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7:00 AM
Well, the whole question is going down the roomba way, so...
@bjb568 kaboom!!
> If it wasn't for the author, you wouldn't pay attention.
Before deletion, I out emphasized @inf
7:07 AM
btw, avoid the author ^
@Sompuperoo Are you using a script now to make SPAM bold, or just typing **?
I wonder if Zephyr is okay with markdown...
typing , I can stop, just I like how it grabs attention, i forget what zephyr does
Turns out, he/she/it isn't. No big deal, just pointing it out.
oh i see, zephyr didn't catch it, I'll stop the formatting now
Is Zephyr he, she, or it, by the way? I don't know what the name means.
it's rude to ask a bot that
I'd guess she.
7:11 AM
@Sompuperoo How fat are you, @Sompuperoo ?
And how old are you?
@bjb568 94?
A west wind is a wind that blows from the west, in an eastward direction. In Western tradition, it has usually been considered the mildest and most favorable of the directional winds. In Greek mythology, Zephyrus was the personification of the west wind and the bringer of light spring and early summer breezes; his Roman equivalent was Favonius. In the myth of Cupid and Psyche, Zephyrus was the attendant of Cupid, who brought Psyche to his master's palace. Geoffrey Chaucer wrote of the "swete breth" of Zephyrus, and a soft, gentle breeze may be referred to as a zephyr, as in Shakespeare's Cymbeline...
@bjb568 fat enough
And could you vote neo-nazi? Thanks. @Sompuperoo
According to that picture... he.
7:13 AM
Uh… nice pic.
Also, @Sompuperoo What's your phone number?
How much money do you make?
y all teh q's @bjb?
All those are LQQ
Oh, here's a good one: When are you going to have a kid?
7:16 AM
What's happening in here
Asking LQQs.
5 mins ago, by Sompuperoo
it's rude to ask a bot that
Are you making Som your breeding cow?
the rudest q's I can think of that are sorta reasonable and not flaggable.
I dunno about rude.. more like too personal
When will @Sompuperoo tell me to to kick the troll?
7:17 AM
@Gemtastic Well, sort of the same thing.
@bjb568 Well... not necessarily :P
But they are indeed weird
Like a mix between hitting on someone and being the mother who wants a grandkid
Why are you upset? Why are you so quiet? Did you just fart? Did you gain weight? Hows the job hunt going?
Can I ask you a question?
No surprise, given that bjb is into parenting nowadays.
wears her boots
@bjb568 hehe
7:20 AM
Q: How can I help my child who is advanced in programming to meet others at the same skill level?

Doorknob 冰My child just turned 14 years old, and one of his hobbies is programming. He knows JavaScript, HTML, CSS, jQuery, Ruby, Python, some Java, and a bit of C++, Bash, and PHP. He also uses Git, Vim, and LaTeX. Now, I have no idea what any of this means, because I'm not a programmer myself. Consideri...

What is going on here? Now Doorknob is a parent too.
Next troll question might get someone kicked. Stop hitting on @Sompuperoo please.
@Behaviour kofia...
@Sompuperoo and as a plus, if you need to kill one of your minions while at the party (for instance, if they failed to recover your diamonds), disposal is quick and easy. — Michael 33 secs ago
@Sompuperoo Doorknob already had Kofia, he posted his "Zark" question on Sci-Fi for that. I think he was trying to get pizza on Parenting. Did not work.
strange people on lifehacks
7:25 AM
And the answer is "replace cleaning supplies with vinegar! #lifehack"
strange people in the tavern
@Behaviour he got 5 bronze badges for that question already, soon to get a silver or two, and over 120 rep
@InfiniteSnowflakes Can I hit on u?
@InfiniteSnowflakes Sorry 'bout that :/
7:28 AM
@bjb568 Try your luck dear, I have my boots on
Not naa, blame the question
@Sompuperoo hm.. "where can I get n." where "n" is a link. Just saying.
@JanDvorak But that NAA offers another program, not the one requested.
7:33 AM
Not that it matters much; the Q is still at fault there.
@Sompuperoo ahh not only cv, nuke-pls ^^
@bjb568 Night!
8:24 AM
@SmokeDetector fp
@Behaviour Registered as false positive and added title to Bayesian doctype 'good'.
Is SO down?
@Gemtastic works fine here
It won't load at all for me :(
Strange, nothing loads but this chat...
This chat room is disjoint from SO, it's attached to Meta Stack Exchange. And in any case, chat servers are separate from main sites (to my understanding).
8:37 AM
Well, the SO site, SO chat and Meta site doesn't load for me
Nor CR either, but their chat works (since I haven't refreshed it)
8:52 AM
Could someone please turn the volume up at AU? It seems the users have to shout to be heard.
@Behaviour it's on propose
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: CAREER CHANGE FROM BANKING TO DATA ANLAYST by shankar on stats.stackexchange.com
@Braiam the topics in here today are on the theme of love
purpose derives from propose anyways
@Behaviour Good idea; though the list might grow long and take many disk space.
9:06 AM
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title, Bad keyword in title: TesteroneXL To Increase Muscle Growth by karlegens38 on codegolf.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector tpu
@ProgramFOX Registered as true positive: added title to Bayesian doctype 'bad' and blacklisted user.
@Doorknob冰 ^ spammer to nuke
What do you think about ignoring the shouting posts for a specific amount of time?
Then we can store them for, say 24 hours, and delete the list for that day afterwards.
@SmokeDetector ignore
@ProgramFOX Post ignored; alerts about it will not longer be posted.
10:10 AM
I've had tea already
10:25 AM
@rene Hi Rene, could you suggest licensing and anti-virus for the next close vote review?
or that two tags?
[licensing] and [anti-virus], sorry
wrong again and
OK, There is an event on monday but I left this message in the room to get them going this weekend. Do you make sure some cv gets casted on questions with that tag?
@ProgramFOX Is it possible to store them for a week and reset every week? Smokey posts ~200 messages per week
@InfiniteSnowflakes That's doable.
@rene sure, same would be on Superuser.com , are you closing there too?
No, sorry. no powers there ;)
Ok, thanks :)
Do you expect a lot of recommendation close reasons or migration to SU for antivirus?
I'll inspect again on SO, I would not expect migrations but closes on both sites for recommendation.
10:37 AM
And for the licensing stuff POB? or a custom reason?
I did it this way stackoverflow.com/q/27110931/1699210 until now
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title: How To Improve Muscle Weakness by Mily Cirus on meta.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector tpu
@TGMCians Registered as true positive: added title to Bayesian doctype 'bad' and blacklisted user.
@SmokeDetector thanks!
10:50 AM
Spammer created an account on SO, but hasn't posted any spam yet
hmm "Spammer " -> @inf ? :p
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title: How To Improve Muscle Weakness by Mily Cirus on drupal.stackexchange.com
11:00 AM
@InfiniteSnowflakes Registered as true positive: added title to Bayesian doctype 'bad' and blacklisted user.
11:28 AM
@Behaviour @InfiniteSnowflakes The auto-ignore for shouting posts is now there.
It will be activated after @Undo pulls. I cannot pull manually because I changed un-pullable files earlier this day.
12:01 PM
@ProgramFOX Thanks :)
@rene closed
@bummi voted..
12:36 PM
@Unihedro HATS ARE AWESOME. Winter Bash will end in 1 day, 11 hours, 24 minutes and 25 seconds. :(
12:58 PM
Hi, a month ago I sent two emails for disown questions request, but I haven't got any reply back.
I opened a question on meta: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/278624/…
What can I do? Thanks
@Moosemaniseatingpizza You misspelled arqade.
@Unihedro Fixed. I have a bad habit to try to correctify spelling.
If your edit gets rejected, I will submit an awesome one.
1:36 PM
Yes! Another hat on MSE!
2:18 PM
@Unihedro His edit got approved o_O
@InfiniteSnowflakes I do realize, the reviewer should had used Reject and Edit, not Improve... Oh well :P
@Unihedro Robos :P
bwahahahahaha cough
@dynamic You can just flag your own post for mod attention, then the mods can disassociate it.
1 hour ago, by dynamic
Hi, a month ago I sent two emails for disown questions request, but I haven't got any reply back.
@Braiam Please make your comment clearer, as it currently is quite rude and insults the OP. — cybermonkey 2 hours ago
@dynamic Wait, my previous message was not entirely correct: the mods cannot disassociate it, but they can inform developers about it.
@Braiam I would be tempted to flag it as rude-offensive ... I'm sure you have a reasonable explanation?
2:28 PM
@Bart what?
@Braiam Not cyber enough
@Braiam "We haven't learn from apache pig..." ...what do you mean to say there?
@Bart from "apache pig"...
what´s apache pig?
Ah, capitalization might have helped there. And the grammar is off as well
So you meant to say "We haven't learned from Apache Pig"?
2:31 PM
It was another terrible tag of the same family
Okay @Braiam, that makes quite the difference :D
what the heck happened to "assume good faith" :/
I assumed it @Braiam, so I didn't flag. But it sure was tempting
No good faith on MSO, it's evil.
Oh come on @InfiniteSnowflakes. What do you mean to say there? Surely something evil. Well, I won't have it. I'll contact the owners of this room to .... ah dammit ...
2:38 PM
Something changed for sure when an active member of this room was made RO....
...stars can be cleared...
Bart is in danger
We'll notice...
Threatening my pension plan ... nice ...
...those guarding the stars can be temporarily sent away...
2:41 PM
Not sure if @InfiniteSnowflakes is reciting the manual or if we're all in big trouble ...
@rene What changed?
@Bart quacking ;)
The Tavern is in risk of an earthquack...
@InfiniteSnowflakes The room owner awareness. I have a stronger feeling I'm being watched ... ;)
2:45 PM
@ProgramFOX kaboom
Haha why do I have more rep on Parenting than I do on Ask Ubuntu, Mathematics, Unix & Linux, and Android?
2:52 PM
Parenting is such a weird site..
@Doorknob冰 Because you are a better parent than programmer?
just had a funny thought... image someone with a username "Jesus Christ" joining the Pastafarianism A51 proposed site...
I would not do it (can't be bothered), but boy it'd get the feathers flying
just a strange random thought, as there are at least 2 members with that username
3:06 PM
Neither of them is the original one, I guess?
who knows...
i'd imagine he would have epic programming skills
reminds me of zigi
picture this - the top poster of a future Atheism, Secularism or Pastafarianism site by the username of "Jesus Christ"
Aug 14 '14 at 11:39, by zigi
that's why you can conclude I am Jesus
3:15 PM
another one!?
The only one I saw around here
glares at the star wall and makes plans
walks away quietly
follows uni
(will return with a plan)
3:49 PM
Am I unclear or impatient here?
Or maybe both?
cv-pls ^
Uhuh, does that mean you even have less patience than I have?
I saw a wall of code and voted.
@ProgramFOX Done
3:54 PM
@Inf Why did you remove your answer...
4:07 PM
19 hours ago, by nicael
Ohyeah?!?! PROVE IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Not being a C++ person, I did not want to edit How do you make a HTTP request with C++? to remove "are there any libraries". Am I correct that the question becomes legit without this part? The two top answers are code samples, not just library recommendations. @rene
@InfiniteSnowflakes what to prove :D it is deleted!
@Behaviour yeah I saw your reasoning but I'm not sure either
wat is the right syntax...
4:13 PM
@Unihedro HATS ARE AWESOME. Winter Bash will end in 1 day, 7 hours, 47 minutes and 6 seconds. :(
did someone got all the hats in a single site?
4:35 PM
@Braiam Kofia hat is problematic there.
Kofia + voting to close... sounds legit
I don't even think it's possible
Saint Lucia was for voting on December 15. Kofia for first post on December 26 or later. But one can join the site and vote with association bonus. For Solstice (December 21) a comment was enough. Got a tablet requires a post on December 25, but there's the 12 hour margin.
So it seems that in principle it's possible.
If you plan in advance with the board laid out, maybe.
Gold badge can be Electorate, 40 votes on questions in 15 days. The site needs to be quite active for Pizza and Red Baron. And the user has to be super active to earn enough rep to close, for Breaking Bad.
4:45 PM
Oh well, too late now. Nobody will collect all hats on same site this year.
@Behaviour or... you could throw rep to this account via bounties so it could VTC
And yeah, it had to be a site where Abby posted or commented...
Can someone find the owl gif for me? The one with "hahaha no"
And I've only seen Eureka hats on MSE. This means that you actually can only get all hats on MSE.
@ProgramFOX I have Eureka on Math.
4:48 PM
@ProgramFOX Thanks! :p
@Behaviour oh, ok, nevermind then
@Behaviour how??
@Unihedro I knew you would post that there :P
@ProgramFOX xD
Just for chatting in the main math chatroom about Chameleon hat, early in the season.
4:53 PM
Yeah, @Doorknob has Eureka on Puzzling.
@hichris123 The reasoning for that was actually "because figuring out secret hats is a puzzle hahaha get it" not "because you actually earned it on Puzzling." :P
@Doorknob冰 I know. I never did complain to $user about giving you Eureka. Since you asked for it, it should have been given to @TimStone. :P (chat.meta.stackexchange.com/transcript/89?m=2785252#2785252)
Hmm... clean up the crappy questions time or attempt to answer a question time?
5:01 PM
Me votes for attempt!
But... last chance for Bill Lumbergh!
@Behaviour Ugh true.
On the other hand, why work that hard on a Saturday for a hat that will exist for only ...
5:07 PM
@Behaviour HATS ARE AWESOME. Winter Bash will end in 1 day, 6 hours, 52 minutes and 49 seconds. :(
@Behaviour because spirit of collectionist?
5:48 PM
22222 rep! :D
6:06 PM
6:16 PM
... who was that? >:O
6:35 PM
Anyone still alive?
@bjb568 no
@Doorknob冰 ok, fixed.
@ProgramFOX condolence
6:39 PM
@nicael Serial downvoter! :O
inb4 suspended for voting irregularities
Impossible. No way.
Suspended first for offensive chat comments about voting and suspension and mods.
no votes left would need votes on stackoverflow.com/q/5818985/1699210 and cv-pls stackoverflow.com/q/4397039/1699210 on the duplicate target
7:04 PM
@Inf Ok, good now ;)
today I got the most difficult question of 2015: what is drama?
(ignoring the literary and theatical context)
Or, formally:
!find drama wikipedia
56 secs ago, by Braiam
(ignoring the literary and theatical context)
What is a kitten ignoring the animal context?
7:17 PM
you can call situations in reality "drama"... they are not actors doing a character
an exciting, emotional, or unexpected series of events or set of circumstances
7:37 PM
Random [tag:feature-request]: split the chat moderatorship by site categories. So that the flags on a "Science" site get handled by "Science" moderators, same for Tech and so forth.
Is this worth proposing for real?
Already implemented partly.
flags usually are contained to the room they are raised in before being propagated
since mods often hang around in the chatrooms... well ;)
also because chat is so fast it's not really useful to constrain to site-specific chat..
because old chat flags are more or less useless..
the point of a chat-flag is fast removal of offensive messages.
and if the flag just borks around in some queue that's not given
7:54 PM
@bummi we are handling your request and it seems to go well...
@rene thx, fine :) due to the close vote limit I did not process as many as I would have liked, will continue the next days ...
OK. we'll keep an eye on it
8:09 PM
@Behaviour Does this happen to do with a certain chat flag in the Math room?
Two more too chatty/obsolete flags will nuke this
8:47 PM
@hichris123 Not any particular flag. I'm not active enough in Math chatroom to even notice flags in time. But there seems to be a recurring theme of room36 broadcasting pointless flags to the whole network.
1 hour later…
10:09 PM
Don't die ploz, meta!
performs CPR
10:22 PM
sees how meta dies according to @inf evil plans
10:49 PM
So, @Braiam asked about drama... I tried to measure it in the context of meta, by extracting adjectives from a meta post. Here is one:
> automated worst incremental good random well-meaning foolish sufficient crappy lazy useful incomprehensible comprehensible
Anyone wants to guess what the post was about?
Review audits. Admittedly, this isn't obvious from the adjectives.
yay, nicael is below 200

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