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@AndrasDeak Why, because you're the one that can actually control those brains? :P
For those who wonder... there is no spoon!
@Tinkeringbell Actually, I was just trying to say that that Fantasy Life character seems to be somehow based on someone else...
@Tinkeringbell yas, the parrot :D
@Derpy well google tells me the game was created "with production assistance from Brony Brown"
oh no, sorry, it's Brownie Brown
@AndrasDeak Like Derpy derp?
@AndrasDeak and the first prize for the lamest pun of the day goes to... :P
@Derpy yay! Not me! :D
@AndrasDeak wait... Jeff brain can't be in a jar hence your statement is wrong.
Jeff who?
@Magisch I bookmarked it :P
Wikipedia wants my money again, it's that time of the year
Don't listen to them. They keep coming with their facts and knowledge to oppress our opinions we're entitled to
@Magisch they always want money, sometimes they just make the banner asking for donations bigger. :)
like that the Earth is shaped like an octahedron
you can't read that on WP
@AndrasDeak Jeff Deak, your father! :D
@AndrasDeak I usually give them 20-50€ a year
@Magisch you're helping them push us into the abyss of knowledge and science
you should be ashamed
If Wikipedia will go down, Google will take their place.
@ShadowWizard not Yahoo Answers?
@AndrasDeak evil cackle
@ShadowWizard That's good. Finally the truth about mole people will out
@Derpy the fact that site still exists is a total mystery. ;)
@AndrasDeak the truth will be owned by a single company.... :D
@ShadowWizard The fact artists/photographs still use Deviant Art is a greater one
@Derpy they want their art to be seen. And don't care about platform. :)
@ShadowWizard there are many better places.
@Derpy sure, but they get what they want. DA has good Google ranks.
in mildly related news, flickr is restricting free accounts. Ooops
and many of those would provide better opportunities for monetizing their works.
@AndrasDeak in what way?
free accounts can only have 1k photos
there's a transition period after which contents gets deleted from old to new until the limit is met
@Derpy not always about money, I think. Just knowing people actually see your art is enough for many. IMO
May: "Woo, we're getting aquired!". November: "Uuuuh guys, you'll need to pay or delete your shit" :D
@AndrasDeak oh my. And you have like.... 50k? ;)
@ShadowWizard maybe for some, but I think Deviant art also has a big professional userbase
I haven't used flickr in, uh, 12 years or so, so this is just popcorn material to me
@AndrasDeak oh lol
one day I will understand the difference between the "please don't" inline css and the "totally-right" angular material inline css directives
Woohooo! I just committed code for two 'stories' and I managed to do so without oversight!
Meaning I managed to change a single if-else in two files, without my co-worker dictating stuff.
Meaning I managed to postpone the inevitable confusing directives and statements until the 'review' phase of programming
Now I wait. And go to lunch soon.
I thought oversight in the first message referred to you not missing some detail. Did you mean supervision?
Also, are you pair programming, or is your dynamics just weird?
@AndrasDeak supervision is good too, perhaps being micro-managed fits even better.
@AndrasDeak My dynamics aren't weird, his are :P
Yeah, I understand. I just misunderstood your original message
@Tinkeringbell does he do that to anyone, or is this treatment reserved for parrots?
@Tinkeringbell Sounds like your organization has fallen prey to paperclip maximizing
@Magisch Well, I'm like 'This is what my story says, this is what I'll do'. In this case, it means add another clause to an if-statement to skip a certain status. Sounds simple, right?
Usually, a discussion with coworker about such a thing goes like:
- No, get rid of the entire if-else clause
- Oh, things crash? Well, add the clause back in, with a load of fluff.
- Now refactor it back down to the original, and add 'if status = not okay > skip'
Does this person not have own work to do?
To be more direct: does he do this to men too?
- Perhaps we should consider putting this in a new file, in a new 'rule' (To shortly explain, I'm building some logic to check whether new or edited GIS objects have correct values)
@AndrasDeak I have no clue, he always worked alone AFAIK
@Magisch Yuuup. I already threw that to the scrum master this morning.
She's great ;) Hence me now having a bit more 'free time'.
Either way he's an idiot. Assuming you told him that you're more than capable of writing code, which you wrote you did in your IPS post
That would last 0.2s with me. "Stop annoying me and go back to whatever you're working on. You'll see how I did it after I commit it."
But also no programming to do, just administrative tasks.
@Magisch At that stage now, like I said I now am likely to go through the whole process as described above after review ;)
@AndrasDeak Well, I seem to be, cause in the end we always end up using my way, but with a huge detour?
And the fact that the client put me on this team till the end of the year just so I could keep working for them and wouldn't find another client to work for...
I'm with Magisch, I wouldn't stand this for a second once I've told him that I can write code thank you very much
@AndrasDeak Oh, it's not being all that great for my mood either.
But I've got chatrooms I can rant in :P
Instead of sulking behind his back you should confront him. Otherwise he'll never learn
he seems to disregard you as a developer and possibly as a person for various possible reasons
bring it up in the retrospective
oh yeah, I don't actually know how programming in teams works
I just know how people work
glad that you passed your biology test
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted user (68): Handling selections for a vending machine by seb on codereview.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer (94): Handling selections for a vending machine by RAKIB on codereview.SE
@rene On that ;)
@Derpy classic oldie
You can see it's old due to http and not https ;)
@Mithrandir Not enough flowers. That one is fake :P
@ShadowWizard Post 1: Already recently reported [ MS ]
And gone!
@Tinkeringbell Your doing? Say Kaboom! :D
I thought Kaboom was for delete votes, not red flags :D
Also, I don't like exploding ;)
@AndrasDeak Trust me, I won't sulk behind his back. I'm just not going to explode at him either. There's confronting and confronting ;)
@Tinkeringbell both have same final result, when it's the last vote/flag. ;)
Post going KABOOM. ;)
Nov 8 at 9:43, by Tinkeringbell
@Magisch Is that really an explosion though? More of a break down to me ;)
To me exploding means being so angry you're beyond reasoning
Yelling at the top of your lungs, a neverending stream of nastiness coming from your mouth, royally interspersed with curses and expletives
Not listening to others, and only focussing on how bad your life is at the moment
@Tinkeringbell nah
@AndrasDeak I hope I'll never have a confrontation with you then :P
@Tinkeringbell no breaking things? :D
@ShadowWizard Oh, perhaps. If breaking someone else's heart counts.
@Tinkeringbell you have to be assertive. Not aggressive, but assertive
@AndrasDeak I can do that.
But that means respecting someone else's feelings too, and a confrontation doesn't do that in general.
confrontations are aggressive
To a necessary extent yes. But it's your feelings vs theirs, and they are in the wrong so your feelings take precedence.
Still, when pushing for that, you still need to take someone else's feelings in to account.
Otherwise it makes no sense to call it being assertive
Well, yeah. You need to do it assertively :P
as I understand you've already tried doing it softly, cf. your IPS post
I've also pushed a bit harder this week: I took the advice from the first post. I've since also talked with the SCRUM master (yesterday, and this morning during standup). I've even put my manager in the loop already ;)
And I generally have been a lot 'shorter' in my replies, and I'm wearing headphones right now
well, if you've escalated it to management/scrum monster then it's fine I guess
scrum monster. That's a nice name for ours too :P
She's great in some ways, horrible in others.
Like we all are? :D
Probably :)
She just spent the entire lunch trying to get me to talk work
(And not work as in the co-worker trouble, but asking questions about what I did in the previous team and how it relates to the work in this team).
Usually during lunch people should take a break from work... :/
^^ Exactly
I did :P
"On the previous team I generally had lunch at this time and avoided talking about work".
@ShadowWizard speak for yourself. I'm delightful.
Tell her "Sorry, I'm busy right now, please talk to me after I finish lunch". @Tink
@Bart Heh. "I'll get back to you. Hey X, how's buying that house going?"
It was just... every time we had even a slight pause, she tried asking again/a new question
It gets boring really soon.
Imitate humping to assert dominance
@AndrasDeak I am! Today we talked about our Minister of Defence quitting as result of the latest conflict. channelnewsasia.com/news/world/… :/
@AndrasDeak how you do such a thing? o_;
@AndrasDeak It may be a dominance thing... She doesn't seem the kind of person that takes feedback well, although she's great at listening to my problem and helping me fix it. I'm almost certain she's on some kind of performance metric.
I'm guessing she's being measured in some way on how quickly she can get the team to work SCRUM and the team's velocity
You mean C20H25N3O?
I may or may not
(depending on what the actual ligand structure is)
Soo. What we didn't manage to talk about during lunch: We might get some snow next week :D
I'm already practicing the I'm dreaming of a white christmas. The neighbors asked me to stop ...
@rene Ah. As it won't be christmas next week, I started Baby it's cold outside :P
@ShadowWizard Hahaha :D poor parrot!
@Tinkeringbell why? He appears to enjoy the snow/cold. ;)
Hmm... wait... how can you tell if a parrot is "he" or "she" based only on picture?
Nah, he looks mightily displeased. Trust me, I know!
@ShadowWizard You wait whether they lay eggs in spring.
@Tinkeringbell I can see tiny smile! ;)
@Tinkeringbell lay eggs when they're all by themselves?! That would be a miracle, no? :P
oh wait, lol.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, potentially bad keyword in body (98): Bodyweight as compared by caxi on wordpress.SE
@ShadowWizard That's his beak being frozen shut!
!!/coffee g3rv4 who is always lurking
@ShadowWizard brews a cup of jQuery for @g3rv4
6 diamonds in Tavern. Not so bad. :D
@ShadowWizard always
@g3rv4 I know. :)
What are you up to these days? @g3r ;)
Still your app, or some new secret project?
@ShadowWizard ha, I wrote an extension for Slack... they sent the lawyers, I took it down, then we talked with somebody in product and agreed I could keep on distributing it
I switched teams here at Stack (I'm working on SO Enterprise)
and my wife and I are expecting a baby... so yeah, a couple interesting months :)
what about you?
@g3rv4 whoa. What a story! Why did they want to take it down initially??
@g3rv4 oh, nice... but who works on the Transifex stuff now?
@ShadowWizard check out their email
@ShadowWizard I never did it as part of my job ;) so I still support traducir.win (it's currently in use at SOes and SOja... we may be testing it on SOru shortly)
@g3rv4 heh. Makes sense from quick reading. Luckily you didn't go to jail.... ;)
I didn't even put up a fight... I took it down in 2 days
but... that blog post gained some traction in HN
@g3rv4 that's good... pretty sure without it we'd see tons more bugs with translation. :)
@g3rv4 CONGRATS!!! That's just awesome. When is the baby due? Boy or girl? :D
Jan 10, we don't know and we're not going to until we meet :)
I'm sure you'll name him/her g3rv5, that's just a must. :P
or... g3rv4.1
(same as jadarnel28 for @jadarnel27 ;))
it may not be a full release
Beta version...
yup yup, I heard they're quite clumsy at first
@g3rv4 two weeks before my son turns 6. Cool. :D
@g3rv4 needs lots of debugging, true.
@g3rv4 :/ I had other ideas than 'clumsy' when reading that!
I hope all goes well. Congratulations!
ha, yeah... I realized after hitting enter
but it was too late
You can edit, you know.
Power of the Diamond you have. ;)
Can edit any chat message, at any time.
yup yup... that's honestly the only feature I use of being a diamond on meta
flagging for abuse of power :(
(sorry, I had to)
@g3rv4 same old same... at 40 and with full set of children, can't have much interesting news. ;)
Though my country got some news today. :/
:) how many?
Girl, Boy, Girl
and where are you from?
Israel of course. ;)
Where else you'll find shadow wizards?! :D
@ShadowWizard Narnia
@g3rv4 oh, why sad? You read news?
oh, the news are actually good!
I read a coworker talking about a bomb shelter on twitter
but it seems like I'm late on my twitter feed
@g3rv4 nope, we lost our Defence Minister, probably going for elections soon, which means the whole government is in turmoil.
I read about the cease fire... google news isn't showing anything of that when searching for Israel
TL;DR: Israel was attacked with 400 rockets; Israel hit back, but not hard enough for many people, including the Defense Minister who had his hands tied by our PM; When the PM decided all by himself to go into cease fire, the minister quit.
as you may be able to tell, my geopolitical knowledge is quite limited... I read "bombs" => bad. Then "cease fire" => good
yeah, it did let me see through Google. buh
Only direct links are walled.
@ShadowWizard You know, there wasn't anything about the PM specifically in the Dutch news. Weird.
@g3rv4 of coure. That is common sense. If all people had it, world would be in total peace. :D
In general the only thing we still see here is some social media footage with a header of "oh gosh, look at the iron dome in action".
Here in Israel, many (most?) people think cease fire is bad because we didn't teach Hammas a lesson.
@ShadowWizard Nasty.
@Tinkeringbell what do you mean? What about our PM?
damn, pretty hard to de escalate the situation
@Tinkeringbell agree. I'm not among them, of course.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in answer (80): Ext4-FS error on Raspberry Pi randomly by Best Phones on raspberrypi.SE
@Bart hehe, it's like magic, yeah. :D
@ShadowWizard You're making it sound like the PM was the one that decided on a cease-fire all by himself ;) Our news reports say something different, that it was actually prompted by Egypt (to both parties? that's unclear) and that Palestinians said they'd stop if Israel stopped, and now both have stopped.
@g3rv4 very true. But hey, at least no rockets anymore. :)
@ShadowWizard kinda ignores the fact that on both sides people are getting hurt. But that whole situation is so incomprehensibly complex that I have no idea what a good solution would look like.
@Tinkeringbell our PM made a ruse, he decided that by himself without any kind of voting or even consulting with the ministers of his government. That's a power he technically has, but the ministers who oppose the cease fire really didn't like it.
@Bart yeah, at this point any act on either side can be explained as being retaliation
@Tink it's mentioned here.
> Channel 10 news reported that at least four senior ministers who attended the cabinet meeting opposed the decision, which was reportedly taken by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu without a vote
@Bart good solution is to build, not destroy. :)
*writes down "build walls and prison camps"*
@ShadowWizard haha, yeah, that's the kind of solution I can still come up with ... but practically ...
The funny thing, we were on the right path towards it, until a covert action blew up.
@AndrasDeak lol
@ShadowWizard You can ask yourself whether covert actions belong on the right path :P
@ShadowWizard Huh... Well, look at that!
doing bad things sneakily is only a problem if you get caught
@Tinkeringbell heh, well... it was a mission to collect very sensitive information. Israel must do it, so guess there was no choice. :)
@AndrasDeak exactly
mossad isn't exactly the kind that sits around idly
Get caught and kill those who caught you, who happen to be very important people to the other side. :/
which is not to say that the other side sits around idly
@AndrasDeak it wasn't mossad, that one is for foreign countries. :)
ah, I didn't know that
I thought that was general intelligence and ops and whatnot
For "internal" stuff we have the Shabak:
The Israel Security Agency (ISA, Hebrew: שירות הביטחון הכללי‬ Sherut ha-Bitaẖon haKlali "General Security Service"; Arabic: جهاز الأمن العام‎), better known by the acronym Shabak (Hebrew: שב״כ‬, IPA: [ʃaˈbak] ( listen), Arabic: شاباك‎) or the Shin Bet (a two-letter Hebrew abbreviation of the name), is Israel's internal security service. Its motto is "Magen veLo Yera'e" (מגן ולא יראה‬, lit. "Defender that shall not be seen" or "The unseen shield"). It is one of three principal organizations of the Israeli intelligence community, alongside Aman (military intelligence) and the Mossad (foreign ...
my impression is that your history is just a series of cease fires while extremists on both sides prepare for the next breach, giving ammunition (so to speak) to extremists on the other side
@AndrasDeak sort of, yes. Or endless loop of hatred.
@ShadowWizard could argue that hostile spy action against another country is pretty bad itself, tbh.
perhaps it was friendly spy action
sneak in and offer them coffee
@Magisch well, Hammas isn't a country. It's a terror organization which is at war with Israel. So those rules don't apply.
@ShadowWizard palestine is a country
The palestinians "official" government is whole different story, don't think Israel send spies to collect their secret information.
@Magisch it's complex. But even so, see my previous message.
If you went to the USA and conducted a spy op on some american extremist cell the americans would still probably dislike that
I think Israel is a very different kettle of fish
@Magi this is what I mean:
The Palestinian National Authority (PA or PNA; Arabic: السلطة الوطنية الفلسطينية‎ as-Sulṭa al-Waṭanīya al-Filasṭīnīya) is the interim self-government body established in 1994 following the Gaza–Jericho Agreement to govern the Gaza Strip and Areas A and B of the West Bank, as a consequence of the 1993 Oslo Accords. Following elections in 2006 and the subsequent Gaza conflict between the Fatah and Hamas parties, its authority had extended only in areas A and B of the West Bank. Since January 2013, the Fatah-controlled Palestinian Authority uses the name "State of Palestine" on official documents...
I wouldn't try applying our silly peacefully democratic European notions :P
@Magisch I'm 100% sure both Israel and USA spy on each other, in several levels. And they both know it.
It's all politics.
just don't let anyone ever openly admit that
now that would be wrong
@AndrasDeak of course
Wonder what @Oded thinks about all this... also, @Oded can you vote for Israel elections while you're not living here in Israel?
@ShadowWizard If the secret service caught israeli spies and tried to apprehend them, they surely wouldn't open fire on it
same way as if the NSA was doing an OP in israel near the PM and got discovered they surely wouldn't
@ShadowWizard Oh, most countries definitely do. That was recently discussed in a Dutch news show.
Apparently, almost every embassy in the world is bugged.
@Magisch very true, that's one difference between USA or any Europe country and Hammas.
@Magisch not publicly, at least.
I read a book about it, with a russian spy who reached as high as counselor to the PM who got caught and executed in covert internal operation organized by the president.
(NOT real!)
The author is high ranking in the Mossad, for real, though. :)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Username similar to website in answer (51): Mounting a file share over SFTP for all users by WebDrive on serverfault.com
@Tinkeringbell yup, e.g. Turkey who has full record of what Saudi Arabia did to that poor journalist.
Turkey tried to say at first they got the record out of his phone, but we all know how ridiculous it is. lol
sd k
@ShadowWizard Yeah, the show also mentioned that, that bugs in the embassy were much more likely
hehe we now have a bee in Tavern.... ;)
A bee dog. Interesting combo. :D
Wait... isn't that @Journeyman? lol
@g3rv4 so you could say ... there's a lot of g3rv4ty to this situation?
@Magisch 100% of g3rv4ty
wait, wrong number
@ShadowWizard that's a wire haired JRT
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog border terrier. They have coarse fur
So whose dog is more like you? ;)
probably the JRT
I think the closest common breed's the silky
@g3rv4 Bad puns are my personal speciality, just ask tim :p
@JourneymanGeek silkies!
The Silkie (sometimes spelled Silky) is a breed of chicken named for its atypically fluffy plumage, which is said to feel like silk and satin. The breed has several other unusual qualities, such as black skin and bones, blue earlobes, and five toes on each foot, whereas most chickens only have four. They are often exhibited in poultry shows, and appear in various colors. In addition to their distinctive physical characteristics, Silkies are well known for their calm, friendly temperament. It is among the most docile of poultry. Hens are also exceptionally broody, and care for young well. Though...
Best chicken ever
Black bones. So metal.
The Australian Silky Terrier or simply Silky Terrier (depending on the breed registry) is a small breed of dog of the terrier dog type. The breed was developed in Australia, although the ancestral types and breeds were from Great Britain. It is closely related to the Australian Terrier and the Yorkshire Terrier. The breed is called the Silky Terrier in North America, but is called the Australian Silky Terrier in its country of origin and in the rest of the world. == Appearance == The Australian Silky Terrier is a small and compact short-legged terrier, 23 to 26 cm (9.1 to 10.2 in) at the withers...
that's a yorkie
Ayam Cemani is an uncommon and relatively modern breed of chicken from Indonesia. They have a dominant gene that causes hyperpigmentation (fibromelanosis), making the chicken entirely black, including feathers, beak, and internal organs. == Etymology == Ayam means "chicken" in Bahasa Indonesia. Cemani refers to the village on the island of Java where this breed of chicken originated. == Origin == The breed originated from the island of Java, Indonesia, and have probably been used for centuries for religious and mystical purposes. The breed was first described by Dutch colonial settlers and first...
@AndrasDeak a little bigger
Terrier Terror
to be looked at Soon™ is that before or after 6 to 8 weeks?
Your call is important to us. Please hold. *elevator music*
@Shadow I had 18 items in my inbox this morning (my new record)! I wonder what most of them were from...
@rene it's 6-8 weeks and 6-8 days.
@publicstaticvoidmain Tavern!
My record is 150, I think.
Which led to that ping revenge I linked to yesterday. :D
Those 150 were coordinated attack on me by several users in Den though. ;)
One of them is still active there, @DroidDev. :P
So you have my permission to ping him as much as you like in Den, @public! :D
Yeah, go play in the play(d/p)en
den it's settled
@Tinkeringbell I play WAG there!
I don't have time to play, not yet.
I'm almost free again
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported question (93): Can't remove avast just because of Deepscreen by Prouser3212 on superuser.com

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