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1:06 AM
~ Shadow of Deception
3 hours later…
4:19 AM
@PrincessLuna Why did you ban him lol ?
Morning! o/
4:57 AM
@TheLittleNaruto Troll
Bot restarted after crash.
5:23 AM
5:49 AM
@PrincessLuna Ok
@TheLittleNaruto k (?)
tln k
sd k
1 hour later…
6:52 AM
~ The Wizard of Oz
7:10 AM
@shadowwizard Get in here!
@sonic Get in here!
@Alisha tell alisha tell alisha tell alisha tell insanecat hi
@alisha tell alisha tell alisha tell insanecat hi
Filtering <3 lol
7:54 AM
@Dro Yo
Today one agent will come to collect the documents.
8:46 AM
@TheLittleNaruto great! confirm about saturday also
//lick @the @dro
@PrincessLuna A hundred-thousand dollars.
@PrincessLuna Licks @the @dro. Tastes like pee
9:03 AM
@DroidDev Ok
@TheLittleNaruto That word is already said in the latest 10 words. Please use another. (In case I'm mistaken, run >>rmword Ok and then >>reply 6870084)
@Alisha lol
@TheLittleNaruto hehe (?)
@TheLittleNaruto How can I //help?
Shut up
9:04 AM
@TheLittleNaruto How can I //help?
//lick @dro
@TheLittleNaruto Licks @dro. Tastes like printer ink
@Alisha assassinate @the @shadow of @TheLittle @insane @droid
@PrincessLuna Too little MLP watching killed @the @shadow of @TheLittle @insane @droid
9:15 AM
@PrincessLuna @the @shadow of @TheLittle @insane @droid? They went into the forest and never came back
9:35 AM
9:46 AM
Oh hey @rah! Almost didn't see ya lurking there :D
10:06 AM
Oh hey @rah! Almost didn't see ya lurking there :D
Oh hey @dro, almost didn't see ya copy-pasting there :D
copy-pasting? What you saying?
makes clueless faces
Oh hey @dro, almost didn't see ya copy-pasting there :D
makes clueless faces again
Oh hey @kid, almost didn't see ya copy-pasting here :D
10:25 AM
1 hour later…
11:30 AM
~ Who needs sleep here?
12:11 PM
this kinda answers actually worry me:
A: How to scroll to the bottom of a RecyclerView? scrollToPosition doesn't work

Roc BoronatI was looking at this post to find the answer but... I think everyone on this post was facing the same scenario as me: scrollToPosition() was fully ignored, for an evident reason. What I was using? recyclerView.scrollToPosition(items.size()); ... what WORKED? recyclerView.scrollToPosition(it...

and the comments below
just a two minute debugging and/or basic knowledge of computer's working will answer
cc @TheLittleNaruto what do you think?
1:10 PM
@KennyBOT I do
1 hour later…
2:11 PM
~ Shadow on the Land
2:51 PM
@DroidDev dafuq! How come He got that many upvotes at first place.
@DroidDev What is your smokedetector is doing Man ? @ShadowWizard
1 hour later…
3:52 PM
~ Doraemon: Nobita and the Wind Wizard
4:13 PM
In honor of the den (room 721):
cc @sha ^
4:59 PM
@PrincessLuna Hopefully it becomes 1,176 soon
what's 1176?

Sonic's Den

If you have time to worry, then run!
6:34 PM
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ's daily ping
@Princess's daily response
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ's second daily ping
7:23 PM
@M.A.R. huh? Are you back to one of your old avatars?
@PrincessLuna 1.1m pr? nice!
@TheLittleNaruto hmm? What smoke?
@ShadowWizard finally, someone with existing long-term memory
@PrincessLuna ohhhh
@ShadowWizard Command not found. Did you mean: alive?
7:28 PM
@ShadowWizard Just got the 721 reference? :D
@PrincessLuna lag
@ShadowWizard You're already in the game.
@ShadowWizard Waiting time: 0 seconds.
So why don't you reply anymore?? @ProgramFOX halp!
7:29 PM
:1 test
>>flip yourself
@ShadowWizard (╯ಥᴥ•)┛︵ɟןǝsɹnoʎ
@PrincessLuna Command not found. Did you mean: unban?
only WAG module is borked... @Pro
7:30 PM
alive, utc, listcommands, help, cat, exec, read, getcurrentusers, ping, flip, doubleflip, xkcdrandomnumber, xkcd, random, randomint, randomchoice, shuffle, detectlang, translate, *translationchain, *translationswitch, *stop, *disable, *enable, *suspend, *unsuspend, *ban, *unban, +delete, *pull, yes, no, *module, define, time, showtime, link, islink, removelink, addlinkexplanation, explainlink, removelinkexplanation, showlatest10, latestword, rmword, reply, retry, continue, *gameban, *gameunban, joingame, quitgame
Bot restarted after crash.
Where's the code?
:35353 foo
@FOX9000 boo
I have a theory
7:31 PM
@ShadowWizard Command not found. Did you mean: help?
@ShadowWizard I'm FOX 9000, ProgramFOX's chatbot. You can find the source code on GitHub. You can get a list of all commands by running >>listcommands, or you can run >>help command to learn more about a specific command.
@Pri ^
7:32 PM
>>module WAG
Bot restarted after pulling from the GitHub repository. Running on revision 03d1a589d6d9031e558858d672a4a900e986266c.
@FOX9000 yo
think this one never happened before...
@PrincessLuna Yes, I'm alive.
7:33 PM
@ShadowWizard No latest words in memory.
>>link FOX9000 borked
@ShadowWizard Link added.
@FOX9000 borked
@ShadowWizard FOX9000 (?)
@FOX9000 you
7:34 PM
arg, can't find wag
So the external site is down, probably
Bot restarted after crash.
Or it changed their HTML, so the scraping fails
/cc @ProgramFOX ^
@ShadowWizard that's what I thought
wanted to check the site, but I can't find the relevant code
site appears the same as before as far as I remember, e.g. wordassociations.net/en/words-associated-with/Boob ;)
7:47 PM
@ShadowWizard hum, let's check
@ProgramFOX I don't know.
okay but at least the module is not disabled
@FOX9000 knowledge
@FOX9000 test
something in reading/scraping the external site is borked
it works for words which are manually linked
I can read the site fine from here
Maybe they started to block scrapers?
7:50 PM
let's check if my server can reach it
Bot restarted after crash.
looks like the bot gets to Timeout errors
and my ping command from the server is taking scaringly long too
I'm going to wait until it actually says something (probably timeout...)
7:51 PM
Can the server reach other sites? (i.e. is it on your server side, or on the wag site side?)
I can ping other websites just fine
and the WAG site is reachable from here
but I'll check if it's unavailable from other locations
stats from my server:
--- wordassociations.net ping statistics ---
254 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 255016ms
still waiting to see if there are problems from other places
seems like it's fine around the world, with only a problem in Singapore, but that's irrelevant for my server which is in Ireland - host-tracker.com/InstantCheck/3/…
7:58 PM
@ProgramFOX maybe they blocked its IP due to the scraping?
after 4 years, way past the peak of the WAG module usage?
okay it's not 4 years because I only have my server for 1.5 years
but still
@ProgramFOX maybe they made some stats, saw total requests per IP, etc
Any way to change/fake your server IP?
it's strange though, why NOW and not a few months earlier
not really
also it's not like I'm spamming the server with requests
their API is specifically made to be included in apps or web services
ohh wait
This is the first time I read about their subscriptions
You can send 5000 requests per calendar months without having to pay
But I'm not getting anywhere close to that!
oh but I'm not using their API at all, I'm just scraping
8:02 PM
@ProgramFOX exactly...
cough can you use their API?
no because it's blocked too
assuming it is blocked
Maybe @Princess can help? @Pri you know Python at all?
my point is
their API is inaccessible
from my server
I'm going to wait a few days to see if I can reach it again
and then I'll take care of switching
I don't think they had the API when I started the bot development
hmm... sounds fair
@ProgramFOX pretty sure they didn't have
yeah we would have seen it then
>>module disable shadowsdenmodule
8:04 PM
@ProgramFOX No such module, or it (or its container) has already been disabled.
>>module list
(what were the commands again? xD)
>>help module
@ProgramFOX Contains controls for modules. Run module help for details.
>>module help
Contains controls for modules.
`module enable <name>` - enables a module
`module disable <name>` - disables a module
@Pro any chance you can throw a quick code hack to force manual words only?
8:05 PM
meh, there are far from enough
>>module disable shadowsden
@ProgramFOX Module disabled.
We can add more.. and more...
@FOX9000 test
now it shouldn't crash anymore
@ProgramFOX FOX9000
@ProgramFOX yeah, guess it wasn't good for the poor bot
oh it's more that I don't want to send any more requests for the few next days
and I wanted to check if this enforced not sending requests
if it doesn't crash (success!), then no request gets sent
8:08 PM
Bot restarted after crash.
is that related though
@ShadowWizard Command not found. Did you mean: showtime?
yes it is related
8:08 PM
so disabling the module only disabled the commands but not the other stuff
You mean you can't disable the bot listening for replies?
>>module enable shadowsden
@ProgramFOX Module enabled.
8:09 PM
I'm going to force it with a line of code
Sounds good
Bot restarted after crash.
okay, done
>>module disable shadowsden
@ProgramFOX Module disabled.
(that doesn't do anything else here than disabling the commands, but we don't need them anyway)
@FOX9000 test
The API was actually already there in June last year
so almost a year
being IP-banned still feels weird but maybe
8:21 PM
@ProgramFOX why not let us play without the site?
e.g. only linked words
Remember the times when we still played without a bit even existed?
I don't understand why you rely on it so much now
@ProgramFOX hardly
@ProgramFOX I don't care, but others come to play only with the bot, e.g. @Nog and @Pan
Guess @rene, @DroidDev and myself can play like in the old times though. ;)
and do you think they could be bothered to run a >>continue for 99% of the words they post?
and you, @Pro!
@ProgramFOX well, @Pri has the patience
8:38 PM
@ShadowWizard yeah, I know Python
9:33 PM
Bot restarted after crash.
@ShadowWizard Kinda surprised you didn't know the answer to that when Alisha's ~25% python XD :p
1 hour later…
10:34 PM
~ Shadow Valley
10:53 PM
@PrincessLuna :(
11:09 PM
@ShadowWizard Why the quick change in avatar?
11:33 PM
@SonicWizard memorial day was only one day, followed by Independence Day
11:57 PM
@DroidDev There can be only one hokage, Naruto M...F... Uzumaki...
Lol loved it!

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