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9:05 AM
@Unihedron "I googled my eyes out and couldn't find anything."
xP Well, if he did, it would be a miracle of miracles!
Wondering - exactly how does the chat "ping/message user" feature work? the user must have been online on the board at some time or the message will reach him no mater what?
@SPArchaeologist It's documented in the FAQ (see the buttons on bottom-right of the page) but you can ping online users or someone who has been in the room before.
If they've been in the room before and you ping them while offline, they get an inbox notif.
User should have visited the chat room in past 2 days
Probably that instead of being online.
In fact, that's how I knew I was being pinged while in class:
9:10 AM
For better understanding, we will ping you frequently when you are offline/out side the room etc.
note to self: ping @SPArchaeologist frequently
@Unihedron I assumed that - I didn't know how much before. Question was pretty bad worded, I give you that. I should have been more precise .
@Unihedron Sorry, I disturbed you in your classroom :(
So it seems it is two days. Here goes my hopes of bringing that user in the tavern
All good @Inf ;P
@SPArchaeologist You can go to the chat.meta.stackexchange.com page of the user profile and invite them.
They get the "You've been invited to Tavern on the Meta room" inbox message, as well as a banner on top of the chat pages until dismissed.
@Unihedron re: minecraft, from what I know, you will get shorter render distance (until 4 blocks) near the void, so is it possible to simulate that with plugin? Not that I often play Minecraft, and never create a plugin though.
9:15 AM
@AndrewT. No. That's client render as well. It's also bypassable with a cracked client.
You can do something like give out free blindness potion effect, though.
@InfiniteRecursion the horror!
@Unihedron THAT is an idea. Just think of how happy will the rest of the tavern be if I get Alula back.
Absolutely @Bart. Ask me, I know.
Maybe you should blog about it @InfiniteRecursion ;)
@Bart Who knows, maybe I already am ;)
9:22 AM
/me googles "sharpened beak"
/me waits for @Bart to say:
17 mins ago, by Infinite Recursion
@Unihedron "I googled my eyes out and couldn't find anything."
@Unihedron sSSSsss
@Bart I am too busy to blog, so don't waste your time searching :D
@Unihedron then write that as an answer. Ideally, with an argument showing it is so — Jan Dvorak 20 mins ago
@InfiniteRecursion Was just going to reply to that.
I actually put together half a paragraph then realized I'm wasting my time - There's no implementation specifications! OP should have at least mentioned he's working with NMS, Bukkit, CraftBukkit, Spigot, P. Glowstone, or something... but nope
So now it's either too broad or off-topic. It deserves a last close vote.
9:34 AM
By the way, speaking of Bukkit, guess what users can't download now... dl.bukkit.org/dmca/notification.txt dl.bukkit.org/latest-rb/craftbukkit.jar
"451 Unavailable for Legal Reasons"
@Unihedron /me is confused
@Unihedron cool... just saw HTTP 451 for the first time
@Bart same, I read the notice a few times but I don't understand it
@Bart /me thinks the confusion is the after-effect of too much googling
@ItachiUchiha Hiya
Heya @Ita
@JanDvorak Ha, I spamf'd before you.
@Unihedron you didn't link it here, though
9:41 AM
@InfiniteRecursion @Unihedron heya
ssup guys ?
@mehow closed
Sweet! Techno track on piano:
actually got the answer in the review queue but skipped....
9:42 AM
@Unihedron actually, I think Mojang is seeing this as a good opportunity to pull Bukkit out of Open Source.
Aug 21 at 9:16, by Bart
It's quite hilarious how people want to make Mojang be this big and evil corporation, but time and again it turns out it's not all that bad or not bad at all.
Here we go again.
Are all of you bukkit devs ?
Nope, just merh.
I don't specialize bukkit plugin development either.
9:44 AM
@uni what do you specialize in
Mocking myself and occasionally change the world..
@ItachiUchiha We all are random people
nice hobby though ;)
@InfiniteRecursion Or animals..
pings @bjb568
9:50 AM
@Unihedron true :)
Truth is, if you're a major person, you probably wouldn't be chatting on a chat room.
so yes, all random people.
@uni That depends on the definition of major person
@Unihedron yep. Creepers explosions are perfect for making world changes :P Just continue to run toward them and avoid bows at all cost :P
Hug creepers :3
9:54 AM
By random, I meant we are random people from different parts of the world, specializing in different things - a random collection of perfect strangers @ItachiUchiha.
I understood that long ago
@ItachiUchiha Good, you seemed unaware of that 12 minutes ago
12 mins ago, by ItachiUchiha
Are all of you bukkit devs ?
^^^ It's like asking "Anyone here from Italy?"
Just after this
7 mins ago, by Infinite Recursion
@ItachiUchiha We all are random people
goes to check the status of the minecraft question
10:05 AM
Yep, still need one.
@Unihedron: Need some editing help cleaning retarded answers
Oh @Inf ... xD
Seems like an answer ?
10:14 AM
@AndrewT. Please flag all such laments as NAA, and if you see something that can be salvaged, just edit out the "I am a retard" bit. Any doubts, ask here :)
@lostsock tricky keming
10:19 AM
Another Another New Account!!
@Unihedron No use, unless you get 3K, you can't cv. And you have to read the rules of what's on-topic before cv-ing. Else deadlock like the minecraft question.
I flagged it though. It should push it higher in the CV queue, or I'm just superstitious.
10:24 AM
@Unihedron Likely they don't have much in their close-vote queue
@Unihedron Why did you flag it? Do you know if it's on topic or off-topic for that site?
I took a tour.
The tour is amazing by the way. The scrolling animation and all that.
> Ask about...

Specific issues with bitcoin
Real problems or questions that you’ve encountered
@Unihedron tomorrow can you please ask a meta question "Do you have any SE superstitions that you do? If so, what are they?"
@Unihedron That's great. Was just making sure :)
@JanDvorak gone
@lostsock Is that on-topic? If so, ok!
10:28 AM
On GL's tour, the example question was answered by me and another guy. His answer was accepted. I edited my answer so it was way better, and they changed the tour example. :)
@Unihedron fun should only be used on fridays
it still needs one more cv:
11 mins ago, by Infinite Recursion
remove @InfiniteRecursion one boxing privileges
@lostsock No....I love oneboxing !!
@J.Musser Ahhhh!
10:35 AM
@Unihedron And plants and glasses.
@bjb568 Thanks :)
@mehow Congrats! enjoy the break :)
yeah :> just deciding how long to make it last
10:50 AM
@mehow It can be edited to remove the noise and converted to a useful answer.
Reviewing is HaRd...
@mehow I took a permanent break from the first post queue, it's always filled with strange posts and robo-reviewers.
@InfiniteRecursion i totally understand but I was only about 150 away from a gold badge!!!
it happend again
user image
Badges are for bored people.
10:55 AM
@Unihedron today I felt bored...
Quick! Raise a sock to 500 rep.
didn't feel like reading a new chapter on programming in Unity3d so was just hanging around SO and reviewing...
16 hours ago, by lostsock
so cute seeing the mother duck helping the baby duck
^bluefeet isn't a duck.
@InfiniteRecursion "if it walks like a duck, acts like a duck, it's a duck"
11:07 AM
@Unihedron gone
@GnomeSlice ........ ?? What did I just watch
right, i am speechless now
F* the system, the SO review system
Today's Listening | Electronic / Trap / Beats
kind of
Cool cheers @Gnome!
11:17 AM
actually its an answer
it probably needs to be edited a bit but it does answer the question...
@mehow thanks for confirming :)
@InfiniteRecursion It's an answer
didn't realize it was the OP who answered it at first
Thanks @bluefeet.
@InfiniteRecursion question should be closed I think. There's no problem with the code, it wasn't running because other code forced an early exit.
Can we close that with the typo reason? It serves no purpose for anyone but the author.
11:20 AM
@Stijn It's not a typo in the question though.
@bluefeet It's no-repro with that question's state anyway.
@bluefeet is my most recent flag (Aug 27 at 12:34) on MSO under discussion or does nobody want to touch it?
@Stijn I've got no idea. I haven't looked at it
Flags that aren't easy to handle sits around for quite a while, @sti
11:27 AM
I got flag banned :(
:O What happened?
flag banned? :p
@mehow yes, you got review banned and I got flag banned, vacation for both :D
11:30 AM
@InfiniteRecursion I've haven't fully looked but you have a lot of pending flags in the queue, it's possible that you hit the ban because someone reviewed several of your flags in a row.
Erm, just seen "flagged as [offensive] helpful - Please just edit things like this out in future." So, should I not bother flagging offensive stuff, but just edit it?
@Sam yes, I have one of those as well, but declined
@bluefeet Thanks.
@InfiniteRecursion VACATION TIME! Let's go!
@Sam on-topic rants should be edited just below the NSFW bar...
11:33 AM
@InfiniteRecursion If we approve some of your pending flags, then the ban should be lifted
@Sam I think you should edit out offensive stuff when it's just part of a post, not intended to offend anyone. And flag stuff that exists purely to offend someone.
@Unihedron Kk.
@mehow If you like scuba diving that is a great place....
@rene & @Stijn The answer I flagged went along the lines of "Ah, f** this muslim, he was first". Which is why I asked...
11:36 AM
@rene i take your words on it
@Sam can you link the answer?
@bluefeet Ok, no hurry. I will enjoy the break in the meantime :)
@Stijn It got deleted.
@Sam Then that WAS offensive.
11:37 AM
@Sam OK, well without context it's difficult to make a conclusion but I'm leaning towards "flag it".
@mehow let's go :)
Can you post a link @sam from your flag history and then remove it again so I can have a look....
While they go for a vacation I'm going to code. Be right back!
@Stijn Ok.
got it
11:40 AM
Thanks All...!!! Apologies. The code was for VB.NET and I was trying that in VBA. However, can any one please help me for following My Data is Person City New City A P B Q C R I want to randomly assign the New City to a person from the list of City (Column 2). However, New City should not be same as the one which is already assigned to the person. — Hardik Patel 54 secs ago
^ cv for no repro?
yes please
I have never seen an answer with so many tags on SO - stackoverflow.com/a/25663820/2982225
@InfiniteRecursion Challenge accepted
I think it's quite helpful in this post for the OP to actually distinguish the difference between VBA VB6 VB.NET VB C# ETC!
You win @Unihedron
11:44 AM
I think this is a fairly close summary of what's going on @Unihedron twitlonger.com/show/n_1s81jha
@Sam OK, ChrisF did two things, he edited the post with a comment There is no need for that removing the insult on other peoples unconfirmed religion. After that he removed the post leaving a comment for the OP that copying other peoples answers is not done and that answers shouldn't include insults.
@Bart ???
I don't know anymore...
Thanks for the cheers and support @Bart
smells like a forum post not a SO post
@rene Thx for checking. I still don't understand why he said to just edit such posts though.
"Other answers" , "i dont know why other others", "why others suggest"....
11:49 AM
I agree, @meh
they should be answering the question not commenting on other answers in an answer.
I still were trying to be nice and just leave a comment but .... erg system doesn't like me ;(
Life doesn't reward good people.
You'll learn that eventually.
@bluefeet My flag ban got lifted :D
@Unihedron The world is full of amazing people, you realize that too eventually.
Lives will find a way around life or they don't (SOL) and die. You'll realize that too eventually.
11:54 AM
@Sam For example, you should edit this - stackoverflow.com/a/24976693/2982225
@InfiniteRecursion lol at the wording
@Sam If you edited out the insult it could serve as answer...if the answer has no value at all flagging as offensive is OK, I guess. Maybe ask @ChrisF to confirm....
> <a href='' ng-mousedown='fuckYeahImFuckingAwesome()'>
some people should kill themselves
omg, lol, rotfl, lmao, lmfao... — me how 14 secs ago
^ flag as too chatty for free flags :)
haha edited since
so guess what FLAG DECLINED -> and a flag ban :>
ha ha ...
@mehow Use the editing skills on the post, instead of wasting it on comments :>
11:58 AM
So that is two people in this room flag-banned, who is next?
no, sorry I was uncear
@rene My flag ban got lifted....a very kind mod reviewed some of my flags :)
@Unihedron said to flag my comment "omg.. lol...."
@Inf @rene Ah ok, thx for explaining.
11:59 AM
but then I edited it since
and if somone had flagged and had the flag declined then there was some small % posibility he was on the edge of getting flag banned.
I only have 25 declined flags over 1572 helpful flags. I hope you're not getting me flag banned.
@rene mehow is playing tricks to get us flag banned
yes! there is still some free room in the vacation villa
@Unihedron You can never be so sure, TIL
9 hours ago, by Infinite Recursion
user image
nice flagging history
12:04 PM
thanks @mehow
Keyword: "I hope"
try playing poker ;)
and a review ban as an award for the effort :D
@Unihedron I had hope too...
17 hours ago, by bluefeet
@InfiniteRecursion your history is very respectable for a duck
And then bang...flag banned :)
And then, ban lifted and am back to flagging :D
Event rollercoaster?
Yes, am just happy because I know if had written the algorithm for auto-bans, it would also generate an equal number of false-positives. So am enjoying the rollercoaster.
12:11 PM
lol :)
New to Git here, I see SmokeDetector repo has a link to ChatExchange as a repo link, how do I do that? Given I have control to both repositories, and would like to link one to another (not sure what it's called.)
git repo url for smokey pls..
can someone who understands this kindly edit and fix it - stackoverflow.com/a/24976693/2982225
12:20 PM
I mean this:
@Unihedron Submodule?
Oh that must be it - will read up. Thanks!
@Sam I said just to edit the post because it doesn't require a moderator to edit. Flags should only be raised for stuff you can't do yourself.
@rene see ^^^
Tnx for confirming that!
12:23 PM
So if you see a post that has irrelevant swearing or NFSW image in it (for example), just edit it out.
Oh thank god for Stack Overflow, @Inf :)
If the whole post is nonsense or offensive, then flag it so a mod can delete the whole thing.
@ChrisF The gravatar of that user is an edge case I guess?
@ChrisF Alright, will do.
12:24 PM
@rene Which user?
> So if you see a post that
(Emphasis mine)
@rene Nope. 'Tis offensive.
Changed and I'll mod message.
Ok tnx
@InfiniteRecursion Done.
@rene I can grant that wish, if you'd like
12:31 PM
@bluefeet @Jan just joined the room. (hint hint)
what did I miss?
Everything @Jan
@bluefeet If you insist, I have one pending flag AFAIK ;)
@Unihedron if @Jan gets flag-banned, that would be awesome ;)
[ SmokeDetector ] Phone number detected: 8566081000childless women p r obl e m solution on stackoverflow.com
12:38 PM
Just imagine the chaos... XD
@SmokeDetector SPAM
@InfiniteRecursion unless I shut down my spam filter for that time
@SmokeDetector gone
@Unihedron What spam? I don't see any spam ;)
16 seconds
Btw, my experience learned from this chat room: If a question looks like crap and has irrelevant tags, it's probably spam.
When in doubt flag it out! :)
deleted by Community at only -4 score?
12:39 PM
@rene Only 'cos I saw it first ;)
@JanDvorak I destroyed the user.
All credits to ChrisF
@ChrisF cool, thanks
Nope. I saw it first, @ChrisF
@Unihedron Smokey saw it first
@JanDvorak Smokey doesn't simply see. He's insighted enough to detect spam without seeing it. ;)
Be right back, going to kick my router until it behaves.
12:41 PM
@Unihedron define "sight"
if you require actual eyes, I might have been the first
I was definitely slower to react than Chris, though
@Unihedron put some shoes on before you kick it....
Interesting to see the discussion about who saw it first. Are you having a bad day @JanDvorak? If not, just let go of the debate.
I'll let it go, then
1:02 PM
@Inf Np.
1:18 PM
You know what we need to prevent sock puppets? A good old guard dog.
An Oregon vet operated on a sick Great Dane and found 43 socks in its stomach. #sockthief http://cnn.it/1lBpLom
"breaking news"
in Shadow's Den, 10 mins ago, by rene
@SilentKiller Great Dane
1:35 PM
@Unihedron Haay, That's my thing.
yay! @mehow - Ban lifted - but take a bit more time over your reviews. – ChrisF♦ 37 mins ago
@mehow Yay! No vacation for us :(
only post-poned ;)
@Bart: Your team member doesn't tell me why he chose glasses
@InfiniteRecursion Because of reasons. — Adam Barak 17 hours ago
1:45 PM
wow that was quick
We all flag together, so if there are people in this room, it vanishes quickly. If the room is empty, spam sits for half an hour or more @mehow
@InfiniteRecursion it took less than like 30 seconds
:O good!
@mehow nope. 59 seconds.
or if there are people who refuse to create new accounts just for flagging purposes
Yes, that's because this room is active. If you spend half an hour in this room with @Jan when there is spam lying around, you will know the pain...
@Jan every user is free to choose whether they want to create an account or not, stop blaming iStimple now.
1:58 PM
mutters something about global login

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