@PetəíŕdTheLinuxWizard you miss the concept of chat... you can just ask, and I'll answer when available... same as email. It's not a live conversation. ;)
@ElementsInSpace huh? Sam has a bar? Nice! :D
@ElementsInSpace lots of reuse in letters, e.g. W is just two V's together.
I'm old school, classic, or just primitive - I can enjoy only the classic chess. Can play with time limit per turn, if I know I have the time, but not the ultra stuff. :D
And I think I hear Zolanda calling me... I'll give her some time, hopefully another level, I'm at 63 and grinding towards 80 so I can continue the main quest line.
(I switched role back to Lancer as I'm bad as Tank.)
@PetəíŕdTheLinuxWizard tomato sauce is already big part of the dish itself, adding more would be like adding chocolate bar on top of chocolate cake. ;)
@PetəíŕdTheLinuxWizard so get some experience now. ;)