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Just curious - is it possible to migrate questions from SO, et. al to the StackExchange 2.0 sites?
2 hours later…
@am0d: currently it's not possible I think. Or atleast... my close votes only give the meta, superuser and serverfault options.
3 hours later…
If I go to a different channel, do I leave this one?
no, you only leave if you click "leave"
eventually you time out as well -- takes a while though
Ok, good, thanks
why am I called User 136778
and not bitbonk
I am bitbonk everywhere exception in chat.*
seems like bug to me
is there a software rather than a web site to log in?
bitbonk you look good now
well, you look like this..
Bonk's Adventure is a 2D platform video game developed by Red Company and Atlus and released in 1990 for the TurboGrafx-16. In Japan it was known as PC Genjin, a play on the Japanese name for the system, 'PC Engine'. The game was later ported to the NES, Game Boy, Amiga, arcade systems under different titles (FC Genjin, GB Genjin and BC Genjin) and is available through Nintendo's Virtual Console service and on the Japanese PlayStation Store. Story The game's protagonist is Bonk, a strong caveboy who battles anthropomorphic dinosaurs and other prehistoric themed enemies. Bonk's mission is...
Well well well... hello all :)
trying the chat out, one, two, three
nice :)
mmm, this reminds me I haven't dipped in the cocoa/iphone/ios/mac tags in a while on SO
wooow , gr8 work !
made a Cocoa room! because the world needed one!
and because if WPF can have one, I don't see why we Apple snobs can't :)
oh I mean "Hello World" of course :P
Another test. Keen icons rock :)
Hello World
hello (chat) world.
Yes, hello. What's the topic?
"How cool is this chat?"
also kittens, I think, but let's not stray too far :)
and, unicorns.
unicorns are always in topic. everywhere.
Permalinks for every chat message is pretty awesome.
Rooms for every question is pretty awesome too
which is shorthand for "I agree wholeheartedly"
You can also "star" the message if you agree.
I see message editing too. Awesomesauce.
Editing your messages is also pretty awesome
I guess EU time is not a good time for mostly-US-traffic sites, is it? :)
You know what would be cool? If real time chat replaced the comments feature...
:O /me immediately stars your suggestion.
Won't that be just too much noise?
mmmm; anyone other than me sees potential for star abuse (assuming all my starred comments also appear in your sidebar?)
It would just make comments more immediate, and allow that first flurry of "your question needs more information" to proceed more smoothly
"star abuse" is a term waaay ahead of its time :)
star spam, then? :p
"Lord Vader, they are charging us with 3 counts of star abuse!"
galactic social workers were then dispatched.
not much traffic in the other room I made; but I wanted to be there to raise the flag.
THIS IS OUR CHAN or something.
"and no one (but the mods) can kick people outta here" or somesuch.
because there's no better time than when you're packing
to find out your nemesis bug
is caused by Bizarre Linking Shenanigans.
(or at least appears to be!)
will have to bring work with me to the sea, dammit.
Ooooh, <3 the iPhone UI :D
A screenshot of the aforementioned mobile UI: db.tt/JORJMc
I guess it will also work on Android phones
1 hour later…
RE: " @Andy @Lasse: "I know, but the good answers get buried by the simple ones :-)" shameless plug , my blog post ... samsaffron.com/archive/2010/08/05/… , plenty of great well thought out answers that come late still manage to get upvotes
in fact running stats once you filter out the really short answers and the wiki stuff. things start looking really interesting
agree that lot of times one liners win the reputation lottery ... but the stats kind of show that reputation lotteries are rare
You have to be patient
how is this better than IRC
It works behind corporate firewalls.
I know that I've sometimes put a lot of effort into high quality answers and been disappointed that they seem to have been ignored. But eventually, you start to gain upvotes
@superjoe30 it also retains history of each room, and lets you get a permalink to any post for cross referencing. Just sayin' :)
The star feature is interesting + editing is nice
@Cas agree, it takes a while sometimes to gain the upvotes
That being said, this is not really revolutionary, just nicely implemented. And will be better implemented over time
revolutionary = google wave
Which is now not supported by Google :-(
Regardless, I think that Wave will prove an inspiration for future projects
I hope not, it was an sad example where performance constraints were chucked out the window
@waffles: Performance was getting better over time
performance should have been good from day one, eg. Google Chrome ...
get that right, then wack on features
It was still in preview
nobody understood it
I understood it. Took a lot of effort though
I just love the edit feature (of this and in wave too)!
yeah does IRC have that :)
part of the problem with wave is that most of the benefits would only accumulate if everyone uses it
So... is everyone at work?
Afternoon...well - for some of us...
I guess that is a relevant piece of information: location. I'm in the US, so work is just getting started.
@Daniel Just warming up for work in Montreal
Just come back from a pub lunch. :-D
How do you know? It was minging! ;-) Nah, lovely fish and chips. ;-)
I love fish and chips. I just hate vinegar. Does that make me a bad person?
I would say these chatrooms need to be introduced as part of SO, too, not just for meta.
@Darrel How is Montreal on this lovely Thursday morning?
I'm not a vinegar fan either.
I'm in Aus
So it's like... the middle of the night?
But some tartare sauce on the cod. Yumm.
@Daniel Kind of damp from thunderstorms last night. Other than that its pretty nice.
Tartar sauce I can work with. Cod I can definitely work with.
And batter, obviously.
Stormy in New Orleans too last night. Amazing lightning actually. If I wasn't driving, I would've been taking pictures.
Artery clogging batter.
I like seafood sauce
And beer, I presume?
First time here! - is chat only active for meta.stackoverflow at the moment?
Indeed. Crikey, you're psychic.
@Wil Yes,
@Wil: Seems to be
Would be awesome if every question on SO has it's own (possibly time limited) chatroom.
... Anyone messed around / typed a/s/l yet !!!
Some questions definitely need the ability to discuss
@Wil: We don't want all the answers happening in chat
This is going to kill me
But it will be good to finally have some good discussions
the productivity lost to this service might be measurable in federal labor statistics
You can't be as elaborative in brief chat txt as in a proper answer post.
@Michael Yeah, I hear you. But I will not be able to resist joining the hive mind.
@Michael agree there - been here two minutes and I can see myself wasting time here!
Besides, transcripts of the chat would become part of the history of the question/answers.
I'm loving this.
chatting could be better than comments, with promoted chats replacing promoted comments; and as long as comments/chats don't earn rep, people will still post answers
I can imagine the next step being enabling a TinyChat style video and audio. Then we can argue face to face :-)
Agreed @Michael
@Darrel - that would be too overwhelming.
@DarrelMiller couple that with the "random unanswered question" button and you'd have chat roulette, programmer edition
@Michael Awesome.
tests support for actions
Or is it just formatting?
Well there you have it
I guess I could've done that in the Sandbox, huh?
@DanielStraight check this out
@Michael Thanks
So I found soma fm through a deleted HN post the other day, and now I'm addicted.
Hi thar.
@Pwninstein that was fast
Haha, I suppose it was
Am I going to regret opening fiddler while here?
@MichaelHaren give it a try, it should be interesting
@Micheal I'm running it
Answer: yes.
@MichaelHaren Yes you regret it?
It's a very lightweight, 1s poll; I bet this team is eager to get some websockets action
@Pwninstein yes (not really)--pretty much what you'd expect
@Michael I'm seeing a 2-3 second poll.
Maybe it's dynamic, based on average chat msg updates
Which would make sense
@MichaelHaren alrighty, I'm going to try to get something done this morning. Thanks for linking this!
Someone really needs to trim those headers :-) 1,273 bytes of sent headers on every request.
@DarrelMiller - that seems to be right (pardon my poor estimation skills). Fiddler supports you
Just arrived
a newbie to this chat
hi @knox
I wonder why the polling uses a POST. The info in the body could easily be put in the URL.
Hi, Decio
@DarrelMiller what difference would that make?
@DarrelMiller One side effect of POST is that responses are not supposed to be cached. Ideal for a realtime chat.
I wonder if they are using SQL server for database... I'm not sure it would scale for realtime chat
Of course I know they use SQL Server for the rest of stack
oh hi
hi, @mquander
oh goodness you got my thing bouncing up and down over there
truly a featureful chat
is that what the @ in @mquander does?
@DarrelMiller Maybe they're expecting chat messages > ~2k chars?
@spoulson Not sending a body is probably a bit more lightweight. You can prevent caching with GETs too. I would expect that polling is safe and idempotent. The semantics match GET better than POST, that's all.
How meta is this... chatting about the chat room :)
On Meta
@Dave Well, we could be chatting about the chatting in the chat room...etc..
dave when you entered i could barely resist saying "dave has landed"
what with the icons flying all around
Yes it is a potentially infinite loop
@mquander yeah I noticed that...
@Wim. I'm not suggesting that sending a message should be done with GET, just the polling.
is there a way to download the CV from careers with all the CSS embedded in the HTML page?
@Darrel Ah - good point. Indeed.
@CristianCiupitu your browser will probably do that for you if you do a save as
bye for now
Cheerio @Knox
@MichaelHaren: it doesn't work. The CSS resources are saved as separate files (just as they should be).
I'm using firefox-3.6.7-1.fc13.x86_64 in case this matters
So you have to open a new window to see a profile? There's an opportunity for improvement...
@Cristian: use IE and save as MHT or, print to PDF? Not quite what you asked for, but it's a single-file result
a little googling shows that there are tools out there to convert separate css to inline, you can probably find one to suit your needs
@MichaelHaren: well, I sure don't have IE on Linux, but I'll try the print to PDF. It crossed my mind too, but I haven't tried it yet.
@Cristian It's not reproducable later, but here you go: share1t.com/ry3mfz
@MichaelHaren: no need, thank you. I've tried to print to both a PDF and a PS, but it seems that only 1 page is printed. I wonder if there's a bug in Firefox.
@CristianCiupitu no problem; back to work--later
what is the coolest code everyone wrote yesterday
To @rchern @eagle @ChrisF whenever you see this
Q: Bad but unavoidable websites

chefsmartI asked this over at stackoverflow, but was kicked to this site instead: - What are some websites that are really bad (at performance, design, usability etc) that you would rather not use, but are compelled to because of necessity or lack of alternatives? Post each example as a separate answer...

Why are they allowing so many subjective questions in WebApps? I don't mind poll-things that have useful answers people can use, but the one just posted here has no usefulness (based on the aim of the Website to help WebApp users). Is the team just trying to keep people happy until the community builds, and then the community will take care of it. I guess it does motivate me to get to 3k.
The question just posted might be useful on a Web Design stackexchange.
@Lance, it is definitely something on our radar.
There are a bunch of questions on the meta regarding ot/webapp-rec/list/etc...but I don't feel that there's much of a consensus.
I've been hearing a lot of complaints from the Gaming mods
about the same types of problems
I've been trying to formulate a comprehensive post for a few days.
It is an issue on a bunch of the sites and the mods have been talking. It is going to come down to the community though.
I really think that there is a giant problem in giving new mods control of a site
I think that we need more experience mods to take the reigns until the site builds
Because a lot of these things are just experience problems
not knowing how to moderate properly
I disagree.
Moderators are there to do things the community can't.
The other option @LanceRoberts, is that they want to get the subjective questions out of the way as CWs and then there won't be more in the future since they will be duplicates
The community has to be the one to voice its opinion on things like this.
I disagree. Making everything CW is not the answer.
I understand a need for more flexibility when starting a site up, so that you can build a community, so I don't know where the line really is. I just know that if I was 3k I'd vote to close that question.
Well, at least yesterday it seemed like non of the mods were waiting for the community to say anything
Well @LanceRoberts I'm planning to stop it:
they were acting on their own thoughts of what was appropriate.
Q: Voting on the future of list of X questions

Ivo FlipseAs of now we have several questions discussing what to do with list of X and games-rec questions: Here's a summary of all that has been said before (and was upvoted): Should we allow poll questions - Result: no, we shouldn't Best/favourite/subjective list type questions - Result: no potential ...

I definitely disagree with using CW for these types of questions, but my Meta WebApps question on that brought out from RC that that was how they wanted to handle those types of questions.
The issue has been raised in mod discussions with each other just about daily.
@Chacha102, it isn't the mods' site. It is the community. Mods aren't really there to say "this is how I want to do it so that's what we're doing."
@Ivo, I don't think that all list questions are bad, since some can just be an efficient way of answering a lot of questions, see my post here: meta.webapps.stackexchange.com/questions/354/…
@Lance, rep limits are lowered during the beta, you're closer than you think to being able to vote to close. (;
@rchern I realize that. I'm the biggest proponent on that. I've called out numerous Stack Overflow Moderators on that
@LanceRoberts Its 500 rep for Vote to Close
@LanceRoberts if a question is good, it should be open, but all others shouldn't even exist as closed questions
hehe @LanceRoberts, turns out I was the only one to upvote your question
@Ivo, now that's funny
Afternoon, gentlemen.
Good afternoon
Q: can anyone reccommend a Google SERP tracker?

HaroldoI want to track my website's position in Google's search results for around 50 keywords/phrases and am looking to a nice webapp/windows app to automate this process? Ideally i want to see pretty javscript or flash line graphs for my keyword/position. I'm currently free-trialing: Raven Tools and ...

Anyone use linode?
@phsr I did. I moved to my own Xen farm though
@TimPost: did you like it? I am about to sign up.
i am looking to give someone a referral
@phsr I never had any complaints. "Simple, useful and reasonably reliable" comes to mind
But, it has been a while. I work for a large cloud host, so I have not paid for hosting in a very long time.
Who do you work for?
A large cloud host that I never promote outside of working hours :)
if you dont mind me asking
Especially as a moderator on Pro Webmasters .. that's just .. sticky if I even looked like I was promoting my employer
ah, wasnt aware if that you were a mod, congrats, and very understandable
Whats everyone up to?
Helloes General Chatters :)
I need to make that description more fun..
What should the description be?
of the chat?
does anybody want to give me a referral to linode.com? Last chance :P
supra-awesomatic chatting experience
there we go
@phsr Thanks for the description
@Chacha102 Who put you in charge here? Oh, wait, you did
Now I have it
Perfect Family Guy Reference

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