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A: A new search engine for Stack Exchange

Tim Yi JiangThe question result interface is much, much worse than the old one. Compare: against Yes, the new interface is much more compact, but some of the most important information about a post - the number of votes, views, answers and whether it has an accepted answer are either missing (in the ...

Welp, I've done it
I wrote a script to make new search look like old search
3 hours later…
Wooo I have my Internet back! ^_^
Hmmm, that's interesting. A deleted question that had a bounty that was never awarded still gives me the bounty back. ^_^ Sweet!
1 hour later…
Why is the rchern no longer diamond? o.o Did she leave??? Tell me it isn't true!
@animuson that is odd
@Fosco @mootinator I figured out how to get rid of the closure :D
module.exports = function _controller(models) {
	this.Index = Index;

Index = function _index(id, name, cat) {
	ViewBag = { "cole": "is cool" };

	ViewBag["id"] = id;

	return Json({
		"id": id,
		"name": name,
		"cat": cat
Still working on the rest of the routing, but because all that works for a basic model I'm moving on to other tasks :D
3 hours later…
Suggested edit "improve button" weirdness: stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/1361813
I hit improve, saw an edit page without the any of the suggested edit, navigated away because it looked broken and community cast a binding reject on my behalf.
@Flexo It was rejected because the OP's edit collided with yours
2 hours later…
@Flexo you do realize that changing both your username and avatar makes it confusing for me to realize that you're awoodland, right?
I had to look at the 2012 election page to be sure that you were....you :P
4 hours later…
@LanceRoberts Stop and think for a bit (or just watch the 10k tools) about what most deleted posts are like. And not one or two, hundreds every day. Most of these aren't going to be fixed, because you need someone who cares enough about them to fix them and knows how, and that isn't the asker. So every time someone goes to their profile, you're rubbing their faces in their mistakes. With no guidance, no advice, no assistance to help them understand how they can do better.
I support the notification case, because presumably in those cases there is guidance of some sort, an opportunity to be corrected and to learn from someone else. But failing that, what's the point?
@animuson IIRC you get the reputation back whether or not the bounty was awarded. But now that I type that it sounds a little weird...
@JeremyBanks Sounds right. If the answer you award the bounty to is deleted, the author loses the bounty - however, you won't get it back unless the question is deleted.
1 hour later…
@Shog9 thanks. Would be helpful to have this stated explicitly in formula description
Just go get some attention
Q: Ambiguous tag: business-objects

Steve HomerThe tag business-objects is currently being used for both The SAP Business Intelligence suite The business logic layer in an object oriented application I'd imagine that sap-business-objects for the former case would be the logical change. How would this be requested, or should I simply un...

Yeesh. Every time TomTom comments or posts, it grates on me:
Will he never learn?
@Oded Oh boy, that seems to be a giant body-part-located-between-the-buttocks there.
@DanielFischer - I've had run ins with him and his brand of aggressive posting before. I believe he has been banned before for it (or at least given warning).
I wouldn't be surprised by a suspension, wasn't there a part about being nice in the FAQ?
Yep. It is amazing how snide he can be even when answering. It always amazes me that he garnered the rep he has.
Anyone here wanna help with MySQL and PDO?
Well, SQL, anyhow.
@mootinator Can you help?
Hi @Jin
Long time no speak.
@Moshe hello
@Jin I've got plenty of your designed a la stickers. :-D
@Moshe we love stickers
me too!
I was disappointed we only got one sticker this year. Last year we got three! :(
@Oded lol! Is that Col. Shrapnel's C# incarnation?
A cousin, perhaps? A twin brother?
We will never know.
> Pekka seems to manage to be polite when telling people they are being idiots.
Ohhh. blush
> Welcome, Redditors! We're looking for answers that provide serious, practical solutions to the problem stated. If you'd prefer to post a joke or launch a tangential discussion, please do so on the corresponding Reddit thread.
I've never seen that message before. (source)
> Notice added Redditted by Shog9♦
Any idea what the Comment column means for a PostHistory row with with PostHistoryTypeId = 33 (notice added)?
Example query. It just seems to be an ascending integer.
Oh come on, how many unanswerable captchas can I get in a row???
Maybe it's used to match notices being added and removed.
Yeah, that's it. I was hoping for some sort of "notice type ID", to see if "Reddited" was new. (Once the data explorer is updated to include that post.)
Argh, that being frequently logged out of Data Explorer business needs to be fixed. Someone should totally get on that
I am selling almost all of my possessions.. So much work to be done in the next few weeks.
That sounds pretty exciting
I am really psyched up about it :) I can't wait to get out there. (SF)
Ah, so you did take the offer after all? Nice, congratulations :D
Yep :) Thanks.. I start at Parse on 3/1.
I wrote this friday/saturday: github.com/gfosco/mysql2parse
Hadn't seen anything about migrating an existing database to Parse, decided to try it..

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