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it's been too long
Oh crap. It's @Moshe.
Not long enough apparently.
This just blew my mind: google.ca/search?q=5+minute+timer
Canadian Google, eh?
Yeah, it's like US Google except I'm not sure.
@mootinator Is your mind blown by the plethora of web-based 5-minute timers?
More the fact that I don't have to use any of them because Google does all things.
Because who wouldn't want one or twenty of those?
Ohhh, Google does something special with that? It doesn't show up on mobile.
And I'm too lazy to lean over to open my laptop.
6 hours later…
If there is any SO mods - tell me please why was I banned for reviews? =)
Q: Banned for review cause of not approving added tags in suggested edits

MikroDelTag was added I have rejected it, but it was approved also this one and this one Was I wrong in this reviews? I think for this three I was banned for reviews.

5 hours later…
I have noticed a correlation between someone having "senior" in their job title, and that someone being a total douchebag. I don't know if becoming the senior {whatever} causes the personality change, or if only douchebags get promoted to senior {whatever}, or if there's no causal link at all, and there's some other factor(s) at play.
I've had "senior" in my job title for at least a decade...
Also: #8B4513
Huh. I've never thought of you as a douchebag.
Your use of hex brown confirms your non-douchebaggery.
You've given me a lot to think about, @Oded.
Google image search for "brown douchebag" is not overly surprising.
Perhaps it's really just these two lame people at work, and not a general trend at all.
@Oded Man, that was a brave Google search =P
"senior douchebag", however, is rather funny and eclectic.
@jadarnel27 Remote worker... own network ;)
I'd say that douchebags are more likely to tout their own horn (deservedly or not), but that doesn't say that non-douches never do.
Haha, I was thinking more of the safety of your eyes / mind than your job =)
I guess that ship may have sailed, eh?
Yeah figured you have meant that :)
I have a lot of trouble with people that refuse to be "team players."
They frustrate me.
Yep, I know the type :)
I switched to the desktop layout just to star that.
I am honored
Anyone wanna go for (kosher) lunch in NYC?
I tried to sneak in a comment in an old thread, it got sneakily deleted ...
@amanaPlanaCAnalPAnaMA Are you paying for my flight? Also, I can't be there until tomorrow.
@jadarnel27 Thanks .... artanim.ch/en/team.php
Wow, that's uncanny @jadarnel27
user image
Hahaha, I'm going to demand they change it to that. :D
Haha, sorry @Bart =) Apparently my limited experience is not applicable to the wider pool of Senior {whatever}'s.
Either that, or I simply have not yet realized I can behave like a douchebag
I've always enjoyed our interactions. I certainly wouldn't characterize you as a douchebag.
An actual douchebag would have flagged that image =)
Nah @mootinator, they'd star it.... which I did.
This guy on the conference call today ("senior systems programmer") just really rubbed me then wrong way. We were talking about a customized vendor app that I support, and he decided early in the conversation that we needed to have a call with the vendor. After that, all he contributed was to repeat that sentiment, occasionally interrupting the entire group to do so.
Despite the fact that I knew the answers to all his questions, because I'm very, very familiar with this product.
Most irritating experience related to work I've ever had.
I expressed an interest in HCI/interaction design.
So they gave me a UI for a new flagship product to sketch out.
After I worked on this for a week, we had a totally unproductive meeting where people picked out stupid things that they perceived to be wrong with it for several hours (like the specific text on a label, for instance).
After that they decided to hire a PhD. as a consultant.
He came in with a very similar idea with very similar justifications and they all just ate it up like he pooped gold into PowerPoint.
That annoyed the crap out of me.
Of course, we both tried to drill in the point that we would have to do actual tests with actual users. But they would have none of that from anyone even the gold pooing HCI genie...
Then there was the time I pointed out that anyone could hijack any e-mail address at the university by spoofing their from: address. Systems didn't much care for the argument that security through obscurity is patently stupid.
2 hours later…
That sucks, man.
I've experienced similar things in the past
An inhouse grunt making a suggestion? Meh.
A €150/hr external consultant from a social media brand impact consulting agency making a suggestion? WOW GET CRACKING RIGHT AWAY
1 hour later…
@mootinator :-P
I made cinnamon covered eggs again.
/me throws salad off the table
Ewwwww salad
@animuson Is that some sort of euphemism?
cleans up Bart's mess
Jeez. Some people have no manners.
Well, he is keeping it... brown
I stole @jadarnel27's recipe book.
All my recipes are brown, it's true.
The eggs need to be burnt a bit more - you know, to give them that crunchy feel and brownesss
Oh sure, nice going. First I'm a douchebag. Then someone trumps my admittedly poor excuse for a dinner. And now I "have no manners"? FOR SHAME!
I think I'll have a strawberry mango yogurt too.
I veto your dessert. Not brown enough.
Give it two weeks...it will be brown
Or is it that you just need to give it a bit of time, after consuming?
I was about to say I could wait for my banana to turn brown, but someone has stolen my banana!
@Bart - yeah, that works too. Though I wouldn't recommend consuming it at that stage.
As long as it doesn't talk back, you should be fine
Do they make any yogurts that are brown naturally? Now I'm curious...
Is there such thing as chocolate yogurt?
Yep, they sell it here. Or mocha yogurt
But then again, the Swiss are mad
And of course, there is always chocolate mousse
The orange creme is probably about as close to brown as I get with my yogurts.
@Bart That's it. No more asking questions here for me.
Being a head in a jar didn't really make you blend in either @mootinator.
What? Shog9 is and always has been a well respected member of the community. Disembodied heads blend in here.
Well respected, absolutely. Blending in...
I on the other hand used to be very low key. Hardly anyone noticed a pair of glasses. Until this fat bloke started following me
I can blend in by hiding with Anna's cats.
Except for the noticeable leaning angle when you sit on her shoulder...
@animuson I only have one, so you better have a good disguise.
3 hours later…
I wonder if DPR realised we kept revision histories? stackoverflow.com/posts/15445285/revisions
@Kev He did also mention changing it in a comment.
(deleted due to it being on an answer that was itself a comment)
@mootinator I missed the comments before deletion, though stackoverflow.com/a/15812616/419 (deleted) was also another giveaway
I don't think that by itself is necessarily useful though.
True, reading through the "Complaint" PDF I am very disappointed in DPR and his identity hygiene, not really sure the FBI were smart enough to crack the Tor side of things without that level of footprint evidence in the real world.

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