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@randal'thor true, but it's fun to try
@randal'thor I answered that question already:
A: How should sockpuppets be handled on Stack Exchange?

Shog9How can I be sure I'm looking at a sockpuppet? You can't ever be 100% sure. What you think is a sockpuppet could in fact be my good friend Nog Shine, who loves everything I write, copies my writing style, and uses my computer to vote and post stuff when I step away for coffee. But in practice, ...

looks for mug of beer...
Oh and @JonEricson, just to be clear: I have nothing against Christians; I wish you the best of luck with your participation on Biblical Hermeneutics and indeed Puzzling. Just be a bit less trigger-happy with the 'close' button :-) And FWIW it wasn't me who mentioned your "personal issues", nor have I ever attempted to find out about them, let alone to "play on" them. Sorry if I seemed insensitive there.
@randal'thor just to be clear, it wasn't Jon who suspended you here. You managed to attract a heapin' pile of offensive flags from other users, and that suspended you automatically. Not that I doubt Jon was too happy when he found out about all that, but it ain't just Jon or even primarily Jon who you offended.
From the look of things, that conversation managed to draw the attention of an employee who doesn't normally moderate and wouldn't normally concern himself with any of this... Which is what I was alluding to above: you really can't expect the same patience and understanding from folks at the company as you might on the normal chat servers when you're essentially carrying on right outside their virtual office.
Well, pardon me for not understanding so much about how SE works. I've only been here a few months. I was under the impression that I was using the 'In Praise of Moderators' chatroom for its designated purpose.
@randal'thor Like I said earlier, we're always happy to clear up confusion. It's a complicated system and not all of it is obvious. Just. Ask.
There are three chat servers:
- chat.stackexchange is for all the folks on all the sites
- chat.stackoverflow is for all the folks on Stack Overflow
- chat.meta is for employees, the super-engaged folk on Meta Stack Exchange, and the occasional confused person who wanders in not quite sure where they are.
@Shog9 Is dev chat ever used for anything other than testing? (dev.backburner or whatever)
I doubt it
@hichris123 wait, isn't chat.MSE the dev server for chat?
Maybe? Not sure.
dev.bonfire, that's what I'm looking for.
@Braiam I did not even notice you asked it originally, since it's CW and another user is listed as the main contributor. I put a bounty there because there was much confusion over disputed/declined over on meta.Math. Same thing also led to Mad Scientist's FR.
@Fundamental is not a bounty... just a comment...
Then I don't even know what question you are referring to.
OP post question, I answer, OP edits, I update answer to cover everything, OP deletes question. So...
It was actually a good question. Something likely to trip the beginners with Selenium.
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: REMOTE: FLASH WRITE ERROR by Ethan on android.stackexchange.com
First time I see "i'm having exactly the same issue!" in a question. No link
Thanks for the follow-up, I managed to find the related question.
Does anyone answer questions on Android Enthusiasts at all?
@randal'thor Approximately exactly, yes.
@Undo Isn't that a blackhole?
@bjb568 no
That goes straight to Zendesk IIRC
65% answered, only Software Recommendations is lower. (Not counting Stack Apps.) And Software recs are also a special case because people want software that doesn't exist.
@Undo I have received exactly 0 REs (just checked).
@bjb568 define:res
@bjb568 I've gotten a few from them
Exactly one for each email sent
I've gotten as many responses as I sent form messages / emails. (Except for "delete Area 51 account" email, which did not need a response.)
Although I prefer to just ping people, so I haven't used the page forever
Did they blacklist me?
@Fundamental I think I got 1/2, but the other I pinged someone too, so...
@bjb568 gonna have to ask someone other than me :P
@bjb568 Obviously.
(that was sarcasm if you couldn't tell)
Oh, @bjb568 did you get much snow?
Not much.
But I think tomorrow will be a cold day (no school).
We got quite a bit. :)
@bjb568 2 hour delay here.
What? No school because it is too cold?
Midwesterners :/
@hichris123 Happened to me once… chat.meta.stackexchange.com/…
@Louis It's 0 F currently. I think.
Actually, we have 2 hour delay too (city schools, I mean). And 1 F currently.
7 F here
Nov 18 '14 at 4:40, by bjb568
Put on coats, idiots.
@randal'thor Interestingly that you'd bring up the religious angle. I hadn't really seen those comments until long after they were deleted. But I was offended by your speculation about my personal life. I'm fairly open about my family, but that doesn't mean I'm not protective of them. However, I do forgive you.
@Fundamental it's a problem of Android "fragmentation". If I have LG device, and the question is Samsung, big chance I am unable to answer it.
@JonEricson You being offended about things people say on the internet, especially something like that, is not helping his impression of your personality.
Aaaand, counting the active users/answerers... and also old questions that might already obsolete
I just don't get being offended by that, really.
@bjb568 ... I honestly don't know how to respond to that.
I'm not even seeing mal-intent. is that not a word
@bjb568 ill will
yes that
@bjb568 I honestly don't care what he (or you) think of me. But I do take people at their word when they apologize. (Or at least I aspire to that.) I'm assuming that he is interested in not causing offense again.
@JonEricson If you don't care, what exactly is the suspension for?
Trying to prevent it from happening to others?
@bjb568 I'm not sure exactly what you are talking about. But I make it my policy to defer to other moderators when I get offended.
You suspended him for the offensive statement (among other things?), right?
@bjb568 Nope.
… then what is it for?
"cool down" doesn't exactly mean a whole lot.
What gives you the idea that Jon suspended anyone?
You know that info isn't public, so unless someone's making that claim its a bit presumptuous...
Best let things be unless they concern you, yknow? Too easy to make mistakes when you don't have all the info.
Also, still can't find your flamey email
@Shog9 Well, he reportedly did before, but I assume if he didn't push the button, he contributed in the discussion before another mod did.
I think you underestimate the length of the strings on these mods
tell him that only you can control the force :P
@hichris123 Quite nice, besides the max-width (CSS'd it). I'm halfway thru.
Regex puzzle: given a URL of SE post or comment, create a short version of the same.
Same what?
Same URL. Apparently comments have a short url.
Oh permalink url
@bjb568 no... that's the short version...
Yes, whatever
BTW /posts/comments/{comment id} is not particularly short. Compared to /q/postid that works for both questions and answers.
It's just the way SE API works, me think
But I'm not using API, for once. I just want my link-formatting bookmarklet to make short links when it's used on an SE site. It's easy to figure out that I'm on SE -- if(StackExchange) {console.log('yay SE')} -- but the URLs are kind of messy.
this user Is really looking forward to her association bonus. ;)
From today's issue of "why the profile redesign project should just die"
@Frank boom
Started my bot.
Ooh, what's it do?
@bjb568 thx
What you know her?
@bjb568 It's my Smokey thingy.
@bjb568 No.
Oh, no pollination or anything.
But we were chatting, and she was looking forward to it
Oooh, so discussing cross-pollination?
new TLD: weird
Upvoter, care to explain? — Your Common Sense Oct 21 '13 at 14:11
@bluet YCS answer revision is funny
wait... who is bluet again?
People should explain when they accept an answer. That way we'd know why they accept terrible answers.
ohhh Sompuperoo
bluet fell off the screen!!
Didn't want to be recognized so quickly, perhaps.
I was wondering what a sompuperoo might be and: google.com/search?q=sompuperoo
click the first hit, you get bluet
@Louis ... there are things in this world, that are better not to know
I managed to invoke zalgo way back when with a regexp and I survived so I think I'm okay.
There seems to be a positive correlation between massive downvoting and frequent name changes...
(I am approaching 14K, bluet is over 15K)
@Fundamental I'm at 2k -- guess I should downvote more.
@hichris123 You can't, because you don't change your username.
Hm... Interesting behavior: If a room owner wants to force one of their own messages to be starred (but not own the star themselves), they can pin and unpin the message. This creates an ownerless (yet lasting) star.
@Fundamental writes bot to downvote 24/7
I blame caching.
(The room owner owns the star, but they can still star their own messages.)
A: I can't unstar a chat message that I pinned and somebody else later unpinned

Shog9If you're able to pin a message in a room, you can also cancel stars on it: IIRC, you'll also need to do this if you pin and then unpin the message. Yup, that's right - moderators (and room owners, AFAIK) can star their own messages using this odd hack. Unless, of course, your reporting it her...

The "when pinning, you get to star your own message" exception was a deliberate decision. — balpha ♦ Jun 7 '12 at 6:24
Hm. How is it that in half the time it takes for me to discover a bug, someone else can show me documentation that it is not, in fact, a bug? :P
This should be reopened: meta.stackexchange.com/questions/157871/… - probably with [status-bydesign] too.
@anorton I just remembered seeing a meta post on it. :P
I can't access chat.mse subdomain in safari for some reason.
in chrome now
Hm… just fixed itself.
@bjb568 I'm old schooling it. — DA01 2 mins ago
hmm, someone's flagging bjb...
I think there's something wrong on your end (chat.MSE). I just got 3 errors when posting.
No, not client-side JS.
in In Praise of Moderators, Jan 1 at 1:05, by bjb568
National Socialist Party Vespa-riding British Youths… :P
There, fixed.
Ooh, I can see that you edited it in history. Kewl!
I reached 400 rep on SO, am I cool yet?
@3ventic Not until you get 500 and can start reviewing.
Especially the fancy new triage thing.
Nobody goes to the first post and late answer queues – they're too crowded.
Jan 8 '14 at 20:25, by ElfSlice
The mocking of this moderator (whose proclivity for procreation is well-documented) upsets me in a visceral fashion!
I haven't posted on SO in ages
@hichris123 ಠ_ಠ
Got a revival badge today so I noticed
I have 43 Revival badges on Math.
I wonder what people think of me when I'm doing genetics homework and mumbling PPTT, PPTT, PPTT, PPTT, PPTT, PPTT, PPTT, PPTT, PPTT, PPTT, PPTT, PPTT, PPTT, PPTT, PPTT, PPTT…
(since I can't pronounce capitalization)
Big P little P Big T little T, little P little P big T big T, ...
You could decide that lowercase (or uppercase) letters are actually Greek, pi and tau.
Then I'd start writing those characters instead and before you know it I'm thinking about circles.
@bjb568 omega is nothing like that
My school district will be on a cold day tomorrow.
My school has instructed us to not listen to the district.
@bjb568 >:(
@JanDvorak I don't even... can you make a vaguer question please?
gaming titles strike again... gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/200966/…
@hichris123 Perhaps...
It'll be hard though
@hichris123 Okay...
@JanDvorak yay
@Frank That wasn't a challenge. :P
How do I do stuff when there's ike other stuff and it makes it even harder so how, ? even.
That's vague^^
ike other stuff? :P
"ike" ... related to KSP?
Yeah, makes it more vague when they can't even type
Nah, this is better: "How do I"
@JanDvorak Kerbal? Not getting the reference...
wait, oops, I'm confusing KSP planets with other obscure references...
or, "y z thats alla iz wen i even can't chang the mane pert that went to fr nywy ily thx"
SO's not as bad as it could be
Until you are granted access to the CV queue
Stll not as bad as most q/a sites
at 10K questions/day, 1% is still a lot of crap
When you compare sites with Yahoo Answers, every site isn't as bad as it could be.
and let's face it, it's more like 20%
@Shog9 That's all?
@bjb568 that'd be around 2K questions/day. What, you need more? Greedy.
@Shog9 And those 2K questions needs 10K close votes to be dealt with by purely the community.
that's more than I have votes for...
now you're getting the picture
And so many high rep users are like, "closing questions? are you kidding? no thanks my world is tidy and pretty"
One popular phrase on SO: "Please try: [code]"
Or "this worked for me [code]"
Or "[code]"
Is there a quality filter for answers?
Sometimes I think elite trolls must have great talent at sarcasm ...
@JanDvorak Nope but they fall into LQP review
so do questions
And since no one uses "Edit" anyways, deal with it
Some do. To unlock their votes.
Make minor edits to retract upvote #LifeHack!!!
it doesn't seem like spam in the first place
Ugh, regex
@JanDvorak probably RE 0000 A3008
comment retracted
it's ungrammatical. So much for the ungrammatical = markov chain heurstic.
@Unihedro are you still fixing the post? The title seems incomplete, until...?
@Unihedro Everybody knows about that.
You can add a space to the end of it.
Also to add edit summary if you forgot to write it when editing the post.
Or to rollback with comment
@Fundamental gone, that was fast
Yes, gone at -2, along with the user.
drupal.se mods became more active lately? \o/
I blame the local tavern CMs
Let's visit the Drupal tavern!
I mean this tavern
Eh... It's empty, and there are "2015 HAPPY NEW YEAR" pics
they don't have my favorite... I checked before
@bjb568 friday at like 10:30 EST the first posts queue usually goes to over 100, so you could get 20 done then
Oh, nobody reviews late friday.
@bluet BTW, you just quad-pinged me.
Dat edit... WAT
Remember when I used to talk in here instead of just lurking?
Good grief, won't someone shut @TCPMAN.EXE up? All that chatter is making it hard to concentrate.
Every couple weeks, another message. Yap, yap, yap.
16460 posts, 2% of total.
He should be more like @bjb568 - never hear a peep outa that one.
bjb posted less, all-time.
@Unihedro maybe the team should ban the filters and favorite/ignore tags for a couple weeks and see if it improves moderation.. ie: lots more close votes and closed questions
Well, obviously bjb isn't trying hard enough.
When in doubt contributing something like postcount++ or "oy" pads your activity a fair bit.
Someone should do an analysis on the length of chat messages.
I just realized that I chat a lot
@hichris123 Is there a way to download the entire transcript of a room? I could write a few regex'es :P
Chat domains needs more love :(
Ask @Shog9, and say please. Though he probably wouldn't do it for a room this large...
@Unihedro ... or the easy way, ask Shog
darn @hichris123, stop saying the same as me!
@Shog9 peep?
Please! Shog9! For good sake and happiness, please help me get a copy of the transcripts
@InfiniteRecursion never got that ping. Thanks! but brilliant would've been cool
I'd like them in Markdown as a text version virus-free zip containing transcripts of all rooms I'm in, pretty please
@Unihedro Maybe ask InfiniteHappiness?
@bjb568 I'm pretty sure even ROs can't get transcripts exported..
That's like asking for viruses.
"virus-free" LOL
@Unihedro By virus free, you mean including TCPMAN.EXE?
Brilliant blue @bluet :)
@Unihedro you need a lamb to get Shog hear your voice
@bjb568 I could give you a simple script, but it wouldn't work.
@bjb568 Ahem, I changed my name
What's a 16 bit TCP stack going to do to your computer?
Make it more awesome? That's not what viruses do.
@InfiniteRecursion Who said I was talking to you?
@TCPMAN.EXE I don't know, why don't you ask... yourself?
So, @TCPMAN.EXE, what is a 16 bit TCP stack going to do to my computer?
Probably throw some sort of error, to be honest.
Holding out for "Pertwee System of Infinite Acceleration"
@Unihedro Make it more awesome!
!find Infinite Happiness
@Shog you're an awesome person and you like helping, right? :D
uh hum
@Unihedro (no)
!find shog9 pats self for
The version of this file is not compatible with the version of Windows you are running. Check your computer's system information to check whether you need an x86 (32-bit) or x64 (64-bit) version of the program, then contact the software publisher.
Expert authority / Master debator... Check / Check
Only 73 points on Browser.
/ Addict participant
What is that site?
It's like, where people used to steal .NET code before stack overflow existed.
When I have too much time on my hands, I liked to farm rep on CP.
@Unihedro Sometimes I wonder if there's a popular auto carrot chrome extension.
@Unihedro Contribute to DevDoodle instead!
@bjb568 But points are harder to get :(
Does /qa work yet?
@bjb568 Right, I once asked who's working on DD besides you. If anyone.
@Unihedro Not really
@Fundamental Mostly me, but also some friends including @ProgramFOX
@Unihedro Contribute code!
Wats a DevDoodle?
See about. It's a coding project for mostly me.
I was considering building myself a dogecoin vending machine but there might be something more free to do with my spare time.
@TCPMAN.EXE competitor of SO
Out of people in the Tavern currently, Tim Stone posted the most by far (36K). hichris123 is in the second place with 18K.
I read that as "I realise I probably just spent way more time fixing that question than I should have... but the title sucked." — Jan Dvorak 17 secs ago
@TCPMAN.EXE It's a borked site
Works when you're logged in and on localhost and do the right things in the right order. Sometimes.
WTH, I just crashed it (locally).
@bjb568 Well it didn't when I tried setting it up on my cloud just then...
It may be because of borked gitz

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