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Actually @Trufa I got a mod to do it for you.
@jcolebrand jajaja I was absolutely proud of my magic problem solving
Sorry :(
@jcolebrand Thanks!!
and thanks to the which mod?
Thanks goes to @Random
This video, I want someone to take my money damnit!
Huh, that worked
@jcolebrand Brilliant
1 hour later…
Any rubik cube enthusiast around here?
@jcolebrand Awesome
1 hour later…
> Exception raised was MissingPropertyException : No such property: type for class: models.reports.ValidationReportIssue Possible solutions: code.
I suppose that really is the solution, isn't it?
Fedora refuses to change the default browser from Firefox..
What do I look like? Tech support?
@RobinHood What do you know about SSL?
Yeah, I figured that out. Answer my question.
And don't act like I'm here to fix your problems, if you want me to maybe lend a hand.
I don't mind helping. I do mind being used.
1) I don't know what specific issue you're having, but I have an idea.
2) I was trying to help you by asking what you knew about SSL, in order to give you some insight that may help you fix the issue.
3) Don't talk about attitude when you randomly pinged me to answer your question.
You're not making sense anymore.
Anyway, to show you that I don't mind helping: the problem is likely that the mail server is using a self-signed SSL certificated. That means that it wasn't signed by trusted Certificate Authority.
Maybe there's a certificate missing for the Certificate Authority.
If it is self-signed, the only way to deal w/ the issue is to find out how to ignore that error and accept the certificate anyway.
The reason I asked you what you knew about SSL was to get an idea of how much I needed to explain.
Morning :)
Hey there.
How are you?
I am trying make tab bar in Blackberry you have any idea of it?
Do you have any idea?
Ok thank you so much:)
what are you waiting for ?
Which Opportunity?
no why would I think that you are waiting for me :)
1 hour later…
@RobinHood stop upvoting your friends answers.
I've flagged it for the moderators
don't bother I read the chat
One answer is just a copy of somebody else's answer.
So you or your friend might get suspended for a while, depending on the moderator.
even after we chatted you asked for SO upvotes
I've flagged your SO answers as well
hi there
How are you?
fine and you?
absolutely fine and playing with Blackberry development:)
what are you doing?
writing for gaming blog
@RobinHood I'm suspending you from chatting here as well. I'll see you back in a week, hopefully with behaviour that's more acceptable than what you have exhibited over the past days, and especially today.
2 hours later…
what's ^ ?!
Hi @OctavianDamiean
2 hours later…
how are you? sorry for late reply :)
actually I am on iPod touch
today I started BB development
quite difficult
may I am beginner
I'm fine, studying Python and being lazy. The perfect Saturday.
but I thought you know python
you know what in BB develop there is no tab bar
today I was in office for BB development
quite interesting
in full non-mobile view typing box is somwhere in the middle and messages are being shifted at bottom
do you know about mobile view Octavian?
I have absolutely no idea about BlackBerry development neither do I have the wish to
@ManjotSingh there is a difference of about 10 years or 10,000 hours between mastering something and knowing how to do something. ;)
no I am not talking about BB development
oh you meant to mobile chat version?
no idea
I am talking about meta stackoverflow in mobile view
you didn"t come in the morning?
you have done rooting?
ah no it failed. I'll have to tinker a bit
but you have experience of rooting I think so
oh well I do but the procedures are different for almost every device
is it so?
oh and not only for the devices but also for each Android version
He will be working COGNOS
Is it interesting?
Python.....my friend is working on Unix and perl
actually due internet skipping so of message didn"t print
and how is Python?
is Python difficult to learn Octavian?
no, I'd say it is the easiest to learn programming language
19 mins ago, by ManjotSingh
Python.....my friend is working on Unix and perl
it is running on Unix and perl?
how'd that work?
I dont know much but as he is saying
no he work on unix
I just understood the message
and he knows perl also
yup, I see. I've been working with Perl for quite a while myself
it is a great language as long as you don't have to read the code of someone else
he got a job here
he will be working on Cognos
can I learn Python?
no, definitely not
but where will it be used?
why?why not?
well that should have been the question you should have asked yourself in the first place
I"ll start learning it :)
hmm but you are experienced
you know there is only one possible way to find out if you can do something, that is by doing it.
I will try
1 hour later…
Q: Is there a way to find most voted questions from a certain time period?

jraraIs there a way to find most voted questions from a certain time period, e.g from the last month? Now I can find a tag and then select "Votes" but AFAICS this is list of "all time most voted".

Someone disagreed with the person asking a question? :P
Though if it's actually a feature request, it's a duplicate. Right now it looks -y though.
1 hour later…
Man, float is such a crappy way to do layout.
CSS float?
Can anyone tell me why
has been closed?
Oh. I expected that to pop up properly as a question
@Raynos I can't tell you, it's been deleted now.
@GeorgeMarian why is that?
Oh, oops.
@GeorgeMarian I meant deleted
Why has that question been deleted.
@OctavianDamiean What do you mean why? It's just crap. I'd like real control over layout, more akin to what you can get with tables. :)
@Raynos Dunno, as I can't see it. My guess is that there was something seriously wrong with it.
@GeorgeMarian weeellll, Tables ain't for layouts anyway.
@OctavianDamiean Agreed. However, the powers that be didn't seem to understand the need that resulted in tables being used for layout.
I'm not exactly looking forward to the day when everything is in a canvas. :)
It had 50 upvotes. big question about GWT and why it isnt popular
@GeorgeMarian use tables for tabular data. Use semantic HTML and CSS for styling
well maybe thats the problem, it may be subjective or argumentative, I'm just guessing
@Raynos Ah, that's probably why: and why it isnt popular.
But it stayed open for a whole year
@Raynos Really? I must have been coding under a rock all these years. ;)
@GeorgeMarian I think youo have been
@Raynos And I think you didn't read what I wrote correctly.
I dont think you understand double sarcasm
oy, sarcasm-flame war :D
Thats where you sarcastically comment on a sarcastic comment interpreting it as a non-sarcastic comment
Nah, I'm in too good of a mood for that. I just cleaned up a bunch of stuff in this project. Not bad for a Saturday morning. Now to commit that code. That may sour my mood a tad.
@Raynos Alright, fair enough. :P
It's still too early for that. ;)
I need to get back to commenting
'Ello there @Zypher, are you all settled in post-move and such?
howdy ... yessir :)
Good stuff, good stuff.
oh yea
much much better commune now
Hahah, I imagine so
how are you doin?
Not too bad. Trying to figure out what I want to be working on at the moment.
@GeorgeMarian you/your family don't happen to be from around Arad originally?
@TimStone ah that's easy for me ... i'm working on switching infrastructure ;)
@OctavianDamiean Nope, a ways NE of Arad.
oh ok. Just asked because we have very good friends in Arad with the same surname :)
@Zypher I'm torn between fixing forgotten SO client-side bugs, working on userscripts, and doing real work. Oh, which indirectly reminds me, do you know what the timeout is on the servers hosting this chat? I finally captured one of those 408s on Wireshark, and it looks like the TCP connection is opened an entire 15 seconds before the HTTP request is made in this case, so I figure it's legitimately a 408 after all.
Interesting. I'm going to have to ask. It's possible that I have family there. I know that my surname is apparently more common as a first name than a surname. lol
@TimStone nope not sure. i think it's just the default IIS timeout though
@GeorgeMarian Heh, I think we had an exchange student in high school with your surname as their first name, actually.
@Zypher Ah, alright
@TimStone LOL Small world.
Why doesnt this chat use websockets :(
The answer is "because it doesn't need to."
But I want a succesful chat application that uses websockets for marketing purposes
SO chat would have been a solid candidate for that
Ah. :P
Cant you just say "it does" sarcastically? Then I can quote you out of context!
Oh marketing techniques, how I love you
I'm not sure that I count as an authoritative source anyway. ;)
bonus points for using non-authorative sources.
Besides I've heard socket.io is all the web 3.0 buzz these days
You should spend a considerate part of your budget to make your stack buzzword compliant
uhg ... i hate them already quoth wikipedia "ecause ordinary TCP connections to ports other than 80 are frequently blocked by administrators outside of home environments, it can be used as a way to overcome these restrictions"
@Zypher ehm there meant to set up a TCP connection over HTTP
Exposes proper TCP ports in a browser seems rather dodgy
yea, why would you want to do that BESIDES to get around corporate policies?
security holes
because bi-directional communication browser -> server reduces latency massively
yea, but your are just swapping latency for TCP overhead 2x
so you now have tcp -> http -> tcp
You do?
I thought it was use HTTP handshake to open TCP socket
use TCP from then onwards
now i'm not up on it
Regardless of overhead along with server-side events its the only way to get real serverside push
Yeah, if I recall correctly it's like a special HTTP-like handshake that lets the server "upgrade" the connection to WebSocket if it supports it.
I think that "upgrade" is upgraded to a full TCP connection, but I'm not sure
I'm taking apart a friend's laptop
and there's one f'ing screw I can't loosen
Ripping it apart in grrr-like fashion is not recommended.
It's stripped, or just on there really tight?
@RebeccaChernoff get a jewlers screwdriver, and plyers. press down as hard as you can on the top of the jewlers screw driver, then turn with the plyers
haha, she says "I've tried to get it out a bunch but I couldn't" oy
oh stripped
you fucked
Who knows, maybe they make an almost-circular blob screwdriver head these days.
@TimStone see link, screw extractor time
It looks like if you have a flat head that's just the right size, you might be able to get it out by positioning it |-ways with respect to the photo, but @Zypher's right, you might need an extractor at this point, that's pretty beat up.
@TimStone lol it isn't completely circular...I should keep trying until it is fully circular so that a blob screwdriver would work, right?
I did qualify that with almost, to be fair ;)
1 hour later…
So apparently Microsoft wants to DOS themselves.
I clicked on a link in a Drupal bug report to go to a Microsoft KB article, and the link accidentally included a stray <br /> at the end that got encoded. The Microsoft site responds with a 400 Bad Request error, with the following page content:
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- begin hide
function goElseWhere()
	var oldURL = window.location.hostname + window.location.pathname;
	var newURL = "https://" + oldURL;
	window.location = newURL;
// end hide -->
@RebeccaChernoff So, did it come free eventually? :P
after I went to the store to get a screw extractor...eventually, yes it did. (:
Ah, you had to show it you meant business. Well, good that you got it out then. Why are you taking it apart, anyway?
yeah, it needed a kick in the ass q:

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