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6:02 AM
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title: Muscle Building Tags by ad sion on meta.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Score of 79.9635: Muscle Building Tags on meta.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector true
@cVplZ Registered as true positive: added title to Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
Interesting how Meta spam usually takes some clues from the site: "weight loss meta", "muscle building tags", etc. Never on Drupal.
6:22 AM
Lol... stackoverflow.com/questions/26923757/… combined with the comment right after it is one of the most heartbreaking things I've ever seen on SO.
Two spam posts on Meta now.
Am not posting links, because mobile.
Any devs around?
which devs?
6:31 AM
SE devs
oh.. okay
@AnnaLear Can you please lock this post? I rejected 3 spam attempts on it in the last few minutes meta.stackexchange.com/review/suggested-edits/32478
I remember that question... it's the one that always attracts spam edit.
Yes, unfortunatey
Today, someone seems resolute to spam it
Or fortunately. You already know what to expect from it. And rejections feed spam blocker stronger when the post is a known target.
6:34 AM
@Rafflesiaarnoldii I highly doubt if that is working for this post
We are manually guarding it
I really should unhide the suggested edit indicator on Meta... To share the burden, so to speak.
yes, please unhide it....now cVplZ has gone to sleep, so nic and I are on guard....the post is in a vulnerable state
@InfiniteRecursion Little harm in a spammy suggested edit. Looks like it stopped, at any rate. Funnily enough, that's probably the best path to those reviewer badges on meta anyway. :)
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title: Best Supplement For Build Muscle by lerratalk66 on meta.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Score of 96.1774: Best Supplement For Build Muscle on meta.stackexchange.com
@AnnaLear okay
@SmokeDetector tpu
@InfiniteRecursion Registered as true positive: added title to Bayesian doctype 'bad' and blacklisted user.
6:44 AM
That'll stop em.
I kind of want to spam the post now.
Spammers are persistent and annoying, I hope they learn to make better use of their and our time.
7:04 AM
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: SELECT STORED PROCEDURE DYNAMICALLY by Yogesh Jadhav on stackoverflow.com
yes @inf, because this question asks for what the construct means, falling in the same scope of The SO Regex Reference.
@Unihedron ok :)
is that a new spam ring? :o
@InfiniteRecursion cvpls
> dont bother coding, just use spamlink.com 's service
question spam gone
we will clean them up
@AndrewT. flag/other linking to the search query?
@JanDvorak I'll try
please flag the ones on SO first - they are still alive stackoverflow.com/search?q=geolify
8:45 AM
@AndrewT.: The page count is incorrect. There are just 12 answers.
@PatrickHofman :O
Nvm, just manual spam flag then
@InfiniteRecursion only one left!
all geolify on so gone
add geolify to Pham please @uni
@InfiniteRecursion i'll remember to do that when Sam brings back Pham!
ok, gone
ok, then I will drop a note in our room @uni
in Low Quality Posts HQ, 8 mins ago, by Andrew T.
possible spam keyword: geolify
@Sam pham pls
8:50 AM
I was happy to see a +10 in the top bar, but it was just the rep returned from the downvoted spam answers :(
@PatrickHofman :)
don't downvote spam!
@PatrickHofman What a coincidence, I saw a +10 in the top bar after you said that, so I clicked to expect rep returned, but it was actually an upvote:
@InfiniteRecursion :)
8:51 AM
give him a break please...he found that spam
Why not?
@JanDvorak I thought that law was for questions only?
At least Community<> protected most of the questions now.
@Unihedron why?
Someone should just protect every Geolocation question on SO.
8:53 AM
or close
In the evening
@JanDvorak 'cuz when it goes to -5 too quickly it gets banished from the active tab too quickly, and less users will be able to see and spam-flag it
spam questions fall faster from the front page if they get downvoted...it reduces their chance to gather enough flags...that's why don't downvote question spam
@Unihedron also, downvotes dilute the information how many votes are there
Okay, spam questions, but answers?
@InfiniteRecursion under that logic we should be upvoting spam
8:54 AM
@JanDvorak does that matter? you gonna flag it regardless of how many votes there are
@JanDvorak Lol. Make it get on the Hot network list :)
@JanDvorak yes, the rep gained is lost when it gets deleted/nuked anyway
@Unihedron raise that on MSE
@JanDvorak It's a valid reason to NOT downvote spam, not a reason to UPVOTE spam
@InfiniteRecursion why not?
8:55 AM
not downvote != upvote
ok, wake up properly, then we will talk
indeed, but if we upvote spam, it will stay on the front page even longer
it's a valid and established logic not to downvote...how is that associated with upvoting?
meh, upvote and flag it as spam. when it's +6 (1k only), it will be gone (j/k)
@InfiniteRecursion I have merely extended your argument to its logical conclusion
16 hours ago, by Jason C
@JanDvorak honest to God i do not understand anything you say — timmy26 6 hours ago
8:59 AM
@JanDvorak That's not it's logical conclusion, that's a reductio ad absurdum
@InfiniteRecursion might be, but where is the absurdity?
Reductio ad absurdum (Latin: "reduction to absurdity"; pl.: reductiones ad absurdum), also known as argumentum ad absurdum (Latin: argument to absurdity), is a common form of argument which seeks to demonstrate that a statement is true by showing that a false, untenable, or absurd result follows from its denial, or in turn to demonstrate that a statement is false by showing that a false, untenable, or absurd result follows from its acceptance. First recognized and studied in classical Greek philosophy (the Latin term derives from the Greek "εις άτοπον απαγωγή" or eis atopon apagoge, "reduction...
> Rocks have weight, otherwise we would see them floating in the air.
Don't downvote spam -> upvote spam is the absurd part
"don't downvote spam" is perfectly legit, but why is "upvote spam" so absurd?
-5 has visibility on front page, so no need to "upvote" it
9:06 AM
@JanDvorak I think she meant the arrow was an absurd deduction.
Why is it an absurd deduction?
if -3 was the criteria for front page visibility, I would see some sense in your upvoting logic to keep it on the front page
9:07 AM
The threshold is -4, not -5
12 mins ago, by Infinite Recursion
not downvote != upvote
@JanDvorak because I said nothing about upvotes! Do you not realize that downvotes and upvotes are two different actions?
@InfiniteRecursion I do. "don't do anything" sits quite in the middle between "downvote" and "upvote"
Actually Jan, I will stop typing, am having a perfect day....don't want to get into an absurd discussion now :D
@InfiniteRecursion If you want a different kind of absurdity, look up "too many cooks"
9:11 AM
If I want any kind of absurdity, I will look for "Jan Dvorak"
/me looks up "asdfghjkl"
@InfiniteRecursion you won't find anything that way
@Unihedron 404\
@JanDvorak will look for "Jan Dvorak", not look up
9:14 AM
Umm, don't look up "Jan Dvorak"
(at least not on Google)
If someone looks "for" you, they will look in the tavern...Google is for looking "up" for words
Not the kind of spam you see every day
It's the kind of "they're wasting their time" spam.
9:18 AM
Where? Get him off of me! swats in random directions
they didn't troll anywhere else, I did a quick search
not understanding why this has -3
@cVplZ you asked the same thing yesterday
5 hours ago, by cVplZ
not sure why this got -2
9:22 AM
hehe, nobody can escape the wrath of duck...
not the same question at all
I am blessed with a good memory
@cVplZ Yes, I agree. Totally different questions, not dupes.
Are you allowed to post images on Area 51 questions?
If so, I suggest you add a few pictures to indicate booby is a real exotic animal
someone might be thinking you are trolling and the question is about bluefeet's beautiful feet
Haay, my question is at -2. Though I do agree it's kind of stupid.
area51 post gathering so many downvotes so fast does seem strange...so add some proof that it's a valid question
@InfiniteRecursion never thought about her feet before, but i bet she's wears blue socks a lot
9:29 AM
@Unihedron maybe because all those who committed to your proposal are taverners...who only downvote...they have never used the upvote feature on SE
@InfiniteRecursion you don't need to follow/commit to vote though
@cVplZ awesome...let me go and cast some votes :P
@cVplZ upvoted
9:38 AM
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title: Muscle Building Supplement by deepali sarit on meta.stackexchange.com
@cVplZ Why don't these questions have any text in their body? I can only see the titles
@SmokeDetector tpu
@JanDvorak Registered as true positive: added title to Bayesian doctype 'bad' and blacklisted user.
@InfiniteRecursion have you never been to Area51!?
@InfiniteRecursion b.c it's just the titles. Just example question titles that people would have.
@SmokeDetector tp
9:40 AM
@cVplZ Registered as true positive: added title to Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
@DroidDev no, I haven't
@cVplZ thanks
no tour for area51 :(
I have read that faq earlier, but I didn't understand that a question means just a title without a body
9:46 AM
upvote if you like it , see [why upvote]
I am too lazy to create an account...so you have bask in the glory of the compliment I gave you here
you don't value it? I will go and leave thank you's for those who appreciate and value them!!
@cVplZ This is in definition, and the questions have body text as well as answers...why?
@InfiniteRecursion those are discussions not example questions. Think of discussions like the meta of area51
@vba4all I spotted a closed question on MSE that said it was closed by @mehow, not sure if you did a merge or something in the past
@cVplZ one of my answers was merged recently but that was SO... have you got a link by any chance?
@Sam Morning!
10:06 AM
@cVplZ this one was merged
Wow, I didn't have to refresh a million times to load chat.
@Sam Hiya!
@vba4all no, this was on MSE, no link, just letting you know what I saw earlier
@Sam Hiya!
in Low Quality Posts HQ, yesterday, by Sam
@AndrewT. Yeah, just last afternoon my DSL link died, and it only came back up this morning. I plan to have Pham running back to normal on the 26 of this month.
IOW, you'll have to wait another 12 days...
10:12 AM
ok, thanks
Unless... if @Pat wouldn't mind temporarily hosting util then.
@Sam Pham is up and running :)
@PatrickHofman Great! Thank you! :D
Low Quality Q (40.3%): How good is Microsoft Dynamics AX?, by Manu, on stackoverflow.com.
spam? AGF tells me it's not, but the location is weirdly specific and in india...
10:24 AM
@cVplZ umm... wat?
@JanDvorak doesn't look like spam, they are not "promoting" anything, just asking for opinion/advice
like a forum
@cVplZ :'(
you want to nuke my post
the spammer replied to your question, lol
i upvoted, nice find inf
10:27 AM
yes...spammer is trolling me
@cVplZ thanks
@cVplZ I gave him Brad's reply:
16 hours ago, by Brad Larson
@timmy26 Go troll somewhere else.
@BrarSaab: Go troll somewhere else. — Infinite Recursion 52 secs ago
@InfiniteRecursion that's not a troll, that's spam
how do we flag that comment?
10:29 AM
I flagged as offensive
I went for Other
I just did other: spam...
I flagged as offensive, nuked.
@InfiniteRecursion I followed that...
Thanks, it's gone now :)
10:30 AM
OK, I'm gone as well...
@Unihedron "Sure, I'm against animal cruelty, why?" "Well, you seem to have built a box containing chickens, with their eggs automatically sucked up and thrown against a wall, after which you regularly cook the chickens that results in by overflowing them with lava" "Well ehm ...."
I didn't look at that image...but your description is very unpleasant @Bart
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: ICT CLASS I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO DO by esmaeil on math.stackexchange.com
@InfiniteRecursion welcome to Minecraft. :)
@SmokeDetector tp
10:39 AM
@JanDvorak Registered as true positive: added title to Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
That question cannot be salvaged
Low Quality Q (35%): how to upload/export any data/items from liastbox to datagridview?, by user58107, on codereview.stackexchange.com.
So ELU appears to have gone off the rails. Is it acceptable that off-topicness has apparently become mainstream there? And that editing out off-topic essays is undesirable?
I don't think so.
A: Editing policy for responses to Questions: should we allow the edit to change the response?

Lightness Races in OrbitI removed that content because it: added nothing to the question, which was a question about English Language & Usage added nothing to this website, which is a website about English Language & Usage I did not touch, not even a single bit, the part of your answer that was actually an answer to...

... wtf is that answer? Dear diary ...
Not yours. The one you edited.
10:43 AM
I know right
And now they're all ganging up on me
Granted I'm getting a little pissed off in my comments to medica
But he's being a dick throughout so w/e
Hello everyone !!
I was just wondering which technology or method (synchronous request?) stack must be using for notification of new question (eg:2 questions with new activity) on any tab?
@Rikesh websockets
Well, upvoted your meta answer @LightnessRacesinOrbit. I'm very tempted to contribute to the discussion there, but I don't really participate on the site. So let's not.
Yeah I'm kinda wishing I hadn't
10:47 AM
Hmm, the fields I've been in around ELU was "Please gimme the word", so I don't really know that much. But your point was critical, +1'd
Your edit was correct, +1'd
@Unihedron The irony is that the question in question (lol) was "please gimme the word", too. I don't see how a TV essay could be defensible here but this guy doesn't seem to be alone. It's weird.
So apparently ELU is developing a "we're special" complex just like MathOverflow :( Can't be a good sign
@LightnessRacesinOrbit gah, couldn't help myself.
Anyway, back to writing specs.
special as in "special abilities", or as in "special school"?
10:51 AM
Well, I'm glad to see that I'm not alone in my interpretation of events. Thanks folks
@JanDvorak Left as an exercise for the reader ;)
(I'm not sure there's really a difference in this context :P)
@JanDvorak spend some time on that site, you will know
But that might make him "special" as well .... be careful!
he is too unique to be special
Low Quality A (31.7%): You can make quantity box as dropdown with b..., by Sarfaraz Ali, on magento.stackexchange.com.
10:56 AM
who wants to do some clean up?^
the funny part is the asker accepted that movie blog answer
those who have accounts on every SE site should go and clean it up
I'm wondering - what happens if an accepted answer gets nuked as spam
also clean up that OP's link from his other post magento.stackexchange.com/a/43887
Question - This edit is bad. +3/-1
Answer 1 - No. +5/-3
Answer 2 - Yes. +2/-2
@JanDvorak post a spam answer to my MSE post, I will accept it then we can nuke it :P
10:59 AM
@JanDvorak then... it's nuked, surprise surprise
One spammer already visited spammed on my post, so I won't mind another one
@Unihedron Even I upvoted the question, because asking it was the right thing to do when unsure. I wouldn't interpret its upvotes/downvotes in the way that you have.
As for the answers, the vote balance has tipped somewhat since I posted here ;)
@PatrickHofman fp why
@JanDvorak Term(s) found: (Ignored: 50%. Score: 10) ^\<p\>[^a-z]*\<\/p\>$ (Sensitivity: 14.3%. Specificity: 95.7%. Ignored: 83.5%. Score: 88) ^(?i).{0,80}$ (Sensitivity: 5.8%. Specificity: 84%. Ignored: 83.9%. Score: 27.9) (\S)\1{3}
Oh. A rare case of no-letter body
11:03 AM
I should probably indicate if a term's marked with auto...
@Unihedron JSON hates inb4
6 hours ago, by Jason C
@Boann I can guarantee that you don't hate deleted comments as much as I hate when people say "inb4".
@Unihedron or rather "AAAAAARGH"
INB4 @JasonC snaps from this self-referential comment and decides to kill me
11:09 AM
nuked a lot of spam on SO today i.sstatic.net/xMzNj.png
Hi there. My Review Suggested Edits history shows that I have approved 266 edit suggestions and rejected 5 edit suggestions. But I have reviewed 381 suggested edits.
Is this happening to anyone else ?
@milz It happens on ones where you've rejected.
It's... been reported before.
@InfiniteRecursion You're today's top police!
@Unihedron In my case this also happens on the accepted edits. Thank you
this "Roaring Fish" is really getting angry now. he thinks I'm "censoring" him.
@InfiniteRecursion Wow. Is that real spam?!
@Unihedron rofl
11:17 AM
@LightnessRacesinOrbit yep, I was there
Spam nuking is so effective I barely ever see any, so I have no idea how common it is
@milz I notice when I Approve and Edit, sometimes it shows 5 approves and 0 rejects, with correct total displayed. It fixes itself when "just now" goes away.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit yes, we nuked all that spam together from the tavern, thanks to PatrickHofman
The Tavern: a missile silo for the modern age
The Tavern: where firefighters hang out and chat until there's spam
11:21 AM
not very glamourous :(
Everything can be glamourous when you've just experienced the life and death moment.
[ SmokeDetector ] URL in title: Que problemas podem ocorrer ao usar a namespace “tempuri.org” em nossos webServices? by Guilherme J Santos on pt.stackoverflow.com
It's full of stars, a wheel of blame, diamonds, bots, and users with accounts on almost every site on the network...where would you find more glamour?
We could use more glitter though.
I wanted to find an online glitter string generator, so I googled "glitter string online" and it didn't return anything useful. Oh right, they called it "text", duh.
11:26 AM
Just do an image search for glitter string
@InfiniteRecursion why can't you?
@JanDvorak can you?
Maybe would rather not engage with that individual?
11:36 AM
rolled back by Bart; sure I could, too
I was about to roll back but bart beat me to it.
Thanks Bart :)
And edited somewhat.
I put a vote on this question yesterday... still has a single vote.
@Bart meh
11:37 AM
@Bart ... Merh.
@JanDvorak agreed
@Louis not any longer
Low Quality Q (34.4%): Writing a program to search a string, getting an error, by Techngro, on codereview.stackexchange.com.
Thanks for the closure!
11:48 AM
Asking for a framework, actually.
The OP also asks "built-in solution" but there isn't. So the only answers are going to be "use this package and that framework, and that tool."
Low Quality A (22.5%): The answer has to be 42 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..., by sepp, on stackoverflow.com.
^ abusive?
vlq imo
as in, trolling
11:54 AM
That could be a hard sell.
yes, so I didn't flag
I flagged as NAA. It does look like an answer but it is a joke.
I have encountered too many trolls in the past few hours on both sites...I should go and delete my shouting comment I left for the spammers on MSE, it's noise
Hopefully the reviewers will realize that.
> Is there example implementation of Peterson algorithm for mutual exclusion in Java?
11:57 AM
Leave comments under it, that will help reviewers
Yep, I've just added a comment.
I rarely comment because I prefer not to get sucked into a battle of words but there are times when I should comment and I don't.
Hmm, my MSE comment telling spammers not to spam has been nuked...someone must have flagged it....system is working as intended :)

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