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9:15 AM
baby is asleep
@ShadowWizard Yes!
baby tell Pandya help
@Pandya Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
@Pandya hey!
@DroidDev Sure
9:15 AM
@TheLittleNaruto fer (?)
baby live
@Pandya I'm not dead! Honest!
~ Not everything is star-worthy...
~ Stars get removed under peer-pressure?
No, since Kenny played with star, I took an revenge! lol
baby meditate
@Pandya That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
9:18 AM
@Pandya LOL
@TheLittleNaruto haha (?)
@FOX9000 bliss
@Pandya immortal (?)
@FOX9000 liberation
9:19 AM
@Pandya gay (?)
baby meme
@Pandya That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: meme
@Pandya deskflip, fuu, iseewhatyoudidthere, no, notbad, ohyou, okay, troll, trollface, youdontsay
baby weather
@Pandya See /help weather for usage info
baby urban girlfriend
9:20 AM
@DroidDev girlfriend mystical creature whose known powers range from clairvoyancy to being able to bleed for a week without dying. a person to have on your side.
baby weather help
@Pandya Sorry, I couldn't get the data: Invalid API key. Please see openweathermap.org/faq#error401 for more info.
baby urban wife
@DroidDev [wife](http://wife.urbanup.com/562022) 1. The Good Part - The woman you marry and live with for the rest of your life.

2. The Bad Part - The woman you marry and live with for the rest of your life.
baby help weather
9:20 AM
@Pandya weather: Gets current weather: /weather (lan, lon) or /weather city
baby urban husband
@DroidDev [husband](http://husband.urbanup.com/1579252) 1) Someone who has your back when you need it, but knows when to get the hell out of your way when he has to. Useful for fixing things, keeping you warm, and that fuzzy soft happy feeling that he usually creates.
2)Also, apparently something most of the previous definition submitters haven't the personality to attract.
baby weather Shadow's Den
9:21 AM
@Pandya Sorry, I couldn't get the data: Invalid API key. Please see openweathermap.org/faq#error401 for more info.
@ShadowWizard How are you?
baby quote
baby stat
@Pandya That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: stat, stats
@Pandya You (https://meta.stackexchange.com/users/260388/pandya) have 2827 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 60 questions, gave 27 answers, for a q:a ratio of 20:9.
avg. rep/post: 32.49. Badges: 1g 13s 33b
baby urban boyfriend
baby weather Jerusalem
@DroidDev boyfriend a great guy who make you feel good bout urself... a protector, and ur best friend
9:22 AM
that was rather lame
@TheLittleNaruto Sorry, I couldn't get the data: Invalid API key. Please see openweathermap.org/faq#error401 for more info.
baby urban Donald Trump
@BabyBe'el wow!
@DroidDev Donald Trump America's worst president. Ever.
@Pandya API key has to be changed. Looks like it got expired.
9:23 AM
baby urban Rahul Gandhi
baby listcommands
@Pandya help, afk, backup, ban, clap, convert, define, die, doge, eval, forget, google, hang, imdb, info, jquery, learn, listcommands, listen, live, mdn, meme, moustache, msdn, mustache, nudge, quote, refresh, spec, stat, stats, summon, tell, unban, undo, unonebox, unsummon, urban, weather, welcome, wiki, xkcd, youtube, zalgo
@DroidDev rahulgandhi to talk irrelevant nonsense to questions asked by someone thereby making complete fool of oneself
How was your interview ? "I rahulgandhied it" !
@DroidDev XD
baby clap
9:24 AM
you 👏 are 👏 bad 👏 at 👏 this
baby pee
what's with those weird characters
@ShadowWizard That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
you 👏 are 👏 bad 👏 at 👏 this
@DroidDev "claps"
9:24 AM
baby urban Sonia Gandhi
@DroidDev [Sonia Gandhi](http://sonia-gandhi.urbanup.com/7129867) Wife of son of daughter of India's first Prime Minister, all of whom were in the Indian National Congress political party.

Born in Italy. Met her future husband in Cambridge, UK.

Eventually went on to become the president of the Indian National Congress (after assassination of her husband Rajiv Gandhi, former president of INC, who was son of Indira Gandhi, former president of INC, who was (snip)
baby urban baby
@Pandya all good!
@BabyBe'el :(
baby flag?
@BabyBe'el baby dafuq! :D
9:25 AM
@Pandya That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
baby urban sex
@BabyBe'el poof
@DroidDev sex What kind of moron are you that you look up sex in the urban dictionary?
@ShadowWizard slang (?)
@BabyBe'el @DroidDev Take this Dro LMAO
Right on your face lol
9:26 AM
baby urban side chick
@DroidDev sidechick the other woman; also known as the [mistress]; a female that is neither a male's wife or girlfriend who has relations with the male while he is in another relationship
baby learn Namaskar
baby urban naruto
@DroidDev [Naruto](http://naruto.urbanup.com/391901) 1. The swirly thingamabobs in your Ramen that tast like bean curd.
2. Decent manga about some ninja kids.
baby naruto
9:26 AM
@kId That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
@Pandya google rest api link changed and has to be updated
baby urban funny
@DroidDev funny When someone else gets hurt.
baby urban love
@DroidDev love nature's way of tricking people into reproducing
9:27 AM
@DroidDev :( I just about to type that
@Pandya Could not process input. Error: Cannot read property 'toLowerCase' of undefined
baby urban sarcasm
ello @ShadowWizard @Pandya
@DroidDev sarcasm A tongue of which the user speaks of something the complete opposite of what the user means. It often has the best comedic value.
@Pandya Illegal /learn object; see /help learn
baby urban murica
9:27 AM
baby help learn
@DroidDev murica The way un-educated Americans (generally rednecks, hicks, republicans, or very patriotic people) say America.
@Pandya learn: Teaches me a command. /learn cmdName outputPattern [inputRegex [description]]
@Moosebot lick @kId
baby urban America
@DroidDev America A country that claims the name of an entire continent to itself alone for no compelling reason.
9:28 AM
baby urban UK
@BabyBe'el is it working? @TheLittleNaruto
@DroidDev UK A fantastic country that once ruled the world (yes, literally) and is much cooler than the USA because it is older and cleaner. Also has amazing music such as [Muse] and [Radiohead] and [Biffy Clyro] and [[Arctic Monkeys]](urbandict(snip)
Bot's Den
baby urban britain
9:28 AM
@DroidDev Britain The only culture alive that can use the word "cunt" as any available part-of-speech.
baby urban bot
it's only 4 teams left
@Pandya Bot Things on instant messanger programs that try to act like stupid girls who give you links to pay porn sites. Usually are hella annoying and repeat everything over and over again
baby urban england
baby urban England
9:28 AM
@DroidDev [england](http://england.urbanup.com/2042936) A member nation of the United Kingdom. It is part of an island nation in western Europe, which invented football (which we have mixed results in) Rugby (same again) and many other handy things.

Together with Scotish enlghtenment (mainly based in Edinburgh) Welsh raw materials, Irish manpower. The English played a huge part in turning Great Britain into the first truly industrialised nation.

It a(snip)
baby wiki stackexchange
@Pandya Yep it is, but it'll be cached to the browser on which it is running. Since I am running in incognito mode, it'll be removed after log out.
Stack Exchange is a network of question-and-answer (Q&A) websites on topics in varied fields, each site covering a specific topic, where questions, answers, and users are subject to a reputation award process. The reputation system allows the sites to be self-moderating. As of April 2017, the three most actively-viewed sites in the network are: Stack Overflow, Super User and Ask Ubuntu. All sites in the network are modelled after the initial site Stack Overflow, a Q&A site for computer programming questions created by Jeff Atwood and Joel Spolsky. Further Q&A sites in the network are established...
baby urban USA
oh! ok
9:29 AM
@DroidDev USA The only country keeping penguins from coquering the Earth
baby urban Wolf
baby urban canada
baby urban wolfpack
baby urban wolf
@kId Wolfpack A group of friends who consider themselves different from the norm but are bound to each other because of their unique qualities.
@DroidDev [Canada](http://canada.urbanup.com/469467) Here are some reasons to be proud to be Canadian:

1. Smarties
2. Crispy Crunch, Coffee Crisp
3. The size of our footballs fields and one less down
4. Baseball is Canadian
5. Lacrosse is Canadian
6. Hockey is Canadian
7. Basketball is Canadian
8. Apple pie is Canadian
9. Mr. Dress-up kicks Mr. Rogers ass
10. Tim Hortons kicks Dunkin' Donuts ass
11. In the war of 1812, started by Am(snip)
9:29 AM
baby help tell
@Pandya tell: Redirect command result to user/message. /tell msg_id|user_name cmdName [cmdArgs]
@kId Wolf The ancestor of our dog, the carnivorous wolf is also related to animals such as the coyote, fox, and dingo. Wolves are endangered, but humans are beginning to open their eyes to previous mistakes and helping wolves make a comeback. Wolves live in packs with a hierarchy, consisting of the only mating pair, the alpha male and female, followed by the beta pair to take over in case something happens to the al(snip)
@TheLittleNaruto why don't baby listen to me?
baby urban bangladesh
@DroidDev [Bangladesh](http://bangladesh.urbanup.com/1242058) Bangladesh is a beautiful small country located in South-East Asia in the Indian-subcontinent. Formerly known as East Pakistan, it became independent in 16 December 1971 after 9 months of bloody war and brutal killings of 3 million people, mostly students and intellectuals.

Bangladesh is renowned for its Cox's Bazaar beach which is the longest in the world, its beautiful and world's largest m(snip)
@DroidDev Wolf The ancestor of our dog, the carnivorous wolf is also related to animals such as the coyote, fox, and dingo. Wolves are endangered, but humans are beginning to open their eyes to previous mistakes and helping wolves make a comeback. Wolves live in packs with a hierarchy, consisting of the only mating pair, the alpha male and female, followed by the beta pair to take over in case something happens to the al(snip)
baby urban DroidDev
9:30 AM
@kId When did it not ?
baby urban pakistan
baby urban china
baby help undo
@Pandya undo: Undo (delete) specified or last message. /undo [msgid0, msgid1, ...] (omit for last message); /undo xN for last N; /undo ~N for the Nth message from the end
@DroidDev China A country that is so old and complex that the average American could not write an accurate definition for it if they tried (and we do)
9:31 AM
1 min ago, by kId
baby urban wolfpack
baby undo 7084151
baby help refresh
baby urban wolfpack
@Pandya Command referesh does not exist. Did you mean: refresh
@PrincessLuna Wolfpack A group of friends who consider themselves different from the norm but are bound to each other because of their unique qualities.
@kId maybe the baby doesn't like you. :p
@kId What is this shit then:
2 mins ago, by Baby Be'el
@kId Wolfpack A group of friends who consider themselves different from the norm but are bound to each other because of their unique qualities.
9:31 AM
baby urban Moose
baby urban Moose
baby urban Moose
baby urban Moose
@Pandya refresh: Reloads the browser window I live in
baby urban Moose
5 messages moved from Sandbox/Trash Bin/Something
baby refresh
9:32 AM
baby urban Moose
@TheLittleNaruto shit I missed that
@kId Don't miss your shit. Do dumb it daily.
baby replied the first msg later that is why I missed it
baby live
9:33 AM
@PrincessLuna hahaha :P
I think it's under refreshment!
lol it got crashed
I gtg deploy @PrincessCelestia
baby urban Shadowwizard
9:34 AM
@kId No definition found for Shadowwizard
console is completely wiped I couldn't even track the issue
@ShadowWizard lol
@TheLittleNaruto is it the result of ?
2 mins ago, by Pandya
baby refresh
@PrincessLuna don't go anywhere
@ShadowWizard Jesus :P
9:34 AM
@TheLittleNaruto christian (?)
@Pandya May be!
baby urban syria
baby help welcome
@Pandya welcome: Welcomes a user. /welcome user
baby welcome Thelittle
9:35 AM
@baby Welcome to the Shadow's Den chatroom!If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, ping TheLittleNaruto.
baby urban North Korea
@Thelittle Welcome to the Shadow's Den chatroom!If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, ping TheLittleNaruto.
baby urban japan
@DroidDev North Korea Definition Removed By The North Korean Government.
@DroidDev Japan The country with the world's best toilets.
baby urban south korea
9:36 AM
@DroidDev South Korea South Korea has a long and complicated history that reaches very far back in time. Even though many non-Koreans, or non-Asians, confuse the Koreans for Japanese or Chinese people, it is apparent that South Koreans and its country has its own distinctive culture. Korean girls, or women, are said to be attractive and pretty even though that is not true for every Korean female. Korea has a very(snip)
baby help info
@Pandya info: Grabs some stats on my current instance or a command. /info [cmdName]
baby info info
@Pandya Command info, created by God
baby urban russia
9:37 AM
@DroidDev [russia](http://russia.urbanup.com/989197) 1)Today Russia is the only nation in the world, capable to keep International Space Station running

2)Russian technology propells US Atlas carrier vehicles and in effect, puts many of US payloads into the orbit, including military.
baby info help
baby urban vodka
@Pandya Command help, created by God
@DroidDev vodka A drink which makes you strong and clever.
baby urban whiskey
baby urban more vodka
baby info urban
9:37 AM
baby urban thelittlenaruto
@PrincessLuna No definition found for thelittlenaruto
@Pandya Command urban, created by God
baby urban naruto
baby urban javascript
baby urban pee
@ShadowWizard [pee](http://pee.urbanup.com/287430) the little tinkeling sensation...either, on the toilet, in your pants, on a rock, in a bush, on someone else, in a cup/pot, in the shower, and the main place...POOL
*it is yellow or sometimes clear.
*very warm
@DroidDev No definition found for more vodka
baby help listen
9:38 AM
@DroidDev whiskey (1)A drink that often burns when consumed by itself, but goes good mixed with various sodas (see: [pepsi], [coke], [7-up]) and sometimes even water. Straight shots are smoother if chilled, and some whiskeys such as Seagram's Seven can be consume(snip)
@PrincessLuna Javascript A powerful, object-based, interpreted scripting language, created by Brendan Eich, most commonly embedded directly into HTML web pages to manage client-side interaction.
@Pandya listen: Forwards the message to my ears (as if called without the /)
@PrincessLuna [Naruto](http://naruto.urbanup.com/391901) 1. The swirly thingamabobs in your Ramen that tast like bean curd.
2. Decent manga about some ninja kids.
baby urban deep
@kId [Deep](http://deep.urbanup.com/366683) 1. Difficult to understand.
2. Very intense, profound, or intriguing.
3.(Sound) Low pitch
4. (Color) Dark and intense
5. Of great depth or low placement. Specified distance from the top, surface, or edge.
6. Number of people
Why does Kotlin take so long to compile? >.<
9:39 AM
baby listen help xkcd
@Pandya xkcd: Returns an XKCD. Call with no args for random, new for latest, or a number for a specific one.
baby xkcd
baby urban pandya
@kId No definition found for pandya
baby urban panda
9:40 AM
@PrincessLuna Panda The coolest animal ever!!! Has really cool looks, eats bamboo, and likes to play with people (even though it's so big it often causes harm to frail human bodies).
Here we go :*
baby urban princess
@kId Princess A girl that has been pampered, sheltered and spoiled her whole life to the extent that she has no friggin idea about the real world.
Apr 11 at 9:29, by Shadow Wizard
>>explainlink Panda Pandya
baby urban kid
9:41 AM
@PrincessLuna kids the result unprotected [sex] of a male and a female of the same species; also can be known as [offspring] and [brats]
@kId ^ :P
@PrincessCelestia are you a bot?
@Pandya How can I //help?
@PrincessLuna I'm pretty sure I am.
9:41 AM
Started Mon, 9 July 11:40:46.0847 2018 CEST (GMT +0200) (running for 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, and 52 seconds.)
Message status
Username:                        - Message count
Shadow Wizard (152859)           - 300
Princess Luna (332043)           - 217
TheLittleNaruto (206319)         - 207
Baby Be'el (394252)              - 65
DroidDev (244282)                - 61
kId (252202)                     - 56
Pandya (260388)                  - 41
rene (158100)                    - 40
rahuldottech (281895)            - 32
@PrincessLuna Are you not a bot?
baby help summon
@Pandya summon: Say boopidi bee and in the room I shall be. /summon roomid
baby summon 1
baby summon 1
9:42 AM
Started Mon, 9 July 11:40:46.0847 2018 CEST (GMT +0200) (running for 0 days, 0 hours, 1 minutes, and 43 seconds.)
Message status
Username:                        - Message count
Shadow Wizard (152859)           - 301
Princess Luna (332043)           - 218
TheLittleNaruto (206319)         - 207
Baby Be'el (394252)              - 66
DroidDev (244282)                - 61
kId (252202)                     - 56
Pandya (260388)                  - 44
rene (158100)                    - 40
rahuldottech (281895)            - 32
caching works \o/
@ShadowWizard baby will get penalty!
@Pandya [ ZoeBot ] Debatable.
//userImage @Pandya
9:43 AM
//help multimessage
@PrincessLuna The command you tried finding help for (multimessage) does not exist. Make sure you've got the name right
//help multireply
@PrincessLuna The command you tried finding help for (multireply) does not exist. Make sure you've got the name right
9:44 AM
###################### Help ######################

==================== Commands
//about            | Let me tell you a little about myself...
//alive            | Used to check if the bot is working
//apples           | Apples!
//ban              | Bans a user from using the bot. Only usable by hardcoded bot admins
//ban-room         | Blacklists a room
//blame            | No description was supplied for this command
//cat              | Sends a random cat picture in chat
//declare          | Changes a commands status. Only commands available on the site can be edited
@PrincessLuna did fix that space issue or we have to encode space
@PrincessLuna Hiya
Just testing stuff
@PrincessLuna Hopefully this doesn't break anything
9:44 AM
>>cat @{{randomchoice baby princess mossbot fox kenny}} is the no. 1 bot
@Pandya @0.547412115122591 is the no. 1 bot
@kId it was fixed
//google something with spaces
//google but * doesn't encode
@PrincessLuna google.com/search?q=but+*+doesn%27t+encode
9:45 AM
//userImage @Shadow Wizard
@PrincessLuna google.com/search?q=but+*+doesn%27t+encode
@ShadowWizard yeah
@kId not fixed in that one
I gotta add some encoding in taught commands eventually
But now I gtg for a while
9:45 AM
@Pandya @fox is the no. 1 bot
Cya later o/
//pee a lot
~ That is gross ....
@Pandya @mossbot is the no. 1 bot
9:46 AM
>>cat And hence this is a Bot's Den
@Pandya @princess is the no. 1 bot
@Pandya @fox is the no. 2 bot
@Pandya @kenny is the no. 3 bot
@Pandya @princess is the no. 4 bot
@Pandya @baby is the no. 5 bot
@Pandya @baby is the no. 6 bot
@Pandya And hence this is a Bot's Den
@Pandya It is KennyBOT's fault!
9:48 AM
@Pandya blames @SomeWindowsUser for everything
baby blame
@Pandya That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
@PrincessLuna we will not let you go :P
all bot should have blame command. It's dev's order :p
baby help afk
9:49 AM
@Pandya afk: Set an afk message: /afk <message>. Invoke /afk again to return.
baby afk 7084350
I wanted to add few den specific commands last weekend, but couldn't as I went for a bike trip.
@Pandya Testing if it is working.
baby afk
baby help die
baby punch @TheLittleNaruto
@Pandya die: Kills me :(
9:51 AM
baby afk "doing work"
@kId That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
@BabyBe'el don't worry :)
baby help imdb
@Pandya Something went on fire; status 403
@Pandya imdb: Fetches imdb page. /imdb what
baby wake up
@kId That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
9:53 AM
baby alive
@kId That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: live
baby urban ryuk
@kId Ryuk Ryuk is a [Shinigami] in the series, [Death Note]. He has these, like, freaky-ass yellow eyes with red irises. His mouth is huge, so it looks like he's always smiling. He's kind of like [The Joker] that way. His head looks tiny(snip)
baby imdb mukesh chand mathur
@Pandya Something went on fire; status 403
9:54 AM
baby urban rayota
baby help learn
@Pandya learn: Teaches me a command. /learn cmdName outputPattern [inputRegex [description]]
@kId No definition found for rayota
baby learn meditate om
@Pandya Command meditate learned
baby urban rayota sakamoto
9:55 AM
baby meditate
@Pandya om
@kId No definition found for rayota sakamoto
baby learn meditate AUM
@Pandya Command meditate learned
baby meditate
@Pandya AUM
9:55 AM
wow @TheLittleNaruto
baby help forget
@Pandya Command forgot does not exist. Did you mean: forget
@Pandya forget: Forgets a given command. /forget cmdName
baby forget meditate
@Pandya Command meditate forgotten.
baby learn meditate om
@Pandya Command meditate learned
9:56 AM
baby meditate
@Pandya om
@Pandya but it is temporary, because I am not running it on raspberry pi or something like that. There is no dedicated memory for all new learned commands.
baby forget refresh
@Pandya Command referesh does not exist. Did you mean: refresh
@Pandya You are not authorized to delete the command refresh
9:57 AM
@TheLittleNaruto Yes, I remember you told ago.
@BabyBe'el Hmm. I was expecting such a message for long time! Well Done.
baby help nudge
@Pandya nudge: Register a nudge after an interval. /nudge intervalInMinutes message, /nudge remove id to remove, or the listener, nudge|remind|poke me? in? intervalInMinutes message
@Pandya Are you tired of your great privilege ?
baby nudge 10 hello
9:59 AM
@Pandya That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: nudge
baby afk "doing work"
@Pandya Nudge #1 registered.
Now, what to do?
ok. will visit later.
Have some work
Good bye!
>>cat Good bye{{ping {{randomchoice {{getcurrentusers pingformat}}}}}}!
@Pandya @Pandya!
10:01 AM
@Pandya Good bye@kId!
@Pandya nudge hello

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