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@Braiam Yeaw.
We have narrowed the issue to a new domain controller that was brought online. We're working to resolve the issue now.
Somebody's having a bad day...
@KenWhite I don't "take issue" with people commenting. I was just said that I partially agree with you especially for main sites. I get that you think that retagging is not minor. — bjb568 28 secs ago
A: How can we make First Posts review actually useful?

bjb568There's two people learning here - the new user and the new reviewer. They both need help. feature-request: When a question is asked by a new user, make it visible only to low-rep reviewers (500 - 2k). When reviewed enough (3 or 4 reviews) put the post into another queue for high-reps (5k?) for...

^ downvote?
1 hour later…
I wasn't asking you to downvote!
(Sigh, explanation pls?)
Is it that I just don't know anything about review?
That's a yes.
2 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: I CANNOT GET INTO MY ACCOUNT on webapps.stackexchange.com
please stop pasting youtube videos here, it takes ages to load the chat!
Laszlo: done
FYI: I'm going to be gone from the internet 'till July 13.
So, goodnight internet.
(stop declining my flags :)
@bjb568: :D
@TGMCians: thanks, this one, too, pls: stackoverflow.com/questions/24291175/…
Hmm flagged
OMG done
A: Which Python GUI framework?

inspectorG4dgetAnother package that you might fine helpful is easygui

will delete vote the question
I flagged this answer yesterday bcz of link only and it was declined, I dont think moderator wrote correct message
I flagged and downvoted it.
downvote it
moderator wrote this
with -2, it will hardly stay around, I believe.
> very low quality – TGMCians 12 hours ago declined - VLQ is for posts that are gibberish. For off-topic posts, just vote to close or cast a mod flag to close if you don't have closing privileges.
yeah, it must be animuson or someone else
they do not want to clean the crap up instantly, but potentially leave it around
it is Robert Harvey probably
just downvote it :)
yes done
also, a moderator deleted an answer with 10 upvotes in 2010
in that thread
and... they say mods do not delete such posts?
I left a comment, too.
usually downvote + flag + comment gets it more priority.
"While this link may answer the question, it is better to include the essential parts of the answer here and provide the link for reference. Link-only answers can become invalid if the linked page changes."
someone for the world cup spam, LOL.
@TGMCians: yes, it is possibly Robert Harvey as he closed.
what I do not get why he did not delete it
by closure, the crappy answers will not be deleted.
and it is very unlikely that question can salvage.
kheili mamnoon, estefade kardam, az ghasd fenglish neveshtam ke faghat irania befahman :D — vahid chakoshy Aug 9 '12 at 19:21
LOL @ at 3 upvotes.
@FinalContest yes it is probably @RobertHarvey because I saw his last vote that is why I guessed
Hey @rene
today reviewed close vote queue early.
> Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 16 hours to continue reviewing.
and today no audit
What are you going to do the rest of the day? :-)
@TGMCians Hmm, I tend to believe that regulars get less and less audits
today I don't have much work today because weekend is off in current company where I work
I see, this day for me is not different from all other days but I work from home...
oh Saturday work, whenever suppose I present there then ultimately I give zero output at the end of the day
That also is not different from all other days for me ;-)
Ha, I can downvote on programmers.se now...strange that I'm happy to get that privilege...
oh I see congrats! you have done your milestone there
Yeah, but I find prgrammers a difficult site partly because I feel not confident enough about my language skills (as in not programming language)
Does anyone know how long chat data is cached? I have a chatbot account with more than 20 rep on MSE, and it can talk in chat, but it cannot if I try it from a Ruby application. Caching seems to be the issue, but the problem is already there for three days.
I have seen some issues with the websockets. Can your bot handle that?
yesterday, by Shadow Wizard
Any bot doctor around? I have a dying bot in my den
@rene Yes, but it doesn't need websockets to post a message.
The issue is just that it can't post a message from the bot account, but it can from my own account.
You do pickup the fkey?
Did you just broke chat?
Yes, I get the fkey and then it starts giving errors.
@rene Breaking chat?
it timed out on my end...
Looks like a route is borked from europe to the states..
it broke in nyc
Can't you log network traffic and compare both working and non-working request/responses?
It must be a cookie or a header that you miss.
It would be strange if that would be the issue because it works from my account, but not from the bot account. And I only change login data.
That is strange...
And the bot account is at exactly 20 rep?
It's at 66 rep, which should be enough to chat.
Did you try running the smoke detector with that account?
At least you can rule out if it is the account...
I'm using Doorknob's Ruby wrapper, not Manishearth's Python wrapper, so I can't test that.
I would file a bug for Doorknob :-)
Already done, he said that caching is the issue.
That is lame
So I'm wondering how long this data is cached, because it still can't talk after 3 days.
I hoped to see the rep on the chat user card but that is not sent to the browser....
What's the chat user card? Is that the chat profile?
Your bot is ignored in one time
Do you mean ignored using the "ignore this user" feature?
How do you see that?
I see a small 1 under the ignore button...
and I don't recall I ignored that user...
@rene That's just the all-time rooms the user has been in, as the tooltip says.
Me...needs.... moar.... coffee....
The only diff I see between your account, doorknob and your bot is that your bot has a space in its name...
@rene That shouldn't make a difference, because it can talk on chat.SE, but not here.
Hmmm, I'm out of options and I don't expext caching to be a valid reason as it has already been three days. Or there must have been some issue that not a single script had run.
That could be indeed. Anyway, I hope it can talk soon.
takes some time to get it removed...
Death threat (and other junk by same user): chinese.stackexchange.com/questions/8395/…
@rene: why do you want to always remove everything...
@FinalContest That is my goal in life...
Flagged @PeterJ
@FinalContest flagged gone
@rene: :D
@TGMCians: cheers.
@Bart Do we need to flag all posts of that user?
With offensive or a spam flag?
Some are not really offensive, nor spam. And I think this user will be in pretty deep trouble already.
Don't see the point of flagging all
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword detected: goedkoop nike air max brussel on wordpress.stackexchange.com
Lekker goedkoop...
I started a new life... only upvotes on MUSE: music.stackexchange.com/users/6979/final-contest
Belgian spam now. What is Stijn doing?
he is having some real life, you know?
A real life? Or is it just fantasy? Maybe he's caught in a land slide.
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: CAN TOR BE HACKED REVEALING PERSONAL INFO? on tor.stackexchange.com
1 hour later…
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword detected: Vashikaran Husband | Boyfriend Vashikaran Specialistin +91-9001340118 on english.stackexchange.com
2 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: WHERE DO TIMELINES DIVERGE? on philosophy.stackexchange.com
@JanDvorak srly?
gone. What were you surprised about?
@JanDvorak the "this question is off topic because it's spam" and friends
1 hour later…
is this some kind of new trend that spam accounts are not deleted?
it is strange to see a spam link in an 5K user's profile...
@FinalContest edited in by an spammer and approved by roboreviewers ;)
except that profile can only be edited by the account holder AFAIK.
Hmm, what is going on on this question? A mod seems to have removed the bounty notice.
The previous bounties were also removed...
@AmalMurali apparenly the mod didn't think this question needed an authorative response
that's not a bounty notice, it's just a notice a (formerly) high-rep put there
this looks ranty to anyone?
first glance: "Y U hurt me" title, bold in text
IOW - I haven't read the body, but it feels kinda ranty at first glance
"I know I've said this again, and again, and I'm seriously tired of saying the same." - ranty
"This is logical to me." - ranty
@JanDvorak oh, forgot the links
still kinda ranty even with links
also, add links and you'll get closed as a duplicate
can you provide some examples of questions you feel should have been closed as unclear but were closed as duplicate?
@JanDvorak but why were the previous bounties removed? Also the reputation wasn't given back. Why?
@AmalMurali I haven't noticed any bounties in the timeline
just a 510-rep toggling notices on and off
John, Sarasota, FL
1.4k 2 8 36
that "about me" is priceless
@JanDvorak: That's what I'm confused about. There were two bounties on this question before, both 500, awarded on my answer. They're now gone, and the question's revision history has no mention of it anywhere. POOF!
@AmalMurali I'm sorry, I can't debug that for you
@JanDvorak I wasn't asking you to. Just curious ;P
Could this be a bug?
noted. Any mod here?
@Braiam His website, even more so.
@jadarnel27 EWW!
@AmalMurali Haha, right? It's so bad, I feel like it must be satire.
Let's see if the bunch of translations is by hand or by Google. Computers suck at translating to czech.
WTF??? I did expect a crappy computerised translation, but I expected the guy to get his codepage right!!!
If I let the browser autodetect, I get mojibake. If I switch from UTF-8 to another encoding, I get even more mojibake!
@Braiam That question makes no sense.
@JanDvorak LOL
@jadarnel27 yeah, is incredible that we have to do that
slow clap to overlapping elements at 1024x* screen size
@jadarnel27 do you mean I shouldn't have flagged as duplicate of his previous rant?
@JanDvorak No, I think that's fine. @Braiam's complete misunderstanding of the "unclear" close reason is what makes no sense.
@jadarnel27 so, how I misunderstand the "unclear"?
It's unclear to me what Braiam's understanding of "unclear what you're asking" is.
> The specific problem can't be found.
Lack enough details to determine what you need.
Is impossible to tell what you are asking.
isn't that the purpose of the unclear close reason?
Please supply an example of where you think that close reason was misused or where it should have been used but wasn't
Q: how do I set up WIFI connection

user287222How do I set up a WIFI connection? I'm new to Ubuntu and don't see know how to make it search for a connection.

Q: Problem with wifi on my laptop

user289063I have a dell inspiron 15 R and the wifi does show .There might be a driver problem , even ethernet is not connecting.

the first one could be answered with a tutorial (= too broad, not unclear)
@JanDvorak lets agree that at very least is not a dupe of the question flagged as dupe ;)
The second one is unclear, but the duplicate is more useful (I'm assuming from the title) than just an "unclear" closure
If you want to complain about dupe closing, do that. But don't throw in your odd opinion about "unclear" in there as well.
@Braiam "Please clarify your specific problem OR add additional details to highlight exactly what you need."
ok, @jadarnel27 how is mine odd? unclear for me is: can't be answered with the current information, provide more
there seems to be enough information to answer the first one
@JanDvorak have you used LInux?
@Braiam no.
or rather, I did a few years ago for a while
@JanDvorak there are 3 ways to setup your wifi: at installation, using the GUI or using command line tools
I'd assume the GUI version is desired
BFUs are unlikely to be able to operate the command line efficiently
Braim : Find the wireless driver and installing it on Linux always sucks
ok, do you know that Ubuntu includes at very least 5 different gui by default?
mostly RedHat
@TGMCians incredible enough I never had to mess with them :P
but Fedora seems good
so people tells me
doesn't Ubuntu have a default GUI shell?
Braiam : I tried 2-3 years back when I was doing training in Linux (RHCE)
@JanDvorak depends the version you download, Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Ubuntu Gnome, Lubuntu, Xubuntu, ble, ble
is there Wubuntu?
@JanDvorak luckily no yet
What's the latest news on winux, BTW?
@JanDvorak nothing since 2009
I think I'm going for Linux when I finally get a new phone
@TGMCians: my friend asked me to write an android app for him. I might make this happen :-)
Would this question be off topic?
Q: Does doxygen support templates for the HTML output?

Cole JohnsonI've documented my code for doxygen, but I don't want the default HTML it gives. I know I can customize it by providing custom CSS, headers, footers, etc. (like GNOME does), and how I can add common PHP code to the files and tell it to save as .php, but that isn't really what I want. What I want...

is it ok to remove my old crappy, but upvoted answers?
@FinalContest Link plz
nope, sorry, link-only posts are discouraged, lol.
It's up to you. If they are upvoted, it means people saw them as useful. You can always edit the answers to be "not link-only"
Unless it's a question that should be deleted and your answer prevents the auto-delete cron-job, then I would just edit them
But again, it's ultimately up to you.
I mean making a link-only post here.
Now I'm confused
well, I seem to have answered a few closure-worthy questions back then.
Link-only posts in chat aren't discouraged. It's only on answers.
do not spoil the fun :p
it was just a joke. :-)
We're on chat. Sarcasm and jokes don't go over well without seeing or hearing them
@ColeJohnson that's why everyone loves it :P
@Braiam of course!
GParted just said "Move /dev/sda1 to the left and grow it from 447.66 GiB to 465.76 GiB"
I seriously just read that as "Move /dev/sda1 to the left and let it grow from 447.66 GiB to 465.76 GiB"
So multi-line chat posts (with Shift-Enter) don't work with Markdown. OK. Why isn't that documented anywhere?
@ColeJohnson because is a bug feature!
shouldn't the question be deleted?
Or rather, the rest of its kin undeleted and locked?
@JanDvorak I really think they should be undeleted and locked instead
Where is @Bart when you need him?
Q: Reject comments with "Thanks", "Thank you" with a tooltip explaining why

CupcakeCleaning up chatty comments from posts such as: "This saved my day, thanks!" "This answer is the greatest! Thank you!" is very time consuming for users, and I'm sure it creates a lot of work for moderators as well. I think it would help reduce the time wasted cleaning these up if we could rej...

I flag. It die.
I still find it unfortunate that people are willing to pay others to kill their child.
@rene I'm going to get BoltClock to answer it. ;P
@hichris123 Oh, that is good candidate as well :)
That would be a cool feature in ASP.NET vNext: WebComicControls
Hello, I am alive! Mhahahahaha. meta.stackexchange.com/questions/234279/…
BTW about gaming system with rep changes and bounties. I couldn't game it if I hadn't offered any bounties.
^^ "Feel free to downvote"
(Because I want to get up tomorrow with 1 rep on Meta Stack Exchange. Is it possible?)
@ShadowWizard Achtung, Achtung, spricht Nicael.
@ShadowWizard Actually, wrong. The thing is: you get your answer upvoted, offer bounty, delete answer, get rep change, undelete it. But it is anyway impossible anymore, but I found another way ;-)
@hichris123 Backoff...
@rene ?
Blaze greeted me with that...
still got posts...
Hmm, has anyone else been logged out of MSE fairly frequently lately, or is it just me?
I'm logged out of chat.SE now and then... but not recently
@TimStone Not I, said the Josh.
1 hour later…
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: HOW LONG DO I HAVE TO REFRIGERATE DONUT DOUGH? on cooking.stackexchange.com

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