
Post questions you want closed here with the same syntax as ex...
Mar 27, 2015 14:44
Mar 22, 2015 06:54

Tavern on the Meta

MY GOD, IT'S FULL OF STARS AND BACKLOG! General friendly chit-...
Mar 22, 2015 19:47
Mar 22, 2015 18:19
Do you see formulas on [Math.SE], or just their LeTeX source? I wonder if `` is just in my area.
Mar 21, 2015 19:21
@bjb568 OK. Found some duplicates in transcript, thought it was OK.
Mar 21, 2015 19:15
Mar 21, 2015 19:00
@JasonC There should be a link to your recently deleted ones in your profile.
Mar 21, 2015 18:09
@bjb568 Thanks, I played a little with Firebug, SEDE and took some random posts from Closevotes room and I believe OffTopic/<reason-id> takes ids from the CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypes table:… Am I right?
Mar 21, 2015 17:53
@InfiniteRecursion Guess I’ll handle that.
Mar 21, 2015 17:50
Sorry to interrupt you, guys. Will you please tell me what the format of posts in the Closevotes room is? Its description instructs me to ask here.
Mar 20, 2015 15:41
Shouldn’t VLQ flag be used for link-only answers?
Mar 20, 2015 15:36
@Braiam Suggested an edit. The second sentence was not a separate question, it was actually a statement of intent behind the broken command in the first question.
Mar 20, 2015 07:32
Could it be available reviews in your favorite tags?
Mar 17, 2015 07:52
@SmokeDetector Found nothing rude or inappropriate in that answer.