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Snowball MetaSO effect: once a post goes below -350, it keeps on going: meta.stackoverflow.com/search?q=score%3A..-350
Or, specifically for answers: there is only one answer below -200, and it's at -630. meta.stackoverflow.com/search?q=score%3A..-200+is%3Aa
It's interesting that the answer is on her top answer list on MSO
@ymb1 I usually go to meta.stackexchange.com/a/162058
@PaulWhite thanks, that one is for Close reviews, not LQ answers, but I think there are similarities
@EvanCarroll hey evan
@ymb1 yes I think argument would be similar
@410 I hope it beats the HMP removal
@EvanCarroll in dark times everybody seeks comfort in the Tavern, right?
@rene Yup. Everything is better with alcohol :P
That is true as well, I admit.
I'm having a nice mint tea
I only have Ketel 1 left
that is a bit heavy if you plan on drinking whole night
Robert's resignation process is completed and now the meta post got 3 close votes with reason unclear what you're asking.
He's not a mod anymore so can't resign ;p
Which Robert resigned?
@OptimusPrime Heh
@EvanCarroll Harvey, SO/SESE
@Bart Salute! Right on.
I wouldn't have known how to phrase that not to ruffle some feathers.
I mean, it wasn't just gonna be ruffling, I would probably have been impolite or rude.
3 messages moved to Trashcan
Got to read quickly.
To be fair, we gotta really, really give it up for Shog and Tim. Their patience after all this (I can be sure of the two of them to read most posts) is unfathomably insurmountable.
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ah, just in time for the boot
Truly amazing.
@AndrasDeak I wish I was that good with timing.
me too
No fair. You haz luck.
it happens sometimes
Does it have a subscription fee
I think I had a free trial when I was born but it expired.
if it does I'm not the one paying
Q: Why English SO uses Kazakh ornaments theme?

Egor RandomizeI mean this theme near "ENGLISH LANGUAGE USAGE": https://english.stackexchange.com/ You can search: "Kazakh ornaments" and get similar decorations

Haha, made my day
@M.A.R. The reasoning is explained on their Meta, it's a vintage themed design.
@M.A.R. I have had years of practice ;)
These weren't the droids I was looking for.
@OptimusPrime Haha
To be fair, '98 sounds waaay more retro and much much cooler.
Everything after 2000 sucks.
Unless it's food.
Or me.
Wait, actually I am a '98 product, FTR.
henceforth you shall be addressed as "hey, kiddo"
you're 4 years younger then me
@M.A.R. and 3 years younger than me
well, you can't be referred as 90's kid. ;p
"You are on the council, but we do not grant you the rank of master"
who does get the rank of master on the council of stack exchange?
:7938910 O_o
@ArtOfCode shog's 1 through 9
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Assume it's for a personal or privacy reason, and don't out it.
Fully agree.
Forgot to say, hacktoberfest started 2 days ago and if you know someone who's interested in coding and wanted to start contributing to open source projects, this is a great opportunity for them to start their contributions to OS projects
M.A.R. is gonna have something to say to that.
@rene your call
Ok folks. I do realize that these are interesting times
discuss constructively - fine
poke sticks and/or sling mud - not
Where are we on the issue of smiting sticks?
My finger is threatening to get RSI from all the trashing I've been doing
@Bart I have a stick. I try to avoid whacking myself with it.
Evan Carroll is one of three or four folks that save the day at Database Administrators.
8 messages moved to Trashcan
@john sure, but not this day in the Tavern. Another time maybe.
And while its interesting times, we do expect folks to behave with at least a certain amount of respect and decorum for others
today is waffle and pumpkin beer day
pic or fake
Oh, I don't like beer. But that should not stop other people from having fun.
@Aibobot I did just swear at another driver in iRacing for driving across the track in front of me. That's fine, right?
can we sede chat stats?
@Bart Let me kick you as precaution ....
What 58 said^
@rene Don't worry, the game got pretty close to doing that already :D
@Bart no. Shame on you. Shaaaaaaame
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog This is not really worth a comment, but you live up to the name. That was a fast edit you just applied, and while it was just a simple letter transposition, you noticed quickly. Happened in under a minute! Anyway, thanks. XP
(for context: replaced "GPDR" with "GDPR")
/me has GDPR flashbacks
better with alcohol?
Am I the only one who didn't tasted alcohol yet?
I've never had alcohol.
Oh terdon followed Gilles. It's weird imagining a unix.stackexchange without terdon and Gilles. :/
I don't drink either
heard certain drinks are good for health.
nah. I'll be fine without it
@OptimusPrime water and milk
@john I heard people say red wine is good for heart. Don't know
Coffee. Go for coffee. Did you try coffee? Coffee is great? Did I mention coffee? Coffee coffee coffee. I'm fine!!
may be. they have their points
@OptimusPrime politics
@Bart Irish coffe?
Coffee or Tea. I'm ok with any. Sometimes I prefer green tea. It's great
Haha, given the amount of coffee I drink, that would be problematic @AndrasDeak
I know a medic who tells me alcohol is bound to have a tobacco like catharsis where at last society universally agrees that there's no benefit in alcohol
tells me "there are some people for which alcohol damages would be negligible, because of their personal characteristics and the special way they drink alcohol, but there are some other people for which no quantity of alcohol would cause negligible damage"
in summary "no damage no benefit for some people with some habits, no benefit for some other people and/or some habits"
That's largely missing the state of being drunk, which tobacco doesn't do
if that's pointing the joy of being high in alcohol, tobacco provides a joy of being high in tobacco
tobacco and alcohol plays a significant role in protecting earth from over population
In India, there're rules that cigarette and tobacco manufacturers should print Tobacco/ alcohol causes cancer. Smoking/drinking is injurious to health in the bottle/packets.
along with photographs of some diseases(like throat cancer or tumour)
@john you can easily be drunk and forget about your problems (or yourself or your pants or where you live). Tobacco won't do that to you.
Even the rule can't affect the sales
@OptimusPrime that's a reasonable caution :)
@OptimusPrime same in the EU for tobacco
@AndrasDeak I don't get the pants thing
@AndrasDeak and sometimes, the court is high. They made another order that when a Movie shows a smoking or drinking scene, a warning message should be given in the screen
@john never seen a drunk without pants in the street?
Also an ad against use of tobacco before every show starts (applicable for all movies)
@AndrasDeak most accurate would be yes I've seen
well that's what I meant :P
but not caring too much about pants
@OptimusPrime this is alright
@OptimusPrime when there are kids watching this is alright too
My point is that tobacco and alcohol have very different socioeconomic effect. Governments probably won't ban tobacco, merely because people would rebel. They definitely won't ban alcohol, because people would rebel and alcohol helps drown people's problems, making them easier to keep down. (And the US even tried banning it and didn't go very well.)
E-cigarettes are introduced to prevent people from smoking and I read somewhere that E-cigarettes causes more damage than normal cigarettes
@OptimusPrime that's not really true as stated
you can read a lot of stuff
Don't know. The article said the vaporization damages certain types of brain cells
@AndrasDeak I've read alcohol damages quantified a lot larger than tobacco damages
@KevinB that's true. I can even write one by pretending that I'm an expert
I think those were related to how tobacco reduces life expectancy, but alcohol causes imminent death too
All cigarettes ruin your lungs and that of those around you. Some e-cigs are harmful because the contents are not regulated enough, and a lot of people abuse e-cigs and vape various oils which I think is never the intended use. And this can be harmful. But just like snuffing glue, you should perhaps use your head before you do something with your body.
@john oh, yes
Being an alcoholic is probably much more deadly on average than being a chain smoker. Although there's no second-hand drinking.
there are second hand effects of drinking
Those that harm your liver?
well, for example, impaired judgement
yeah, sure, I'm not talking about that
similarly to how when we're assessing the harmful effects of smoking we don't include the increased rate of traffic accidents from when someone dropped their cigarette in their lap
previous figures would not count traffic accidents caused by alcohol, future figures will possibly count traffic accidents caused by tobacco
in order to arrive to that future, abstain both
@john use of mobile phones/ alcohol are already counted.
My cat was attacked by another male cat today and he can't open right eye. I always warn him not to go out. But he never listens and always getting attacked by other male cats.
pic or fake
Was he neutered?
@john ??
Then it's unsurprising. Someone's always in heat somewhere.
@OptimusPrime How do you do a red tag instead of a grey tag?
@Mysticial [status-anything]
Oh it's automatic?
@OptimusPrime Internet is a network full of cat pics. If there's no cat pic, it could be fake.
@AndrasDeak well it's not the case. afaik, male cats will attack other mail cats. one of the cat here, gave birth to 2 (1 male and 1 female) and my cat killed the male (< 1 month old) ;-(
@john np. we don't have anything to do with it
law of jungle & animal kingdom
@john He's sleepy but managed to take a photo 😁 i.sstatic.net/vujbK.jpg
champion wound
@OptimusPrime Have you disinfected his wound?
@AndrasDeak nope. It isn't actually a wound
He was attacked and he can't open one eye, so...I doubt that.
He's in Clint Eastwood mode?
I think he keep his eye closed because of itching or irritation
Gonna grab a rug on his shoulder and squint at other cats
even humans do that when something hit in our eye
@OptimusPrime Uh, that's worse?
That's worse.
That's worse!
@M.A.R. If I'm right on it, he'll be ok in 2 days
@M.A.R. how?
If it's a visible wound, chances of rabies are there. But there's no wound here
"oh it's not a wound, his cornea just might be a little bit scratched"
I'm no vet, I have no pet.
But if a kitty aimed at my eye, I wouldn't be all like "oh it'll be fine in two days".
Any kind of wound (even "invisible" ones) can pass rabies. Don't you have mandatory vaccination? I suspect not.
@M.A.R. I opened his eye and checked but can't find any visible scratches.
@AndrasDeak for cats, no
we've few dogs and they're vaccinated.
There're lots of cats live here. 5 or may be 10. We don't pet them except this one.
I just checked and apparently it isn't mandatory here either for cats
Just googled about it and they also say in 6-8...
> Do cats need to be vaccinated?
When to give vaccines.
Kittens should start getting vaccinations when they are 6 to 8 weeks old until they are about 16 weeks old
most of those are probably about things like parvovirus, though
I read a news yesterday. Here's the link metro.co.uk/2019/09/29/…
At first I was "this is ruining my day" but in the end it's like "bad luck but life goes on".
life has to go on, always
quick question: how to kill a mosquito which's annoying you for more than 5 minutes, while coding?
@OptimusPrime Use an electric racket
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog It's somewhere in the kitchen and I'm lazy to go and get it
anyway, it's now [status-completed]
Allowed her to drink some blood and when she was unable to fly, killed her.
+1 for not misgendering the bloodsucker.
Q: What are the consequences for downstream actors of redistributing a work under a wider CC license than the copyright holder authorized?

E.P.Say that Company A is an online platform which hosts user-generated content, and to do so Company A requires in its ToS that users license said content publicly under Creative Commons License X. Further than that, say that, at some point, Company A releases those contributions under a more permi...

that company A sounds interesting

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