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If you haven't already, vote this up. stackoverflow.com/q/22097660/2371861
Why was this deleted?
@Jan Still have any close votes left?
@rene needs 10k
@hichris123 yep
@bjb568 Fixed. Sort of. :)
That's all I have on my list so far.
@rene closed question, flagged for deletion by the OP, moderator obliged.
@hichris123 Maybe I'll try to post more answers, when I'm really bored.
@AnnaLear Oh, it wasn't a terrible bad question... it got the downvotes probably before the final edits...4 rep gone... :)
Life goes on...
@rene Life ends.
@bjb568 If it does you're closer to it given your age than I am...
Given my age? What's my age?
> 1,888 Votes Cast
@bjb568 94
@rene Oh, yes, that.
That is the lie in your profile
@rene Well, I'm so young that I underflow. Not my fault.
I'm a tiny 3 month old kitten.
this thing is on topic for SO?
@Braiam ... what?
Clipboard error?
> Is it really possible to code an antivirus.
No, it's just a myth.
It really depends on how good you want it work. To make it work for new unknown things is hard.
> Features of Clozure CL include

Very fast compilation speed.
seems like a programing language to me
And because I have no UVs, DVs or CVs (or comment votes) left, I'm answering questions! :D
Common Lisp seems ok to me
@Unihedron O.O
I know. Too lazy to find obsolete comments to flag.
Q: How do I copy this code so It runs on my website (JavaScript)

user3349204http://html5blackjack.net/Blackjack.js I need to run this code in my website, is there anyway to embedded it

Oh, maybe it's because I'm over SSL...?
Post deleted?
@bjb568 Stap VLQing stuff (like that question)!
I didn't VLQ it.
999 helpful flags!
@bjb568 Okay, nvm then. :P
@Unihedron Hehe! I passed 1000 yesterday.
@bjb568 Meh.
1016 now.
Lol, you win :P
I think @Jamal wins over all of us, though. :P
4204 for me.
It does help to be a flag-to-close peasant. ;-)
I've got you all beat, I had 21k+ flags when I ran for mod. — bluefeet ♦ Aug 12 at 12:40
Worth noting that @bluefeet has to date handled 47,600 flags as a moderator... — Shog9 ♦ Aug 14 at 14:16
@Unihedron How did Shog even get that page to load?
All the SO mods complain that it never loads.
@hichris123 Shog haz superpowaz!
he just query the database :P
Probably. ;P
@Cupcake Edited the dupe target for you.
@Jamal Can we flag for offensive?
@hichris123 thanks.
@Unihedron I am not sure about this one. I just went with VLQ.
@Braiam Sorry, I edited it too. :(
@Jamal Aww, ok.
(and since I have full editing privs it rejects yours)
Though for some reason Community didn't reject it...
Community is slacking off!
Community is taking Sunday off!
Going to sleep now, enjoy your days everyone!
Hey now, bots are people too.
I heard the same thing about corporations.
Stack Exchange is a corporation too, right?
I guess that means it's a person too.
@hichris123 Evidence that Community is slacking off ^^^
@AnnaLear are you working today?
@Cupcake Not officially.
It's Sunday. Nobody works on Sunday.
Ah, I see.
@bjb568 except apparently Anna :P
@Cupcake Now just prove that she has a body.
@hichris123 it doesn't load, Shog is special
@bjb568 Well played.
Technically, Anna doesn't work on Caturday.
Oh, you're the best. Thanks!
and now I'll do the CVQ
so I'll need the remaining 39 cv I have left
@rene did you vote on this one yet? stackoverflow.com/questions/9530208/…
@rene there's always the official queue
@JanDvorak but this one actually gets stuff done :P
@Cupcake yes
@rene thanks!
var i = tws.upgradeReq.url.match(/\/chat\/(\d+)(\/(\d+))?/)[3] - 2 || Infinity; //Old version, doesn't work for 2
var i = (parseInt(tws.upgradeReq.url.match(/\/chat\/(\d+)(\/(\d+))?/)[3]) + 1 || Infinity) - 3; //New version, much more complicated
@Cupcake DV that one too.
@hichris123 WOW, a boat question
It's raining downvotes!
I'm out of votes, but still not quite out of flags.
@hichris123 done
@Jamal same here
@bluefeet ty
is there a question with all possible meanings/reasons of a "too broad" closure?
This is a duplicate of a question posted within the last 3 hours. Can't locate the other question tho. stackoverflow.com/q/25352308/2371861
@rene You... just closed that.
I did?
Q: setTimeout runs only once instead of repeatedly

Akshat TripathiI want to make the div fadeIn and fadeOut after every 2 seconds, but the setTimeout function is running only once and hiding the div, but that is it. It is not doing it more than once: HTML: <a href="javascript:void(0);">Pyp1</a> <div id="disable"> Hello! </div> JavaScript (jQuery): $(do...

@rene you must have binding close vote super powers! :D
@Cupcake I wish...
Or were the last person in 5 closing it! :D
That is only true in my nightmares
is September already?
What's with people and edit summaries? stackoverflow.com/posts/25352363/revisions
@bjb568 I"d reject that
@JanDvorak I'''d reject it too.
@bjb568 Why""d you use triple single quotes instead of a single single double and a single single quote?
@JanDvorak Why'''''d I do that? For symmetry of course.
@bjb568 True. I hadn"""t considered that
@JanDvorak is OP own summary
edit conflict?
@hichris123 tl;dr
@JanDvorak Well, you should be more mindful if you'''''''re interested in mathematical beauty in all the things!
@bjb568 Too bad there""""s no triple quote. The next message is going to tick off my OCD real hard.
because nine isn'''''''''t a prime
Don"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""t you say...
@Braiam in the not too distant future...
@Braiam I don'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''‌​'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''‌​'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''‌​'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''‌​'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''‌​'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''‌​''t.
I just realized that the 10k mod tools make it really easy to find questions that only need 1 more vote to close.
I think I'm going to go wild in there.
@bjb568 wait, are these... newlines... in the middle? AAARGH
@Cupcake Me too! Waitā€¦ awwā€¦ Hurry up and vote up all my answers!
@Cupcake That's basically the CV queue with no filter.
@Cupcake when there isn't 4 close votes questions, it's the perdition when you try to find stuff to vote
wait... nobody here had somewhere access to the mod tools?
@bjb568 but look how many questions only need 1 more vote to close...
@Braiam hmm?
@Cupcake Yes, a lot.
Let me guess 250.
@bjb568 the others are non-answers as well
@bjb568 Dup?
Have I done this correctly? copies 200 lines of code. Unclear or whatever.
I'm running out of flags to use to flag plagiarism.
I'm down to 3 left.
Thanks for your help. Could you delete your answer? I would then delete my question. — Adam 9 mins ago
I'm out of CV
@rene you can help me flag plagiarizers if you want.
If you have votes, then you may downvote the answer with that comment so that the OP can delete the question.
@Cupcake OK
@rene I'll send you an invite to the anti-plagiarism room.
@Jamal hmmm, I'm not a big fan of pile-on votes but as it is Sunday....
Not a pile-on; it just needed one vote.
how do you invite users to a chat room?
Never mind, handled.
@Cupcake I'm an expert at that because robos.
@Cupcake ;( ā€¦No can enter
@bjb568 "Request access"
@Braiam I already did that.
@bjb568 then the only thing left is: PING ALL TEH MODS!
@Cupcake Let me in!
If @cupcake doesn't let me in, it's @animuson 's fault.
Aaaaand @bluefeet.
(hides while mods come flooding in)
I can't barge in, either. :-(
screams at cops, then ducks
cops don't mind, but the ducks are offended
But bluefeet would never throw tear gas!
Yeah, we can trust bluefeet.
"Sorry, honey!"
Are these spam links: stackoverflow.com/…
@rene posted by three different people?
No, two the same, one plagarized the answer
@rene VTC the questions also
could be
at least the two that are answered by the same user
@Braiam That has to wait till tomorrow then...
Flagged spam.
meh, don't worry, just downvote
@rene same day... unlikely
This is pretty bad, too.
I'm off to my bed...cya
Would anyone support a for former mods having a hollow diamond next to their display names for clarity on previous actions?
I would
Huh, mods are approving my VLQ flags without closing the questionsā€¦ weird.
That oneboxed...
I wanted to help, so Iam downvoted ? — mohaned 11 mins ago
@hichris123 answer gone
@Jamal probably was deleted then undeleted
> I want to win a tweeting contest and I want to make a loop either in vbs or twitter api which can tweet a 1000 tweets in a few seconds. Also tell if there are some website or online tools with which I can do so. I have seen many websites which can tweet in future at regular intervals.
Yeah, I think so. Hopefully it's gone for good now.
@AstroCB Only ~50 posts left of [security] + [hacking]...
Almost 800 rep on SO! :D
@iStimple fyi, only about 2.6% of answers that haven't been deleted have a negative score: data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/query/218545/…
Then about 55% are positive score, while 40% are 0 scored.
@Sam That's good.
Q: WOULD YOU be willing to put this in my Business!

GeorgeI have a juice bar and was wondering if something like this could be put into my place where i can work for the both of us! I need them to save space and you can use me for free advertisement and as an example for promoting it! Just food for thought and i also have an idea that would make this e...

Great. Now I want some juice.
@hichris123 flagged as spam.
At the very least, it's off-topic.
@Cupcake same
@Sam Great.
I'm out of flags, can anyone flag this answer as basically being the same as Marc's answer on the same question please?: stackoverflow.com/a/9920780/456814
@Cupcake the other link?
He's not going to see that comment, it's an unregistered account that hasn't been touched in 2 years.
@Cupcake it wasn't for the user ;)
I wrote a userscript that removes tags with one click.
That's not NAA...
// ==UserScript==
// @name           Remove tags with a click
// @namespace      github.com/AstroCB
// @include        http://*.stackexchange.com/questions/*
// @include        stackoverflow.com/questions*
// @include        meta.stackoverflow.com/questions*
// @include        serverfault.com/questions*
// @include        meta.serverfault.com/questions*
// @include        superuser.com/questions*
// @include        meta.superuser.com/questions*
That userscript is burnination gold.
Making a better oneā€¦
@bjb568 Have fun while I'm burning through .
I'll make one faster.
Nah, I've decided I'm too lazy, but here's a start:
var b = document.createElement("button");
b.innerHTML = "Remove tag";

b.onclick = function() {
  var e = this.parentNode.children,
   i = e.length-2;
  while (--i) {


if (document.getElementById("questions")) document.getElementById("questions").appendChild(b);
^ Go thru every question on the tag page and retag.
@Cupcake guess that makes sense. Greater than 0 should work just fine then.
@Cupcake you're just kidding right? you started this! you must go down with the ship!
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: ESCAPE HTML COMMENTING TAGS on stackoverflow.com
@Cupcake Should I allow access for @iStimple in the plagiarism room?
@Doorknob I wouldn't
3 hours ago, by Cupcake
@iStimple want access? http://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/16452/plagiarism-fighting
Oh, ok. We don't need to see your identification. Move along.
Slackers... :P
Slacker, @animuson, go handle my plagiarism flags!
I'm tired of looking at plagiarism flags. That's why I'm in the review queues.
... but there's this one really crappy plagiarizer!
I don't understand why the other answer keeps getting upvotes even after I explained why his answer is not good meta.stackexchange.com/questions/238182/…

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