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@Uni: Why didn't you remove this? stackoverflow.com/posts/26320246/revisions
> Some background: Programming isn't my main job, but I do it A LOT at work. I work with Python and Java a lot, my first language was C, and I've done some web programming too. For my next project I'd like to use D, as it seems the learning curve is much lower than C++. Also I want a compiled language, and I've never mixed two languages before.
^isn't it noise?
It's information, albeit useless..
@InfiniteRecursion voted, auto-commented, defended our great tag
@Manishearth Great. I've called it ChatExchange.Net (of course, it's on GitHub).
How is it upvote-worthy?.......
^there, you have the Link now
Low Quality A (26.5%): blz it come onnnnn just blzzzzzzzzzzz it, by blz it, on math.stackexchange.com.
Any delete votes on this one? It's just a rant: stackoverflow.com/a/15394602/993547
@InfiniteRecursion unclear. no specific question asked
random autocomment granted
@trejder -1 for encouraging answering homework / do it for me questions. — Unihedron 6 secs ago
@Unihedron no "Too Trivial" close reason ;(
Fine, answered it then :P
Wow, so much for no moderation. OK. Be right back
@Unihedron you missed varargs in your answer, because casting null to arrays in reflection is a strong indicator of varargs
oh god the downvotes and comments.... beginner java question of doom
@Unihedron ants again?
It would be nice if this answer would make an effort to be more polite and not sarcastically insult OP. -1 — Vogel612 1 min ago
@InfiniteRecursion Oh yeah!
I didn't have a link to oracle docs about varargs handy, so I quoted a post by polygenelubricants instead. He writes good posts btw.
@InfiniteRecursion Amazing! Thanks!
@Unihedron nah, just crap
aaaaand it's gone
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword detected: Weight Loss Supplement on drupal.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Score of 89.0069: Weight Loss Supplement on drupal.stackexchange.com
@Vogel612 nuked from within the low quality review queue
4 times the same question.....
(I know it's been already reported thrice; posting just for completeness)
two smokeys, and 2 humans...
nooo I missed flags
Please make userscript that makes a loud explosion whenever the word "SPAM" in full caps appear in chat :P
@ShadowWizard You should be so lucky!
Welcome back @light!
This post needs CPR stackoverflow.com/q/26313125
@LightnessRacesinOrbit ohhhhh! So, not yet :P
People here thought you to be a girl, ya know D:
rule 30 :P
4 hours ago, by Infinite Recursion
@ShadowWizard I hope she returns
Whoops, accidentally burned the catnip in a cold winter. gg all kittens died
@hichris123 unclear or off topic or whatever just cv it
@ShadowWizard Y'know, it's a double bluff....
thanks @LightnessRacesinOrbit I'll fix the code snippets
ok thanks
I have no idea what you're talking about, but thanks
@LightnessRacesinOrbit that's the spirit!
yes thank you too
yay passed an audit
4 hours ago, by Infinite Recursion
> Just an XML girl in a JSON world
not sexist, I really thought you are one of us ;)
don't discriminate against men please (only half jesting)
All in all, if they're not @Inf's sock, they're not a girl. ^_^
*cough* Anna *cough*
@Unihedron so you think she got a moderator sock under the nick blue feet? :D
and not to forget the troll queen telkitty!
and (at least) 2 SE employees??
Potential for anything; Everything can happen.
7 hours ago, by Infinite Recursion
@Unihedron Pro thinks every female user is Inf's sock :P
18 hours ago, by ProgramFOX
I think AngieTheCat is @InfiniteRecursion, but I'm not sure.
@InfiniteRecursion teaser! :D
must not let the inline code virus penetrate MSE
@ShadowWizard review reason abuse?
@Unihedron "deliberately destructive" sounds fitting.
Pff, those new review reasons are .... well, perhaps they require some getting used to.
[ SmokeDetector ] Score of 61.3179: Why muscles building products popular? on drupal.stackexchange.com
Spam Q (100%): Why muscles building products popular?, by mariiagordon, on drupal.stackexchange.com.
So to address spam, we're now spammed with spam?
@Bart yeah, bots took over the Tavern D-:
There is a Low Quality HQ room already so not sure why they're here as well
As long as they star anything I say, I'll allow it.
@Bart That was due to "human error". Pham only posts in here if someone tpa's a report in the LQP HQ, obviously the tpa'er didn't see Smokey's post in here.
~ Not everything is star-worthy...
in Low Quality Posts HQ, 6 mins ago, by Unihedron
@Pham tpa
@Unihedron hey this is @rene bot!!
~ WUT?
@Unihedron @rene wrote a bot that auto post this when someone is starring something
@Unihedron oh... so this is your bot? /me hides in shame
It's forked from rene's. :P
@Bart just a different wording, the core reasons are still the same.
Don't like the wording yet though @ShadowWizard
change is bad
@Bart that's just you :D
@ShadowWizard I'll accept that immediately.
Gtg, see ya guys later.
Seeya @Sam @Pham @Gham!
seeya S,PH,GH(am)
@SilentKiller he meant case closed instead of status closed :)
@ShadowWizard ohh ok ok. i understood now. :)
App Engine is a tool used primarily for programming?? It's not a video game. — Carl Smith 7 mins ago
@InfiniteRecursion, @SilentKiller
@JanDvorak yeah, just saw it now. Voted to delete.
@ShadowWizard but GAE is a tool primarily used by programmers, isn't it?
@Jan his question is not related to programming or kinda of development. its about removing self from console page.
@JanDvorak yes, I've voted to reopen that question, but it didn't justify what he did on MSE
@ShadowWizard it didn't
@SilentKiller it's a tool used for programming, sounds fair enough for me
@ShadowWizard but so is Apache
@JanDvorak right, and so is Visual Studio :)
@ShadowWizard AppEngine is tool to create game while OP is asking how to remove himself from editor which can be done from console page.
@SilentKiller sounds like an answer, not a close reason
@ShadowWizard don't worry, the bill is on its way to @Unihedron
@rene 1000000 unicoins?
@JanDvorak as its not about programming.
@SilentKiller when in doubt, I prefer to leave open.
Maybe it will be reopened maybe not, I'll not fight it further, just doing what I personally think is right :)
Closing / reopening with votes is a democratic process anyway. :P
And there's a cookie waiting for you in the Corner, @Sil! :D
agreed with your opinion was thinking as it was about console so click closed
@ShadowWizard parcel for me. :P
Given his rant, I'm not going to reopen that anytime soon.
@SilentKiller hey, cross post!
MSE question was strange... "closed by Nazis"
@JanDvorak that's not related; if a question is fair it should be judged on its own, regardless of who asked it.
still, GAE is primarily a hosting service, not an IDE
I'm torn on this closure.
So close to getting off the ground! If you like Life Hacks, check this out! :)

Proposed Q&A site for everyone who wants to bypass life's everyday problems with some simple tricks.

Currently in definition.

Where's the line between lifehacks and macgyverisms?
A: Possible Overlap with Life Hacks

cluemeinThere is some overlap, but then not completely. Life Hacks is often more day to day situations, this is a bit more about how to solve specific situations that aren't typically going to be encountered. Some of the questions I have seen asked would certainly be better in life hacks though. But o...

@JanDvorak your call, but "when in doubt, there's no doubt" :)
@Unihedron isn't it too-broad. I mean who will be experts on that site :/
@DroidDev You! :D
of course @uni. :D
goes to check more about LifeHacks proposal
@Unihedron well... I sense too many POBs and too-broad flags when it airs. Not that I am not interested in site. I will love to read posts on that site, but still...
@DroidDev That's why per-site metas and private betas exist, to define which questions are good fit by then. :P
@Unihedron ya and I am eager to see how this thing goes. There was a proposal about India and one about NY, both were closed as too-broad while in commitment or just before entering beta phase. I hope that doesn't happen to Lifehacks, but I think there are chances.
I think NY was closed thrice or so :/
It also has good reads
Horror is when you find an old, unanswered question and want to write a decent post, so you do, but halfway the "1 new answer" banner appears. o_O
@Unihedron or, better yet, "this question has been closed. Please reload the page to see why and by whom.
@JanDvorak There's a 5 minute grace period for new answers though, you just gotta dig behind the hood. But I just had the new answer scenario happened last week, and I actually gasped and fell off my chair.
@Unihedron try seat belts from now on :P
@InfiniteRecursion doesn't seem to be working to well, it's still active. I think they are probably making fun of me for somehow finding that spam user who's only spammed his about me and display name with no other activity
@Unihedron make it 5 hours, if not more. You just have to re-enable the submit button using the console.
@lostsock the team takes 1-3 days to respond to emails, give them some time. If urgent, ask @TimPost or other CM to take a look. :)
@InfiniteRecursion and @SilentKiller are nazis ??
@lostsock eh, you're late!
@lostsock Thank god I was late to click that close button 7 hours ago
/me be not mazi
@TimPost he went that way ->>
or was it that way <<- , I fogret
that way                            |
Oh, Okay. Because I wasn't totally just dancing to the beegees on my desk in a ladybug costume.
Undo Undo Undo!
@DroidDev your message is dancing around ;)
@ShadowWizard finally!
I think the message forgot the right way and was trying to figure it out ;)
@DroidDev now it's pointing on "that" posted by @Unihedron
@ShadowWizard ok, you might have to take some turns to get on the right path, but I am not going to edit the message and make a map here :P
[ SmokeDetector ] Score of 51.3821: Error Opening CrystalReport viewer on stackoverflow.com
@Undo oh, didn't know I possess such a skill "Pingless Summon"! :D
@lostsock lols we are not.. i am toooooo innocent..
disagree ^
flag to close :P
now don't ask dislike button in chat.. :D
@SilentKiller I want "dark star" feature in chat, equivalent to downvote :D
lols.. then i will be topper in dark star list.. :P
Hmm nazi! inb4 we recieve revenge downvotes
@inf downvotes ?
yes, generally I receive serial downvotes after such rants, and then they get reversed
17 mins ago, by lostsock
@InfiniteRecursion and @SilentKiller are nazis ??
Janitor work is hard
Tavern should be renamed to Janitor's hangout :P
@lostsock I saw that!
@PatrickHofman ? your own answer? why is that naa?
ermagherd help vampire OP.
@lostsock think he meant the downvoted answer in there
@lostsock: That isn't very smart....
@lostsock: What about this one: stackoverflow.com/a/26341612/993547
@ShadowWizard: Thanks. Indeed.
I know it sounds biased, but that clearly isn't helpful in any way.
@PatrickHofman well, it does try to answer so not NAA. If you think it's bad or incorrect, downvote.
NAA is "thanks, working for me too" or something really off topic.
@ShadowWizard You are right.
Vlq is for gibberish
@Vogel612 LQ, not VLQ, so still don't think it should be deleted. OP will probably delete it himself if getting enough downvotes.
Answer incorrectness is for votes to handle, not for mods to handle.
> I don’t really like hiring people to work for me. I prefer making friends, and trading favors with my friends.
Spent Friday researching a problem and possible solutions, spent today implementing one of the solutions with lots of trying, saw it doesn't work. Posted on SO and learnt that I had a fundamental misunderstanding of the things I read. Dear diary, today sucks...
@Undo well, VLQ flag send to review so no mods would be bothered, but still
@Stijn We've all be there
question deleted. i am no more nazi now. :P
@ShadowWizard well, it does go into the mod queue but usually it gets handled in review first on a site as big as SO
I think answer that just takes a reference from the question is VLQ. It is commentary at most.
@ShadowWizard mods ain't no boss of u, bother away
@SilentKiller don't try to hide your true identity :P
@Stijn let's reformulate that a bit: "spent friday researching a problem and possile solutions, spent today trying to implement one of the solutions with lots of trying and learnin from it. Posted on SO and learnt that I had a fundamental misunderstanding of the things I read. Dear Diary, today was a good day."
@DroidDev i am not. :P
prepares herself for revenge downvotes after nazi question gets deleted
@Vogel612 that's another way to look at it :)
@Stijn if you do it that way, life suddenly gets easier..
i didn't noticed any downvotes.. or may be i am not getting notifications
though these days still suck when you're in the middle...
@SilentKiller you don't get notifications for downvotes...
I only realize I got dv'd when there's something like: "+8" of "+3" in my SuperCollider
@Vogel612 but it will reduce my repo.
@InfiniteRecursion nah, he's not the type for those things. Looks like he honestly thought "Nazi" is not offensive.
yea sure.. still no notifications, though...
I get notifications, but no downvotes :P
@Vogel612 I once saw +2 and turned out it was +102 after I set a bounty...
hmm 100 rep bounty....
@ShadowWizard Glad to hear that, no downvotes then
@JanDvorak don't be so hard on the poor guy...
@Vogel612 Why? :-)
The generic yahoo answers forum out there has Hi, Thanks in advance and please help in their standards...
> 137 Offered bounties for 14,850 reputation
@InfiniteRecursion You are editing that meta post to prove the point of pointless edits?
it's possibly unintuitive to new users coming from such fluffy backgrounds.
also.. the "users are moderators" thingy seems to be difficult to understand for newbies..
yes @rene, I am bored and am fixing posts
> People who want to moderate get bored, and start fixing where no fixing is required.
hopes to get bored and start coding somehow
coding when you are bored.. :O
well... some people can do that...
I am not one of them :(
Not at all. I am creating scarves for bunnies.
@DroidDev function beBored() { return false; } beBored();
@ShadowWizard peer pressure badge incoming? :)
@lostsock METHOD!! :P
@Stijn hmm... now that is tempting!
message to client-> "Latest build is up in dropbox folder blahblahblah". Now waiting to be bombarded with silly non-implementable issues and suggestions having tendency to change the whole flow of app.
@ShadowWizard I upvoted, so -4 now. Hurry if you want the badge !!
@DroidDev the most dreaded comment for me is "yes, about that spec, could we..."
@Bart indeed. For me, most of the times, it is "can we do it like iPhone?"
Haha. Another favourite is "Our designers made a mock-up for you. Took him 30 minutes..."
lol, yes
designer are always hard workers
@lostsock your edit doesn't follow Shadow's style, please be style-concious in future!!
has anyone been able to track the progress towards announcer badge, is that even possible?
@InfiniteRecursion but i added pertinent info i thought , oh well
@vba4all definitely not possible in SEDE
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive title detected: Why did Ubuntu turn into such a piece of shit ? on askubuntu.com
lol at the above
argh, can't even downvote this...
@SmokeDetector I'm not sure if flag it as offensive or just close it as rant...
fu** s & sh1t s on SO :P
> Im seriously considering drooping Ubuntu
1. This is a wall of text. 2. The title is not proper. — MrHug 2 mins ago
aww, no <center> formatting for SE posts :/
@Bart What spec? Here we are so "agile" that we follow the ancient art of the Italian theatral movement "Commedia dell’arte". We don't have spec, only a general desideranda...
@Braiam rant
@SPArchaeologist there is so much I want to say now ... but and NDA prevents me from doing just that.
@SmokeDetector looool
@Bart We usually just deploy a release, then ask if the implemented page does what they are currently expecting, proceed to change useless details like fonts while the business logic stays wrong and so on in an endless carousel..
@SPArchaeologist .... disturbingly familiar
@Bart Sometimes, when developing in the evening, I could swear I hear a distant orchestra playing the "Benny Hill Show" theme....
I think I am slowly getting the hang of MSO...
@Vogel612 that's how I always feel before I post a great question that gets -15
@Vogel612: That is a nice answer.
this smells of a second nice answer badge today...
@Vogel612 me too :P
@lostsock I'll be careful to stay with answers for now, then...
What's MSO?
@DroidDev thinks @SilentKiller hired a designer to design his profile picture and designer is working hard since so many days
@Unihedron meta.so
@Unihedron Meta Stack Overflow
A multiple-system operator or multi-system operator (MSO) is an operator of multiple cable or direct-broadcast satellite television systems. A cable system in the United States, by Federal Communications Commission (FCC) definition, is a facility serving a single community or a distinct governmental entity, each with its own franchise agreement with the cable company. Though in the strictest sense any cable company that serves multiple communities is an MSO. The term today is usually reserved for companies that own a large number of cable systems, such as Rogers Communications, Shaw Communications...
thinks even Bart's socks won't star that^ boring onebox
@InfiniteRecursion nopes not like that :P now days using from mobile only as much much work going on. even facing zooming bug while using chat full site in chrome
hmm.... anyone knows what are those three horizontal lines? (between flag icon and RSS feed icon)
@ShadowWizard Those lines appear in the answer box. To drag it to a larger or smaller size

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