@Vogel612 No, I never like to have the "teacher" air, it's actually quite amusing to be overeducated without looking like a nerd. Best of both worlds :)
@InfiniteRecursion surprising people is funny, yeah. But I personally like it more to see them staring at me in awe, especially when I go through the bother of chosing some sensible clothes...
Is there any StackExchange site to ask questions about hardware? I would like to ask some questions but I don't know if SuperUser site is the correct site to do it
@Vogel612 We can work that out easily. Let me brew some poison prototype in my lab: if we are lucky you should return a little kid. If we are unlucky.... you will be forever remember as a great contributor to SCIENCE
@Vogel612 It's great if your parents keep the dog. There is a difference between a natural death and a death due to a failed scientific experiment. Somehow, am against the idea of animal testing.
@Vogel612 The op wrote he/she can't comment at the bottom of the question, which is noise. I want to edit it out, but the OP has a valid point for adding that noise, so I am confused.
@InfiniteRecursion Don't worry - there is no testing. I know perfectly that the poison is an actual poison and not a magical "youth potion". All the rest is just a lie to cover my evil plan, Bart paid me to eliminate competitors.
I flagged stackoverflow.com/a/2920512/247702 as NAA but it was declined. The first sentence of the answer is unrelated, nowhere on that page is anything mentioned about "inserting records". The second sentence asks a question and should be a comment. That's my reasoning, is it wrong?
@InfiniteRecursion Everyone who got a star in the last month. Which makes me notice a message a little will-become-a-fried-chicken posted about 40minutes ago.
@SPArchaeologist Ok, we will have a Derpy protagonist. Or, we can show a message saying "In fond memory of @SPArchaeologist, who took the leap for "Science"
@InfiniteRecursion I could try to write my name in my Death Note if you want. Which I fear won't work for at least a couple of reasons - being the owner the first one and being a shinigami the other.
"I want to operate over array of integers, and I can solve the problem using hashtable" - wut? Question: Why are you not just using an array?? (Integer[] arr = new Integer[capacity];) — Vogel61253 secs ago
@Vogel612 Multiple personality disorder. Killer 7 did with seven personas.... I have about a thousand different myself going and switching at random times.
@InfiniteRecursion You will have to do that yourself. Bart only paid me enough to work until 12:00. Now it is 12:07 here, so unless I receive an extra I am on strike.
If it's really that bad, you can throw it in the chat room then. Another choice is to flag it as VLQ, and hope the community users closes it before mods figure it out and decline the flag.
@Unihedron It's full, first I have to close the ones that are in the room already.
@SPArchaeologist Bart has earned a lot of money recently by selling glasses. Don't worry, he will pay you extra. @Bart, please approve the extra cost for frying and eating me.
Those cv's are aging out, I see a lot of questions where there is no cv, means they got aged. The ones that need one more, I am bringing them here so that the cvs don't get wasted.
@InfiniteRecursion don't worry, I will just switch to my vampire personality and find someone to bite. Or I will search for an already fried chicken inside the castle walls.
@InfiniteRecursion I disagree with the post being on Meta, but placing it on hold is just a pissing contest that leads to nothing. People should stop it.
@Stijn I agree. Putting it on hold is no solution. If anyone disagrees, they should downvote. Downvotes show disagreement on meta. It isn't worse than the other posts on the front page right now, one of which is a massive rant.
@InfiniteRecursion hmm, I've never thought about that to be honest, for some reason I assume @rene is a he, while Rene (and its variations) is a unisex name around here.
@balpha: Is this a bug? I just migrated meta.stackexchange.com/questions/238999/… to meta.se and even though I was the one upvoting your initial answer, I could upvote it again after migrating it
This question was created on Server Fault, answered on Server Fault, I upvoted some of those answers on Server Fault, and then moved by consensus to Super User.
Now that the question is on Super User, I can upvote the same answers I previously upvoted on Server Fault.
So if I go register to vote in another state and thus vote for President twice, it's ok, because it's another state, right? How is that illegal? — animusonApr 18 at 23:35
@InfiniteRecursion pff, difficult. Borges perhaps. I really enjoy Murakami as well. I read Mark Haddon's "curious incident ..." in a night. Not sure if I really have a favourite.