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12:26 AM
@ShadowWizard Not enough... at all..
@UniversalElectricity value of pi depends on what currency we are talking about...
6 hours later…
6:01 AM
@ShadowWizard I second what @ber said....not enough at all....
2 hours later…
7:47 AM
@berserk I know the value of Pee! :D
@DroidDev true! Poor @Uni :P /cc @ber
@ShadowWizard haha, btw, have you seen the movie: Life of pee? :P
@berserk you mean book..... ;;)
But nope, not yet.... :D
8:10 AM
>>wake @Pan
@ShadowWizard Command not found. Did you mean: read?
@ShadowWizard @Pan is not a valid message id/link.
@FOX9000 Diva
@ShadowWizard naomi
8:11 AM
@FOX9000 Campbell
@ShadowWizard blair
@FOX9000 Tony
@ShadowWizard knowles
@ShadowWizard ich
8:14 AM
@ShadowWizard WTF
whoa bot can't be beaten with names!!
tho I meant life of pi lol
I know
Pi is boring. Pee is not. :P
@FOX9000 Marvin
@ShadowWizard android
>>islink Marvin android
8:16 AM
@ShadowWizard No, that's not a link.
So what is it?
>>exec exec
@ShadowWizard Argument parsing failed.
8:35 AM
>>exec {{read 5543422}}
@ShadowWizard Command not found.
9:23 AM
@Pandya Command not found. Did you mean: listcommands?
@FOX9000 Yes.
alive, utc, listcommands, help, cat, exec, read, getcurrentusers, ping, flip, doubleflip, xkcdrandomnumber, xkcd, random, randomint, randomchoice, shuffle, detectlang, translate, *translationchain, *translationswitch, *stop, *disable, *enable, *suspend, *unsuspend, *ban, *unban, +delete, *pull, yes, no, *module, define, time, showtime, link, islink, removelink, addlinkexplanation, explainlink, removelinkexplanation, viewspells, showlatest10, rmword, reply, retry, continue, *award, *emptyqueue, *removespell, *gameban, *gameunban, joingame, quitgame
@ShadowWizard Hello!
@Pandya Hello!
9:29 AM
@FOX9000 Hello!
oh wait..
@berserk Hello!
@Pandya Command not found.
9:32 AM
@Pandya Command not found.
@FOX9000 What've you tried to find, null!
heh, @Pro maybe if the >> is not followed by a-z letter ignore instead of showing the "Command not found"? :)
9:33 AM
@ShadowWizard Command not found.
> >>
@Pandya Command not found.
:5543673 Command not found.
@Pandya Command not found.
@Pandya Shadow Wizard, FOX 9000, Pandya, berserk, Universal Electricity
@ShadowWizard Command not found. Did you mean: translate?
oops, lol
>>flip {{randomchoice {{getcurrentusers pingformat}}}}
9:35 AM
@ShadowWizard (╯ಥД')╯︵0006XOℲ
@Pandya 1031106499
>>read {{randomint}}
@ShadowWizard 1999232725: message not found.
@ShadowWizard 406882771: message not found.
@ShadowWizard 5976228559: message not found.
>>help cat
9:36 AM
@Pandya Repeats what you said back at you. Syntax: >>cat something
>>help dog
@ShadowWizard The command you want to look up does not exist.
>>read {{randomint 5543525 5543555}}
@ShadowWizard 5543544: message not found.
@ShadowWizard 5543525: message not found.
@ShadowWizard 5543528: message not found.
>>cat @{{randomchoice {{getcurrentusers pingformat}}}} constitute {{randomint}} black money!
9:38 AM
@Pandya @UniversalElectricity constitute 4993397690 black money!
haha, Is it ok to have such fun? /cc @ShadowWizard
sure @Pan that's what FOX is for! :D
>>doubleflip @Pandya
@berserk @Ԁɐuʎɐ ︵ヽ(゜.ಠ)ノ︵ ɐʎuɐԀ@
@berserk @Ԁɐuʎɐ ︵ヽ(^ʖ^)ノ︵ ɐʎuɐԀ@
@berserk @Ԁɐupʎɐ ︵ヽ(⇀.°)ノ︵ ɐʎpuɐԀ@
9:42 AM
the d key is kinda broken
nee to press har
amm this
@ShadowWizard oh! ok I just want to make sure about etiquette
flipping people, kicking them in butt, throwing things on them (or even people), pinging the hell out of people is all okay :D
until that user forbids it
points to fox and flowers
Or until Shog arrives..... :P
9:45 AM
@ShadowWizard How did you generated it? (I think by using for etc. loop)
@ShadowWizard Oded may arrive earlier!?
(the @ was added manually ;))
@Pandya but he's nicer..... :D
Btw, why are there only 13 questions tagged with ?
@Pandya either people don't know about the tag when posting relevant questions, or there are truly only 13 questions about it.
9:55 AM
@ShadowWizard Do we've any blogs about Stack Exchange Quality Project?
@ShadowWizard lol never knew you actually made that script
I thought it was manual...
@berserk I linked to it twice before, you probably weren't around.... :mad:
that is not loading/opening for me.
@ShadowWizard :C
9:58 AM
@ShadowWizard Btw, how about adding at this room info ?
@Pandya works for me... maybe firewall on your side, dunno
@Pandya hmm... not sure, but good suggestion! ;)
@ShadowWizard Thanks.
@Pandya yup, and it's brand new..... en.blog.wordpress.com/2016/05/12/…
room topic changed to Shadow's Den: Where words are being associated, shadows are lurking, and new spells are given. Enter at your own risk! Quote of the year: "Boobs are the proof that men can focus on two things at once." (@DroidDev) [fox] [fun] [ping] [shadows] [word-association-game]
> Knock Knock WHOIS There, LLC is associated with ~88 other domains
10:10 AM
@ShadowWizard oh! wp.com Hmm...
Hmm.. @berserk is also a RO.
>> showlast10
@Pandya Latest 10 words: hello!, wtf, android, marvin, ich, solange, knowles, tony, blair, campbell
:5543897 Latest 10 words: hello!, wtf, android, marvin, ich, solange, knowles, tony, blair, campbell
@Pandya You joined the Word Association Game! Run >>quitgame to leave.
10:15 AM
@FOX9000 Namaste
@Pandya festival
@FOX9000 celebration
@Pandya guadalupe
>>help read
@Pandya Reads a chat message to you. Syntax: >>read [ message_id ] ...
10:17 AM
>>detectlang {{read 5543913}}
@Pandya [Powered by Yandex Translate] Detected language: en (English)
>>detectlang guadalupe
@Pandya [Powered by Yandex Translate] Detected language: it (Italian)
>>help translate
@Pandya Translates text using Yandex Translate. Syntax: >>translate input_lang output_lang Text to translate.. input_lang and output_lang are language codes such as en, fr and auto.
10:19 AM
>>translate it en {{read 5543911}}
@Pandya [Powered by Yandex Translate] >>help read
@Pandya [Powered by Yandex Translate] guadalupe
>>translate it hi guadalupe
@Pandya [Powered by Yandex Translate] guadalupe
@Pandya [Powered by Yandex Translate] ग्वाडालूप
@FOX9000 itali
No associated word found for itali.
10:30 AM
@FOX9000 Google
@ShadowWizard Bing
@FOX9000 Yahoo
@ShadowWizard info
3 hours later…
1:45 PM
kicks @Dro in the ass
> The plan is still secret.
1 hour later…
3:06 PM
@ShadowWizard It would be such an arbitrary restriction to disallow commands in non-Latin characters.
3:39 PM
@ProgramFOX no, not really "disallow commands in non-Latin characters". Just check if the character after >> is English a-z or A-Z and only then continue in the parsing, otherwise just ignore. Sounds simple to me, though not familiar with the code.
(i.e. no complicated black list, just sort of white list.)
4:05 PM
@ShadowWizard If you have commands that are fully non-Latin, the 'first char after >>' heuristic won't work and 'Command not found.' actually has meaning.

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