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@cybermonkey I hope you're not a mod somewhere, actively declining these valid flags
@cybermonkey not sure, but the question should be burnt
@JanDvorak your flag was declined?
I never said that.
is it just me, or has the sticky-voting buttons function gone?
@SmokeDetector tpu again to test feature request (this will be the last ping for testing)
@AndrewT. Blacklisted user.
@cybermonkey A/B testing, and I think recently it's deactivated (read from somewhere on MSO)
@JanDvorak you know I don't take advise from someone who can't run his own SE site properly.
Are you trying to insult @Shog9?
if Mooseman can't deal with the flags on his own site properly, then why should I take advise from him on dealing with flags?
A: Why don't we treat rubbish the same as spam?

Shog9 I'm assuming that's not what "abusive" in this reason is referring to You know what they say about assumptions... ...they say that they're often wrong. Like you are. In this case. If someone is abusing the site by posting gibberish, flag it as such. Any combination of 6 spam or offensive ...

@JanDvorak Shog9 still says that it should be flagged as spam.
@cybermonkey where???
some cases. Not sure which ones, perhaps he means those that are later edited to contain a link?
@cybermonkey I'm not in a mood for moderation right now
@cybermonkey the help center is explicitly not exhaustive, so you can't treat an absence of a type of abuse as evidence that type of abuse is not abusive.
@JanDvorak A message entirely comprised of 03 303030303030 isn't abusive, it classes as NAA and spam.
not sure how you can consider it advertising
@JanDvorak did you even look at the screenshot of Shog9's comment??
yes. Did you read all of the words in that comment?
If you consider that as spam, well.. then the result will be the same (-100 penalty rep). However, I didn't see that as spam. NAA, yes, but it's more to abusive since I can't even understand what was the answer trying to convey. I value NAA (thanks/I have same problem) more than this nonsense post.
@cybermonkey you can decide here: superuser.com/a/924143/172747
spam superuser.com/a/924144/172747 drivethelife.com
argh, clicked suddenly appearing ad :/
Get the other answer from that user as well. Well, just get the user
seems like a serious troll. he even changed profile picture, name and about me
@AndrewT. you think trolling is all fun and games. But it's serious business.
Based on the amount of "pc users" trolling on the net, you would think that they find it funny.
I say that we should create a MMORPG just for trolling around
Let's call it "Bart Saga Online"
Should we do the ritual of floating head summoning?
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating characters in body: Create link to a Facebook photo album starting with newest photos by Craig on webapps.stackexchange.com
27 minutes, still alive , hitmarker
@Bart blame @cybermonkey, I guess?
@JanDvorak always
@PeterJ It's Dronehinge's fault.
uhh, okay... wait, who?
he's not even on the face wall!
@AndrewT. roombatron ... bluet ... Sompuperoo ... cVplZ ... lostsock ... istimple ... take your pick.
> I am leena Joseph working as an Web developer. i know about all web development languages
> all
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating characters in body: Xmlhttp in Visual Basic Script by Javier José Pecete García on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title: what is Muscle Forge X? by Edward Goins on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in username: replica rolex daytona replica uk quotes for amat by babylisscurl on drupal.stackexchange.com
In that case... undeleting these zero-scored posts should lift the warning :-D — Jan Dvorak 10 secs ago
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body: This product will boost up your health level by krugnesion haris on drupal.stackexchange.com
boring day is boring
@SmokeDetector A magic investment
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating characters in answer: Why can ALL quadratic equations be solved by the quadratic formula? by a deleted user on math.stackexchange.com
@SPArchaeologist same here
@Bart should we annoy Infinite to pass time?
The cute avatar is a trap. I wouldn't dare.
that reminds me....
@InfiniteRecursion You should really change that white duck avatar. I have found a yellow one with a ribbon too.
2 days ago, by Bart
cough not a duck cough
ok, you asked for it
better now?
(and if you have to ask why, then you haven't seen S5E04)
one little step for Infinite, one big step for the ponification reforming process
Q: Why I can remove my votes on old post if the post isn't edited

Roman CWhy I can remove my votes on old post if the post isn't edited? I don't understand, on some posts my old votes has no effect. The browser shows that it's in the down/up state highlighting and counting it but it doesn't lock it and has no effect on the OP's rep.

@SPArchaeologist I haven't seen S1E01
Am I the only one who immediately thinks "locking, or it is unclear what you are talking about"?
I do understand the question
What does it mean then?
You do Jan? Care to tell?
Or even better, can you edit it into shape?
They claim to be able to change their votes despite they shouldn't be able to
But the "no effect on rep" part? CW perhaps?
What do you mean, "keeps highlighted"? Does or does not clicking change your actual vote? — Jan Dvorak 19 secs ago
getting muddy
Since it has no effect, I still read this as "I cannot change my old vote."
voted unclear
I could add a "Do you perhaps mean that this is supposed to be a feature request?" to confuse things even further ... :p
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: SWITCH TO PLAIN TEXT EDITOR ISSUE by kapilakshi rana on drupal.stackexchange.com
The second time it works? ... is he going back in his browser?
Meh, unclear.
It came back for a moment...
a phoenix question?
The OP decided to replace the question's text with a sad emoticon and filler. Cannot do that unless the question is undeleted for the edit.
"Keep it within an opaque box, if for some reason you cannot remove all of the junk-food from your own home. " -- in a fridge?
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title: A powerful solution to fight wrinkles by peruxmens smith on drupal.stackexchange.com
R&D Day: Current Plan: see if I can create a table on a Azure SQL Database.
Hey now Smoke Detector... don't you know that web pages can get wrinkled by careless users?
attempt one: SQL Management studio. No designer supported, can only interact with db object via script. SQL Object explorer is also broken and can't expand some nodes.
attempt two: Visual Studio SQL Server explorer. Shows items, but designer is borked and doesn't allow for updates to object. One MS Connect related issue found, reply is "We will fix in the next version, until then make your time, we set you up the bomb"
attempt three: azure database management web gui.
You should drop that and use MySQL
^^ chat needs downvotes
inb4 some of our lesser mammals get chat-banned
I love videos and codecs. <-- sarcasm
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: BLACKHOLES IS THERE REALLY PROOF? by Bennet Sharf on physics.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector Move to Skeptics SE
> "when we thought Pluto was a planet till not too long ago"
move to trash
... sigh
speaking of Skeptics...
did notice this pearl before
Q: Did cats evolve meowing in order to manipulate humans?

durron597My girlfriend told me last night that cats evolved meowing specifically in order to mimic the sound of a baby's crying to get us to feed them and so forth. Considering the meme of throwing shoes at loud, stray cats in American cartoons, in many cases all the meowing does is irritate us, needless ...

maybe our chatroom cat knows.
[ SmokeDetector ] Url in title: http://www.fitnesscafe360.com/cognimaxx-xl/ by ryan gaalph on drupal.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector tpu- nice try
@HomegrownTomato indeed ;)
@SmokeDetector gone
In honor of national donut day, @Moosebot now has a second response to the donut command.
@Moosebot donut
@Moosebot donuts
@Moosebot donut
@Moosebot donuts
Three heads and a tails xD
oh no :/
@Moosebot delete
@Moosebot delete
@JanDvorak now management studio is working. After a kb patch we found in a crypt in the dark lands of scorching fires
@RobertCartaino maybe we could review a beta site after say, a year, and remove the beta label if it does not graduate, while also running an election. — Sklivvz ♦ 13 hours ago
@Mooseman feature request: muffin should summon an animated gif of Derpy eating a muffin.
MLP programmer?
she programs ponies?
@SPArchaeologist nearly only link only answers, what has to be expected by this kind if question
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, phone number detected, repeating characters in title: @@@@@@@@@@@1-844-780-6762 ######Hotmail customer care toll free number..Hotmail support Services phoen number ## by sur jone on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector I wonder what is the expected results of such spam posts.
@SPArchaeologist testing the attention of SE members ?
One thing that intrigues me about spam like the above is a few times I've seen meta posts asking why a question "doesn't meet quality standards". I've seen a few that minus caps at the start of sentences actually aren't really bad so I wonder how that junk passes.
Someone outside there will one day need to contact Hotmail support and upon searching their phone number on Google will then click the SE result link instead than an official one, see a strange engrish wall of text, notice the number and decide to test it...
how many helpful flag spams for the SE T-Shirt?
Yeah, if more than 10% of the post is the repetition of the same word (and not within a code block), that probably shouldn't be accepted.
@SPArchaeologist I think we have to call SE customer support to find out; I'll look up their number.
I asked meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/296163/… over on meta.SO. It's getting downvotes, which is fine. I'm guessing I should keep it open to accrue downvotes and eventually someone will answer it and I can accept that answer and leave the question open for when/if someone else wants to add a similar feature request?
@StuperUser It would be useful to have as a question to close dupes against.
Unless it is a dupe itself.
I couldn't find one before I asked it.
So just leave it and accept an answer when it's declined as a request?
Smashing. So it shall be. Thanks @Louis
My pleasure.
Does anyone have the custom close reason for "we are not a company's support site" handy?
@Louis 2 more
@Mooseman 2 more what??
@Louis cv's needed (Also, please use the reply button)
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in username: Mr Robot: Episode 2 by Black Magic on movies.stackexchange.com
@Mooseman thanks
@SmokeDetector ignore
@Mooseman Post ignored; alerts about it will no longer be posted.
@AstroCB Your bot's going nuts in botlings. Double posts, wrong pings, etc.
Good ol' @Moosebot doesn't go nuts, now do you?
@Mooseman Of course not!
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, phone number detected: <<<Help>>>&&** 1-855-709-2847**&&&& Hp printer Support phone number Hp printer contact numberHp printer helpline number by Willson cart lea on meta.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector gone
@Mooseman, looks like LH is bleeding over to MSO: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/296177/how-to-mark-keyboard
@Andy If an SO mod wished to migrate it, we'll take it.
Looks like it was deleted. You'll have to poke one of the mods
@Andy Working on it
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive body detected: Javascript simular keyboard by Raphael Araujo on pt.stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector ignore-
@bjb568 Add all the functions
If it's possible, do it. If it's not possible, do it.
ā€œSorry mom I canā€™t come celebrate your birthday, a recruiter told me I needed to be working on my Stack Overflow reputation in the eveningsā€
@SmokeDetector gone
@Hosch250 It probably does, but not too much; and TPing is not meant to be executed twice.
So if you're wondering why CSS updates take so long... the SE designers are busy.
Later I may undownvote then...
why was this migrated to meta.se meta.stackexchange.com/q/257989/244519 .... migrate back plz
in The Clubhouse on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, just now, by Unihedron
@edmastermind29: Why did you migrate ^ that to MSE?
@Dronehinge cv'd for pertaining to specific site
@SmokeDetector gone
The timestamp said 13 seconds...someone is fast today
definitely a mod around
@Unihedron so based on your comment there, if it gets closed it goes back to meta.sports?
but then if they're around why won't they just migrate the above post back
@Dronehinge Migrated posts are migrated back with the reason migration rejected if closed as any other reason but as a duplicate on the migrated to site.
Also, automagically closed as off-topic
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: FOR EACH LOOP WITH DIFFERENT TASK by Jeff C on stackoverflow.com
There is a tag on that question ^
That's... suggestive.
Lol, it is tagged
Today's xkcd comic (Beer):
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted website: Action Fuel Pro by joersg clark on superuser.com
@SmokeDetector gone
@SmokeDetector tpu-
and gone
@į”•į–ŗį˜Žį•Š when did he .. really leave
lol you're right
@SmokeDetector tpu-
No worries. We know where to call in case we need support.
That is reassuring....
stop hacking kenny, SE!
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive body detected: Print all mongoDB data to string nodejs by Thanhtu150 on stackoverflow.com
Worst case scenario: we have the option to move to DevDoodle
Warning: BJB will leak our PII
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive body detected: I need to cut out a path so I can put a circle in the background by noobster on graphicdesign.stackexchange.com
My avatar looks weird o_O
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating characters in body: I Dont remember my MCPE password ! pls help by T1GER on gaming.stackexchange.com
Smokey, stop it.
Every time Smoke Detector says "Offensive body detected" it sounds to me like a comment about someone's appearance.
Are you... a unicorn @InfiniteRecursion?
Looks like a ponyduck to me.
Mar 20 at 1:56, by Jason C
@SmokeDetector i detected ur moms offensive body
@SmokeDetector tpu
@HomegrownTomato I see I'm not alone then.
Mar 23 at 4:41, by tchrist
Offensive body, really? Smokey, how long have suffered from these obsessive body-image neuroses? You should chat up Eliza; Iā€™m sure she could help you.
tpu as well
@SmokeDetector tpu-
@vaultah I will add you to the list of users who can tp/fp alerts, if you want.
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted website: There are many reasons why the number by William Croy on superuser.com
@ProgramFOX up to you :) But thanks for considering adding me.
The forecasted extreme weather has reached me... it drizzles ...
@vaultah then I'll add you :)
Did this page just refresh for anyone else too?
@rene Our weathermen are (in)famous for that.
> More proof that we have the best parenting site on the Internet. parenting.stackexchange.com/q/20415/106?stw=2 ā€¦ -- Tim Post at 10:02 AM - 5 Jun 2015 via Twitter
Thank you @ProgramFOX
you're welcome!
> @mattcutts We have people proxying our HTML, outranking in Google and serving malware - what's the best channel to adress this these days? -- Nick Craver at 9:53 AM - 5 Jun 2015 via Twitter
^ Slacker spammer. I didn't even have to scroll to get to the flag button.
@SmokeDetector gone
Blocking 855[^\d]*709[^\d]*2847 in titles would stop a lot of this.
The number changes though
I see 855 and 844 numbers
@HomegrownTomato A better solution would be to simply stop accepting questions.
@Andy Case in point ^...
Still, there are only a few numbers they are rotating between. Even if it's a dozen, this isn't really that hard.
@SmokeDetector gone
@Mooseman okeydonkey
Okay, I think I got everything I can do to/with Smokey from reading /chatcommunicate.py. I'll try not to harm :)
@SmokeDetector gone
@vaultah The list of commands is available on a wiki page, accessible via...
@HomegrownTomato I'm SmokeDetector, a bot that detects spam and low-quality posts on the network and posts alerts to chat. A command list is available here.
Ugh. Haha, thanks
@HomegrownTomato closet-server
@SmokeDetector This one is new to me.
Smokey's wiki page doesn't mention the silent mode.
@HomegrownTomato fixed
Wow, never thot of it this way
The spam charts I posted yesterday were based on Tavern data, which of course is missing the deleted posts. Reworked based on Charcoal HQ:
Good news: the peak of support is behind us now (it's almost 18 UTC)
@SmokeDetector gone
Why not use a different smoothing method, make each event its own bell curve then add them all up? Maybe make events farther away from other events have larger standard deviations but less height, but give all equal area.
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, phone number detected: <<<Help>>>&&** 1-855-709-2847**&&&& Canon printer Tech Support phone number Canon printer Customer Service Phone Number@@ by herbs wraps on meta.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, phone number detected, repeating characters in title: ((((((((((((************))))))))))(((1-844-780-6762)#@#@!Outlook technical support phone number by San William on meta.stackexchange.com
@bjb568 This is basically the idea of B-splines. For example, the cubic B-spline is built of these things:
Well, splines just sound kewl.
Unlike the Gaussian, it does not go on forever; it turns to zero at the end of that interval. Which is good, makes it local.
Huh, ok.
By the way, although this is not a normal curve, it still has a probabilistic interpretation.
It's the probability density function for the sum of 4 uniformly distributed random variables.
That is, pick 4 numbers out of, say, [-1,1] at random. Add them up, record the result. Repeat 100000 times. The histogram will be like that curve.
Huh, kewl.
One thing that cubic B-splines do not do is match the given numbers perfectly, because each data point also contributes to its neighbors a little. So, it's an approximating spline rather than an interpolating spline. For some applications this is actually a good thing, for others not. As usual.
Data code review accept data structure normalization checks?
Question in question : stackoverflow.com/q/30673064/656243
^ heh. see what I did there?
Those are usually seen on Database Administrators, where users come with diagrams of all shapes and sizes.
@cybermonkey The 2nd vote is mine.
My search-fu is weak. Can someone point me to the "Some site is stealing content questions" please?
Q: Updated procedure for reporting SCRAPERs

PopsSince day one of Stack Overflow, all content posted on Stack Exchange sites by their users (i.e. you wonderful people) has been provided to the whole universe under the CC-BY-SA license. For my fellow non-lawyers, that license basically means: Anyone can use any Stack Exchange posts at any time...

Hey @Hom, when do you learn about hyperbolic triggies? They seem interesting.
@Danack Be aware that SO is okay with sites that provide attribution.
(which is laid out in that question)
@bjb568 Depends on curriculum. Sometimes they are introduced in Calculus II when doing trigonometric substitution. The integrals like sqrt(x^2+1) are easier to handle with x=sinh(t) than with x = tan(t)... However, there is often not enough time for that, and Calculus II is packed with stuff already. In that case, they come up in differential equations.
E.g., the general solution of y''=y could be written as y(t) = A*e^t+B*e^(-t), but the equivalent form y(t) = A*cosh(t)+B*sinh(t) is more convenient for fitting A,B to given initial values.
@HomegrownTomato hey, that's my question on Math SE!
Well, I'm probably going to take multivariable and differential equations next year.
And nobody mentioned sinh and cosh there? For shame.
In the course description things? I don't read thoseā€¦
I mean in answers or comments to your question. sinh and cosh are named functions that satisfy y''=y.
Of course they are just a combination of exponentials, but still. For completeness.
Feel free to answer!
@Louis how many cvs does that question have?
@cybermonkey 4
bjb saves the day!
@Louis how many more does it need?
OMG I can't keep track!
This question is either a dup, or too broad.
Q: How do I prevent spam from the contact form [using php coding]?

R_IMDMy client is receiving tons of spam emails from their contact form, is there a way to stop or prevent them using PHP coding? I have added a simple math captcha, but it's not working, they are still getting spam emails. A lot of the spam emails are originated from Gmail ([email protected]). Thank you

@Rene oh... god... you actually admitted that you opened up access 2007?
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, phone number detected: <<<Help>>>&&** 1-844-780-6762**&&&& Outlook Support phone number OutllokContact numberOutlookhelpline number by deepakbasnal on meta.stackexchange.com
@bjb568 specially when you reticulate them
What's S5E04?
@bjb568 season 5 episode 04
People still watch the TVs?
@bjb568 Game of Thrones...?
Good soundtrack tho.
is one of the few series that I can fast forward that I don't skip the opening

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