@MichaelMrozek I don't remember if you were here when I mentioned this earlier, but I'm getting close to posting a feature request about abolishing -- or revamping, really -- CW.
I was considering linking to this in justification:
I like the CW concept, however and think that getting people to use it right would be better than a ban. Easier said than done ... hard enough getting sensible questions in the first instance!
@PopularDemand You're free to quote me; hopefully you have better arguments than "Michael Mrozek doesn't understand CW, so we should probably get rid of it"
I think CW has its place, although I think the name "community wiki" is not at all helpful
I usually use it for questions with no "correct" answer on the SE sites; on SO I would generally close those as subjective, so I'm not really sure which is correct
IMVHO, it is useful when the asker or answerer doesn't have a 100% answer and thinks everyone could chip in ... negating points and putting a good q/a first
@rchern I used to put it that way, but people jump all over that. If the question is "what is your favorite web browser?", "linux" is not a correct answer
I think the community-wiki format would work if there were questions like "What other effective ways could I write this algorithm in <language>?" (probably not a great example)...usually it's "What do you think about x?" or "What are the <subjective classification> things about <language>?"
That's why I don't really close as subjective on the SEs unless it's insanely bad. "What do you think about X" can generally be rephrased "What advantages does X have" or "Is there any reason not to use X", so I just make sure it's CW
@MichaelMrozek Yeah, that seems reasonable. The "What language should I use for...?" questions are in a similar boat, though even if they were reworded to not be so subjective, in many cases they're ridiculously broad.
Another problem is people who don't read the existing answers or feel like they have to give their own (instead of editing in their point where appropriate). Not a CW-specific issue, but there's less excuse for it to occur in that case.
We should probably find out from @waffles how he wants it to work, but I think it's supposed to be generic until after they're all done and copied, and then we can add in specific stuff on each site
I'm about to create a User class for my project. Any opinions as to whether it is bad practice to create such a commonly-named class? I could complement it with a prefix specific to my project.
@PopularDemand From looking at the (many) questions about it on MSO, there definitely doesn't seem to be any consistent interpretation of what it's for...meh.
Thankfully I don't even have any problems interesting enough to ask a question about period, let alone one I'd have to consider marking community wiki.
Find as you type user feature always sorts on name. I find it a bit confusing that the sort order is swapped without me asking for it.
If I am sorting on popularity it should also sort on popularity.
For an added bonus, when the user filter box is cleared, the paging numbers should re-appear a...
@Jin The funny part is that there's a good reason to be upset about a poor design. If I were a Gap shareholder, I'd be really annoyed if they spent money changing all of their existing advertising and stores, only to find out that the logo was terrible and ineffective and had to be changed again.
@joe I recommend phrasing your question in terms of "what I want to accomplish" vs. "I am looking for a drupal module." (and, if it's on webmasters, I assume you control the website in question)
@rchern Of course, emotion isn't always conveyed correctly in face-to-face conversation. We have merely created chat as a reflection of reality. But a reality with emphasis that is easier to standardise. Except for backwards smileys - we still can't make sense of them.
@JeffAtwood And people aren't always even good with that, either...I'm on the fence about committing to an Area 51 proposal because they defined themselves using the proposal topic, which doesn't remove the ambiguity, heh.
Is there a technical reason that latest activity for a Community bumped question is 'today'? Thinking about a feature-request to change that but thought it might need to be that way.
because it isn't real activity. you can't click to get the latest activity because the community bump supersedes it. and most importantly, maybe i'd stop spending 10 minutes scrolling through looking for the damn updated only to then realize it wasn't real activity!