Look, I'm fine with having a general bot, but so far what your bot does is to respond with useless commands ("help yourself", "sends help") and evaluate simple expressions that I could execute with my console which returns the result far quicker at no expense of bandwidth. Your bot currently does little less than being a useful utility, it can't even ping without having us beg it, and it floods the transcript by randomly invading our conversations when we use simple emoticons.
That and it doesn't have a mindjail.
If you're concerned about being reposted under your name, make a new account. Otherwise, sanitize the output.
I don't want to use a public library computer because it aggressively filters anything less bland than Wikipedia, and for the same reason I dislike your botling.
@ProgramFOX I'm pretty sure on LTS versions, the package versions stay the same as when the OS first came out except for security bugs, since LTS is for stability.