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They status completed something related to chat. Unbelievable! XD
Why so silent?
1 hour later…
@Wolgwang yeah, well it's more about inbox, not really a change in chat. ;)
@AnnofProgrammingGables no, each time he waits twice the amount of time.
@Zoethe1337Princess hello
@ShadowWizardIsVaccinatedV3 hail (?)
@Wolgwang because nobody is talking
@ShadowWizardIsVaccinatedV3 hiya
@Zoethe1337Princess cree (?)
1 hour later…
~ The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
2 hours later…
~ Obscurity
4 hours later…
@Zoethe1337Princess how is the life as moderator? You handle it fine? ;)
@ShadowWizardIsVaccinatedV3 But I thought it resets whenever a new chat message is sent.
@AnnofProgrammingGables well that part is bugged, we can try to nudge rene to fix it... :)
But in general, it's working pretty fine.
@ShadowWizardIsVaccinatedV3 Oh, okay :)
@ShadowWizardIsVaccinatedV3 Haven't fucked up too hard yet, so that's a win I suppose :p it's really nice to be able to single-handedly handle trash though
So you hate omicron?
~ Not everything is star-worthy...
@Zoethe1337Princess Not fucking up is important when you're a mod :) Glad to see you're liking it!
I'm mostly happy as long as I don't piss off the devs :p
... with stuff that needs to be reverted, to be clear
Infinite editing has also spoiled me ^^"
@Zoethe1337Princess Hm. There's just a few of those things that you could do wrong (tag merging, user deleting, and question merging, and that's it, I think?) :P Nothing to worry about :P
You'd think so, but you have no idea how much user deletion there is
I guess lots more than on MSE ;)
Deleted several users on my first day, and I think we (read: the mod team overall) consistently destroy at least 5-10 spammers alone per day (a lot more when the support number scammers decide to show up)
5 spammers a day sounds like MSE numbers....
Used most the mod tools in the first couple weeks
@Tinkeringbell Yeah, it's a very conservative guesstimate actually
@Zoethe1337Princess Yeah, learning curve is steep :)
Roughly 23 accounts in the past 24 hours
I don't even remember how long it took me to delete my first user on IPS. It probably was just another spammer though.
@Zoethe1337Princess One every hour ;)
Like clockwork? :D
Not entirely, it's mostly batches'
Yeah. On MSE, they usually arrive in my 'morning' lately XD
@Zoethe1337Princess totally! I'm really glad you're getting along, I knew you can do it. :D
@VScode_fanboy yeah it totally mess the world up
I'm afraid people will actually start to rebel against their governments, that's the biggest risk.
They see low casualties rate, and yet their government impose strict orders that hurts them.
Here in Israel we're in good shape, somehow, as in not so strict orders, but from what I see other places are much more strict, and people don't like it.
@ShadowWizardHatesOmicron People are, perhaps, also very spoiled. As in, we had strict measures over Christmas and sure it's no fun... but you're not going to die if you can't out in a restaurant at Christmas!
I understand the protests that we've had here, some like t.co/5uMKSSHGER ... but that can be fixed by providing better support to those businesses that are still having to remain closed, not by just reopening everything and just see where things go...
1 hour later…
~ A few more hours and this room will be frozen ...
1 hour later…
@ShadowWizardHatesOmicron Just curious, do you have any favorite board games?
@ShadowWizardHatesOmicron Heh! New look :)
What does "Shadow wizard " btw?
1 hour later…
~ The Magician on the Skywalk
2 hours later…
~ Where is everybody!?!
at work.
at 11?
Almost done. I 'volunteered' to be on standby tonight, there's some important releasing and production testing going on. So far, I've been sitting in front of my desk, joking with coworkers, and playing Pokemon on my Switch :P
There, done. Now, sleep :D
1 hour later…
~ The Shadow

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