And don't act like I'm here to fix your problems, if you want me to maybe lend a hand.
I don't mind helping. I do mind being used.
1) I don't know what specific issue you're having, but I have an idea.
2) I was trying to help you by asking what you knew about SSL, in order to give you some insight that may help you fix the issue.
3) Don't talk about attitude when you randomly pinged me to answer your question.
You're not making sense anymore.
Anyway, to show you that I don't mind helping: the problem is likely that the mail server is using a self-signed SSL certificated. That means that it wasn't signed by trusted Certificate Authority.
Maybe there's a certificate missing for the Certificate Authority.
If it is self-signed, the only way to deal w/ the issue is to find out how to ignore that error and accept the certificate anyway.
The reason I asked you what you knew about SSL was to get an idea of how much I needed to explain.
@RobinHood I'm suspending you from chatting here as well. I'll see you back in a week, hopefully with behaviour that's more acceptable than what you have exhibited over the past days, and especially today.
Is there a way to find most voted questions from a certain time period, e.g from the last month? Now I can find a tag and then select "Votes" but AFAICS this is list of "all time most voted".
Nah, I'm in too good of a mood for that. I just cleaned up a bunch of stuff in this project. Not bad for a Saturday morning. Now to commit that code. That may sour my mood a tad.
@Zypher I'm torn between fixing forgotten SO client-side bugs, working on userscripts, and doing real work. Oh, which indirectly reminds me, do you know what the timeout is on the servers hosting this chat? I finally captured one of those 408s on Wireshark, and it looks like the TCP connection is opened an entire 15 seconds before the HTTP request is made in this case, so I figure it's legitimately a 408 after all.
Interesting. I'm going to have to ask. It's possible that I have family there. I know that my surname is apparently more common as a first name than a surname. lol
uhg ... i hate them already quoth wikipedia "ecause ordinary TCP connections to ports other than 80 are frequently blocked by administrators outside of home environments, it can be used as a way to overcome these restrictions"
@RebeccaChernoff get a jewlers screwdriver, and plyers. press down as hard as you can on the top of the jewlers screw driver, then turn with the plyers
It looks like if you have a flat head that's just the right size, you might be able to get it out by positioning it |-ways with respect to the photo, but @Zypher's right, you might need an extractor at this point, that's pretty beat up.
I clicked on a link in a Drupal bug report to go to a Microsoft KB article, and the link accidentally included a stray <br /> at the end that got encoded. The Microsoft site responds with a 400 Bad Request error, with the following page content:
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- begin hide
function goElseWhere()
var oldURL = window.location.hostname + window.location.pathname;
var newURL = "https://" + oldURL;
window.location = newURL;
// end hide -->