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12:51 AM
~ The Way to Shadow Garden
2 hours later…
2:51 AM
~ Off to See the Wizard
2 hours later…
4:34 AM
@JennaSloan Very nice
Summon @PrincessLuna
4:46 AM
I was summoned?
Can you explain this equation: y = mx + c ?
5:01 AM
@ShadowWizard that duck gif
It looks like the general formula for a linear function
Can you explain slope variable i.e. m ? @Pri
It's how much it increases from x to x +1. If m == 4, t increases by 4 each time you increase x by 1
@DroidDev Thanks
5:09 AM
@TheLittleNaruto blessing (?)
@PrincessLuna Thanks, Much clear now!
@TheLittleNaruto gimme your id, I got a meetup of ML for this sunday. I will forward you that email
@DroidDev Which ID ?
gmail ?
yeah, any
Pinged you on Allo
But you should have it ideally, dunno why are you asking
5:13 AM
@TheLittleNaruto because I am an asshole, who keeps forgetting the things
anyway, check your email
Yeah received one
5:27 AM
@DroidDev You could +1 while requesting for attending meeting
@TheLittleNaruto it is costing $3. Should we go? That's why I sent you the link
@DroidDev Too late now. I already paid.
Also I didn't add you.
I thought you already signed up
Now you'll have to come lol
5:38 AM
how did you pay?
That's what it says when you click on submit ?
@TheLittleNaruto also, it automatically changed my status to "Going"
@TheLittleNaruto submit? You talking about mail?
@DroidDev Click on Attend and Click on that tick mark button, there you'll see the UPI id
@TheLittleNaruto are you sure you paid for yourself? Did you get a recipt or something?
5:44 AM
Dude when you pay via UPI, you'll get a transaction message.
We can call the person thereafter
Once you'll pay, I'll make a call
my status is "Going", but how do i pay is the thing that I am not able to understand
should I open some other app (Bhim) and pay to that number from there?
You understand UPI ?
oh...so now I have to install bhim upi app?
Where is my gun.... ?
Here it is:
you have a gun?
so now i have to click on "send" button
5:52 AM
Damn it! I got to trigger it...
Got no choice now!
the name is anup keshwani?
done, paid
Ok Call him now, and mention my name as well xD
and tell him that we paid
on that same number?
6:13 AM
@Dro From Mathematics SE, Somebody shared me this link to understand linear equation: desmos.com/calculator/zcc9qswolg
He asked me to play with it, after sometimes I will understand
@TheLittleNaruto what the funkiness, its damn cool man!
!!poo @ShadowWizard
~ 💩 💩 💩 💩
6:41 AM
!!wipe @InsaneCat
~ You clean up your own mess
!!thank pooping
!!blame pooping in Den
@ShadowWizard blames @JohnMiliter for pooping in Den
But it's @Insane!
@DroidDev My Little (Pony)? ;)
@ShadowWizard yeah, but my pony has now grown up
6:44 AM
So, MBP?
lol, yeah
there's a meetup for all the guys with big ponies, and I got a VIP seat
@ShadowWizard lol
@PrincessLuna That word is already said in the latest 10 words. Please use another. (In case I'm mistaken, run >>rmword lol and then >>reply 6829858)
@DroidDev good for you! DroidDev, King of Ponies! :D
Very Important Pony (well, that one is trivial ;))
lol, but still on point
6:54 AM
hahahha @ShadowWizard
@Moosebot lick @Insane
7:31 AM
Tf xD
8:08 AM
@InsaneCat That meme should be Loreal Scarif not Loreal Paris, XD
8:49 AM
@Moosebot pony
@Moosebot yes
@PrincessLuna Command not recognized.
@Moosebot throw a pony on @M.A.R. please
@ShadowWizard Command not recognized.
8:54 AM
@Moosebot unicornify me
@PrincessLuna Unicornification is unavailable for absent or non-existent users.
@Moosebot unicornify PrincessLuna
@Moosebot unicornify @ShadowWizard
8:57 AM
Interesting, same unicorn, different angle.
Oh, different horn color too. :D
And mane color :D
@Moosebot unicornify @Moosebot
@Moosebot unicornify SonicWizard
@PrincessLuna Unicornification is unavailable for absent or non-existent users.
9:06 AM
@Moosebot unicornify @DroidDev
>>exec {{read 6830285}}
random unicorn generator ^
@FOX9000 that reminds me of Jon Ericson for some reason
9:12 AM
@Moosebot well...that certainly looks like a unicorned wolf
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ hmm
@ShadowWizard Ya (?)
@FOX9000 Yo
@ShadowWizard yo yo yo (?)
>>exec {{read 6830285}}
9:16 AM
1 hour later…
10:16 AM
~ Shadow of the Law
10:52 AM
@PrincessLuna How can I //help?
@PrincessLuna I am currently in these rooms: [166968, 166774, 139, and 1] on SO, [[1176, 89, and 721] on MSE
11:09 AM
//shutdown --confirm
11:46 AM
12:36 PM
12:59 PM
@TheLittleNaruto will see after I go home
cc @TheLittleNaruto
1:24 PM
Moosebot has been activated.
2:24 PM
~ The Hands of a Wizard
2:40 PM
@DroidDev Yes!!
3:20 PM
1 hour later…
4:21 PM
~ The Wizard of Oz on Ice
2 hours later…
6:21 PM
~ Shadow Conspiracy
@ShadowWizard STOP CONSPIRING! :p
2 hours later…
8:30 PM
~ The Muppets' Wizard of Oz
@PrincessLuna can you please stop asking in Charcoal HQ about things related to the troll that is causing trouble? You're not helping, at all.
well, everybody should ... whatever
I'm assuming most of this is documented in the Charcoal channel, but I don't have access there. And joining is broken atm (or at least that's my understanding of it, since verification is supposed to pop up in chat). I'll stop asking, but I don't like being left in the dark
I understand that but the team is under pressure while they try to mitigate the ongoing traffic.
Keep in mind that the user or users that cause the chaos like to see how everybody reacts and gets annoyed and upset. That is their only goal.
That sounds reasauring ;)
1 hour later…
9:43 PM
~ Shadow in the Sky
2 hours later…
11:43 PM
~ The Heart Wizard

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