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04:00 - 11:0011:00 - 21:00

4:38 AM
1 hour later…
5:46 AM
1 hour later...
1 hour later...
1 hour before...
how my day started today...I came into office, checked list of issues on Asana, client needs modifications in screens that I have made since last 12 builds, while I thought yesterday's build was final build and now, I will have to work for a week or so more on this damn thing
I want some whiskey and some cigarettes
so in sort you're screwed.
@dro you're all-right ? :p
I once wanted to discuss some things about project management with my CTO, but he just told me that this is the way things go...
I am thinking of posting a question on workplace about this situation
well...its my company's client. He has multiple projects running here. Quite a big client actually....with project worth many hundred thousand dollars...so...yes...there's me and another guy working on this project of his
I am in iOS
hey @Ganesh welcome to den
and on the personal end, I am still struggling for a permanent client on upwork(odesk)
6:06 AM
freelance ? ^
yup, that's the only way to get rich
then you need to bid very low to get multiple proj. :P
I have a very good friend of mine who is bidder
still struggling ? :P
so...he is doing bidding
actually, its a new id
and we are not looking for project, but a good client
6:10 AM
then search one for me too. ;)
haha, you do freelancing?
@DroidDev day off might be good idea - one less day to work on project, but it will improve your productivity afterwards (hopefully ;)) so worth it in the long run. :)
By the way..... what happened to @ber? Anyone knows? He left here yesterday with a weird feeling
@Pra was also baffled
@ShadowWizard ummm....actually....I already have some planned trips, so I'll need holidays on those days...plus, project is just too much important at this stage and I don't know why, but I have a feeling of responsibility towards company. (I am fucked up, totally)
anyway...brb, gotta restart system
lol @dro keep patiences ;)
@DroidDev oh, so it's not part of your freelance work?
6:22 AM
no that one is office work
@ShadowWizard nope, not freelancing. In freelancing, I keep special care of freezing requirements before I start developing, but this is the one thing wrong where I work. They never freeze requirements
oh that's just lame
@SilentKiller patience is one thing, that I lost, when I got up this morning
@DroidDev have you register FIR ? :P
@ShadowWizard I wanted to talk to my CTO about this, but he just told me that this is how things work. Maybe I don't know something that he does, but, I don't know...I don't feel that it is good. I am always stuck in projects at last moment and then timeline for project keeps extending...not the way I wanna do things
6:29 AM
@DroidDev i don't think it ever happens in developer's way.
Mistakes must be punished.... prepare thyself! ;-)
@GaneshSittampalam no worries. You are still welcome :)
@SilentKiller don't want to change anything in project itself. I just want to change the way we do prject management
already tried and suggested too but still same flow going.
that's one of the reasons why I want to open up my own startup and change how things work
@DroidDev you mean change it globally? Save the world? ;)
6:37 AM
@ShadowWizard lol, nope, change it for myself, forever ;)
I dream of a day....
6:55 AM
@Dro after opening hire me. i won't charge much only 4hr/day and 50$/hr ;) ;)
@SilentKiller ._.
@berserk kill everybody
@ShadowWizard You mean the feeling my avatar shows? :P
hey @ber
> kills everybody with a flame thrower
@SilentKiller hey @sil
@berserk hows your head today..?? ;)
6:58 AM
umm....did you hit'em in head with a flame thrower or did you burn them with a flame thrower?
@SilentKiller Little better.. still paining
@DroidDev Umm.. both
@berserk had massaged ? :D
@berserk so...the feeling in your head right now is...pain... :P
nope :P
@DroidDev lol yea
@dro same thing you too have but in other place.. :D :D :D
till now i was free just got work to create database :P
7:01 AM
I hit the stopper of the gate with my toe. My left foot pinky has its nail ripped off.
@ber haha good to see you back, pain or no pain :P
lol @ber
Shall I go for tetanus injection?
nopes won't require.
7:02 AM
It bleed a lot. The stopper was not having rubber covering. I hit a screw.
@berserk you should go for girlfriend instead
lmao! I intent to make this a meme someday on @berserk
@ber have 1 spoon Turmeric and sugar
Are you sure?
I am kinda worried.
7:03 AM
yup, that's the best
but, I am not sure about sugar
though, turmeric is the best
So, no tetanus injection?
sugar because test of turmeric :P
@berserk that was just a gate dude. Be a man...
@dro not even a gate its just a stopper... ;) ;) ;)
lol I hit a screw made from iron (most probably iron, maybe steel).
7:05 AM
that's why you should take turmeric
Its not like I hit wood.
Ok, I will risk it then :P
Gonna take turmeric.
I had a tetanus injection once in my life, when I was 15 or so. A dog gave me a good bite. :(
I mean ah sad :(
I don't remember if I ever had one....maybe when I was a kid...but not that I remember of it either
...and I had lots of injuries
7:06 AM
i had once when i had an accident.
i had injuries but at that time ma frnd took me to hospitl and and doc just inject it. :P
@ShadowWizard Eh? Here, tetanus injections are pretty common when you are <=15 years old and they have to repeated every 10-20 year when you're older than 15.
throws some tetanus on @berserk...without injection
lol throwing infections? xD
absorbs it and became Tetanus man
7:12 AM
@ber you should totally change your name now :D
@Tet @Tet @Tet
Our company just recruited a new girl. I had high hopes, but she don't seem like my girlfriend material...so...another disappointment
7:13 AM
@ProgramFOX weird.... here it's given only if there's actual risk of getting the virus e.g. getting bitten by a dog
@DroidDev :o
@ShadowWizard Will hitting an iron screw and bleeding count? :P
and it hurts like hell, unlike other injections
@berserk only if it was rusty or something, yeah
It was not rusty.
It was shining silver.
7:14 AM
so you're good. unless you're a vampire. :P
Dull silver.
afraid ber :P
lol @sha
I can't afford to die yet!
^ emoticon :P
flips @sha (╯°□°)╯ ︵ ( \o°o)\
unflips @sha as I remember now that he was in army
7:19 AM
@berserk I have a friend in army. He's got a girlfriend :P
I didn't have a girlfriend while in army
@DroidDev That friend which I met that day?
actually... I met my first girlfriend in my last holiday, about 2 weeks before leaving the army
7:20 AM
@ShadowWizard ¯_(ツ)_/¯
@berserk yup, that one
he drives the tank
and have a girllfriend :P
What is life?
@berserk A time period during which you keep working everyday to enjoy next day
@DroidDev heh, pretty similar to what I did... for me it was mobile gun and not tank
7:23 AM
@ShadowWizard haha, and just like me, he is not happy with his job either :D
@DroidDev Someone looks frustated there :P
@ShadowWizard So you went on Special Ops missions? excited
@berserk nope, that's the truth. Just take a look at your life
@berserk umm... nope. 99% of the time spent during training is just sitting in the vehicle while it's going from place to place, or getting lost in navigation. :D
@ber @dro is only frustated because he doesn;t have gf.. ;)
7:26 AM
Second @Dro is here!
@ShadowWizard LMFAO
@Dronehinge LMFAO x ∞
@FOX9000 !delete!
@DroidDev true story
@Drone you know if you won't be here for 2 weeks you won't get pings anymore ;)
@sha but what about this 2 weeks.. ;)
My word for today is.....FUCK IT
7:27 AM
@ShadowWizard i could ignore everyone but fox9000?
@SilentKiller haha that makes me think Dro was referring all that girfriend stuff to himself too :P
that's the smiley for "shit happens" and I am in love with it
@ber exactly. ;)
@DroidDev haha, your only hope :P
Maybe you will have sex with it too someday :P
7:30 AM
@Dronehinge sure, but not sure it will prevent pings from becoming inbox notifications. Did you try it before?
Also, it will be quite confusing if someone else will play WAG with the bot while you play
@Dronehinge but that will just make all the fun disappear
༼ຈل͜ຈ༽_•︻̷̿┻̿═━一 @berserk
snippered you
reminds me of counter strike
7:33 AM
ahhh one of ma fav game
just waiting for more messages
brb :)
@SilentKiller Wanna play online someday?
somebody, starr it
@berserk ya sure. but may be possible only after Ramdaan.
7:34 AM
lets see how starboard looks
do it
you got 3 :P
LOl 3 starts instantly
haha, this is fun
real fun
@SilentKiller Ok, msg me when you are ready.
7:35 AM
sure. :)
brb. prater time :)
@ShadowWizard i'll try to make it through, i'd think it would, haven't tested
@Mooseman where are you?
@Dronehinge OK, curious to hear a report in few hours... will ping @Dro often to test it ;)
umm...wait...did I just became a sacrificial goat?
7:37 AM
yup @Dro that's right :D
@ShadowWizard ok that's fine, will ignore you and berserk and sk before i log off , eta: 30 minutes
̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿'̿'\̵͇̿̿\з=( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)=ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿
@Dronehinge OK... will try to keep in mind you won't see my messages here.
@Dro ok :P
7:39 AM
@DroidDev how did you make this so... erect?
(mine is always sideways ้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้‌​้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้‌​้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้‌​้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้‌​้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้‌​้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้)
@ShadowWizard I khapied it from somewhere ;)
hiya @bart !!!!!!!!!! HAHAHHAHAHHAAHH accidentally clicked on Shadows DEN HHHHHHHHHHAHAHHAHHAHAHHAH now you must play WaG
7:40 AM
@Dronehinge no I don't!!! runs
@Bart you can hide but you can't run away from a ping attack :D
now we can ping bart for somedays
in Tavern on the Meta, 14 secs ago, by Bart
I think I got away with that
7:41 AM
in Tavern on the Meta, 32 secs ago, by ProgramFOX
nope :P
hey now we have @bar @ber
anyone needs a haircut?
7:43 AM
injection for @berserk [ ]–[“””””|”””””|”””””|”””””|]>———-
21 mins ago, by berserk
@ShadowWizard LMFAO
7:47 AM
hoping @Dro won't break the chain
it's buried deeeeeeep
@ShadowWizard agent
@DroidDev discount
7:49 AM
@ShadowWizard that didn't even break a sweat :P
I consider reporting @ShadowWizard to @Bart but that would ping him ... oh wait...
@FOX9000 sale
@DroidDev purchase
7:50 AM
22 secs ago, by rene
I consider reporting @ShadowWizard to @Bart but that would ping him ... oh wait...
oh wait...
@FOX9000 credit
@Dronehinge amount
@DroidDev yeah, brag with your super power.... :D
@ShadowWizard haha, we da chain keepers ;D
7:52 AM
@FOX9000 net
Poor "other @Dro" didn't see your messages, I think
@Dronehinge camouflage
@ShadowWizard oh
@FOX9000 !delete!
@FOX9000 reflection
7:52 AM
@DroidDev streetlight
@FOX9000 led
@Dronehinge staircase
@FOX9000 winding
@Dronehinge coil
@FOX9000 foil
7:53 AM
@Dronehinge condom
@FOX9000 latex
@Dronehinge additional
@FOX9000 info
@Dronehinge flight
7:54 AM
@FOX9000 boxing
@DroidDev training
@FOX9000 hard
@DroidDev privation
@ProgramFOX haha, that's a good bot ;)
@FOX9000 starvation
@ShadowWizard chaos
8:02 AM
@FOX9000 anarchy
@Dronehinge equality
@FOX9000 level
@Dronehinge reduce
@FOX9000 produce
@Dronehinge result
8:03 AM
@FOX9000 consequence
@ShadowWizard ultimate
ok, @ber @sil @sha , you've been ignored, ping @dro for next ~12 hours or so
@Dronehinge ya, thanks for everything
@Dro pingy ping
have they pinged @dro yet/
8:06 AM
I pinged @Dro now
den seems so calm right now :_
but it will take 15 minutes to become a notification, @Dro
@Dro @Dro can you hear?
@Dronehinge well...if you un-ignore everyone...you'll see what you have just done :P
where is @Pra today? :/
8:35 AM
@dro you alive here ? ;)
8:47 AM
so @pra avail here.
was in morning meeting
morning meets are always boring. how about yours ?
so you got your daily assignment, @Pra?
9:03 AM
@ShadowWizard ?
@SilentKiller I always struggle to stay awake during them
even you can;t go to toilet in meeting. :P
@PraxisAshelin for me one of the goals in morning meetings at work is to decide who is doing what for that day/week.
So what's yours? Just brainstorming?
@ShadowWizard outcome
@SilentKiller player
9:16 AM
@FOX9000 game
@SilentKiller card
@FOX9000 board
@SilentKiller boat
@FOX9000 sea
@SilentKiller baltic
9:27 AM
@FOX9000 stone
@SilentKiller basin
9:44 AM
@ShadowWizard just a status meeting, to check whether everything is still going according to planning
yet takes an hour
well...my morning meeting includes a phone call from CTO when I am about to take a shower, about how there were so many issues in build and how I have to come quick and solve all those today. After that, I just resume my daily routine of going late to office
@DroidDev so did you take shower or not ? ;)
@SilentKiller lol, I did. I am just used to those calls. They actually have no effect on me
that's why i yet not give my number to any of my mgmt person. :P
10:02 AM
@SilentKiller well...I can't deny. Management has gotten kind of friends with me :/
best of luck then. :P
@dro have you worked on animation ?
@SilentKiller yes, I did
can we animate a view from center of the screen to top of the screen
i mean view should stop at top below action bar.
@SilentKiller yes, that can easily be done. But, normally, after animation is done, view returns to its original position
so, I think on animation end, you'll need to reposition view
no it must be remain there only.
10:14 AM
there where? at the centre or at where you positioned it after animation?
at the top below action bar.
so, you'll need to reset Y position on animation end
hmm checking that. but issue is it will differ screen by screen na.
@SilentKiller what will be the difference?
screen height.
need to give proper delta that till where to animate and then stop view on that position.
10:18 AM
you can get the height of action bar, take the screen height, minus the height of action bar and you'll get your Y position for view
@DroidDev done with this but having different kinda of scale in 7inch tab and in mobile.
@SilentKiller height is always returned in pixels and position is also set in pixels. No need to fight with scales
yup doing that.
may be if won't found any solution then have to set if else for device height. :/
@SilentKiller I don't understand why you need if else :/
just get the height of action bar
get the height of device
@DroidDev for scale dude
10:27 AM
position Y = height of device - height of action bar
done with height its stop below action bar. but need to set size of view same as it was at scale time and as click on view it will do reverse process and back to center of the screen.
flips @berserk cc @Shadow @Silent @Praxis (╯°Д°)╯︵/(.□ . )
.kcab em pilf .edoc ot deen i
flips everyone back up /( .□.)\ ︵╰(゜益゜)╯︵ /(.□. /)
thanks. :P
10:31 AM
flips facebook (╯°□°)╯︵ ʞooqǝɔɐℲ
flipped by table ノ┬─┬ノ ︵ ( \o°o)\
this is revenge time :P
plays table flip with @berserk (ノ-_-)ノ ~┻━┻ (/o\)
04:00 - 11:0011:00 - 21:00

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