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10:26 PM
@populardemand Yes, I went outside and got some sun.
10:43 PM
What's up?
Hola. Sonic booms in the Puget Sound area. Hurray for a visit from the prez. ;)
So anyone here use ASP.Net Dynamic Data?\
Obama visited the Seattle area and some private plane violated the temporary no-fly zone. So, they scrambled jets which led to a couple sonic booms shaking the area.
Right now I'm suffer through the local news monkeys as they butcher the English language.
@sergiotapia I haven't touched .NET in a while.
Ok, @Lance - I gotta concede. Much as I think deleting most of them was a valid way to clean up the site, the deletion of tag merge posts is showing signs of becoming a regular pain. It would have been better left alone.
@Shog9, It kindof seems like deleting those questions was code release without testing.
10:53 PM
@shog9 I'm still not sure what the thinking was there, but oh well

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