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1:28 AM
~ Stars get removed under peer-pressure?
2 hours later…
3:29 AM
~ Magician: The Astonishing Life and Work of Orson Welles
4:26 AM
baby Are you awake ?
@TheLittleNaruto I'm not so sure anymore. It can go either way
Ok baby
Let's test if hang man game is working
baby hang
damn :(
baby hang
503 Service Unavailable <-- What does it mean ?
4:59 AM
Service Unavailable
baby urban oversmart
@TheLittleNaruto oversmart verb To lose the interest and understanding of others by using words they consider "too big" or "hard" or by writing things they consider "too long". Oversmarting urbandictionary.com editors is frighteningly easy. To avoid oversmarting editors, or other groups with limited education levels and short attention spans, do not use the best word to describe your idea, but rather use the word that is cl(snip)
@Dro ^
baby urban happy
@TheLittleNaruto happy A chemical reaction
baby urban android
5:11 AM
@TheLittleNaruto android The famous Google made operating system for mobile phones. First debuted on the T-mobile G1, android is used on many different phones. Much can be done to the linux-based mobile operating system.
baby urban apple
@TheLittleNaruto apple The alternative to the orange.
baby urban iphone
@TheLittleNaruto iPhone Pretty much the coolest portable gadget ever made. It has only one button and everything else is operated by the touch screen. It's an ipod, a phone, and an internet browser. It can also be a remote control, computer mouse, electric razor, mouse trap, a taser, deodorant, hand grenade, a condom, wipes your ass, and gives you eternal life.
Dafuq! xD
@Dro ^
Oh lol other definition of iPhone:
A cell phone that adds "new" features once a year and calls them innovative. Most of these features are not new or innovative but rather common on other phones.
Apple: This new iPhone will have voice chat! You'll be able to connect on a totally new level you've never been able to experience before!
Sane person: Didn't Nokia, Palm, Motorola, and Sony all have this, like, 3 years ago?
Here is another one:
(noun) a device used for everything but calling people.
A man walks in a bar with his iphone... He suddenly realises he needs to fart. He logs into Itunes and ups the volume thinking 'the music is loud no one will hear' So he farts... When he looks around, everyone's staring at him Then he realises... He was listening to his iphone with headphones.
5:30 AM
baby urban naruto
@DroidDev [Naruto](http://naruto.urbanup.com/391901) 1. The swirly thingamabobs in your Ramen that tast like bean curd.
2. Decent manga about some ninja kids.
baby urban seven deadly sins
@DroidDev [Seven Deadly Sins](http://seven-deadly-sins.urbanup.com/284436) <N, theo.>
Also known as the finer things in life. Originally arranged in the 6th century by Pope Gregory, the seven are:

1. Pride - An attitude of personal superiority, almost universally accredited as the most useful of the sins.

2. Envy - desire for the belongings or traits of others.

3. Lust - The craving of 'earthly pleasures,' if 'earthly pleasures' are defined as se(snip)
new toy to play with
baby help
@DroidDev Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
5:47 AM
baby urban naruto
@TheLittleNaruto [Naruto](http://naruto.urbanup.com/391901) 1. The swirly thingamabobs in your Ramen that tast like bean curd.
2. Decent manga about some ninja kids.
baby urban berserk
@TheLittleNaruto berserk Named after a group of Norse warriors who would work themselves into a frenzy before battle and fight with reckless savagery and insane fury. Used today to describe a person acting in an insanely violent manner.
baby urban droiddev
@TheLittleNaruto That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@TheLittleNaruto No definition found for droiddev
5:57 AM
baby urban shadow wizard
@TheLittleNaruto No definition found for shadow wizard
baby urban princess
@TheLittleNaruto Princess A girl that has been pampered, sheltered and spoiled her whole life to the extent that she has no friggin idea about the real world.
LOL @Pri ^
baby urban rene
@rene see the history of this message.
5:58 AM
6:12 AM
Well, that is Rene, not rene. Big R makes a big difference. :D
But still....
baby Are Rene and rene different ?
@TheLittleNaruto But of course
Oh ok
baby eval 'Rene' == 'rene'
@TheLittleNaruto false
I see
Hmm.. @sha is right
6:20 AM
Except when I am wrong
1 hour later…
7:30 AM
~ Who needs sleep here?
8:01 AM
@BabyBe'el I don't think this will end well for you but only time will tell
@rene Well! That's not him but urban API which gave the result.
@TheLittleNaruto meh
No associated word found for meh.
>>continue meh shrug
@PrincessLuna shrug (?)
8:11 AM
>>link meh whatever
@PrincessLuna Link added.
@PrincessLuna shrug
@TheLittleNaruto That word is already said in the latest 10 words. Please use another. (In case I'm mistaken, run >>rmword shrug and then >>reply 7060575)
I know.
@FOX9000 IDC
8:12 AM
No associated word found for IDC.
I won \o/
How come you won ?
IDC is not a word but an acronym
You lost!
@rene I don't care (?)
@rene You have to let the AI process it for a sec, and you get a word eventually. ;)
@TheLittleNaruto just play by my rulez ....
@FOX9000 careless
8:19 AM
@rene carton (?)
@FOX9000 board
@rene disembark (?)
@FOX9000 ship
@rene cask (?)
@PrincessLuna :D I saw what you did there ... clever AI indeed ...
8:22 AM
Moosebot has been activated.
9:22 AM
@rene PI (Princess Intelligence ;))
@ShadowWizard bi (?)
Why did FOX 9000 replied to that ?
I mean it doesn't have single word
or many words separated with underscores
He ignores anything inside (brackets)
@FOX9000 two
9:26 AM
@rene bassoon (?)
@FOX9000 flute
@TheLittleNaruto banjo (?)
@FOX9000 guitar
@PrincessLuna steve (?)
1 hour later…
10:37 AM
~ The Shadow of the Eagle
2 hours later…
12:38 PM
~ A few more hours and this room will be frozen ...
3 hours later…
3:45 PM
4 hours later…
7:46 PM
~ Where is everybody!?!
4 hours later…
11:49 PM
~ Can't we be a bit moar talkative?

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