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@amana: is there a reason you felt you needed to bump this three times in as many hours?
Why am I so inclined to prefix a person's name with "the" when their name ends with an "h"? Whenever I talk to my friend Micah, I always say "the Micah" and my other friend's name is gorbeh and I always say "the gorbeh"... So odd
Yeah, I'm not sure what to tell you.. :D
@Shog9 Reasons? Sensibility? Unnecessary burdens.
Is there a WhyAmISoStrange.SE?
Well...there's cogsci, but self-help is off-topic, so :P
I wish I could afford to see a psychiatrist once a month o.o
I could tell him so many things
1 hour later…
@TheUnhandledException Are you really back?!
Frabjous day!
misses the good fun
@Moshe I am, maybe, possibly back. But for now I am going away.
@TheUnhandledException to do work, right?
1 hour later…
@TheUnhandledException Evening then!
3 hours later…
weird, is it just me or is there no stylesheet here?
yo ho, yo ho
just me, by the look of things.
how you doin', benjol?
I'm completely gobsmacked that apparently MS are trying to force me to use IE and Akamai to download the VS11 preview. And it doesn't appear to work from behind a proxy...
what's akamai?
some ugly 3rd party download manager
you know bionicle?
that's unfortunate
also, visual studio?
vs11 => visual studio 11?
i saw a tweet about that from skeet this morning
twitter blocked here, what did he say?
morning @marc
chat looks funny with no css :)
wattup @MarcGravell?
@Benjol sounds odd; I downloaded it from Chrome last night - no problems.
(via MSDN downloads)
Ooh, VS 11 beta is now available - time to download... http://www.microsoft.com/visualstudio/11/en-us
this is all he said :P
@marc, maybe I'm looking in the wrong place. msdn.microsoft.com/fr-ch/subscriptions/securedownloads/…
clicking there takes me to "
MSDN Subscriptions Download Manager Redirect"
and then bounces back again (in Chrome)
Mine was from subscriptions.downloads.msdn.microsoft.com
do you have a subscription?
or here for stupid interface
Yeah, well I guess at worse I could go with the web installer, but I do prefer the 'feel' of an iso...
- Log in with your your msdn suscription
- click Downloads
- click Visual Studio 11 Beta
direct links
ok, I'll try that
including iso
when I click Visual Studio 11 Beta from the downloads page, I end up here again:microsoft.com/visualstudio/11/en-us/downloads
I see, I clicked on the 'MSDN Subscriber Downloads' link
I should have clicked on the metro-style button
Thanks @marc.
some people here are really sarcastic
perhaps a little too sarcastic
I just hit the 'download from msdn' link 'cos I had an msdn subscription :)
Q: Strange issue with site non-functionality

ypercubeSometimes I have a strange issue and cannot add comments, load the incoming messages (responses), or log out, while other site functions work OK, like answering or editing an answer (but not deleting!). I guess it has to do with the log-in via the Google account. This issue happens from time to...

this question is literally always at the top of the question list
2 hours later…
Q: Please don't exploit the memory of the deceased to promote the network

Daniel BeckTL;DR: Please don't exploit the memory of the deceased to promote the network. That's really all I have. The following is a description of what happens a week ago. Steve Jobs died in October. He would have turned 57 a week ago. A few CHAOS members used this opportunity to promote Ask Diffe...

I don't even ...
@TheUnicornWhisperer what's your though about it then?
I meant I don't really understand why stuff like that can even happen.
@TheUnicornWhisperer The fact that SE did the "promotion" or the fact the someone was complaining about it?
The fact that the promotion was done in such a way.
Well actually more how it was done.
Just reading a few things - apparently SE knew nothing (or very little) about it.
This Evan Carroll guy ...
A: The future of meta.stackoverflow and meta.stackexchange

Evan CarrollOne thing we need to take into account is ban lists and the unfair autocratic abuses of them that follow us from the past. May I suggest that going forward we remove whatever relic of the 1.0 days remain that renders http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/ask as Sorry, we are no longer accep...

What exactly is he trying to say? I don't get it.
@TheUnicornWhisperer FWIW, he's recently been banned from SF for a year (and chat for a few days).
Oh right ... I always forget about him. He is a known troll.
3 hours later…
Hey so I'm wondering if someone could help with this Data-Explorer (SEDE) query
I've got it to show all unscored answers, but I want all unscored & unaccepted answers. I'm just doing this to get better at SQL and see the result of that query :)
IOW ==> Answers the user that have no score and were NOT accepted.
@gideon I'm not really great with the Data Explorer, but I think you need to join the votes table in there, and check for accepts that way.
@Shog9 see my comment to @JeffAtwood.
And why was my Eliza OP deleted??
@amanaPlanaCAnalPAnaMA Mate, what's your point with Eliza, seriously?
@TheUnicornWhisperer I want to know why the was removed...
a.Id as [Post Link],
Posts a
ON a.Id = v.PostId
a.OwnerUserId = ##UserId##
and a.postTypeId = 2
and a.score = 0
and v.VoteTypeId <> 1
thinks that would do it, not sure because most of his 0 score answers have been accepted since the last data dump
I just read a comment on SO that said "Good luck at The Worst Question on SO Awards". Seriously, people are rude =/
There's someone in The Bridge right now who says he can't find the image upload button
@YiJiangsProble_ ...wow =)
Perhaps someone should utilize freehand circles and arrows to assist him.
@TheUnicornWhisperer He's convinced the low-quality question filter was created to censor him – personally.
I'm not quite sure what that has to do with SE1.0. Maybe something to do with 1.0 double-diamonds being able to dictate to their whims and thinking Jeff continues to run meta like that.
@JeremyBanks Is "double-diamond mod" a thing from 1.0? I always thought it was an term he invented.
@jadarnel27 Yeah, back in SE1.0 the site owners were ♦♦.
@JeremyBanks Of course. The SE team obviously has nothing else to do but creating all kinds of mean functions to block him.
he's not "convinced" of anything.
he's just trolling
@JeremyBanks How about that. Thanks! I haven't been around long enough to have seen that.
Right, right. s/convinced/pretending he believes/
Guys, is it a bug or just me failing to understand it?
A: Upcoming Reputation History Changes

MartinI've found a bug, probably. I just tried to delete my answer to be sure that reputation drops. Nothing happened, and on the reputation tab I still see the deleted answer, with working link to it and reputation still counting! It seems that reputation votes aren't being "deleted" at all ! I supp...

Nick does say "•Deletions will have a much more immediate effect on reputation". So, perhaps not instantaneous, but better than before?
@jadarnel27 yeah, for sure.
@amanaPlanaCAnalPAnaMA It got flagged and was obviously not going to get answered. I pretty much already told you it was getting deleted yesterday - I just didn't get to it 'til last night.
@Martin That typeface's apostrophe looks horrible
FYI: According to Twitter, it's national Bieber Day.
animuson will be excited.
@mootinator ಠ_ಠ
@jadarnel27 THIS
> possible duplicate of FAQ for Stack Exchange sites – Yi Jiang's Proble_ 15s ago
Is it wrong to close as duplicate of the entire SE faq?
In that particular case? You're good.
@mmyers No oneboxing? Boo.
Someone claimed oneboxing "will be fixed shortly". That was yesterday.
6-8 weeks.
6-8 weeks is the schedule that... that guy who started the place, can't think of his name... originated. No reason to stick to such a rigid time frame anymore.
I just read the forwarded bits of an e-mail I received.
Message: "I'll be in [city] in meetings all week."
Reply: "Have a good holiday!"
@jadarnel27 Within five minutes
@TimStone Oh, nice. I'm guessing that little tidbit is buried somewhere in all the questions / answers / comments that have a come out in the last couple days?
Well, I recall reading it. So either yes, or I'm imagining things. You'll have to hedge your bets on which one that is. :P
> Correct, this is just a caching issue, though it will be lowered from 10 to 5 minutes with the recent changes: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/123319/… – Nick Craver 1d ago
Is probably what I was thinking of...
@TimStone You are a cyborg. You and animuson.
Although I prefer the @TimStone model of cyborg over the @animuson model. Despite the massive reviewing capabilities of the animuson, I can't get past it's Bieber obsession.
I am strictly anti-Bieber, for the record.
And just for context:
Feb 24 at 18:58, by Popular Demand
@animuson Whatever, man. You're a cyborg.
How on Earth is that a dupe, @amanaP?
@jadarnel27 Because that could be asked on the new meta.SE site in the future.
Wow. Dude just dropped all his meta-rep on this bounty:
Q: Please ditch all of the share icons - they give me nightmares

Stefano Borini Too aggressive. I am hunted in my dreams by the "share on whatever is the cool sharing place people like this year". I would mostly appreciate something less visually aggressive, or an option to disable this stuff altogether. Thank you! Edit: using Firefox 3.6.13 (Crawling Slow edition)

would it be appropriate to post something on meta that says that "enough is enough" with certain types of meta questions? :P
Yes, but it would be easier to just tell @amanaP directly in chat.
Easier, perhaps, but ineffective.
i want to post something that just says "enough with modifications to the comment system"
yesterday, by balpha
18 stars
"it's complex enough already. it's not even as important, so fuhgeddaboutit"
@Purmou Oh? But I was just going to suggest a modification to the comment system.
@animuson: what kind of a modification
One that involves adding Bieber music.
@amanaPlanaCAnalPAnaMA I'm just trying to get in on that 18 stars action. 1/6 of the way there, baby!
Keep banging your head on the ceiling. Sometimes that causes more stars to drop.
Hi there.
Hi @Moshe
@mmyers cool! it seems to work!
I'm horrible today. :-(
Some things going on.
@amanaPlanaCAnalPAnaMA Well, sometimes it's hard to tell. If you regain consciousness and the stars are still there, then you'll know it worked.
so is that kind of thing appropriate? cause i'm tired of telling people how complex the comment system already is and how it doesn't need to be made more complex
You should tweet about it.
i have 40 followers
Then share your tweet on Facebook and Google plus.
And onebox it in chat.
what's onebox?
I'd tell you but there isn't a wikipedia page about it.
Q: What links and sites are handled specially in chat?

Juha SyrjäläThere is special linking to some sites in chat. What is the full list of supported and integrated sites?

@MichaelMrozek: helps
@mootinator I...don't know what to do with this
anyways, seeya
I suppose I should go eat. (h/t @PopularDemand)
2 hours ago, by Tim Stone
I am strictly anti-Bieber, for the record.
Ughhh. I hate when you're going to edit tags for a question, when you click the edit button it jumps your window back up to the top of the question. I want it to stay at the bottom of the question so I can edit the tags!!! Grrrr. The moderators should hand over their inline retagging feature!
@animuson It's actually a 10K feature.
Also works if you have < edit reps too, just a little less smoothly.
Or a 500 < rep < 2000 feature =)
Why is it a 10k only feature?
For kicks.
Or at least, that's how I remembered it working when I had less than 2K.
Yeah, that's the case. It takes you to a new page with just the tag field, though, not inline like the 10K implementation.
Someone give me 828 rep please. :)
That word choice wasn't quite accurate for what I meant.
I want 10k tools. Yet I've been uninspired to participate lately.
@mootinator: I spend more of my time in the review panel, which I don't get reputation for. xP
@animuson I was hanging out on the 'Featured' page at the end of last year, but then that lost my interest for some reason.
:o A captcha check oh no!
I wasn't editing that fast jeez
waits for a comment from @PopularDemand
Hmmm, can a moderator cancel the synonym request for --> ?
Seen the light?
What light?
Ok then.
On a completely unrelated note, I need to exercise more so I don't end up like Andrew Breitbart in 10 years.
@TimStone Oh, ok. Thanks for the clarification =)
@mootinator What would you do with 10,000 tools? Seems like overkill.
@jadarnel27 I could get a lot of different sizes of drill bit?
it's like 10,000 tools, when all you need is a knife
Wait. That's not right.
That's not a knife! This is a knife!
This is a knife set.
A: How much do you think SO points are worth on the market?

mmyers | / | /-/ | / | /\ / | /--/ \/ | / | / | /-\ / | /--/ \\ / | /\ / - | / - |...

Yaaaaay onebox.
Hahahaha, @mmyers is SO mod right?
...why? What have you heard? I didn't do it, honest.
10 mins ago, by animuson
Hmmm, can a moderator cancel the synonym request for --> ?
@animuson I can, but why?
So it can be synonymized into instead.
Q: Combine all [ul], [ol], and [li] into a single tag

animusonI don't see why these are all split up. Separately, they don't really make any difference. In general, we're talking about "HTML Lists" and not an ordered or unordered list specifically. Whether or not it is ordered or unordered tends to make no difference with the questions, since oftentimes it'...

I'm been working hard going through the list of questions tagged together with and transferring them to proper tags. Usually about 30 at a time every few hours.
My god ... this Evan Carroll is one of the most annoying trolls I have ever seen.
My school's security cameras are not secured. Meh.
And I've seen quite some trolls already. :P
@TheUnicornWhisperer ?
A: The future of meta.stackoverflow and meta.stackexchange

Evan CarrollOne thing we need to take into account is ban lists and the unfair autocratic abuses of them that follow us from the past. May I suggest that going forward we remove whatever relic of the 1.0 days remain that renders http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/ask as Sorry, we are no longer accep...

Hahahaha I thought he was banned form posting on meta?
@animuson From the comments he's made, I think he's question-banned.
Isn't that just from all the low-quality posts he makes?
The majority of his visible profile is negative scores...
@animuson The site-wide suspension expired some time ago.
@TheUnicornWhisperer oy
I know right?
@PopularDemand Time to refresh it me thinks.
@TheUnicornWhisperer sii
Im just very confused as to what that post is suppose to be saying...
Nothing, just like most of his other posts.
Mmmmm, Tyson buffalo-style wings.
Basically all he says is, I believe Stack Exchange was developed to so they can ban me.
Ahhh haaaa...
So the whole world revolves aound him?
He is not the Doctor
If only Blade would also take care of all the writers that actually write those horrible vampire books.
Wait, what did Robert Harvey do here exactly? (See the comments.)
Q: Remove question ban caused by deleted questions

helpme Possible Duplicate: What can I do when getting “Sorry, we are no longer accepting questions from this account”? I cannot post questions on Stack Overflow because I deleted some questions I asked that made no sense and were too silly to stay open. I won't delete any more que...

Hmmm. Deleted the dude's SO account? I didn't know mods could do that.
I thought mods could choose between deleting and destroying, but this doesn't seem like either one.
Maybe he got in touch with the team behind the scenes to unlock that particular IP or whatever.
@jadarnel27 @animuson IS TEAM JUSTIN
Nonono, "Team Justin" is too broad, I only go with "Team Bieber"
Good news everyone. I can now start filing bugs about SE under Metro IE 10.
I've already spotted a couple ugly corners.
@balpha will be delighted.
I think your definition of "good news" could you use some...adjusting?
Mostly because de to the inbuilt limitations of Metro IE 10, chat won't update until you focus the relevant tab.
This means he might be looking at some funky websockets behaviour
I didn't know what metro IE 10 was, so I googled it. The first result is both misleading and disappointing.
@jadarnel27 That's precisely it, just with less cleavage
@badp Typical IE. Ruins all the fun.
@PopularDemand raises brow
Wow, that was awfully nice of Microsoft, bringing down their entire cloud in tribute to Jeff.
Is Jeff the name of the guy who's wearing that "META MEANS MURDER" shirt?
They should have gotten him a shirt with that on it.
Impaled by a unicorn.
Evening guys
Quick question: Is the question quality filter implemented on other sites as well, or only SO?
Q: Why am I getting We are no longer accepting questions from this account

user851578Getting Sorry, we are no longer accepting questions from this account. See http://goo.gl/C1Kwu to learn more. I seriously do not think my question was that bad? Also this link is for meta.stackoverflow I am an active member of many other stackexchange sites and seriously think that it's ...

@PopularDemand What I mean is, the one blocking bad questions before they're posted – not the question ban
Specifically … how could this question even be posted?
Q: How to examine string and other variables when debugging in eclipse java?

makeWatches are blank, so no variable values are visible.

That's certainly not a good question, but I wouldn't call it filterably bad.
But to answer your question, I don't know how the filter works.
@PopularDemand Well, its body had 52 alphanumeric characters.
Are we talking about my post?
@PopularDemand Glad to know it's got people thinking
@EvanCarroll What? Your name isn't "Java Ka Baby"....
@PopularDemand What? Your name isn't "Bogu Ga Face"
No, he has 65 REPs. I have many more.
I've also been suspended longer than that account has been open.
@EvanCarroll Hm? Nobody mentioned your name? By the way, it's "reputation", not REPs – it's not an acronym.
I'm just abbreviating it, I didn't put periods there for a reason.
Fair enough
As in send teh reps.
Who doesn't want more reps
@badp Democrats mostly.

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