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thanks! the type of flag is often not crucial as long as it's a red flag
@Tinkeringbell For this, it's not really another suspended user, but see also the contents of the deleted message I posted below this one.
5 messages moved to Chimney
1 hour later…
Ah! Finally!
Took me long enough. :D
Did you check what's in the drive? ;)
@tripleee why wasn't it reported here?
@M.A.R. well that's because wrong people took part, but as you saw, when it's e.g. you, @Andreas, and me it was fine.
@M.A.R. heh, read yesterday about new Netflix movie about WoW gamer who was terminally ill (ALS, I think) and spent his last years of life playing. A lot. And getting tons of friends online, etc. I don't like Netflix, but that's a good thing, must admit.
@ShadowWizard posts which only trigger experimental reasons are not reported here ("potentially bad xxx")
but wait, it actually triggered some prod reasons ... really don't know then
.... oops
coulda been worse :D
@Spevacus @Tinkeringbell That's weird, there have been no changes there 🤔 looking
Guess there should've been a change then ;)
I mean, no changes since meta.stackexchange.com/a/401305/115866 -- and the way it looks, it should've been broken ever since, but it seems unlikely that nobody would've noticed until now
I guess people always went with the default of one hour (including myself when testing)
@balpha Never say never... chat-only suspensions are rare, in my opinion.
experience... not opinion.
English isn't co-operating today.
Well, I did suspend someone on chat after July 11th, I think. So I guess not that uncommon.
@Tinkeringbell huh? That is my birthday! :D
@balpha and I suspect mobile modding is rare
I've gone MUCH more on desktop in the past
yeah but the issue is annoying even on desktop, if not a dealbreaker
anyway, PR is approved and merged -- will deploy in a sec
@tripleee yeah, on further digging, Smokey did report it in the Fire Department, just not here.
in The Fire Department, 6 hours ago, by SmokeDetector
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Offensive title detected, repeating characters in body (110): (potentially offensive title -- see MS for details)‭ by Joanne Morrison‭ on patents.SE
ah yes, it doesn't report offensive ones here either
@tripleee since when? I'm pretty sure it used to.
So there was a change since October 4th that removed it from here, to protect our delicate souls from viewing offensive titles? ;)
@tripleee gone already :)
the YAML for Smokey's room configuration for this room has looked the same for at last 2 years prior to the changes last week
I'm perhaps not fully equipped to translate what all the settings mean, I see it appears to disable offensive body but this one was offensive title
@ShadowWizard Well I guess your birthday present broke chat suspensions then :P
@Spevacus I've wondered as well. is it a star wars thing?
@Tinkeringbell hmm... let me see.... I had breakfast and massage as the bday present from wife (in hotel, not by her ;)) so perhaps the massage triggered something... :P
@starball World of Warcraft
I think? Let me double check...
So no it's not about @star-wars. :-D
@ShadowWizard The Norwegian one who eventually got a bunch of his online friends to book flights to Norway to attend his funeral?
@Tinkeringbell Do you not have opinions on your experiences?
Sometimes? Not on everything XD
@ShadowWizard Happy late Birthday!
@Tinkeringbell Peculiar.
I know... there's just so many experiences and so little brain to have opinions with.
Try experiencing less in order to save on brain
@JourneymanGeek embrace your inner authoritarian
I'm working on it. But I do have to do some stuff to keep living, like breathing, eating, sleeping, defecating... all those count as experiences too, don't they? :P
Breathing isn't an experience unless it's combined with the last one
@M.A.R. I used to have a recurrent troll who would register accounts on other sites and troll SU's main chat :D
I used a lot of 9999 hour suspensions
@JourneymanGeek you fool! They will be back on the 10000th hour, and there will be no one to stop them!
@M.A.R. naw, they'd spin up a new account, get 20 rep and...
Wait, it actually isn't that long
I thought it'd be like 20 years or something.
Amusingly what stopped them was they were trying to troll one of the more infamous SO chatrooms and I'm told... it went horibly :D
naw, slightly over a year
I'm assuming you'd be God Emperor in 20 years, handing out suspensions left and right IRL
@JourneymanGeek lemme guess, JS?
this would either be the best or worst thing that ever happened
C++ lounge if memory serves
So, what happened? Did the abyss gaze back?
I'm told he discovered that there's worse trolls than he and... apparently the abyss didn't gaze back, it ate him whole :D
@M.A.R. You've never done a 'breathing exercise'? To relax, or calm down?
How unmindful
@Tinkeringbell I tried it once and I got pissed that it wasn't working.
Maybe it was flawed methodology
Ah yeah, the 'I tried once then gave up'. To be honest, some things take a bit of practice :P (But I've done plenty of those 'gave up's too)
I also tried that other exercise that says focus on your toes and whatever, and it was actually working, until I got pissed that it was actually working and those happy-go-lucky dorks are on to something
@M.A.R. clearly then...
You need to give in to your rage, and give out a feral scream that scares dogs, cats and small children.
@M.A.R. Focus on toes?
Present company excluded of course,
Except @Journey
I've never heard that one.
I've heard the one about getting to sleep, by slowly focusing on relaxing each body part/muscle, is it similar?
I just wiggle my foot if I can't sleep, and count the wiggles. Always works!
@Tinkeringbell yeah it basically says focus on parts of your body and move on. Like, focus on your toes, the sensations and whatever, then move on to your feet, so on and so forth
Sounds unfeasible to me :P I'd probably experience itching, and not much else :P
Well more or less, focus on not the thing that's making you stressed.
It toally works if you wanna zone out on demand. Boring meeting? Focus on your toes. Comment train wreck on meta? Focus on your toes. Results of the US election? Focus on your toes.
Imagine a feral scream during a boring meeting
It will no longer be boring.
Imagine a feral scream. With your toes.
Do it at prayer! Your $religious_leader might find their faith in god!
@M.A.R. that's when someone drops something on your toes.
@AndreascondemnsIsrael yup
@AndreascondemnsIsrael thanks!
@JourneymanGeek troll got trolled, awesome! :P
@M.A.R. Funny you mention that... I was entertaining myself today by reading the comment section on a news site, which specifically asked Dutch people who should win and why. Like... so many opinions. And all seem so unhinged. I personally can't even figure out Dutch politics and candidates, let alone those of another country, I can't believe all those people have proper, backed up, well-informed opinions either XD
@JourneymanGeek squeak
@JourneymanGeek Yelling makes every meeting more interesting ;)
@Tinkeringbell yelling is different than screaming though. ;)
Q: What is the difference between "yell" and "scream"?

fedorquiI am having some problems to differentiate between "yell" and "scream". From what I understand (and read), when somebody screams he/she is shouting in a loud way. Then, yelling is the same, only that it has the connotation of shouting out of control. Am I right? Is there any piece of context I ...

Of course there have to be different meanings
Why did I ever expect English to be sensible.
@Tinkeringbell you did?? :D
@Tinkeringbell well, two reasons come to mind. One, that US politics right now is like WWE banter. "Oh no! Kamala from behind with a steel chair!" And two, remember the troll army I mentioned. At least half a dozen countries would like to influence the US elections, not to mention the political parties themselves, and they're gonna use what they can, even comment sections under a Dutch news website.
@tripleee how you know it's fake? ;)
extrapolating from previous evidence
@tripleee ah, so you didn't call that number to check. :P
but sure, flag it for non-fake support numbers if you like
@ShadowWizard Freudian slip
@tripleee is secretly Darth Spammer
@tripleee but I wonder, are legit support numbers considered non-spam? ;)
Anyway, gone already right after you posted.
@ShadowWizard We can consider this if we ever get any...
Would still be spam
@JourneymanGeek :(
in this broad form, absolutely. As an answer to an actual question where "where can I call to get support" is on-topic, it would be fine
its a bit like drowning a kitten or clubing a seal
@tripleee hmm... but if it's the number of the author, it's just classic spam. (unless attribution is given.)
@M.A.R. Fre who?
@ShadowWizard Fre udian slip
I like these hypotheticals
there are too many way to be abusive / off-topic to enumerate them all
What if Pentagon left their number asking for help tracking down an international spy?
Spam with an NSN number
we flag attempts to recruit as spam even if the cause is otherwise just, as these are not sites for free advertising
similarly for "join my weird religion", "help defend my country against foreign invaders", "free this unjustly prisoned politician" etc etc etc
@M.A.R. Toes crushed by a bus? Focus on your toes.
Uh duh, it was a rhetorical question.
@M.A.R. "Hi, the Pentagon here. We're looking for Jeff. Call us on 555-THE-PENTAGON if you find him. If you come into contact with Jeff don't look him in the eyes (he doesn't like it)."
Flag as spam if it's Pentagon, R/A if it's FSB
and organized crime if it's North Korea
@Tinkeringbell They’re both pretty awful, there’s no good choice.
@AndreascondemnsIsrael unique sensations that you will never experience again
Truly the pinnacle of Sensate philosophy
@tripleee k
thanks, that was quick
All thanks to my toe focus training
You and your toe fetish.
@AndreascondemnsIsrael wow, so in-toe-lerant
@VLAZ That’s toe-tally true.
@AndreascondemnsIsrael it's called mindfulness you uncultured swineherd
@AndreascondemnsIsrael toe be, or not toe be.
@M.A.R. I would rather have no mind, than no toes.
Somebody lobotomize @Journey
No-mind (Chinese: 無心, pinyin: wuxin; Japanese: mushin; Sanskrit: acitta, acittika, or acintya) is a mental state that is important in East Asian religions, Asian culture, and the arts. The idea is discussed in classic Zen Buddhist texts and has been described as "the experience of an instantaneous severing of thought that occurs in the course of a thoroughgoing pursuit of a Buddhist meditative exercise". It is not necessarily a total absence of thinking however, instead, it can refer to an absence of clinging, conceptual proliferation, or being stuck in thought. Chinese Buddhist texts also link...
@AndreascondemnsIsrael he doesn't have a mind to take out
@JourneymanGeek and if you're really good at it, you become a nevermind
@M.A.R. Experienced too many spiritual journeys.
The spirit travelled away.
@AndreascondemnsIsrael no one in their right mind believes sandesh is yummier than baklavah. @Journey does everything with the left hemisphere
@M.A.R. Balaklava?
@AndreascondemnsIsrael oh, that's the Norwegian delicacy? No, in saner climates we just eat non-cloth food
@tripleee some indeterminate time in history the Norwegians lost a pretty important bet and thus have been made to eat their hats
Maybe if they were particularly foolish they'd eat them too
@M.A.R. When winter is harsh, we don’t get to be picky.
@tripleee Tasty.
@tripleee heh, not sure if intentional, but the user name might be rude as well, see this. lol
2 hours later…
@AndreascondemnsIsrael youtu.be/WqDNbLXbsyk?t=166
also on the whole
that video makes me nostalgic. That's literally our old computer mall in its glory days, only korean
ah, nice!
@JourneymanGeek I'm going!
@JourneymanGeek We have nothing like it.
lemme correct myself
Its better
heh, interesting trivia: "sd k" written when the keyboard is on Hebrew turns out as "דג ל" and without the space it's "דגל" which means... flag. Coincidence? :-D
And as usual, I said it before!
Jun 24, 2018 at 13:37, by Shadow Wizard
omg..... when typing "sd k" in Hebrew keyboard it gives "דגל" which is... flag! So bizzare. :D
But hey, over 6 years....
SD is the real jewish space laser
Its almost like you're senile @ShadowWizard :D
Well, if that means I can become the president of the USA, it's fine. :P
@Spevacus SD = Space Djewishlaser
@JourneymanGeek He's all wrong about the wi-fi hotspot issues at the end of the video, though...
@AndreascondemnsIsrael tbf, if you're way from home/your tools, its a pain
@JourneymanGeek The problem is definitely some hardware lacking in the desktop.
@AndreascondemnsIsrael or licking.
@Spevacus Spe Detector! :D
@ShadowWizard Don't think you should lick your motherboard. It tingles.
@AndreascondemnsIsrael you won't know until you try. :D
@AndreascondemnsIsrael maybe no wifi card :D
There's a reason I always have an el cheapo wifi card in my kit
I just wish Wi-Fi antennas integrated a little prettier with the cases.
In theory, you could use the flat type laptops use
and design a case around that
or run something with a plastic front panel
Cause it still feels a bit slightly silly to ask on meta about a meta post (even if its fine on child meta posts), and I don't really feel re-openhammering one of my own questions (with the only answer being mine)....
meta.stackexchange.com/questions/403885/… I sort of feel the dupe target's really a subset of this, and if it wasn't my post I'd have considered closing it the other way
I have no idea what that's got to do with antennas and plastic panels.
a question shouldn't be closed as a dupe of a more narrow one
@AndreascondemnsIsrael nothing at all :D
Well, then, go on.
Oh that was about all I had to say :D
@JourneymanGeek I'm incredibly tempted to just reopen it. I feel like closing that as a dupe is... Not wise.
@Spevacus I mean, I agree. But doing it myself is a conflict of interest
I'm also not interested in pitchforks and torches coming my way, though. Wish there was a way I could just chuck it in the reopen queue (aside from editing it, which I think the onus is on you to edit it to make it clear it's not a dupe I guess?)
Well - I don't think there's anything specific to add. I intentionally kept that as broad as possible, and normally one would edit to narrow the scope, which is the exact opposite of my intent
and the specific issues I wanted to touch on wouldn't fit in the other question
Well I mean just meta commentary on the top (separated from the main post) that explains why it's not a dupe I guess?
I hate those. Its noise :D
It is. But this is Meta. The whole site is noise :)
I mean, if I proper wanted noise, I'd post a meta post about the meta post :D
Let's burn down the site, then.
Get rid of all the noise.
Hmm... If a Meta falls in a forest, and everyone's around to nitpick how it fell...
Are you implying there's a lot of Meta going on in Brazil?
@Spevacus that's almost half the fun
and in this case, the question has an interesting, almost exactly split voting spread so people are going to be angry no matter what :D
WELLLL I should clarify. I don't really want to stick my nose in on that question. I liken it to how I chose to take a more neutral stance on meta.stackexchange.com/a/403929 . I deleted Franck's answer here prior (because, uh, it's not an answer...) but the more recent answer... Sorta is? Kind of? I mean it's effectively a useless answer and it's really just there to complain about SE, but it boils down to "Don't report this".
Not helpful, not correct, but... I guess it's an answer?
If I had normal delete votes I'd have probably voted to delete it.
Oh that's fair
I mean, if I really felt strongly enough about it, I could force reopen it :D
Do it and set Meta ablaze ;)
I'm not going to get snippy at people for doing something I didn't want to do myself
You make a convicing arguement
Done :D
Oh my god I was JOKING JMG
Too late :D
(I'll try to deal with a bit of the dumpsterfire, but all or nothing dupehammers are a pain)
@Spevacus it's NAA, nuked. If you want, feel free to undelete.
@Spevacus no, even though I do agree with the general idea, it does not fit as answer.
It's just a rant, the kind I used to share in comments and here, but try to lower it. ;)
@Spevacus your wink wasn't big enough!
And it's time to.... go home! Cya.
@ShadowWizard I'm fine with that. I'd rather it be deleted by the community's efforts than just by me.
ignore me, I am here only to see if some mess really happened or that user is just hallucinating after noclipping into the meta backrooms.
@ê“¢PArcheon You can view the room without logging in.
You wouldn't have sent that message unless you weren't eager to share something with us.
So go on, share.
@Spevacus fair!
@ê“¢PArcheon the (now closed) MSE unclear question from 1 rep user?
@AndreascondemnsIsrael well, "ignore me" clearly means the opposite. ;)
@ShadowWizard Cry of desperation
@ê“¢PArcheon Adding my ping just to make the point... posting 'ignore me' is really going to invite the opposite, you won't be ignored :P
It means: "I'm lonely, please talk with me". :P
Eh, it can mean loads of stuff, I'm usually not fond of seeing things that aren't there black on white, assuming that's what was meant.
But 'ignore me, just...' just isn't going to be ignored :P
That's the point.
Considering that I got someone else to check that out for me, I guess I won.
@ê“¢PArcheon hooray!
Well, then, come back when you're ready to vent about what's frustrating you.
What vidya games are you playin' lately
Or, well, I think I know why.
@AndreascondemnsIsrael why what?
@ShadowWizard Why @ê“¢pa is sad.
@AndreascondemnsIsrael ah, so why?
@Spevacus this Vidya?
> The Upanishads refer to two kinds of knowledge, the lower Apara Vidya and the higher Para Vidya, which is hailed as the only worthwhile knowledge
@ShadowWizard Think somebody made an accusation that the comments and posts on MSE are useless and only serve to ignite and fuel conflict.
@AndreascondemnsIsrael and?
@ShadowWizard Well, it's never enjoyable to be unappreciated.
If that's in reference to the discussion I had with SPA, then... I never said they were useless. I just criticized the language used. The manner in which you deliver the message matters, and I felt like things were slipping in an unkind direction.
Oh, I thought I just picked it up from some random comment section I somehow stumbled upon on MSE. I don't check the site, so not sure how I'd have come across it.
The questions SPA had asked were important ones. Especially the "Are you seriously selling our private info" one. I'm glad it got a response, even if it took a lot of time. We needed to see that despite odd language in the privacy policy, indeed our info wasn't being sold.
@Spevacus Barely anything these days. I last played some Ghost Master. Before that, a game called Few Nights More where you get to be a vampire building your base and dispatching the mortal hunters sent after you. Early Access but it's pretty good. The biggest thing it needs is polish.
Similar questions in that vein are absolutely welcome.
@AndreascondemnsIsrael well, apart of rare cases, requests are indeed ignored; Bugs are fixed only if urgent (or if @balpha is around to put some insta-fix), and serious discussions in need of staff response are, well, not getting staff response. So it's natural to view posting as useless, though only few really "serve to ignite and fuel conflict".
@VLAZ About... 6 months ago? Or so, I tried V Rising with a friend of mine on Brutal. We beat it, but man, it wasn't an easy game as you progressed. Similar story to Few Nights More: Build a base, kill things.
@Spevacus Think I remember reading it and mostly dismissing it with "ah, so it's traded, not sold; same thing, then. Still shared, and didn't answer if that data is since used for other purposes." But, what do I remember. My memory is trash. :D
@ShadowWizard Don't worry, there is no need for discussing anymore. :)
web.archive.org/web/20190129000005/http://stackoverflow.com Does this link (for example) work for anyone, or does it refuse to load and then redirect to the live version of SO?
@Laurel it showed a warning first: site doesn't allow framing and then loads indeed SO.
Same as rene for me, on Samsung browser.
^ this shows up for a split second and I get redirected to the homepage
That's on Firefox
Looks like something on web archive side though, it's not limited to SO, and e.g. all snapshots for se.com are broken.
Hope web archive didn't reach some limit they can't handle anymore, it's quite nice to have so pity if they'll go down.
Archive still compromised, or SE compromising archived pages?
Doubt SE can affect the web archive.
Let's go full conspiracy theory instead, and say they bought the hacker! :D
But yeah, looks like their security is full with holes, if it even exists, they just keep being breached. Dunno why, but this can surely bring them down as well, they can't afford expensive security measures. :(
I thought it might be some SE security setting that broke it, but I have no proof either way
Don't other site archives work for you?
@Laurel others work, didn't try many though.
My best guess for now is that the wayback machine had some JS code to disable the "disallow frame" code of sites (SE/SO have it) and they removed that, probably due to it being used to hijack them.
So any site that disallow framing got its archive "broken".
But.. I might be totally wrong.
@Spevacus @SPA had me playing "evolve idle" for a few weeks but that isn't really a video game I guess. I've still got Baldurs Gate three and Valhelm on my Steam Deck to try out, but I'm just not getting around to it. They were planned entertainment for my summer vacation but it just didn't happen
BG3 is a great time, but it's a decent time sink for sure.
I've never played anything like it. Did a very small try out with my brother at a co op game, but we're not made to game together XD

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