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12:27 AM
Hey Frank no WAG train tonight I'm afraid :(
@Dro @Fla and @Sweet are all asleep by now, how cute! :-P
7 hours later…
7:21 AM
Still no sign for @Dro
No trace of @Fla
Only sleeping @Uni :D
4 hours later…
11:51 AM
@ShadowWizard I started yesterday but ended with a big mess around partitions and pivots so I abonded it. When I awoke in the middle of the night I realized what was wrong. I have provided an answer now....
@ShadowWizard C
2 hours later…
1:23 PM
Bot started with waiting time set to 5 seconds.
2 hours later…
3:05 PM
@rene Plus (Plus)
@ProgramFOX mach
@FOX9000 Firefox (mach is a script in the Firefox source code for useful things such as building the whole browser)
@ProgramFOX Chrome
>>islink Firefox Chrome
@ProgramFOX Yes, that's a manually added link.
3:07 PM
>>link Firefox awesome
@ProgramFOX Link added.
@FOX9000 Google
@ProgramFOX evil
oh right, that's also a link :P
@FOX9000 harm
@ProgramFOX knowingly
3:15 PM
@FOX9000 clueless
No associated word found for clueless.
@rene bot
@ProgramFOX fame
@FOX9000 musical
@rene play
3:16 PM
@FOX9000 record
@rene visual
@FOX9000 basic
@rene math
@FOX9000 π
@rene number
3:19 PM
@ProgramFOX inhabitant
3:51 PM
@ShadowWizard I have a great answer for this but the OP doesn't seem to be capable in editing it into shape ...
2 hours later…
5:22 PM
@FOX9000 citizen
@ShadowWizard free
@FOX9000 oppressed
No associated word found for opressed.
@ShadowWizard wrong
5:23 PM
@FOX9000 right
@ShadowWizard assert
@FOX9000 !delete!
@FOX9000 (assertion) error
@ProgramFOX falsehood
@FOX9000 truehood
whatever that means
No associated word found for truehood.
5:24 PM
@FOX9000 well, duh, it probably doesn't even exist
>>continue truehood nothing
@ProgramFOX nothing
>>removelink truehood nothing
@ProgramFOX Link removed.
@FOX9000 something
@ProgramFOX impart
5:25 PM
@ShadowWizard Waiting time: 5 seconds.
@FOX9000 import
@ProgramFOX carolina
@FOX9000 name
@ProgramFOX scotchman
5:27 PM
@FOX9000 scatman
No associated word found for scatman.
>>continue scatman John
@ShadowWizard John
@FOX9000 Doe
@ShadowWizard differ
5:28 PM
@FOX9000 change
@ShadowWizard edit
@ProgramFOX note
@FOX9000 galaxy
@ShadowWizard breather
@FOX9000 scuba
5:30 PM
@ShadowWizard diver
@FOX9000 tortoise
@ShadowWizard duck
@FOX9000 what
@ShadowWizard happen
@FOX9000 base
5:32 PM
@ShadowWizard vesta
@FOX9000 asteroid
@ShadowWizard jupiter
@FOX9000 voyager
@ShadowWizard alpha
@FOX9000 release
5:33 PM
@ShadowWizard active
@FOX9000 passive
@ShadowWizard intellect
@FOX9000 wizard
@ShadowWizard thew
@FOX9000 cocktail
5:34 PM
No associated word found for coctail.
@ShadowWizard invitation
@FOX9000 sorority
@ShadowWizard sister
@FOX9000 church
5:37 PM
@ShadowWizard creed
@FOX9000 assassin
No associated word found for assasin.
@ShadowWizard confederacy
6:31 PM
@FOX9000 conference
@ShadowWizard wisconsin
@rene oh wow, you surely are dedicated! well done! :D
@rene How? As far as I know we can't tell who's employee and who is "just" a moderator, and I doubt the data dump even contains moderator's data...
@Dro @Fla and @Sweet are all away during weekend
@Dro got about 10 unread items by now
and also @Fla
Wonder if they also get emails for unread inbox items? :D
@FOX9000 dairy
@ShadowWizard extensive
@FOX9000 expensive
@ShadowWizard perfume
6:42 PM
@FOX9000 woman
@ShadowWizard samaritan
@FOX9000 good
@ShadowWizard fellowship
@FOX9000 (of the) ring
@ShadowWizard boxing
6:43 PM
@FOX9000 kick
@ShadowWizard soccer
@FOX9000 violence
@ShadowWizard penchant
6:56 PM
@ShadowWizard I let the OP add that to my query (just requires insert statements with id's)
7:19 PM
@FOX9000 strong
@ProgramFOX impression
@FOX9000 expression
@ProgramFOX coarseness
Got to go now, shutting down bot.
7:45 PM
@FOX9000 harsh

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