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I have a question for the more Stack Exchange knowledgable.
@RPiAwesomeness Shoot.
Not that I'm any expert...
Is there a way that I can get the exact number (no names needed) of followers per tag?
@RPiAwesomeness Ask it upon thy great and noble Tavern, and thy shall reap the rewards!
... okay, whatever that meant. :P
@RPiAwesomeness Meaning for all tags?
No, sorry. Meant the number per a specific tag
Isn't that just on the tag's info page?
I'm creating a a graph (or attempting to) similar to this:
except for SO
@RPiAwesomeness Hover your cursor over the tag.
@hichris123 Yes, but it's not exact AFAIK
It's only the nearest thousand
@RPiAwesomeness The tooltip is.
PSUEDO-SQL: SELECT followerCount FROM Tags WHERE TagName = 'soandsotag'
@RPiAwesomeness ^
Thank you!
I hadn't tried that
@RPiAwesomeness No problem. @Frank actually made me think of that. ;P
But there's no way to do a batch lookup (eg. SEDE)?
nvarchar (25)
That looks like a no.
Or for a GL tag...
Maybe it's in the API?
Is it something a CM or dmod could do?
Looks like the API doesn't show that info: api.stackexchange.com/docs/…
NBD, I now know how to do it manually. Thanks for the help!
Have fun scraping pages! :P
Would be a handy feature though
I remember there's a generic response for these metaQ? meta.unix.stackexchange.com/q/3190/41104
Q: I am applying for college credit

Aaron LinderDesign Patents are only worth a lot of money for rich men, poor people who don't have engineering degrees who designed this patent cannot benefit from the patents, but I am still angry about citation I am applying for hardware design university credit right now with Harvard Corporation. Sean D. ...

@RPiAwesomeness Diamonds, no. CM (or dev), yes. Takes a DB query. If you want a one-time snapshot of stuff for now, I can get it for you (email me the tags and site(s) - [email protected]). beyond that... I'm not sure aggregate counts are really private info, but we don't currently expose it as far as I know. I'd make a feature-request on meta if you need them on an ongoing basis.
@hichris123 looks like ot or vlq.
@AnnaLear Thanks! Yeah, this is going to be a one-time thing. I'll email you soon with a list.
@AnnaLear Sent
The spammers on my blog haven't caught on yet that I've blocked the keyword "ugg".
@YiJiang I have a suggestion to add to the wheel of blame. @Seth is a d-mod on Ask Ubuntu and I think he deserves this honor
@hichris123 :P Spammers
@rpi Cool. I'll get those to you tomorrow morning at the latest. Just the follower count per tag, yeah?
Gotta grab some dinner before I SQL. :)
@AnnaLear that should be in the data dump :(
sometimes I find it useful for nifty stuff
I'm not sure why we don't include it. Could be oversight, could be technical reasons. Dunno. Feature request it... can't hurt to ask. :)
@AnnaLear Yup, just need the exact number of followers per tag. Don't want names, just the exact number.
@AnnaLear To give you an idea of what I'm doing w. them:
I'm attempting to re-create that, albeit using SO tag follows
@AnnaLear Gotta ask... dinner at 9 PM?
What did I do? ;P
@rpi Gotcha.
@hichris123 9pm is actually almost early for me. Welcome to NYC life. ;) I usually start work around 10:30-11, leave the office around 8-8:30, get home around 9... then cook, etc.
@ɥʇǝS uh.. Why are you upside down?
@AnnaLear Huh, working 10-8 must be nicer than 8-5. :)
@RPiAwesomeness meta. waves hands mysteriously
@ɥʇǝS Have you been inhaling upside-down gas again?
Hmm, need a word here: this situation can be ___ to the present day.
applied? better word for that?
@RPiAwesomeness I think it's just meta's atmosphere. Well.. it used to be :/
@ɥʇǝS Ah
@AnnaLear Wow. I get up at 5:30 am, work until 3:00-6:30 pm (unless there's rain), then home. :) I eat earlier than you, antway.
applied works. Transposed.. not so much.
@hichris Definitely. :) I'm trying to shift my hours to a slightly more normal schedule now that I'm not single, but it's slow going. 40-minute commute and getting up early are the worst.
@hichris123 Because of thisnthat you can see this situation is still relevant to today.
@hichris123 Applied works.
@frank 3-6:30? that's quite a wide spread.
@ɥʇǝS Anything fancier you can think of?
@AnnaLear I am self-employed, so it's whenever I finish up.
@ɥʇǝS ˙˙˙ooʇ ǝɯ uo ƃuᴉʞɹoʍ s,ʇᴉ ʞuᴉɥʇ I
@AnnaLear How do you commute around NYC? Public transit?
I eat at 10:30 and 15:30-0. That's a range. I am constantly eating.
@RPiAwesomeness 5af0b20c5154e5096766d5f396ca0d46
yeah, trains and walking.
@hichris123 I'm trying... :/
@RPiAwesomeness :O
@bjb568 lol, it's upside down text
@RPiAwesomeness So?
@bjb568 Your PC isn't reading it correctly?
@bjb568 Hmm, I sometimes forget to eat. But then, I get laughed at for how much I eat at times, especially the time I ate 43 slices of french toast at one sitting.
@Frank Oh my
@RPiAwesomeness I USE A MAC! My message is an md5.
@bjb568 resists urge to comment on Macs
@bjb568 So...you see those values instead of the upside-down text?
Conveniently built into duckduckgo too! ("md5 somethingtoconverttomd5")
md5 has nothing to do with macs..
@RPiAwesomeness Yep. You can only do that healthily if you are 6' 3" tall, and do lots of physical labor.
@RPiAwesomeness No. I just responded with an md5.
@bjb568 Oh :)
@ɥʇǝS I know. The mac comment was about how I couldn't see it wrong.
@bjb568 What's it say?
I was searching for a way to brute force it.
@ɥʇǝS Wouldn't that take a long time?
@RPiAwesomeness Sigh. Can't you find a lookup table? Eg crackstation.net
@RPiAwesomeness not md5 :)
"oh noes"
Apparently not
@bjb568 Trying to be a l33t h4x0rz are we?
(: 5dm ton ssenemosewAiPR@
@RPiAwesomeness It's just an md5…
@bjb568 Dude. I know :D
l33t h4x0rz is an overstatement then. :)
@ɥʇǝS Why wouldn't transposed work?
> transfer to a different place or context.
"the problems of civilization are transposed into a rustic setting"
synonyms: transfer, shift, relocate, transplant, move, displace
"the themes are transposed from the sphere of love to that of work"
cy'all later!
@hichris123 hmm. I didn't say it wouldn't, but (IMHO) it doesn't sound quite right.
@RPiAwesomeness What's that?
@hichris123 This idea can be transposed. Not this situation.
@bjb568 Aha. That's why it sounds weird.
> The examples shown are thought provoking as they could be ____ to normal life today.
^ That's my sentence now.
@Doorknob ELU is not a verb. :P
ah, yes, transposed does sound ok in that sentence.
changed my mind.
"The examples shown are thought provoking as they could be ____ to normal life today." is useless. Either show me how (and leave it to the reader to infer that it's applicable) or use the idea in a transition (from this is what happened then -> (NOTICE THE SIMILARITIES?!?!?!) this is what happens now (IN CONCLUSION HERE ARE THE SIMILARITIES!!!))
@bjb568 This is a transition more of in a conclusion.
@hichris123 I know. So make it a transition. Eg: "The development of cars in the 500s made people like cars. Then everybody use cars. (<-transition) Now we use cars." Not something vague like "this is applicable BECAUSE I SAID IT IS BECAUSE IT'S REQUIRED"
~500s, right? :P
@bjb568 SHA256 for I am a l33t h4x0rz.
@RPiAwesomeness Ah.
@bjb568 My next sentence is a "For instance". :P
Do you guys have to use turnitin?
Never heard of that.
> What's Wrong with Wikipedia?
Nopenopenope ctrl+W
But when somebody elaborates on "this is important now" I think "I don't care go away, stop shoving fabricated information down my throat". You need to prove a *point* (that isn't "this is important now", for that you need a relevant transition) with smooth transitions, not [talk about blah] NOW I'LL TALK ABOUT HOW IT'S RELEVANT TODAY [talk about blah today]. Like [here is history of blah and how it smoothy evolved from then to now]. Or for a single subpoint, "these people making carz n stuffz are kewl cuz they makz ussez think abutz helicooopter (single sentence, not "these people makin ca
@bjb568 ... this is very vague 'cause I don't want to get "caught" plagiarizing off of myself. :P
@hichris123 Well, when in doubt replace carz with purple elephants or whatever.
@bjb568 you mean unicorns, no? :)
@LynnCrumbling Too notuselessandboring for a real assignment where you can't plagiarize.
@hichris123 Encoding fail. (at the end :P)
@Doorknob Yup. :P
I dont' see an encoding fail… Macs!
@hichris123 Will comment on it.
@hichris123 What did I just read?
@AstroCB Conclusion to my paper.
I see.
You are taking it wrong , i know its my mistake — Imran Rizvi 1 min ago
Why are we talking about english I do not like english.
I am now going to shamelessly plug a question I just asked. It includes freehand circles, so I should be fine. Please look athttp://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/240740/confusing-linkification-in-pend‌​ing-edit-message
oops meta.stackexchange.com/questions/240740/…‌​‌​ing-edit-message
@hichris123 Comment added.
Oh, it's a conclusion? Then it needs to summarized your points made. What are your points?
How about 0? Line with slope 0 or parabola with a derivative of the same line! It covers most of the assignment. — bjb568 9 secs ago
@RPiAwesomeness Out of curiosity... do you care about people who signed up for email updates for questions in a tag or just people who marked a tag as interesting/favorite on SO?
I'm starting to see why we don't expose this. A bit more complicated than I'd thought.
@Frank Reasonable. What do you do, if I may ask?
Hey, some people are trying to sleep in here, SmokeDetector.
Keep it down.
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive title detected: How the phrase 'Holy Shit' is formed? on english.stackexchange.com
1 hour later…
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: VANSH TRAVEL A BOOKING POINT on travel.stackexchange.com
drupal meta spam gone
graphic at -8
All gone
@AndrewT. kinda sorta
@AndrewT. *yawn*
@AndrewT. Ask again after coffee
This needs to go to Server Vault... stackoverflow.com/q/26250361/3622940
+2? I give up on voting
It is pretty clear.
still a "do x for me"
This is pretty close to entering the commitment: Lifehacks
@Unihedron 10.6% of users also following: Pastafarianism
which is almost as close to commitment...
Pastafarianism vs Lifehacks, place your bets!
both down
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: TP-LINK TF-3200 on askubuntu.com
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: VB.NET CHROME LIKE NEW TAB BUTTON on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword detected: What is procedure of weight loss? on drupal.stackexchange.com
is this feature implemented?
@AvinashRaj Read:
> Preface - nothing is currently planned, I'm just hoping to get some feedback and ideas.
too lazy to read
A: Empowering tag-badge holders part II - let's look at silver?

UnihedronI have a different suggestion - (to) Allow silver and gold badge holders to downvote answers on questions with the tag without the -1 reputation penalty. Since silver and gold badge holders scores enough to sufficiently prove their knowledge, they should be trusted to be sane enough to cast downv...

@Unihedron which one?
@JanDvorak the comment
other than other than other
meh... but anyways... nuked
@AvinashRaj Thanks, just my $0.02.
@AnnaLear landscape design, installations, maintenance, lawn seeding, care package, mowing, tree pruning, spraying, removal, specialty pruning, etc... The actual list is much longer, but those are some main things.
@Frank deja-vu or a recidivist?
@JanDvorak huh?
I'm sure I've seen this guy already
and I don't mean the question
@JanDvorak What guy?
I'm sure I've seen the spammer already
both spam at -6
Looks around and notices that the sna bird still isn't anywhere to be found
Why is Zephyr going crazy and posting lots of spam by himself?
@JanDvorak Where?
@Frank link?
Must've meen deja-vu. This is my first spam flag on a GL answer.

Low Quality Posts HQ

Home of bots for catching low quality posts (and sometimes spa...
g2g food
@JanDvorak cya
@JanDvorak bye!
Finally! I was wondering when this was coming... but I seem to have answered 7 out of the 9 questions. Are they picked randomly? — J. Musser 5 mins ago
@Frank You're asking the bot? Ha?
@Unihedron Posting a comment, so that people will see it.
I don't generally talk to bots.
Pham, on occasion, but not most bots.
two GL spam still there...
@Frank That's still there, the other is dead.
@Frank, @Unihedron no goodbye pings after a ::poof::, please
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: CALL FOR PRIOR ART: EP1668450B1 on patents.stackexchange.com
@AnnaLear Nope, just need the total number of people marked a tag as interesting/favorite on SO.
@AnnaLear Just wondering, no need to answer if you can't, but what makes it so complicated? I mean, if you're already getting it for the tooltip on the popup, it shouldn't too hard to make it available on SEDE IMO.
Obviously, I've never seen the backend/had access to the full DB, but unless it's stored w. other user info, couldn't you just grant SEDE lookup access for that number?
I love the new review "rejection reasons".
@GreenAsJade I don't. :(
Heh heh. Well. FWIW, at least someone (me) does. I just popped in to say that :p
Hiya @Sam!
mod-hammered before it even hit the realtime tab
oh - wait. It flew past the realtime tab for a different reason
any more "I'm offended by" jokes? meta.stackexchange.com/questions/240761/…
@JanDvorak I am thinking of posting a reply that references the categorical imperatives theory from Kant. ^_^
@SPArchaeologist go ahead.
in Low Quality Posts HQ, 57 secs ago, by Pham
Low Quality A (100%): You provide me rectangular PVC me in jaipur ..., by pankaj, on diy.stackexchange.com.
^ naa plz
@Sam Oops, I flagged VLQ instead by accident.
One internet cookie for the person that can find the Meta post about the offensive SE blog that had a picture of a woman on it. If it's a deleted post, another cookie for a screenshot of said post
What kind of cookie?
@jadarnel27 brown cookies
@Braiam I better get to searching then.
note to self: @Braiam knows my kryptonite...

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