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I think I need more coffee. Me no type good.
What the heck happened to the CV queue?
Your tool went crazy?
The threshold for a question to enter review was bumped to 4 close votes
@Undo this
So all questions with <=3 close votes were thrown away from the queue for the time being
Hi, I have got a quick question I don't really want to ASK a new question on meta...Can I get banned for deleting my own answers? I'd say no, but just want to make sure
@mehow Why are you deleting them?
I know there is a limit for deleting like 5 or 10 a day but could this possibly get you banned?
@Undo because someone else gave exactly the same answer and his answer got accepted not mine so there is no point for mine to still be there
@mehow Only if it's proportionate to your positive input to the site
Unless they have negative votes
you've got > 10k rep, I wouldn't worry about it
gotta be >10K a I have already deleted it
but this happens on many occasions and i really dont mind deleting my own answer if someone else gives almost the same one but just wanna make sure I am not doing harm to myself in any way :P
well thanks peoples :)
@Oded: I had seen your photo and name for his post about implementing that feature, and then even in the comment to Wooble, but then it changed at some point to his name. Fwiw, I have not smoked any drugs and I am not aware of any hallucinations that is diagnosed by any doctors for me. I did not make a screenshot because who would have thought... :-)
@LaszloPapp both m0sa and Oded got their real face pictures as their profile picture and they're indeed bit similar in that small icon so I'll take a guess that you got confused :)
I would be offended if I got mixed up like that...
Hmm... long lost brothers?
You made me make a movies account >.<
same here
@JanDvorak you got a bot too? :)
@ShadowWizard yep
By the time it is winterbash 2014 I have no sites left to join
@rene there will be new sites, SE is growing ;)
Let's hope so
When is the big celebration for having the close vote queue finally dealt with?
We need beer, cakes... lots of food
Give me six to eight weeks to find some food and cake.
but cake is a lie, @Undo
@ShadowWizard They both look pretty bleak ... should get out more, those devs. Get some colour.
one more flag needed ^
@Bart actually I discolored Oded on purpose, lol
Phew, and here I was worried about @Oded's well-being.
Oh, he's fine. London got a good sun.
London .......... sun ..........
The Dutch shipped boats to England and pumps...
See? It's there :D
That's factor 60 weather right there @ShadowWizard. Hope they protect themselves
@ShadowWizard: L. O. L.
no, I recognize Oded of course, and I did not even know the other person, and that caused me the big surprise at the change. Well, call it hallucinations, even though I am pretty sure about because I saw it at more places. :)
if it is really hallucinations, I need to visit a doctor. :-)
A: Where to download movies

ragahv cooltry download free full movies where you can find all the latest movies in high quality without premium membership.

Spam answer on a spam question? ^^^^
@Bart is it even worth flagging?
I would expect a lot of spam on such a site to be honest.
@ShadowWizard: it is not yet April's Fool. :-)
But it will be soon
It will be cool if all the dev team will switch avatars
@Bart there are a few of us that should probably take updated photos
well, got a disciplined badge
@ThiefMaster: can you remove my corresponding post here, too?
it was a bad joke.
@NickCraver: so, no more reputation recalcs, eh?
never mind, found the discrepancy.
User was removed. Bah.
right! home time!
hellooooo, is there a CM floating around?
CMs dare not enter this place
ha ha ha
@Shog9, can I get your assistance please?
depends entirely on what you need
since you haven't stated that yet, I really couldn't say
good point
I need your assistance in clearing some deadwood memberships of mine
one sec. just ip-banned myself
ok, we're good
what's up?
lol, yeah just need a couple of deadwood nukings please
Indeed @BenCollins. Your photo looks nothing like your (I assume more recent) avatar.
the lighting effect really washes out the stripes
@Shog9 a couple sites that I am not comfortable in participating in at all need to be nuked off my account please
@Amaterasu did you use the contact form? Or are you just more comfortable listing them publicly in chat?
@Shog9 I used the contact form, but are happy to list them
@Amaterasu found 'em. Two email
@Amaterasu ok, you're scheduled for deletion
@fantastic - thank you
I sent you some boilerplate with details and so on
also, as one of the deadwood deletions is my oldest memebrship - is it possible to have the account summary page to sync with a different page?
Actually @Shog9 I do not need to have the 'please delete me' in the profile anymore now that the countdown has started?
@Amaterasu not unless you cancel it
@Amaterasu it should do that automatically once the account is gone.
@Shog9 awesome, so I can just have a regular everyday profile across the board and those 2 sites will just automatically drop off in 24 hours
this is a very good system
@Shog9 you are a legend (even if you accidently IP ban yourself..lol)
@Amaterasu yup
@Amaterasu Only makes him more legendary.
@Amaterasu indeed, I am legendary for my incompetence
That is epic, totally epic!!! @Shog you're not incompetent, you're just testing the buttons...
@Amaterasu no no, he really is legendary for it
I sense awesome stories here
you remember when the sites were offline for almost an hour and we said it was a DDoS? well...
LMAO I was waiting for something like that
dang I needed this laugh
@NickCraver so when my laptop reset...
hey everyone !
stackoverflow.com/review/close/4160807 , this was wrong linked to unrelated question as duplicate mistakenly by me, can it be rollback ?
@NickCraver that's because he clicked buttons from a couple of different laptops. Distributed.
about 10k laptops? so it wasn't a botnet?
Distributed Denial of Shog
poor @Shog9...
If y'all keep it up, IT's gonna stop filling my requests for more laptops
@Shog9 can you request a laptop for me?
Any here who can reply to my question ?
@TGMCians what question is it supposed to be linked to?
It should be linked to NetworkOnMainThreadException Duplicate 1
Reason for all errors doing network operation on main thread that is not allowed in android
Second duplicate 2 "How to use an existing database with an Android application " is unrelated to the question which OP asked
So can you rollback that, delete if you can
@TGMCians you can retract your own close vote
just click "close" again
Where I could not find option to retract my own close vote ?
@TGMCians I've closed-reopened-reclosed this now, so this is just for future reference.
okay thanks Shog
Q: Reaching a standard of gender-neutral language

patrickvacekDoes SO have any standards on the idea of gendered language? I believe that it is unwise to allow male pronouns to rule the day. Let me give you an example. I just posted a question where the original title was "Why did a user delete their own question?", wherein I intentionally used the vague (...

I’m quite confused as to why this question has been so badly received. Any ideas?
Hadn't seen it yet but I know I am tired of that whole gender stuff
Way too politically correct
Could be people are just done with the subject
@JeroenVannevel Could be it I suppose, a similar discussion did happen just recently
I would guess that's it as well @RichardTingle. When I saw it my first response was "not this again". Though I didn't vote on it at all.
@rene I am reviewing CV
@TGMCians Great, the size seems to attracht more people :-)
Size does matter
... bad keyword?
You can't spell assembly without ass
you can't spell room owner without kick
Sure, you can! Kroom iowckner!
A: How do I fix a "initial content not found" error?

user3362055I'm getting this problem now in Flash Builder 4.7 and it's kicking my ass. If I go into YourApplication-app.xml and fix the tag (as outlined above), I STILL get the error. The trouble is that the SWF file has disappeared. If I put an old copy of the SWF file in there, I can successfully launc...

please flag it.
@LaszloPapp done
A: Add Google Play Services to Eclipse project

user3362079it seems not to be working.. the copy into your workspace.... i cant still see the lib in properties/android/add...

should be delete
please flag it for this also
or move to comment.
the flag that is
@LaszloPapp Can we move these to comment ?
Only a mod can
I am not sure about moving it to under an answer.
I have never seen that yet, but it might be possible.
I'm not sure if it is that valuable
also, I am not sure if it is possible in case of "not enough reputation" users.
normally only answers that request clarification or add something usefull to the question are converted to a comment
it might be useful to know it is not working, and it turns out to be an extended answer after some chit-chat.
It was high but it never ever touched 150K — rene 1 min ago
> I appreciate the pseudo-scientific aspects of this discussion. However, there are many historians by who by serious and thorough research of all available historical documents can shed a great deal of light on the subject given needed definition. What characterics define the individual in question?
@rene: are you happy with the cv change today?
Ha, what the frick is that all about @ShadowWizard ...
omg, are you really already campaigning for the next election?!!?! the last election just ended yesterday! I'm worn out! — LowerClassOverflowian 12 hours ago
I am not sure this is a constructive comment.
@ShadowWizard Awesome.
what to do with such comments on meta?
Just let it be @LaszloPapp
@LaszloPapp yes, but only because I see more people in the queue now and that is the real solution
I am leaving now! bye
@Bart: yeah, I do not reply to such posts. They are not worthy.
bye @TGMCians
yeah, bye-bye
I'm guessing he was just joking. Meta is somewhat different in that regard @LaszloPapp. You can flag it if you wish. But then again I told a guy he was pregnant in a comment today, so I shouldn't say too much about it ...
Let me celebrate when the CVQ is no longer OVER 9000!!!
@Bart: jokes are good if understood by people, but I do not know this person.
Admittedly not everybody has my great sense of humour.
we have something in common...
the problem is that with these posts, even if a bad joke, it can be misunderstood and can be seen as an example of such behavior without joking.
If that is what you fear, by all means flag it. Even just as too chatty. Losing the comment won't be a great loss. Just don't flag my comments. That's all I ask.
@Bart: I do not see comments from you in there.
Haha, nevermind @LaszloPapp.
A: Can't Drag Dynamically Appended DIV

miauI saw the demo and then i tried, but in my console shows .drag is not a function Im new on this, my apologies. I do not know what im doing wrong. :(

[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: WASTEBIN IN KUBUNTU on askubuntu.com
wow, there is a copied content option these days in the suggested edits review queue
Q: Allow flagging from within "New Answers to Questions More Than 30 Days Old"

Raghav SoodI frequently use the New Answers to Questions More Than 30 Days Old tools to find spam/NAA answers. A lot of them are often very obviously spam such as this, or very obviously not an answer, such as this. To flag these, I need to open them in a new tab, flag it, shut the tab and go back to looki...

One approved, but we were just in time
yeah, saw it, thanks.
that's incorrect, not too minor
> sI'milar
it seems most of the time I would like to reject an edit, I get the error that it was already approved.
@JanDvorak: yeah, it is both.
I haven't seen many sI'milar edits recently.
@LaszloPapp most of the time, it's time to flag
"did anybody had sI'milar issues."
had -> :)
anyway, I do not even get time to give reviews usually because it gets approved that fast.
it is like 50-60%
Having the CV queue below 20k is weird...
@LaszloPapp is this one not?
What is good about that one @JanDvorak?
@Bart added code blocks for what is code
capitalised HTML
Ehm, are we talking about the same post? That's code formatting for non-code items
generate_cert looks like code to me
looks like a word with an underscore to me
Hmm, maybe. But then again changing text to "I tried putting this" and other not all that necessary edits just don't make it good enough for me.
@3ventic well, the exact same word with underscore is used as a part of the URL as well.
@JanDvorak: yes, you could argue that, but most of the edit is noise.
it does not hit the signal/noise threshold in my judgement.
maybe I am too restrict.
You've got to be freaking kidding me. How is this a good edit?
@LaszloPapp I thought the criteria was "improves something, doesn't left something glaringly unfixed and doesn't break anything"?
You 2k+ people should use the little "improve" button and make those edits that do have merit to them (capitalize the I and HTML for example)
Nah, wait. Taking that back. That might actually not be bad.
That's... a horrible edit.
@Bart in a question? No way. In an answer? I don't have enough knowledge to tell, but it does smell of too radical anyways.
@JanDvorak: yes, but it breaks IMHO.
(it also does not fix everything)
Wrong one, oopsie. :P
@Bart: that edit can be good with improve
@hichris123 because?
@hichris123 oh
@Bart: if you check, the loop is endless
the variable is not even "volatile"
but yeah, leaving the commented stuff in is bad.
Yep @LaszloPapp. On second glance I have to agree with it. At first glance I would have rejected
That is the kind of "let us improve it" review for me.
We need a second glance queue
because it fixes an errata.
(I just removed the comment fwiw)
"You chose to reject this edit. Are you sure? Are you really sure?"
Gah, someone is posting kbd only edits
yeah, I approved one.
oh my god
@animuson: <kbd> abuser, code 3: stackoverflow.com/users/1808674/…
@Bart Yeah... :( Improve -> Uncheck helpful... but I'm not quick enough!
@Mr.Radical Please focus on the post as a whole when editing. Your edits need reviews and cause bumps. Editing only to format KBD is annoying when you don't fix all other issues a post has. Please don't keep doing that. — Bart 12 secs ago
@Bart Yes, yes, yes!
I was too late.
I wrote a custom comment to be polite, but it was already approved. :)
@LaszloPapp I know... :(
Aaaand I'm out of suggested edit reviews. Dangit
^ My history
I am out, too, because I do not care about it anymore.
"Bart has approved 856 edit suggestions and rejected 877 edit suggestions" ... I'm getting mild.
haha, I hit you. :)
Where's that why do we close questions meta post?
... And I'm out of reviews
technically speaking, it is valid, but I am not sure it is worth it.
Laszlo Papp has approved 372 edit suggestions and rejected 650 edit suggestions
I approved it.
The one that was asked recently @hichris123?
you wasn't?
improve or reject?
@Bart Not sure... it's like the one where we say that we close questions to improve the question...
too late
yeah, just saw it.
why is it so that the people who start reviewing do not get enough time to finish that within a reasonable amount of time?
Q: Group link-only answers and veiled-as-answers answers into their own category

Jeroen VannevelAlright, I have taken both this and this question into account. Both of these questions have been answered by stating that these link-only answers should be custom flagged with a clear description of what is wrong with the flag. I have taken these things in consideration and I believe that when ...

@LaszloPapp If only we had time to click improve... but we don't. So many reviewers... :(
yes, but why does the system work that way? It does not feel right.
At least at first.
@Undo You can do the CVQ
Already maxed out my reviews there too
Hi all
so how is the review queue working from today on?
Why is it that during work I'm always full of project ideas to try, yet during the evening I can't be bothered?
can I still use my filters?
@Bart: that is an easy one. Your mind is drained.
It's terribly annoying though.
I got a new job! w00t! :-)
Yay, congrats @qwertynl!
Thanks :-) I am so excited!
So what and where?
Senior PHP Engineer at stealth.travel
I am so happy :-D
@Bart: well, perhaps you can surround yourself with like-minded people? I think that helps with keeping the spirit up.
@Undo Thanks :-)
still working at the age of 94?
retirement is for weaks? :)
@qwertynl Not JS? Since you're Neal, of course...
@hichris123 Haha it will probably be an all around job :-P (and JS was not my previous job either ;-))
JS is not a job. JS is a way of life.
jQuery is a way of life... not JS.
haha no. Angular is a way of life :-P
A: Red5 demos not working

Ricardo TardelliAnyone that is not used to neither java or flash got it to work properly? Because sinceraly i am about to burn Red5 into the trash cam...sounds that when I fix the Java I get problems with the Samples or even with Red5, and when I fix the problems with Red5 nothing happens to the applications...s...

@Pops So I hear (apparently) that you've been assigned to us at Arduino? Great. :P
... and I have another account.
@hichris123 ...oh? Who told you that?
@Bart Yay!
A: Why aren't we in public beta yet?

Tim PostSorry about that, folks! We normally do write a post when a private beta is being extended. Arduino just needs some more time to come up with some additional questions, just to make certain there's plenty of interesting things for folks to do once the doors open. Nothing to be alarmed at, you're...

^ Since you got blamed. :P
So you just assumed I was assigned, rather than being an excited volunteer.
@Pops since when do you excitedly volunteer for anything?
Uh... since when do you want to do work?
... well, that picture was rapidly painted.
@AnnaLear Oh, I dunno, how about... when you suggested I apply to be a CM?
Your point would've been made better if you volunteered for CM
@Pops oh, so now it's my fault.
Hey, uh, @AnnaLear... why did all my diamonds disappear? I would have e-mailed you, but I can't seem to log in.
I wonder why Pops went quiet after his "A-yup". A strange last message.
Nobody here but us trees... >.>
And there goes @Pops from the database... may he rest in peace.
Hi, Is there a shorthand to link to a specific question from a comment ?
I just see [link](http://example.com) in the "help" info
Did I miss something ?
So, who do we get now for Arduino @hichris123?
That's it @Myobis
@Bart I dunno.
Thanks @Bart
Isn't there a shield that can do the moderation @hichris123?
You're welcome @Myobis
@Bart Huh. We may have to make that one ourselves... Pops was a talented in the moderation world. Maybe ask that in the Arduino chatroom? :P
If I'm going to make as much use of the site as I'm making of Arduinos, my participation will be of no significance. Whenever we think about using it for a project, either the project falls through, or we find another solution.
lol. But you're still there to help with flagging and whatnot. :P
That's the story behind most of my 75 accounts.
[ SmokeDetector ] Phone number detected: Value being inserted as 2147483647 into database on stackoverflow.com
That check also seems pretty useless with Baba gone
1 hour later…
it's useless when it's picking up 2^31-1
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