@Rob closest only if one using their head, not only eyes, need to figure "men's room" --> "yeah it probably contains urinals". Closest using only eyes might be 🧍♂️.
Don't you want AI detecting where your... wassname is, and spraying a spray of water at just the right tempterature and pressure exactly where its needed? :D
@Tinkeringbell agree, robot, for me is something with the shape of living creature (can be human, dog, cat, etc.) which mimic that living creature in a way. There can be a toilet robot that, for example, wipes your butt, this would be helpful (and can be actually helpful for disabled people), but that doesn't make the toilets as whole a robot. :D
I have noticed random bits of hose without proper fittings before I think for example in India and just assumed they are for use by the cleaners or for filling the water jug in squat toilets.
But Now I'm travelling in Malaysia and Singapore and there are more western toilets than squat toilets i...
@JourneymanGeek yeah, same as the "use wet wipes" on LH
@Tinkeringbell :(
@JourneymanGeek only automated, the few I used over the years were all manual, had to aim the water myself, always ended up wetting the floor in the process. (Luckily not my pants lol)
I'm now imagining us doing something like that, and the reaction from the neighbors... (they're assholes, they feel entitled to make lots of noise as early as 7AM when the kids go to school, but we're supposed to be entirely quiet after 11PM :/)
@Tinkeringbell oh, mean getting back to living with your parents. Kind of last resort, if things will really go wrong, but guess it's one of those "cross the bridge once we get there" cases.
@Luuklag Yeah, makes sense. I think my only problem would be that I don't like doing repairs etc. myself, so I'd end up hiring and paying people to do everything for me.
Okay, that one was too quick. I might consider it, if it were a really well-paying, good fun job. Then I'd probably end up working less here, and doing the other one too.
@RyanM thanks. The script checks half a dozen substitution possibilities, but these seem to be yet another ones ... I'll have a good look once I'm home.
Knowing how grumpy SO can be, 'sponsored tag' just won't sell as well, won't create that fuzzy community sense that the word 'collective' now no longer does either.
They are paid ads, more or less. but... I don't see collectives as being any more than that. They aren't bringing active people to the fold, the people answering questions in that area are the same people who were before.
It does add a little bit of flare, for users who participate in those tags
but i mean... i just interpret that as yet another ad
doesn't really matter how much the message gets twisted/squeezed to look like some kind of community building effort if it only gets done for paying customers
i don't know if it's really possible to evaluate the benefit of endorsed answers, at least not in a way that rules out other sources of the post receiving more interactions. It's been out for 2 months, and we've introduced the pinned answer change since then
i mean, it's still back to the whole... who decides what is the endorsed answer, and are they someone that the community trusts. Are they endorsing the answers that need it? or... just the one that are popular anyway, how can one person (or even 3-5) handle the tens of thousands of questions in that topic?