Why am I so inclined to prefix a person's name with "the" when their name ends with an "h"? Whenever I talk to my friend Micah, I always say "the Micah" and my other friend's name is gorbeh and I always say "the gorbeh"... So odd
I'm completely gobsmacked that apparently MS are trying to force me to use IE and Akamai to download the VS11 preview. And it doesn't appear to work from behind a proxy...
Sometimes I have a strange issue and cannot add comments, load the incoming messages (responses), or log out, while other site functions work OK, like answering or editing an answer (but not deleting!).
I guess it has to do with the log-in via the Google account.
This issue happens from time to...
Please don't exploit the memory of the deceased to promote the network.
That's really all I have.
The following is a description of what happens a week ago.
Steve Jobs died in October. He would have turned 57 a week ago.
A few CHAOS members used this opportunity to promote Ask Diffe...
One thing we need to take into account is ban lists and the unfair autocratic abuses of them that follow us from the past. May I suggest that going forward we remove whatever relic of the 1.0 days remain that renders http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/ask as
Sorry, we are no longer accep...
I've got it to show all unscored answers, but I want all unscored & unaccepted answers. I'm just doing this to get better at SQL and see the result of that query :)
IOW ==> Answers the user that have no score and were NOT accepted.
SELECT a.Id as [Post Link], a.Score, a.CommunityOwnedDate, a.postTypeId FROM Posts a INNER JOIN Votes v ON a.Id = v.PostId WHERE a.OwnerUserId = ##UserId## and a.postTypeId = 2 and a.score = 0 and v.VoteTypeId <> 1
thinks that would do it, not sure because most of his 0 score answers have been accepted since the last data dump
I just read a comment on SO that said "Good luck at The Worst Question on SO Awards". Seriously, people are rude =/
Perhaps someone should utilize freehand circles and arrows to assist him.
@TheUnicornWhisperer He's convinced the low-quality question filter was created to censor him – personally.
I'm not quite sure what that has to do with SE1.0. Maybe something to do with 1.0 double-diamonds being able to dictate to their whims and thinking Jeff continues to run meta like that.
I've found a bug, probably. I just tried to delete my answer to be sure that reputation drops.
Nothing happened, and on the reputation tab I still see the deleted answer, with working link to it and reputation still counting! It seems that reputation votes aren't being "deleted" at all !
I supp...
@amanaPlanaCAnalPAnaMA It got flagged and was obviously not going to get answered. I pretty much already told you it was getting deleted yesterday - I just didn't get to it 'til last night.
6-8 weeks is the schedule that... that guy who started the place, can't think of his name... originated. No reason to stick to such a rigid time frame anymore.
@TimStone Oh, nice. I'm guessing that little tidbit is buried somewhere in all the questions / answers / comments that have a come out in the last couple days?
Well, I recall reading it. So either yes, or I'm imagining things. You'll have to hedge your bets on which one that is. :P
> Correct, this is just a caching issue, though it will be lowered from 10 to 5 minutes with the recent changes: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/123319/… – Nick Craver 1d ago
Although I prefer the @TimStone model of cyborg over the @animuson model. Despite the massive reviewing capabilities of the animuson, I can't get past it's Bieber obsession.
Too aggressive. I am hunted in my dreams by the "share on whatever is the cool sharing place people like this year".
I would mostly appreciate something less visually aggressive, or an option to disable this stuff altogether.
Thank you!
Edit: using Firefox 3.6.13 (Crawling Slow edition)
so is that kind of thing appropriate? cause i'm tired of telling people how complex the comment system already is and how it doesn't need to be made more complex
Ughhh. I hate when you're going to edit tags for a question, when you click the edit button it jumps your window back up to the top of the question. I want it to stay at the bottom of the question so I can edit the tags!!! Grrrr. The moderators should hand over their inline retagging feature!
I don't see why these are all split up. Separately, they don't really make any difference. In general, we're talking about "HTML Lists" and not an ordered or unordered list specifically. Whether or not it is ordered or unordered tends to make no difference with the questions, since oftentimes it'...
I'm been working hard going through the list of questions tagged together with html and list transferring them to proper tags. Usually about 30 at a time every few hours.
One thing we need to take into account is ban lists and the unfair autocratic abuses of them that follow us from the past. May I suggest that going forward we remove whatever relic of the 1.0 days remain that renders http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/ask as
Sorry, we are no longer accep...
Possible Duplicate:
What can I do when getting “Sorry, we are no longer accepting questions from this account”?
I cannot post questions on Stack Overflow because I deleted some questions I asked that made no sense and were too silly to stay open. I won't delete any more que...
Sorry, we are no longer accepting questions from this account. See
http://goo.gl/C1Kwu to learn more.
I seriously do not think my question was that bad? Also this link is for meta.stackoverflow
I am an active member of many other stackexchange sites and seriously think that it's ...