To reproduce:
Start typing a message.
Press Shift + Enter to create a new line in the same message.
Type a link on this line (e.g. [foo](
Send the message.
You will notice that the message appears as [foo]( instead of appearing as foo with the text linked....
The user is affiliated with the site. As a normal user, you had as evidence: 1) they have posted three posts linking it and nothing else, and 2) that a mod said they confirmed the affiliation.
@ShadowTheGPTWizard While I appreciate you changing your feedback, when the entire report reason is that they are the same user as the SO account, you really should look at the SO account.
@Luuklag That reminded me that I am supposed to get a free A23 from Samsung from a promotion. Problem is that the fine print say they will send it... in the next 180g
6 months.
basically, they will only send it when it will be obsolete.
@ShadowTheGPTWizard Yep, apparently 6 months is not just Stack default answer but also the time a world renown company has to give you a prize on a marketing campaign they made.
So, they look cool with a campaign that gifts a 400$ device, get tax reductions on a 400$ prize... and then deliver it when it will be devalued by at least 50%.
If this is not scamming the customers it is at least a scam to the treasury department.
From time to time, Stack Exchange makes improvements to our network infrastructure. One change we're making in the coming weeks will include new IP addresses for most, if not all, of our public Stack Exchange network sites and web properties.
Expect the changes to start on or after September 19 ...
TL;DR: We are interested in finding 2-3 Stack Exchange sites willing to volunteer to test lowering the reputation required to upvote and downvote to 1 so that we can understand how this change impacts participation on sites. This test will be run with direct communication between the company and ...
You raise a good point in your most recent answer, Kevin. It would be very entertaining to see your reputation double on Stack Overflow if the experiment ran there and actually performed a rep recalc.