We've also had issues recently with our Redis server, which we use to cache certain things, particularly on the front end of metasmoke. So when it breaks, it makes MS virtually inaccessible to users. However, if the main MS Rails server is still running, background tasks will still run fine since they don't rely on Redis. So sometimes, MS will be down, but autoflagging will still work
@ShadowWizard ...it's a bit complicated. We've been having a few issues recently where a bug on SE's side has been permabanning our IP from the SE API, which breaks autoflagging among other things. Every time that happens, we have to get Nick Craver to manually clear the ban. More info on that: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/50019727#50019727
Allspam will only work for users with less than 15 posts - it can handle more because it has a built-in delay in message posting to prevent itself from being ratelimited
@ShadowWizard you can only report up to 5 posts at a time, and after reporting more than one post you must wait for 30 seconds before reporting any more, to prevent Smokey from being ratelimited in chat
However, the API quota isn't too much of an issue - usually, we finish up the day with around 25% remaining (we carefully provision how we use the quota to avoid using it all up)
@ShadowWizard as iBug said, we don't have any specific ratelimiting on that command - to my knowledge, the only commands with specific ratelimits are the !!/report and !!/allspam commands. The !!/test command doesn't make any API requests to SE, but it may make requests to some 3rd-party sites for DNS info, toxic post detection via Perspective AI, etc
Right now, the same account that is asking this question is made from an email from Temp-Mail. This means that if this account or others similar to this get banned somehow, they can create a new account easily by changing their temporary email, do the registration, and dispose of the email. Also,...
@SmokeDetector What do you all think about this post? User is new today, first and only post, linked site seems to show Windows 10 (not 7 as in the question)
@JourneymanGeek Everything I say is assuming that the community response to this post is positive. If it's not, then we're not going to switch this on - at least without another large discussion with everyone who should be involved.
@Rob I still stand by my argument that a very small amount of work for one person is not unreasonable to expect, compared to the work required for us, when we have already determined that the status quo is 'turn it on'
@Rob FYI the entire premise of our argument is that Shog will [feature] the Meta post so that it appears across the whole network. If it doesn't.... then we can agree that not enough has been done to let people know
Also, @JourneymanGeek, would you be willing to remove the sentence in your post regarding flags being cast without the user's knowledge? It's simply wrong, and kinda paints a picture that our system is using people's accounts without their permission, which I think is unfair. That sentence was the main reason why I downvoted.
By the way, I want to say it again - we may disagree with some of your opinions, but we don't hate you for it. Sorry if it comes across that way. All we want is a discussion :)
I honestly don't see the difference between opt-in and instant opt-out. We're not taking that decision away from you, instead we're asking the overall community for their opinion on what the default should be (whether it would be reasonable to turn it on) until any communities/mods ask to turn it off. If you want it off, tell us now.
Please direct all conversation, feedback and commands to Charcoal HQ. The aim of this room is to provide a clean feed of all new SmokeDetector reports for easy handling - so if we can keep it that way, that'd be great. Thankyou!
room topic changed to The Fire Department: Where smoke detectors keep us on our heels all day. No chit-chat please, just new reports. Ping @angussidney in chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/11540/charcoal-hq if you want access to the room/smokey privilegess. (no tags)