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@jadarnel27 You really need those partials to be wrapped in their own form tag?
@rene Well... need is a strong word.
I'm mostly just curious about the behavior.
I realize that's probably not a very common (or useful) scenario.
Ok, a conscious design decision
It you provide different routes it makes sense...
Yes, it would make sense if that were so haha.
I was just writing something quick and dirty that would display all records from a table. Each record is a partial view. And I can do an ajax post for each record to update it (and the contents of the partial is replace by the response).
So I was wrapping each partial in a form to make the ajax post really simple.
(because you just post the form that triggered the Ajax call)
That sounds great on the whiteboard
In practice, though...
Did you try RenderPartial as well?
@rene I got the same behaviour by putting the form tag outside the foreach.
@AnnaLear with calling Partial or RenderPartial?
@Html.Partial is (should be?) equivalent to @{ Html.RenderPartial }
I forget which one I did. Partial, I think
Yeah that is correct but I suspect the razor engine doesn't generate the correct code if you see those weird out-of-order results...
If I remember correctly, I tried both. With the same result.
Anyone ever want to squirt their coworkers as punishment for annoying behavior?
A: How to handle co-worker's leg shaking?

Mike VanHere are a couple of things you could do: 1) Try punishment to change thier behavior! Get a squirt bottle and spray him/her whenever they start shaking thier legs, 2) Find out the one thing they love most in thier life and destroy it. Then use thier vulnerability from the sorrow and horror to b...

Option 1 reminds me of Sheldon Cooper.
> Find out the one thing they love most in thier life and destroy it. Then use thier vulnerability from the sorrow and horror to befriend them. Finally, when they've become fully invested in you as a friend, crush them by abrubtly and rudely breaking off the friendship and tell them that you can't be friends with the kind of person who would shake thier leg at their desk.
It's a good thing this is all Creative Commons.
We can at least save this stuff and repost it somewhere else.
> Wait until they are leaving the office and hit them with your car. Then (putting on a hockey mask or other disguise) take a baseball bat and break both of thier legs.
I was wondering how he got all that rep in one day, until I saw the association bonus.
I'm sure this wasn't meant as a pure troll answer, but the attempt at making a good humorous answer seems to be failing.
@Jamal ah, that explains a lot.
> Kidnap one of thier loved-ones. Put a guillotine-necklace around thier loved one's neck and release them miles from home in the woods (deserts work too). Call them using a voice-disguiser and tell them where thier loved-one is, and tell them the guillotine will be set off if they ever shake thier legs again. Wait a week and set it off anyway.
I liked the first one or two joke answers.
shakes his leg a lot while at work
The rest get progressively less tasteful.
this review doesn't load for me stackoverflow.com/review/low-quality-posts/5333219, anyone?
@Braiam loads. Two people said Looks Good.
I think postmodern irony works very poorly indeed on a multi-cultural system with global distribution. Please consider deleting this answer. — Ollie Jones 2 mins ago
note to self: having the partition where firefox profile resides filled full, makes SE wonky
Hey... aren't "use jQuery" answers "overly promotional" of jQuery? Can they be flagged as spam? Eg: stackoverflow.com/a/2235966/2888561
@bjb568 that was a joke, right?
I know the answer is no, but they do seem to meet spam criteria.
Does this answer need to stay? It has already been edited into a much earlier answer, which has more detail.
No. Flagged.
A moderator rejected that one, even with the same explanation mentioned just now. I've even checked the links.
@Pops Nooo! You misunderstood! I was talking about the employee who declined the flag, not you!
(besides, I'm not an employee, so...)
@hichris123 Well, then, I'm angry on my co-worker's behalf. That message is too old for me to go back and read the context, dangit!
@Pops Well, you have to admit it was a valid flag... ;P
Oh, and there's a capitalization error on the We're hiring page.
going for a 9 hour hiking/bushwalking ... kind of need it because I have not exercised much in the previous 3-4 days ...
All joking aside, I really didn't know that you were talking about a flag. I only showed up because of the ping and read the transcript wrong (in my defense, it's ambiguous). I have no idea what the flag in question is.
@hichris123 D'oh. Where at? Page is too big for me to spot it easily.
> New york
You guys don't capitalize the York in the city, but you capitalize the York in the state?
@Pops Oh, it's just a chatflag. Nothing big.
It, uh, symbolizes the fact that the city is geographically inferior to the state?
Good catch, I'll pass it on.
And on it has been passed.
Okay, good. I was worried about being 's'ed on Meta.
say wha?
@Jamal Gone
@AnnaLear Typo on the hiring page. Lowercase "york" in the "Work from where you want" city list.
@chmod711telkitty Have fun!
2 hours ago, by bjb568
"Nominate this proposal for reopening?" after pushing reopen on an example question on area 51
@hichris123 that needs a capitalized Y... NEW YORK, COLORADO, and UK are all in caps intentionally
Pretty sure he was just trying to make a funny, about the all-majuscule states.
(oh, and the fix is rolling out now)
"he was just trying to make a funny" Right.
What about my bug?
@bjb568 lol Area 51
report it on meta somewhere... I'll look later. I don't hate myself enough to touch Area 51 on a Friday night.
Shog says a51 uses 5-years out of date code.
@AnnaLear If I wasn't question banned on MSE, I would.
@bjb568 To Area 51 Discuss!
Is that like a meta or something... a51 is confusing.
It's exactly like a meta.
I have very little sympathy for q-bans on MSE. They're harder to get... and MSE is probably the one site where you could conceivably recover over time.
In theory you can recover on any site, but it's harder depending on what how you got blocked in the first place.
In practice, you can't. Ever.
Only one of us knows the algorithm and it's definitely possible. ;)
It's been forever (6 months) and I've gained 800 rep since...
I didn't say it'd be easy.
On that note, Friday night time. Later, y'all.
Oh, that's nice, you go to a hidden discussion zone on a site with an alien theme that isn't related to aliens to find a meta... tag. discuss.area51.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/…
People use y'all? Wowee.
Area 51 is eleventy billion kinds of crazy.
@hichris123 Why is the closegraph.php borked in Zoom mode?
At least the no-contrast dup box found a dup. discuss.area51.stackexchange.com/q/9258/108302
@AnnaLear I'm still waiting for Pastafarianism to become a site.
Me too.
Some of us take the occasional time-out from expressing our opinions to help others learn to use the site effectively, @Trilarion. Helping your comrades is an excellent way to avoid ostracization. Incidentally, when someone on meta tells me I should be doing more to help new users I always check their profile - if they haven't touched the support tag, I laugh at their hypocrisy and move on. — Shog9 ♦ 8 hours ago
If you're complaining about a meta q-ban and you don't have [support] in your top tags... STFU and go help people.
That's nice...
Nevermind that support is one of the hardest tags since everybody knows the answer and all the questions can be asked are asked and answered.
Nevermind that when I'm writing a bug report I'm doing it in the interest of SE.
Yeah, there are like no unanswered support questions. Within a rounding error.
Seriously though, I get notified of every question asked on meta. I know what's there.
Those ones aren't really answerable by me.
Sounds like... Opportunity!
"FAQ for Stack Exchange sites" Hell no. "Stack Exchange Blogs Compromised and Passwords Reset" How is this support? Or a question? "Does Stack Overflow track how many times a new question is almost created?" I dunno, does it matter? "My accepted answer was deleted, didn't match FAQs" Already status-complete.
Well, that's four out of 1325...
From the bottom: "I can't log into my StackOverflow account and had to create another" Not for meta. "Is it ok to copy&paste a comment linking to another meta discussion more than once?" Obviously yes, resolved in comments. "Stack Overflow Refreshes when Composing Answer" Wut? IE8? Hell no. "Broken CSS after I ask a question" That's a bug. "Can I merge stackoverflow accounts?" Agh! Not again!
You know what a question answered in the comments is? FREE ANSWER!
Oh, ok.
90% of everything I know about SE - and programming, and most everything else - I learned trying to help others.
@Shog9 Trivial answer converted to comment.
How can I write a better answer? The answer, as detailed as it can reasonably be (i.e. not detailed) is already provided in a comment. It's 200 chars.
@rene ... because I don't care too much about it? ;P
nah, not really.
If I can stretch "It's just you." into thirteen hundred characters, you can stretch a comment into 400.
@Shog9 oooh, sick burn Shog!
Recent: "Job I posted listed at multiple companies" Not a support question. "Close Vote review thresholds" Not a dev, I dunno. "List off-topic sub-topics in flag posts documentation" Sounds like a feature-request. "Can't logout from Stack Exchange" Yes, the logout (and in) system in crap. Meta knows. We've heard about it before.
@Shog9 Oh kay, I'll write some fluff. I don't see how this is a positive contribution tho.
@bjb568 are you helping someone?
@bjb568 yes, the login/logout system is crap. Folks still have to use it. Half of our support duties here are helping folks work around the crappy login system.
@Shog9 I'm writing fluff to make the answer work to use the "free answer" when the solution is in the comments.
@Shog9 fixitfixitfixit
@bjb568 that's what @Anna Lear is working on. Because Area51 wasn't soul-sucking enough.
@Shog9 Most stuff about login is already solved. If people would search...
people don't.
@Shog9 How hard can it be? O.O Ahh, c#.
@bjb568 hahahahaha the language isn't the problem.
Except for you. You should read them all. So you can answer those support questions from folks who don't.
A51 is... an aging codebase with problems.
Oh, @AnnaLear want another bug on A51? :D
@Shog9 yeah, well... sort of. I'm just doing some code clean-up/hopefully making sure account recovery doesn't suck at the end of that. More fundamental changes are on hold pending future work on a global login system. Which may or may not happen this year.
@hichris123 not unless it's reported somewhere I don't have to keep track of manually (hint: meta)
@AnnaLear Yeah, it's been on meta for... a month? Three? I'm not sure.
link me
@AnnaLear Whoa, a global login. We've only been waiting for that since 2008.
Q: I don't want to look at my reputation on A51, but the topbar makes me!

hichris123Whenever I click on my profile picture on Area 51 itself (not meta), I get directed to my reputation page on Area 51. Can someone please tell the topbar that I don't care about my Area 51 rep, and that I care more about the proposals I'm committed to?

sec, I'm digging up a reference
@bjb568 2009. Get it right, newb!
Well, un-design it.
@Shog9 Hey, 2008 is only 0 away from 2009.
@bjb568 Yeah. :P
ok, thanks Anna.
A: Is it ok to copy&paste a comment linking to another meta discussion more than once?

bjb568As long as a comment makes sense in the thread, it doesn't matter whether it's posted on other questions. Copy-pasting a comment is particularly helpful in dealing with off-topic posts, in the LQRQ there are even generic auto-comments. (this answer is basically ChrisF's comment)

@Bart just your mature and highly wise attitude of course :D
Of course ...
You definitely don't sound old or farty.
it's hard to overstate the advantages of communicating via the Internet
If someone just copies an entire external resource and uses that as their answer, without putting anything into their own words or summarizing relevant points and stuff like that...does that make their answer eligible for deletion?
The external resource, in this case, is someone else's personal programming blog.
The amount of copying I'm talking about is like pages worth of entire classes, verbatim.
Erm. Link?
Anyone on linux/mac os x here?
A: How to show sliding menu & fragment of selected option In same activity?

Vivek ElangovanTry this code from Android Hive, Android Sliding Menu using Navigation Drawer, by Ravi Tamada: NavDrawerItem.java public class NavDrawerItem { private String title; private int icon; private String count = "0"; // boolean to set visiblity of the counter private boolean i...

@Cupcake it looks to be relevant, helpful, and attributed to the original author. I'd leave it be.
@AnnaLear Ok.
(And not reliant on an external link that might break)
@3ventic I occasionally am, why do you ask?
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