with my share of spammers and the occasional offensive post, but nothing like this.
Math can do such things to people. Especially if they are borderline to begin with.
Suspended for 7 days.
See ya later.
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive answer detected: Who are these women coming at the end of movie Antichrist? by Hector on movies.stackexchange.com
um… ok
sounds like sound advice

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