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I voted unclear already before searching...
@rene no problem, i am around here. done :)
If there's a hell, it probably involves spending all day resolving difficult merge conflicts with crappy tools.
Ah, you found clearcase!
@jadarnel27 before you joined, we were actually just talking about you:
yesterday, by Shadow Wizard
Hmm.... I wonder if brown is totally in the past now, just a shadow of a forgotten meme?
yesterday, by hichris123
@ShadowWizard Well, jadarnel hasn't been around....
Hmmm...I did feel a sudden sense of urgency well up from deep within me.
I just figured I had to go to the bathroom.
Then I opened the chat room tab by mistake on my phone.
Coincidence? I think not.
Seriously though, that is awesome timing.
yup. :D
@hichris123 today i have 48 votes..
@TGMCians Probably won't post any for a few hours because of homework.
oh ok
I think you always submit your homework late ;p
lets continue this ..
@TGMCians ;p
hey @ShadowWizard !. Magician.
@TGMCians hey! I see my "Summon Brown" spell worked well ;)
@ShadowWizard @jadarnel27 is also here.
Failed to get the dup on that question :(
@hichris123 /me waiting for more requests..
I am here, and even more brown than before.
What's the brown thing about anyway?
@jadarnel27 oh wow... that's just brownsome!
A: The Many Memes of Meta

animusonMeme: Brown Originator: jadarnel27, in chat (more) Cultural Height: TBD Background: Brown. It's the answer to everything. Because brown. Usage: Brown.

Dec 18 '13 at 2:14, by jadarnel27
I'm a little late, but @hichris123, you lost brown points because brown is awesome. And Manish determined that you were being less than awesome.
What isn't the brown thing, bj?
Trip down memory lane. ;P
We need to teach @SmokeDetector some brown
Did anyone see @Stijn today?
@hichris123 Haha, excellent. I forgot that I said that.
@hichris123 cv'd->closed();
Why do self-accepts even show up on a user's reputation page? They don't affect reputation... stackoverflow.com/users/2446155/santa-claus?tab=reputation
@SantaClaus good point, as we don't see votes on CW posts. Guess it's something historical that was never given much thought.
@rene hahaha
@LynnCrumbling done
@Frank is jel of these trees
from here ^
@lostsock nice.
@Unihedron What's embercraft/enjin?
@hichris123 What's that?
@Frank damn, that would be a nice place to call home in that tree cave
... typo.
Anyway, I was looking at SmokeDetector GH traffic logs. ;P
Links: 1, 2
Did you share SD or something? The site's really slow for me.
I think our data centers' being ddosed since august.
@lostsock Yep. there's probably a bear in there.
@Unihedron Then fix it.
Can't. The sysadmin has to.
@Unihedron ... who is the sysadmin?
Direct them to The Comms Room for some chat & flogging.
@hichris123 not Uni
@hichris123 whoever does the webhosting for us, who I don't have to deal with but the management instead. I'm not sure what's wrong but they've been having uptime issues. No idea why.
drops a link, so it ruins someone life bloodrizer.ru/games/kittens
@Unihedron I feel like screaming at them. It's soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo slow.
@Unihedron Do you have access to the code?
I might.
Pretty please with sugar on top @Unihedron? :p
... 50 seconds and still loading? Good grief!!
@Unihedron 50 seconds and what's still loading?
@hichris123 @Unihedron is purposely breaking it, obv
@hichris123 ping system. the load time is drastic.
yesterday, by Unihedron
@lostsock what? i don't know... im kinda an expert at breaking things.....
@Unihedron lol, your server takes that long to respond?
@hichris123 ... and counting
... maybe refresh the page and try again?
@Unihedron gimme code. now.
The what code?
@Unihedron Teh codez for embercraft.
The website, or the network, or the teamspeak server?
... website.
one sec
Changing UA to IE makes it download a .exe that can't possibly be malware…
@bjb568 Use linux
@Unihedron Mac OSX is close enough…
@bjb568 don't link to it
@lostsock Why?
@Unihedron ^
@Unihedron ... still?
Huh… moved domain 1 to domain 2 and domain 2 to domain 1. Because I had an ssh thing open while the credentials got invalidated, apparently my terminal tried logging in so many times that I got my IP blocked for 2 hours from my hosting provider…
Oh… I can request an unblock. Unblocked now!
pokes @Uni
glares ?
@Unihedron Where's my code?
28 mins ago, by Unihedron
one sec
... one sec == 28 minutes, now? ;P
Considering I don't have full access and we're using the enjin package, yes..
@hichris123 @uni uses valve time
Time is relative, a second may be a year somewhere else.
... so what are you even doing @Uni?
30 mins ago, by Unihedron
@Unihedron ... well, yeah, but what does that mean?
Evening. Anybody feel like figuring out a regex pattern with me?
@hichris123 I'm trying.
@KitFox ask; don't ask to ask
Are you joking? One never just drops into a regex conversation.
You have to ease into it without looking at it directly.
Otherwise, it might explode.
No it won't.
Gimme the problem.
Pattern matching <a href= but that does not end in "specific website url".
.*<a html=[^"website url"].*
Which regex engine?
I'm not sure what they use.
The nots always always trip me up.
I told you it would explode.
@Unihedron Well, that's good. :)
@KitFox HTML... and regex? ;P
No, no, no. Kind of.
must resist bobince!
They've embedded html in a datafield.
I'm trying to find some specific things they screwed up.
Good news is that I've gotten half of them!
I think.
@KitFox ... why are you doing this?
They screwed up should give you a good hint.
yup. And I feel sorry that you have to fix everything @Kit. ;)
Your problem is really vague.
Sorry son, I have to fix a problem someone caused, so I used regex, and now I have two problems
I really hope you are messing with a copy of the database @KitFox
@Braiam Hahaha.
@Unihedron Is it? How can I make it clearer?
@Braiam only developers wearing white coats in perfect worlds do that. Not real developers.
@KitFox give test cases :D
what should match and what shouldn't, would help
blah blah blah <a href="http://www.site.com/"> blah blah
blah blah blah <a href="http://www.someothersite.com/"> blah blah
First line matches, second line doesn't.
Oh, the engine is anchored?
I'm still figuring out what Uni put up.
@Braiam It's production, but read-only.
I'm identifying the records so that someone else can update them.
@Unihedron I don't know what that means.
@KitFox Don't worry about it, found by googling.
I've not used lookahead in regex before.
Oh ffs. Helps if I don't typo it.
That's got it. Thanks.
Unless I'm way off the mark, my other two sweeps covered them anyway.
I'll check this one though.
> Invalid regular expression
The lookahead worked once I fixed my typo. At least, I think it did.
What do the asterisked bits do? I haven't seen that notation before.
I mean, I can read the notes, but I don't understand what it means.
(*SKIP)(*F) means if we mach here, skip to the next match instead of trying to succeed. (*F) means Fail, immediately.
Oh my everloving...I remembered the slashes, but I didn't escape the dots in my other attempt. I'm such a herpderp.
Thanks for helping me out.
omg cool.
great Slant....
> Angular and NaN other options
CoffeeScript and NaN other options
Private Internet Access and NaN other options

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