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01:00 - 14:0014:00 - 23:00

Oo I get it ... beautiful but disturbing because all the downvotings?
wait, you admit downvoting Bart's posts?!
I don't downvote ... I hardly vote full stop
Back to the original problem ...
Now closest I could think of is NSChat - love it there, except I am not an apple fan
Android - doesn't accept me, also I am not exactly an Android developer (even though I have 2 apps on android & is writing a new one).
PHP - great place, except all those cv-pls dumps are seriously pissing me off ...
@rene is pretty lonely there
But I like it being alone there....
@rene I've added it to my permanently open tabs, you'll have to get used to a Morning! every day now :D
I can handle that :)
@FinalContest You caught me. ;P Posted the wrong link.
Today's Listening | Electronic / Instrumental
what have I missed?
!!!!! Now I found it! The problem is I am rather shortsighted and therefore use large fonts on my screen. I forgot to scroll down to where the topics are listed! Thank you all! — Henriette van de Haar 4 mins ago
@Stijn UX team meeting pronto!
is there a romanian language chat room on chat.stackexchange.com or chat.stackoverflow.com? I tried searching for romanian in the chat search but it just comes up with people saying the word, is there a way to limit the search to room descriptions
@Alex There is a "filter rooms" search box.
doesn't seem to be anything there, even searched for "român"
You can always create one I guess
@Stijn WUT
@VotetoClose that user is unknown to me. I deny any knowledge of said user. Any indication of it being my sockpuppet is completely incorrect. You have no proof!!!
@VotetoClose look i have changed my profile picture and its same as Bart's will you consider me socket puppet of bart ? LOL
@GnomeSlice Cool :)
Those maze generating ones are very interesting
So this guy on SO has been getting slammed recently on his answers:
Q: When I answer product-specific questions, I include links to better resources. A user wiped those links out, calling them "other site advertisements"

TallTedWhen I answer product-specific questions, I include links to better resources for those products -- especially but not limited to help sites provided by the product supplier/vendor/producer. Tonight, TheEvilPenguin followed me through several such responses, and wiped those links out, calling th...

It would be helpful to get an official moderator or staff response about what the right away would be to answer the questions that the original poster was answering.
Robert Harvey touched upon it a little in the comments.
@TallTed: Maybe put it in the Virtuoso tag wiki. If the question were "what is the best place to post inquiries about Virtuoso (which would get closed, since it's off-topic), then your public service announcement would be the proper answer. But it isn't, and it's not. — Robert Harvey ♦ 11 hours ago
But the OP looks like he was still kind of just left hanging:
The only contact I have had with anyone has been through this meta-question, and through the attack-edits and attack-deletions on my answers. Comments are left on perceived-problematic questions -- why are they not left on my perceived-problematic answers? Basic courtesy and manners seem rather lacking here. — TallTed 5 mins ago
@Cupcake I didn't go over all edits the OP made but to me it seems strange that you can have a boilerplate text and use that or add that to answers. In that case either the questions are a dupe of some canonical question or are a way to improve the SEO in google...
But this is problably too much black/white. A grey-ish colour is needed....
The questions were all about a product that his company makes, and he was redirecting users to the support forums of that company.
It's like if someone was asking questions about Visual Studio, and in response Eric Lippert redirected everyone to Microsoft's support forums.
I'd see that as problematic (from your description of it)
If we can answer it and it's on-topic, don't lead people away
Yeah, other people have been making that argument too.
Robert's comment also seems spot on. Put in in the tag wiki
The OP basically said he's just going to stop answering questions on SO:
The net result of all this will be many fewer Answers from me (and so, many more unanswered Questions, as in my experience, questioners rarely post answers to their own questions, and even more rarely accept them). No skin off my nose. shrugsTallTed 27 mins ago
Oh well.
Meh. The basic "something happened that I don't agree with, so now I'm going to withhold precious content from you" card.
The Whatever happened, it is not my fault kind of approach
It's often easy to guess who might be a low-rep user just from their comments:
I think elitism is shown more often in Close votes where some jump to conclusions the question is not worthy when in fact it is a legitimate problem, and not so much elitism when truly a dup question that should have not been asked again. — Dave 2 hours ago
Though occasionally I'll see a high-rep user express similar sentiments.
With all the "elitism" posts of late, I wonder if "elitism" is the new "Nazi".
Well, Nazis were elitists.
I don't see Jon Skeet participating on Meta very much nowadays, but when he does, everyone pays attention:
A: Are we being "elitist"? Is there something wrong with that?

Jon SkeetA lot of people confuse "I'm new to a technology" with "I don't know how to ask a good question". It's entirely possible to ask a good question with a technology which you happen to be a beginner in, but when a beginner asks a bad question they assume that downvotes are due to the difficulty leve...

Can you be @pinged from a comment under a question you close voted?
@rene maybe, I think I've heard that you can...but I can't confirm.
Hmmm It is not mentioned in the faq
@rene No, only moderators can get pinged under a question they closed.
Wouldn't it be great to have a sandbox stack exchange where you could actually test this kind of stuff out?
Ask a question, have it closed, then have someone ping the closer.
@rene it's not open to the public though :/
But getting an account there requires you to be an employee of SE.
@Cupcake It was open in december last year for a day due to a bug/feature.
I think I saw the Meta post about that.
@Cupcake If you find a hole in it, yes.
The only dev site I still have access to is dev.webapps because cookies.
They haven't switched to HTTPS yet. :D
There is the halted problem and the unhalted exception
even Jon Skeet is begging?!
@Downvoter: Care to comment? — Jon Skeet Jun 29 '11 at 11:00
From 2011 when there was still peace...
flagged as "Shog9 says it is not worth begging for downvote reasons in comments, not even from My. Skeet!"
nice typo...
let us see if the rules apply to Mr. Skeet, too.
"status declined - unlike the rest of us the Skeet is always right"
wow, that was accepted pretty fast.
it's not even half as controversial as you seem to expect. shrug
@rene: is it possible to obtain the most highly upvoted comment?
can anything beat this?
please tell me you didn't know that off the top of your head? — Gareth Davis Jul 27 '11 at 8:33
Take your pick, unclear, lacks information, etc.
already cv'd, dv'd.
fwiw, the other question of that user does not make much sense either
@FinalContest gracias
dv'd, cv'd; closed.
well, eres bienvenido
@LynnCrumbling gracias
@FinalContest according to this, nope. That's the highest
right, so we can call him Mr. Comment.
Q: How do I downgrade from Visual Studio 2012 Premium to Visual studio 2012 Professional?

Nate KerkhofsMy company recently switched from Visual Studio 2012 Premium to 2012 Professional. Over the next 4 weeks, everyone should update their computer to accomodate this. I found an official message on this on http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/0c647d83-973e-4180-8529-76812a488743/in...

I do not get the state of that question
it cannot be deleted, downvoted, etc
It was migrated here, closed, and thereby the migration failed.
Ah, can someone who he isn't ignoring say that again?
Heh, I cannot even comment. What is the point of that question anyways? /me is flagging for moderator attention.
Sigh ...
@Bart hm, that's weird. I didn't think rejected migrations remained locked
Not sure if the answer on SO itself (I guess Andrew's answer came from there) caused it?
@Bart nah, answers don't play into any of it.
Then all I have left is the wheel of blame
Oh, I'm reading this wrong
Thought it was migrated to Progse, not from.
You're right, @Bart.
Perhaps inform Final @AnnaLear? I think he's still ignoring most of us here. :D
I've no idea if he's ignoring me as well or not. Hard to tell.
Now who would ignore you? Nobody!
@Bart I'm not on ignore. At least, not yet.
18 mins ago, by Bart
It was migrated here, closed, and thereby the migration failed.
@hichris123 thanks ;)
ah Andy beat me to it...
@hichris123 cv from me
A: switch statement & user input

user3802970I'm brand new at java, and I came here look ing for answers, but i guess i'll just ask now. I'm trying to write a program that has an output like, "Do you like cookies?" Lets say you do. Then it will say, "do you like chocolate chip cookies?" and a bunch of stuff on how you like your cookies. but...

@rene: ok, thanks.
@Andy: you, too.
Hi, is this where I come to share grievances against a user who I believe is being a nuisance to the community?
You could try, yes
@SterlingArcher no, you only can drink imaginary bits beer
don't post when I try to post a message :-)
Well, for anybody who has 10k rep, I feel like the author deleted his question because of the comments stackoverflow.com/questions/24561833/… (I feel bad because I participated, but in my defense, I was defending the OP)
This user ran a spam bot (starring messages) in the JS chat, and I've seen him on a few questions generally being unhelpful and in this case, rather condescending, telling the OP to "read the fucking manual" (RTFM)
That is what they always say...
I was hoping he could be looked into for abuse, as @rlemon in the JS chat found out that he got rep by editing questions from an account that ran the exact same spam-bot so that he could come to chat and post comments, etc
@SterlingArcher Is that question answerable?
If it is we could try to undelete it and then flag it for a moderator.
@rene I want to say yes. The OP had a general grasp of the code, however I was unfamiliar with extjs, so I couldn't say for sure. Even if it wasn't, the user in question wouldn't point him in the right direction, saying his question should be better etc (I can't quote anymore because I'm not 10k)
Explaining the possible abuse AND asking for clearance of the comments
That would be great -- it was OP deleted (I hope it wasn't because of the comments) so I'm not sure how we would do that
But this specific case aside, we're pretty sure he abused the rep system via editing an account he also owns
I can vote for undelete
flag another one of their posts
I'm trying to find more examples of abuse -- this is the first time I've cried wolf about a user so pardon me if I'm doing this the wrong way
I was just about to ping you @AnnaLear
@AnnaLear the OP or the suspected abuser?
The abuser
@SterlingArcher one of these
Reference this post, describe the situation as best you can in a custom flag
But what if his Q&A's aren't really flag worthy? Does that not matter?
There's no way to flag a user and right now you're mostly commenting into the void in chat. :)
If you want mods to investigate someone's behaviour, flagging one of their posts is the only way to go.
@AnnaLear thanks, I'll do that now. Appreciate it!
Hi, @AnnaLear. Anything on this yet, or is it going to take a while?
Q: Reach out to Generation D Systems about outsourcing their support to ServerFault

tombull89Recently on ServerFault we have a user who is answering questions about SecAst (SecureAsterisk). The thing is, the FaQ on their site (section 30) says: I downloaded the free edition, how can I get support? We offer support for the free edition on the serverfault website (www.serverfau...

@tombull89 No idea, sorry. Not my department.
@TimPost ^^^
@AnnaLear Ah, sorry, I thought you were still with the community team.
These two accounts ran the exact same star-spam-bot in the JS chat.
So I believe editing your alt-account for rep is bad news, no?
ah, Sumer.
Ha, all posts from that user are visited by me :)
lol I take it y'all know this fella? xD
Because I checked the answers of our abuser
you could say that...
@AnnaLear my condolences :P
@tombull89 she was
@Braiam the key word there is "still"
@AnnaLear /me .keyword {display: hidden}
@AnnaLear I have a history with said user (sumer and the abdullah or w/e his name is) he has (off this site) admitted to being another user I've had history with (harassment and cyber stalking)
@AnnaLear Alas, rejected migrations remain on the destination site (which explicitly does not want them) in the locked state forever. They make a sizable pile of garbage that's not easy to clean up. Related feature request.
@Thisismuchhealthier. yes, I know.
I'm not sure if you remember some drama about a user name "Myth" from end of May
Was that the one that went psycho on SomeKitten's blog?
yes, that is the same user
also I'm 99% sure Myth was dondom
That is troll dedication to the max
whenever this troll pops into the chat I know it is one and the same because mysteriously some turkish named person starts commenting inappropriately on my g+
I've reported / blocked like 3 accounts of his now on g+
ohh yea, and the g+ posts only come after the offender is suspended from chat ;)
coincidence? I think not
@rlemon that's the problem with random numbers.. you never know ;)
what if I read the comments?
@rlemon Direct him to chat.SE. I'll destroy him ASAP. ;p
@hichris123 just create a chat room named "This is not a trap"
@Bart Yup. And I'll make it private. ;P
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive title detected: Why is “crap” more OK than “sh!t”? on english.stackexchange.com
@Bart That guy from yesterday blanked out his profile after he read your comment.
And he all of a sudden is the mysterious RPB I see ...
@Bart He's hiding from you ;)
His resistance is futile
At least the message was clear I guess. I'll remove my comment.
Finally found it. The Dilbert about random numbers (just writing that for future search purposes).
@Pops Plan for the future: drop random chat messages that include the words "random" and "Dilbert".
@JonEricson Oh, so you're why balpha put that "when said by" field in the chat search tool.
@Pops Drat.
You could always use your super-moderator powers to take over my account and post as me. Oh, wait, I mean... moderators can't do that.
I could also fiddle with the database to make this all go away let you use chat as your own personal link storage.
@Pops nobody got the reference
01:00 - 14:0014:00 - 23:00

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