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13 messages moved to Chimney
@ElementsinSpace why the angle brackets >_>
@JourneymanGeek I don't wan't the oneboxes.
with 2 links there's no oneboxen, nor if there's any other text
lemme show you
Hm. Okay, thanks.
and if there's any text, something like meta.stackexchange.com/questions/391847/… won't onebox either
no waot
there we are :D
Merely displaying: "meta.stackexchange.com/..." make the links very obscure though; being able to read the question title in the link is kinda useful.
lemme mod abuse that better
I suppose I could manually copy the question titles and use inline links "[...](...)", but well, angle brackets are fine aren't they?
@ElementsinSpace Angle brackets... do not spark joy
@ElementsinSpace So that is now inline links? with manually copied question titles?
... and without line breaks?
I like my
line breaks.
chat dosen't really do line breaks?
[Moderation strike: Results of negotiations](https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/391847/moderation-strike-results-of-negotiations_)


[Moderation strike: Conclusion and the way forward](https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/392032/moderation-strike-conclusion-and-the-way-forward)
Chat needs to be updated.
(But I'm sure people have been saying that for years already.)
Its on my wishlist
or you could just post multiple posts
Does "k" stand for "kill"? I always think "kill", when I type it.
k stands for ok I think
That's much less violent.
1 hour later…
Hey @JourneymanGeek, how are you
about the same
Not much, commuting to work on the train right now
Trying to get some work done, but my remote desktop is acting up :/
remote desktop + mobile internet usually is quite painful
Especially since my provided iphone is exclusively 5G, which is troublesome in rural areas
And then especially when your sitting inside a steel cage like a train....
But Yeah, doing nothing for 2 hours sucks too
I used to nap on the train :D
This train stops way to frequently to be able to sleep haha
You are not tired enough
I did manage to sleep 5 hours last night
Or far too much solitaire
1 hour later…
it does, with SHIFT+ENTER
You can type multi
lines, but no formatting is allowed, including links.
Q: Links on second line don't show up properly

SensefulTo reproduce: Start typing a message. Press Shift + Enter to create a new line in the same message. Type a link on this line (e.g. [foo](http://example.com)) Send the message. You will notice that the message appears as [foo](http://example.com) instead of appearing as foo with the text linked....

I actually agree with that design, don't want odd stuff spanning 100 lines.
@Luuklag why can't you sleep while it's stopping? And, hello! Long time no see.... :D
looking sadly at onebox corpse
@Feeds Lets forget AGI and build augmented onebox intellegence
haha yeah right. :D
@SmokeDetector f OP does not appear to be affiliated with the linked site, not spam.
@ShadowTheGPTWizard Are you actually reading the report reasons?
@RyanM I usually judge per post. That one just does not appear to be spam in any way.
Because I do not understand how you could have reached that conclusion if you did
@SmokeDetector why
The user is affiliated with the site. As a normal user, you had as evidence: 1) they have posted three posts linking it and nothing else, and 2) that a mod said they confirmed the affiliation.
@RyanM OK, didn't check the SO account as it had some rep. Will change the feedback.
@SmokeDetector k
and kaboom
@ShadowTheGPTWizard While I appreciate you changing your feedback, when the entire report reason is that they are the same user as the SO account, you really should look at the SO account.
@RyanM yeah guess better at least have "why".
thanks, that would be very much appreciated; there's very often critical information there, especially in manual reports

Snowpaw VS Newton's Laws of Motion

17 mins ago, 11 minutes total – 21 messages, 3 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 4 mins ago by SPArcheon

ChatGPT VS Physics, round one
@Luuklag That reminded me that I am supposed to get a free A23 from Samsung from a promotion. Problem is that the fine print say they will send it... in the next 180g
6 months.
basically, they will only send it when it will be obsolete.
What a bunch of scammers.
looking surprised
@ShadowTheGPTWizard Yep, apparently 6 months is not just Stack default answer but also the time a world renown company has to give you a prize on a marketing campaign they made.
So, they look cool with a campaign that gifts a 400$ device, get tax reductions on a 400$ prize... and then deliver it when it will be devalued by at least 50%.
If this is not scamming the customers it is at least a scam to the treasury department.
@SPArcheon weird, here new A23 costs $300
@SPArcheon well, nothing new though. ;(
@ShadowTheGPTWizard because I had the code wrong. It is actually an A54
Yeah $400 indeed.
My phone is from 2016.
(which is about what my phone cost, around two years ago)
@ElementsinSpace Samsung too?
(I have Realme, not Samsung)
Yep, it's a J3.
@Sonic I hope you used some sort of script to update this answer? Looks like it's not possible to get it with SEDE and copy from there.
(so going over all the users to update the names, and looking for more with 500+ flags via the badge page is insane. ;))
Pity there's no bounty for edit...
I'm â„– 38!
(with a bullet)
Hello @#38
I'm #12
hmm not sure Smokey should be there...
At least I'll edit to clarify it's a bot.
@SmokeDetector k
@ElementsinSpace k
K that k!
: (
Are you trying to kaboom my kaboom?
oh no no! "k" isn't for "kaboom" unless it was a kaboom! I'm yaying your yes. :D
What what is "k" really for?
@ElementsinSpace short for "ok", and "f" short for "false".
(I think. @rene can confirm.)
I'm not convinced.
@ElementsinSpace sending $100 to convince better
In doubt, bom bom bakudan.
I'll ask the furry ChatGPT.
R.I.P homepage
It also showed me old questions earlier, but fixed after reload to thought it's my cache. Well, it's not.
This change of IP really destroy SE. Pity.
Is that something to do with the new IP addresses?
@ElementsinSpace 1000%.
Its a complicated, ongoing project
They didn't hear about a simple rule. "If it ain't broken, don't fix it."
IP address of servers isn't logo. It should NOT be changed.
But meh, what do I know.
Chat isn't broken... by that account...
@JourneymanGeek I'm sure it will get broken, sooner or later. 6-8 hours max.
Q: Stack Exchange network sites’ IP addresses may change in the coming weeks

Tom LimoncelliFrom time to time, Stack Exchange makes improvements to our network infrastructure. One change we're making in the coming weeks will include new IP addresses for most, if not all, of our public Stack Exchange network sites and web properties. Expect the changes to start on or after September 19 ...

So keep calm, file bug reports, and if I can repro, I'll mark it as status-review
19 messages moved to Chimney
@curious that's your way to say "Hello, I'm back!"? ;)
(well almost two months!)
@ShadowTheGPTWizard acknowledge
you learn fast! ;)
kill, ok, kaboom, karma, acknowledge
only god Smokey devs know. ;)
2 hours later…
7 messages moved to Chimney
Good thing the lower threshold from the strike stayed. Spam removed much faster.
Is it documented anywhere?
(looks like it became permanent change, so I'll add to the "feature changes" post)
@ShadowTheGPTWizard eep! Caught me :D
@curious :D
Q: If more users could vote, would they engage more? Testing 1 reputation voting on some sites

CatijaTL;DR: We are interested in finding 2-3 Stack Exchange sites willing to volunteer to test lowering the reputation required to upvote and downvote to 1 so that we can understand how this change impacts participation on sites. This test will be run with direct communication between the company and ...

@ElementsinSpace tpu- true positive, blacklist user, no confirmation
3 messages moved to Chimney
@rene think the question is why "k" was chosen out of all the letters or the possible abbreviations.
(The technical details are written on the GH page)
@ShadowTheGPTWizard Yes, I used the script linked at the top of the answer
oh. Still nice. :)
@ShadowTheGPTWizard because we used to say @SmokeDetector okay and that went into ok into k
@rene That doesn't even start with a "k".
@ElementsinSpace it's shortcut for "ok" like I thought. :)
@KevinB oh no! Toilets broke?!
Poor toilets
They are broke
Flower broke them.
They clogged. That's why you avoid American toilets.
If there's going to be "f" for false, why not "t" for true?
Or is "f" for something else.
F has a special meanin
You raise a good point in your most recent answer, Kevin. It would be very entertaining to see your reputation double on Stack Overflow if the experiment ran there and actually performed a rep recalc.
@KevinB F for lump.
@ElementsinSpace From my memory, it was chosen because... Well, (k)ill (k)uietly, (k)nuke:
in Charcoal HQ on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, Dec 5, 2015 at 22:40, by Brock Adams
Okay, how about k as an alias for tpu-? (K for KILL (k)uietly or (k)nuke)
In response to "Why not t?" ->
in Charcoal HQ on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, Dec 5, 2015 at 23:39, by Brock Adams
@Undo No reason. Either works for me. But I still want that auto-star. :)
Aha! I was right ^
@Spevacus Thanks for solving that mystery for me.
No problem :)
@Spevacus and the "f"?
f for lump, (you know those long nose things)
@ShadowTheGPTWizard It was announced as a temporary change, but nobody knows when or if it will be reverted.
It seems to be working pretty well even with auto flagging
i'm fairly certain the temporary notion is more of a response to feedback/the strike, rather than actually expecting to need to revert it

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