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in Tavern on the Meta, Feb 27 '20 at 11:16, by Shadow Wizard is Ear For You
@user1271772 Area 51 is dead, but since it takes 10 seconds, I committed to the proposal. Just.... don't build your hopes too high. Now without Robert there's nobody to close proposals, but there's also nobody to launch new sites. :/
This is a long overdue THANK YOU message for committing to that proposal when I needed to get 200 people! However, if you registered your commit as being "referred" by me, I would be at more than 1 million, instead of only 900k, hahahahaha:
4 hours later…
@user1271772 I really don't remember, sorry
@Tinkeringbell well problem is some people abuse the system and get lots of money they don't deserve at all, and it's hard to catch them. So this cause everyone to be hurt as result.
@AnnofProgrammingGables hmm... well guess I can say Monopoly. Why?
@Wolgwang yeah, took the picture on that day.

Shadow Wizard's first steps

Jan 18 '17 at 20:53, 16 minutes total – 14 messages, 1 user, 0 stars

Bookmarked Jan 18 '17 at 21:10 by Shadow Wizard Hates Omicron

(above is reply to "what is Shadow Wizard", due to bug in chat, reply arrow is hidden)
@VScode_fanboy what do you mean "on your country level"? What level?
@FOX9000 why
@ShadowWizardHatesOmicron stammer (?)
@ShadowWizardHatesOmicron infected (?)
@ShadowWizardHatesOmicron bayer (?)
@FOX9000 buyer
@ShadowWizardHatesOmicron payment (?)
@ShadowWizardHatesOmicron Covid restrictions are same as your country, we are free.
@VScode_fanboy ohh, I see. Nice.
@ShadowWizardHatesOmicron Over here it's not that hard to catch. Sure, there will be people that try but a good chunk will be caught by the tax instance and well... For stuff like this, I think I'd rather help a 1000 that really need it for every 1 that abuses the system, then just have no help available at all
@ShadowWizardHatesOmicron I mean I love living here, it is not a hell as the Indian media describes.
How did you make that "conversation" that you linked before?

Shadow Wizard's first steps

Jan 18 '17 at 20:53, 16 minutes total – 14 messages, 1 user, 0 stars

Bookmarked Jan 18 '17 at 21:10 by Shadow Wizard Hates Omicron

3 hours later…
@VScode_fanboy Indian? Sri Lanka is part of India??
@VScode_fanboy anyone can make such thing, it's under "room" menu below the tags:
But please don't abuse it, if you want only to test do it in sandbox room.
(as we can't delete bookmarks.)
oh wait, I can delete. lol. Still, better not test here.
You can see list of all bookmarks of this room here.
No, not in that sense; consider this:
1. You represent a powerful news organization from a powerful country.
2. You say news regarding nearby nations.
3. You exaggerate/fake the news (dunno why they are doing it)

@ShadowWizardHatesOmicron ah thank you.
@ShadowWizardHatesOmicron just curious :)

How to make a bookmark

23 mins ago, 1 minute total – 6 messages, 1 user, 0 stars

Bookmarked 41 secs ago by VScode_fanboy

2 hours later…
@VScode_fanboy nicely done! ;)

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