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Moosebot has been activated.
Shadow Wizard has been activated.
1 hour later…
The plan is unstoppable...
I talk but I'm not here
@ShadowWizard berserk, FOX 9000, Moosebot
Is there a limitation of how many no. of answers can be added to a question?
@Pandya Pandya, FOX 9000, berserk, Moosebot
@ShadowWizard try to leave and re enter....
@Moosebot kick Shadow
@Pandya Command not recognized.
@Moosebot Wake Shadow
> Cranking the rock to 11! Just because I can't hear myself talk doesn't mean it'll wake up Shadow, right?
Oh! Then
@Moosebot wake Wizard
> Wizard just had their bed dropped into a bull fighting arena.
@Pandya nah, it won't help. I'm a ghost.
@Pandya nope. I think there's a question on Code Golf with thousands of answers.
>>cat I'm afraid as now Shadow is not only Wizard but it is Ghost also! :P
@Pandya I'm afraid as now Shadow is not only Wizard but it is Ghost also! :P
@ShadowWizard Can you give me a link? Btw, I'm just curious to find the question with most no. of answers throughout SE (may @rene 's query mechanism help!)
@ShadowWizard Thanks!
>>cat You're selected as RO of the Den. Congratulations:)
@Pandya You're selected as RO of the Den. Congratulations:)
>>cat Den has got one RO whom @ShadowWizard recognise a good (and probably sacred) man! Haha
@Pandya Den has got one RO whom @ShadowWizard recognise a good (and probably sacred) man! Haha
@Pandya Den has got one RO whom @ShadowWizard recognise a good (and probably sacred) man! Haha
Hi there!
First time I join SO chat,
I mean except the times I was prompt to go to chat cause my comments on some question were getting numerous
@AnixPasBesoin welcome! How did you get here? :)
BTW, it's not SO chat, it's MSE chat - different domain and server, different rooms. ;)
You want the bigger story or the shortest one possible?
Q: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

SandboxWhat is the Sandbox? This "Sandbox" is a place where Programming Puzzles & Code Golf (PPCG) users can get feedback on prospective challenges they wish to post to the main page. This is useful because writing a clear and fully specified challenge on the first try can be difficult. There is a much...

@Pandya That sentence is ungrammatical
1454 answers @Pan, doubt there's more... @rene might have already wrote a cross site query to get question with most answers. @rene?
@AnixPasBesoin the bigger the better! (ask @Dro and @ber they know this as well... ;))
@M.A.R. That too, without a period at the end.
@ShadowWizard heh
@berserk No, lack of punctuation does not equal ungrammaticality
punching punctuation
@Moosebot pizza
@berserk BURN ANYWAY
@Moosebot wake @Anix
> @Anix just had their bed dropped into a bull fighting arena.
Haha, well I posted this issue on meta meta.stackexchange.com/questions/290505/… and a user named "Shadow Wizard" which must me you commented on it, was kinda curious, so I check his profile, and found a link to this chatroom!
Wonder who is this "Shadow Wizard" :D
@AnixPasBesoin That user is a jerk
I hate him
@M.A.R. yeah, totally!
Haha! who is it?
@AnixPasBesoin no idea!
How come he's a jerk?
@AnixPasBesoin that "Shadow Wizard" love to troll people
or maybe he jerks off a lot...
I'm sure it's you! Haha
He even turned himself into a ghost, and trolled poor and innocent @Pan
How are they doing now? Those trolled innocent ppl?
@AnixPasBesoin oh, @Pan is fine, he got promoted to Room Owner. :P
(by the ghost)
You own any room, @Anix?
Nope! I don't even know what a room owner is haha
I don't think I own any.
So, may I ask a newbie question? What is this room about?
@AnixPasBesoin one who creates a new room, or get that role from existing room owner, or a moderator. :)
@AnixPasBesoin Offensive jokes
@M.A.R. nah, not offensive unless one is offended by boobs. :P
Really? How offensive should I be?
@ShadowWizard A mod isn't a room owner but has more abilities than one
@M.A.R. a mod can grant RO to anyone afaik, even 1 rep users
@AnixPasBesoin Normal male
How can I own this room?
@ShadowWizard Oh, I misread your sentence
@AnixPasBesoin you need existing owner to give you that role
Haha! I'm invading it!
@AnixPasBesoin Kill Sha
@M.A.R. this happens a lot! :D
@Moosebot kill @M.A.R.
> @M.A.R. suddenly erupted into flames. :'(
See @Anix we can kill people here
Nooooo, I'm oxidized
Shadow I'm afraid we'll have to kill each other for I really want this room!
How many ppl died before me?
Alright, I gotta go offline. Cya all
@AnixPasBesoin lol, you can't have the room, it's too big for you. :D
@M.A.R. cya!
Glad to to meat you guys ^^
@AnixPasBesoin about 221
I like big places! And boobs as wel!
Great! you'll be the 222nd
@AnixPasBesoin awesome! @ber and @Dro also like boobs, and even @FOX
I hope you like the digit 2!
May I know, technically, is this chat room run in a private server?
@M.A.R. I may sometimes poor in English grammar:(
@AnixPasBesoin nope, it's hosted on Stack Exchange web server, same one that hosts Meta Stack Exchange (where you asked the tag icons question) as well. :)
@Pandya all good!
@FOX9000 pie
@ShadowWizard plum
@FOX9000 bum
heh, @ber isn't in the game ;)
@berserk mum
@ShadowWizard sitcom
Btw, I've just seen weird linings in transcript (mobile chat):
@Anix so you're active on Stack Overflow itself?
@ShadowWizard friend's :P
I do answer some questions when I know the answer,
@berserk forbidden :D
@ShadowWizard prohibit
@Pandya lol! That's Zalgo ;)
I'm not sure I'm an active user, but yeah!
@AnixPasBesoin well, more than most...
How old you @Anix, if I may ask? :)
Wow, that's the average here!
I make the average higher, and so is @rene
Was 22 2 weeks ago!
But then we have teenagers as well :D
@ShadowWizard I think I'm not aware of that. What's Zalgo?
@Pandya oh my... let me find it...
Teens haha!
Some dish? Is it yummy?
I thought we were mature here since we were discussing boobz!
@ShadowWizard yeah I am twentyfiveteen years old :P
@berserk Hi!
hey @Pan ^^
A: RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags

bobinceYou can't parse [X]HTML with regex. Because HTML can't be parsed by regex. Regex is not a tool that can be used to correctly parse HTML. As I have answered in HTML-and-regex questions here so many times before, the use of regex will not allow you to consume HTML. Regular expressions are a tool th...

@Pan ^
That's the original SO post sparking lots of.... stuff
May I ask one more question?
@AnixPasBesoin even two...
Why are you guys sharing questions here? Like this RegEx post?
Is it kind of a challenge or something?
@AnixPasBesoin this specific case explains the source of Zalgo, as I see it :)
I guess to tell Pandya about zalgo
whoa, all hail @Bart! :P
@AnixPasBesoin For improving the knowledge:)
hails @Bart
Sigh ...
Hello peeps
How is you?
Cool! So it's not just about boobz!
The hardest challenge of all is to keep @Bart around!
@Bart good, u say :3
@Bart he speaks! :P
Hi Bart!
I'm the new owner of this room!
Shadow's dead!
First time Bart actually speak and not grumble about Den being first.... :D
@AnixPasBesoin who's Shadow?
He's dead:
@ShadowWizard Who's Unikitty?
@berserk Who's UniDoggy?
@Bart have a coffee, and a cookie... Den is cozy!
^^ Guys, I'm about to go offline, I'll be checking around this room from now on.
Expect me!
Have a nice day!
haha cya
@AnixPasBesoin you're being expected! :D
Btw, let me declare that I sometimes don't understand what people's exact meant while they're chatting for fun and especially the tones... :P
glad to have you on-board! \o/
(and be prepared for pingz spahm)
That's because I don't do chatting with people like you frequently.
Thank you all! Ca ya next time!
@berserk nah, it's not nice to ping @Anix
@Anix might not like pings, @ber
@Dro like pingz
@ShadowWizard I'm having a coffee as we speak, a cookie would be nice
I like curls!
And it's a meeting day, so not going to be productive for me. :D
@AnixPasBesoin good for you! ;)
>>cat @{{randomchoice {{getcurrentusers pingformat}}}} {{randomchoice do don't}} like pings!
@Pandya Pandya
@Bart well, I'm eating Bamba now...
@Pandya you must have >>cat for this
@Pandya AnixPasBesoin do like pings!
Is that the peanut butter stuff @ShadowWizard?
@Bart wow, how you know that?! (yes, it is ;))
@Pandya M.A.R. do like pings!
@Pandya @AnixPasBesoin don't like pings!
@ShadowWizard yup. Were in a project once with a partner who brought some over.
@Bart lol.. and it's tasty?
@ShadowWizard yup, right @Anix?
@ShadowWizard I liked it. They didn't like drop. :)
@M.A.R. Oh! I should use does and doesn't
@Bart good... BTW it doesn't have peanut butter as far as I know, just peanuts. (so it's considered semi-healthy)
>>cat @ShadowWizard is out of my reach to {{getcurrentusers}} list.
@Pandya Command not found. Did you mean: getcurrentusers?
@Pandya @ShadowWizard is out of my reach to FOX 9000, Pandya, Shadow Wizard, Bart, berserk, AnixPasBesoin, M.A.R., Moosebot list.
Next challenge: have @Bart play with the bot ;)
>>cat @Bart please play with me
@Pandya FOX 9000, Pandya, Shadow Wizard, Bart, berserk, AnixPasBesoin, M.A.R., Moosebot
@ShadowWizard @Bart please play with me
And that's how you get restraining orders ...
I'm out peeps. Meeting time. It has been ... something ... laterz
@Bart cya!
@ShadowWizard ^^ Shadow's ghost power looks absorbed somewhere in Den.
@Pandya ghost was put back in the box
@Bart heh... so what's your own annual consumption of this? More than the average? ;)
@Bart has gone to purchase new glasses to deal with a bot! Hehe
@Pandya No one is excellent in English, not even native speakers. And everyone makes mistakes. It's important to learn from mistakes and not repeat them
@M.A.R. like AI?
@M.A.R. is a CI
@M.A.R. Yes, I do sometimes visit:
For improving my sentences.
@Pandya they got cookies in there?
@Pandya Yeah, a guy named MAR sounds familiar in that room
He's probably the janitor
@ShadowWizard Stop abbreviating me

New Guy in Den (and a @Bart)

55 mins ago, 40 minutes total – 144 messages, 8 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked just now by Shadow Wizard

abbreviating @M.A.R.
@Moosebot unicornify @AnixPasBesoin
@M.A.R. Though I find others helpful like Damkerng T.
@Moosebot unicornify @ShadowoftheShadow
@Pandya @Dam is just a stalker ;)
@Pandya Unicornification is unavailable for absent or non-existent users.
@Pandya And not MAR? :'(
@ShadowWizard ok
@Pandya volleyball
@M.A.R. may be I haven't remembered
@Moosebot unicornify @FOX9000
>>unicornify @Moosebot
@ShadowWizard Command not found. Did you mean: continue?
@ShadowWizard Command suggestion cleared.
@Moosebot <<
@Pandya Command not recognized.
@Moosebot brown pizza
@ShadowWizard Command not recognized.
>>cat @Moosebot is champion in saying "Command not recognized" :P
@Pandya @Moosebot is champion in saying "Command not recognized" :P
>>don't recognize this command
@Pandya Command not found. Did you mean: random?
@FOX9000 You're absolutely right for "Command not found".
>>cat @Moosebot tries to recognize commands whereas I try to find that's why I'm technically superior! Hehe
@Pandya @Moosebot tries to recognize commands whereas I try to find that's why I'm technically superior! Hehe
>>cat @{{randomchoice {{getcurrentusers pingformat}}}} good-bye!
@Pandya Command not found. Did you mean: getcurrentusers?
@Pandya @Moosebot good-bye!
^^ looks worthless. Let's try literal one:
@ShadowWizard Good-bye!
@ShadowWizard nope ...
@rene oh. And is such query possible?
@Pandya bye!
@ShadowWizard yeah, I'll give that a try tonight, if you don't beat me to it
@rene nah, I'm not good with cross-site queries, still didn't get my head to how you do that exactly. :)
@Anix so what's more important than Den on Friday? Work? ;)
5 hours later…
@FOX9000 forbid
@ShadowWizard slavery
@FOX9000 evil
@ShadowWizard calamity
@FOX9000 distress
@ShadowWizard signal
@FOX9000 processing
@ShadowWizard textile
@FOX9000 fertile
@ShadowWizard imagination
@FOX9000 wild
@ShadowWizard animal
@FOX9000 instinct
@ShadowWizard uncanny
@ShadowWizard crag
@FOX9000 Craig
@ShadowWizard owens
@FOX9000 Thomas
@ShadowWizard baronetcy
>>define baronetcy
@ShadowWizard No entries found for that word.
@FOX9000 Knighthood
@ShadowWizard receive
@FOX9000 give
@ShadowWizard respite
@FOX9000 despite
@ShadowWizard fact
@FOX9000 real
@ShadowWizard culprit
@FOX9000 blame
@ShadowWizard rape
@FOX9000 hurts :(
@ShadowWizard bruise
@FOX9000 Bruce
@ShadowWizard feldman
@FOX9000 Bancroft
@ShadowWizard wilton
@FOX9000 Hilton
@ShadowWizard gossip
@FOX9000 chatter
@ShadowWizard shivering
@FOX9000 excitement
@ShadowWizard abate
@FOX9000 debate
@ShadowWizard proposition
@FOX9000 proposal
@ShadowWizard rejected
@FOX9000 declined
@ShadowWizard occupancy
4 hours later…
Bot restarted after crash.
@ShadowWizard well, it will be tomorrow before I get to it but to entertain you I link you to this answer of mine: meta.stackoverflow.com/a/321644/578411

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